Hodjanernes Blog

9 februar 2017

Canada har indført Sovjet-metoder mod tankeforbrydere

Man must see psychiatrist over “Islamophobic” tweet

Canada overvejer at indføre ny blasfemilov.

Definition: En islamofob er en person, der ved for meget om islam.

17 december 2016

Muslimer er de største islamofober af alle

For de ved, at risikoen for at blive dræbt af en anden muslim er større end af alle andre.

11 maj 2016

Det er ikke en vits!

Nej – alle vil have en bid af klima-kagen!


Læs mere på JihadWatch og TeaParty.

14 juli 2015

Dr. Tony Costa, professor of world religions at the University of Toronto, explains the origins of the word “Islamophobia.”

The concept was created by a Muslim Brotherhood front group as “a way to stifle any forms of criticism about Islam.”

As he explains to Marissa Semkiw of TheRebel.media, there is not such thing as “moderate Islam.” There are, he says, “moderate Muslims,” but the religion itself cannot be broken down into different denominations and remain orthodox.

12 maj 2015

Regeringen indrømmer komplet inkompetence ved terrorangrebet på Synagogen i Krystalgade

Filed under: Antisemitisme, Danmark, Jihad — Tags: , , , , — Hodja @ 22:04

Mette Frederiksen har meget travlt med damage-control for at beskytte Helle THorning da der som bekendt snart skal være valg.

Men hun har måttet indrømme, at politiet ikke sendte beskyttelse til Synagogen før 4 timer efter angrebet på Krudttønden.

Men hvem har ansvaret udover chefen for PET, der blev udset som syndebuk?

2 maj 2015

UK: Hvis Labour vinder valget bliver islamofobi strafbart

Filed under: Islamisering, Politik, Politisk korrekte, Socialdemokratiet, UK — Tags: , , — Hodja @ 13:21

A future Labour Government is committed to outlaw the scourge of Islamophobia by changing the law and making it an aggravated crime, according to the Party’s Leader Ed Miliband.

“We are going to make it an aggravated crime. We are going to make sure it is marked on people’s records with the police to make sure they root out Islamophobia as a hate crime,” Miliband told the Editor of The Muslim News.

Labour Party Manifesto pledged to take a “zero-tolerance approach to hate crime” regarding the growth of Islamophobia as well as anti-Semitism.

“We will challenge prejudice before it grows, whether in schools, universities or on social media. And we will strengthen the law on disability, homophobic, and transphobic hate crime,” it said.

Effekten af befolkningsudskiftningen begynder at have sin virkning. Der er mange muslimske stemmer i UK efterhånden…..forstås.

10 april 2014

En kur for islamofobi ?

Filed under: Humor, Islam, Islamisering, Oplysning om islam, TrumfEs — Tags: — trumfes @ 17:49

Pat Condell debatterer emnet


Taget herfra

30 august 2013

Stigmatizing Their Critics – An IPT Discussion Panel Focusing on Islamist Intimidation

A segment in the Investigative Project on Terrorism’s new award-winning documentary “Jihad in America: The Grand Deception” focuses on Islamists and how they try to control public perception.

Part of it is by manipulating a lazy and gullible media. But another part is to shut down any criticism of Islamist ideology — the notion that society is best governed by Islamic law.

During a recent panel discussion on the film, panelists — including two anti-Islamist Muslims — discussed the way phony accusations of “Islamophobia,” or bigotry, are used to stigmatize critics.

29 juli 2013

Hedebølge i Europa

Filed under: Demografi, Europa, Frankrig — Tags: , , — Hodja @ 23:42

Charlie Hebdo: Solen bliver beskyldt for islamofobi.


29 oktober 2012

Islamofobiske muslimer

Muslimerne i Bangla-Desh hader muslimer fra Myanmar.

27 januar 2012

The invention of Islamophobia

Islamophobia was invented to silence those Muslims who question the Koran and who demand equality of the sexes. By Pascal Bruckner

The term “Islamophobia” serves a number of functions: it denies the reality of an Islamic offensive in Europe all the better to justify it; it attacks secularism by equating it with fundamentalism. Above all, however, it wants to silence all those Muslims who question the Koran, who demand equality of the sexes, who claim the right to renounce religion, and who want to practice their faith freely and without submitting to the dictates of the bearded and doctrinaire. It follows that young girls are stigmatised for not wearing the veil, as are French, German or English citizens of Maghribi, Turkish, African or Algerian origin who demand the right to religious indifference, the right not to believe in God, the right not to fast during Ramadan. Fingers are pointed at these renegades, they are delivered up to the wrath of their religions communities in order to quash all hope of change among the followers of the Prophet.

