Hodjanernes Blog

27 februar 2006

Fakta om Saudi Arabien

Filed under: Citater, Islam, Moske, Minaret, Muslim World, Saudi — Hodja @ 23:52

“No Democracy for Saudis, says Prince Sultan 

…they may vote for the wrong people     

In a staggering display of arrogance, even by the standards of the House of Saud, Prince Sultan ruled out elections for the “Poodle Parliament”, sometimes known as the Shoura Council, on the grounds that Saudis are illiterate and would therefore vote for the wrong people. This, from a leading member of the Royal Family that boasts of its achievements in adult literacy.
Top Saudi Prince Rules Out Elected Shura Council

Moments Before the Execution: om henrettelser

Man Marries 58 Times in 50 Years

    JEDDAH, 19 March 2004 — In 50 years, Saleh Al-Saieri, a Saudi businessman has married 58 women, including eight Yemenis, and then divorced 54 of them. Every time the wives hear that Al-Saieri has found a new prospect, they begin wondering who is next to go.   

    “I married university graduates and illiterate women. The oldest wife I am married to is 40 and the youngest is 13, who I married just one month ago. She lives in southern Saudi Arabia,” he boasted.

He’s also a serial polygamist, but we live in the Middle Ages, and the law allows that.

Beaten Saudi woman speaks out

Female Impersonator Held in Madinah

    MADINAH, 14 April 2004 — Police in Madinah arrested an 18-year-old man in woman’s dress including a veil in a Madinah shopping center. Al-Madinah reported that people noticed strange movements and felt the person was not walking like a woman. His arms were also noticed to be hairy. People said the person was following women and annoying them. The police were called and they arrested the man saying that he might be mentally ill.

The thing about wearing an abaya and a veil, it could be anybody in there. It could be Hulk Hogan. It could be Osama Bin Laden. It could be Clyde, the Orang Utang. Just don’t show your hairy arms.

As for the man’s mental health, I agree. Any Saudi man who would rather be treated like a Saudi woman, is by definition nuts.

72 jomfruer i paradis

In a review of the Egyptian press in the London daily

Al-Quds Al-Arabi, the veteran Egyptian journalist Hasanain Kurum explained that Sheikh Tantawi knowingly gave a vague answer to the question, so as to avoid a scandal like the one created a few years previously by the late author and journalist Muhammad Galal Al-Kushk. Al-Kushk wrote,

“The men in Paradise have sexual relations not only with the women [who come from this world] and with ‘the black-eyed,’ but also with the serving boys.”

 According to Kurum, Al-Kushk also stated, “In Paradise, a believer’s penis is eternally erect.”[27]

[27] Al-Quds Al-Arabi (London), May 11, 2001.

Memri 30. oktober 2001

Typisk DR

TV-Avisen klokken 21 iaften. Et indslag om møder i anledning af, at der er udkommet en bog om møder og mødekultur.

Almindeligt neutralt indslag. Indslaget slutter og billedet skifter til statsministeren i folketinget og kommentatoren siger

“og så er der selvfølgelig de møder der aldrig blev til noget”.


De kan bare ikke nære sig for persomlige uvedkommende politiske kommentarer.

Nye bøger

Filed under: Bøger, Billeder/Pictures, Islam, Muhammed Cartoons, Muslim World — Hodja @ 13:39


Flere bøger, detaljer og priser på Rebellog



2014: Muslimische “No Future-Kids” werden sich an Deutschland rächen

Filed under: Europa, Indvandring, Islam, Moske, Minaret, Tyskland — Hodja @ 12:24

Ein Artikel vom 12. August 2004 in der FTD mit fast schon “prophetisch” anklingenden Aussagen von Bassam Tibi, die heute jedoch aktueller denn je sind:

Wütende, randalierende muslimische Jugendliche, die sich blutige Straßenschlachten mit der Polizei liefern – solche Szenen werden im Jahr 2014 auch Wirklichkeit in Berlin, Frankfurt oder Köln sein. Dies zumindest sagt Bassam Tibi voraus, Professor für internationale Politik an der Universität Göttingen

In zehn Jahren werden Tibi zufolge auf Grund vor allem illegaler Migration mehr als doppelt so viele Muslime hier leben wie heute, nämlich zehn Millionen. Heute sind es rund 3,7 Millionen.

“Dies wird zum Schaden der bereits hier lebenden Ausländer geschehen.”

Als Beweis für seine These zieht Tibi die aktuelle Diskussion um die König Fahd Akademie in Bonn heran. “Dort wird der Dschihad gepredigt”, sagt Tibi. Deswegen aber sei sie in Deutschland noch lange nicht verboten worden.

“Wenn die Kinder auf diese Schulen gehen, können wir nicht erwarten, dass sie die zivilisatorische Kultur Europas akzeptieren werden.”

Die Auseinandersetzung um die König Fahd Akademie sei jetzt schon zu einer Machtprobe zwischen Islamisten und dem deutschen Staat geworden. In Tibis Zukunftsszenario wird die Akademie zwar in den nächsten Jahren zunächst verboten werden.

“Anschließend werden die Islam-Schüler aber beim Bundesverfassungsgericht klagen. Und dort werden sie sehr wahrscheinlich gewinnen.” In Deutschland wird “in den nächsten zehn Jahren stufenweise die Scharia, das islamische Gottesrecht, zugelassen werden.”

Hele artiklen på Gegenstimme

Kulturernes kamp (Huntington?)

Am 21.02.2006 gab Ralph Ghadban auf Deutschlandradio Kultur ein Interview zum Thema “Kampf der Kulturen”.

Ghadban wurde im Libanon geboren, lebt seit 30 Jahren in Deutschland und ist Islamwissenschaftler an der Evangelischen Fachhochschule Berlin. Sein Fazit sieht überraschenderweise so aus:

…im Westen geht man immer davon aus, dass diese These vom Kampf der Kulturen von Huntington stammt. Diese These ist eine islamistische These und ist ein paar Jahrhunderte alt. Das ist die These der Wahabiten … im 18. Jahrhundert schon, und diese Ideologie regiert in Saudi-Arabien, und die greift auf eine Auffassung des Islam, die die Welt in zwei Gebiete aufteilt, das Gebiet des Islam und das Gebiet des Krieges, also der Ungläubigen, und das Gebiet des Islam muss das andere Gebiet beherrschen und den Islam verbreiten. Diese Ideologie ist immer noch aktuell und leitet immer noch die saudi-arabische Politik.

Mere på PI

Den omvendte verden eller en intelligent kommentar til Muhammedkrisen

Filed under: Billeder/Pictures, Islam, Muhammed Cartoons, Muslim World, Terrorism — Hodja @ 11:59


Fra Lizas Welt

Religøs penissammenligning

Filed under: Billeder/Pictures, Censur, Muhammed Cartoons, Politisk korrekte — Hodja @ 11:01



Le Livre Noir de Saddam Hussein

Filed under: Irak, Labaner, Muslim World, Politisk korrekte, Terrorism, USA/Canada — Hodja @ 10:10


Le Livre Noir de Saddam Hussein (The Black Book of Saddam Hussein) is a robust denunciation of Saddam’s regime that does not fall into the trap of viewing everything in Iraq through a US-centric prism. The writers – Arabs, Americans, Germans, French and Iranian – have produced the most comprehensive work to date on the former Iraqi president’s war crimes, assembling a mass of evidence that makes the anti-intervention arguments redundant.

“The youngest Hakim detained was only 14. His father and two brothers, together with 13 other relatives, were executed within the first weeks of detention. He and the rest were held in Abu Ghraib, 22 in a cell that measured 4mx6m. There was no running water and a hole in the corner served as a toilet. Recounting his detention in the book, Abdoul al-Hakim says: “The worst moments? It was all terrible, but the worst was the fear of being executed. Each time we heard the lock turn we were silent; it could be the moment to leave, for me, for another. I am angry with those who mix the crimes of the Americans with those of Saddam when they are not comparable.”

Mere: lemondewatch

Slut med alt det vrøvl om, at der ikke var nogen WMD. Saddam Hussein VAR et WMD.

A Sudanese man has been forced to take a goat as his “wife”, after he was caught having sex with the animal.

Filed under: Afrika, Grisobarium, Imamer, Islam, Jura, Koran, Muslim World, Porno, Sex, Shariah, Sudan — Hodja @ 00:32

The goat’s owner, Mr Alifi, said he surprised the man with his goat and took him to a council of elders.

They ordered the man, Mr Tombe, to pay a dowry of 15,000 Sudanese dinars ($50) to Mr Alifi.

“We have given him the goat, and as far as we know they are still together,” Mr Alifi said.

Mr Alifi, Hai Malakal in Upper Nile State, told the Juba Post newspaper that he heard a loud noise around midnight on 13 February and immediately rushed outside to find Mr Tombe with his goat.

“When I asked him: ‘What are you doing there?’, he fell off the back of the goat, so I captured and tied him up”.

Mr Alifi then called elders to decide how to deal with the case.

“They said I should not take him to the police, but rather let him pay a dowry for my goat because he used it as his wife,” Mr Alifi told the newspaper.

Fra DemocracyFrontline


According to the Ayatollah Khomeini.. having intercourse with your goat is OK – but if you have an orgasm inside the animal.. you should sell it to another village besides your own…