On a global scale, we are abetting the construction of a new thought crime, one which is strongly reminiscent of the way the Soviet Union dealt with the “enemies of the people”. And our media and politicians are giving it their blessing. Did not the French president himself, never one to miss a blunder – not compare Islamophobia with Antisemitism? A tragic error. Racism attacks people for what they are: black, Arab, Jewish, white. The critical mind on the other hand undermines revealed truths and subjects the scriptures to exegesis and transformation. To confuse the two is to shift religious questions from an intellectual to a judicial level. Every objection, every joke becomes a crime.

Mere her.

30 oktober 2011

Guidelines for Educators on Countering Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims: Addressing Islamophobia through Education

Guidelines for Educators on Countering Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims: Addressing Islamophobia through Education (OSCE/Shiv Sharma).

These Guidelines have been developed to support educators in countering intolerance and discrimination against Muslims. They are intended for a wide audience, including education policymakers and officials, teacher trainers, teachers, principals and head teachers, staff in teacher unions and professional associations, and members of NGOs. The Guidelines are relevant for both primary and secondary education and can also be used in non-formal education settings.

Download retningslinierne her


24 april 2011

Islamofobi ?

Nævn mig blot ét gode, som kunne etableres i vort samfund såfremt vi indrettede os efter islamiske regler.

Kirsten Damgaard, kulturpsykolog

10 december 2010

Michael Coren islamophobia Dec 9 2010

18 oktober 2010


Filed under: Cartoons, Citater, Hodja, Islam, Jihad, Muslim World, Terrorism — Tags: — Hodja @ 11:06

Tip: G.G.

17 oktober 2010

Stærk kritik af FN’s ‘menneskerettighedskommission’

8 september 2010

En ubelejlig sandhed: 10 gange flere hate-crimes mod jøder end mod muslimer i USA

According to the latest hate crime statistics available, there were 1,606 hate crime offenses motivated by religious bias in 2008. A closer look: 65.7 percent of them were committed against Jews. Against Muslims? 7.7 percent. […]

Another interesting data point: 4.7 percent of hate crimes in 2008 were motivated by anti-Catholic bias. Another 3.7 percent were anti-Protestant. So from a raw numbers perspective, there were more hate crimes against Christians in America in 2008 than there were against Muslims. Given our large Christian population, it’s true that each Christian is far less likely to be victimized, but the numbers still show that religious haters have not been singling out Muslims.

Yet America’s an Islamophobic nation – don’t you ever forget it!

Mere på NewsBusters

Anti-Semitic Cartoons on Progressive Blogs

17 juni 2010

En folkefjende

Bruce Bawer og HRS udnævnes i en halvofficiel norsk rapport til folkejender:

The “shadow report” is 68 pages long, and is divided into five articles. Article 5 is entitled “Prohibit and Eliminate All Forms of Racial Discrimination and To Ensure All Equality before the Law.” The first item under this heading is “Islamophobia.” And the section about Islamophobia is entirely devoted to HRS and me. HRS, which has formulated laws that are now on the books in Denmark and Norway and that help to protect the rights of Muslim women and girls, is described as “a state funded advocate of anti-muslim prejudice. … HRS has a constant negative focus on Islam and muslims. … HRS is both a major actor in and of themselves and a major resource for anti-Islamists.” The report further denounces HRS for having posted articles on its website in support of Geert Wilders.

But HRS’s major offense, it would appear, is having employed me. I am the subject of no fewer than three items under the category “Islamophobia.” The first item notes that when my book While Europe Slept was named a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for 2006, the president of the NBCC called the book an expression of “Islamophobia” and an NBCC board member (who, by the way, later turned out not to have even read the book, only the title and subtitle) called it “racism as criticism” (whatever that means).

Læs hele historien på PajamasMedia

27 marts 2010

Er muslimer vor tids jøder?

Den ansete holocaustforsker Wolfang Benz hylder tesen om en forfulgt muslimsk minoritet – en hetz, han mener minder om tidligere tiders antisemitisme.

Nu får han svar på tiltale af en række af Tysklands skarpeste islamkritikere.

Henryk Broder siger f.eks.

»For antisemitisme har slet ikke noget med jøder og deres adfærd at gøre – den er fantasifoster, der bygger på hysterisk angst, projektioner og misundelse. Derimod har ’islamofobi’ en real basis: Det kunne være anslag fra islamiske terrorister, der påberåber sig deres tro, traditionelt rodfæstede æresdrab, der absolut ikke kan sammenlignes med ’familiedramaer’, Talebans galskab i Afghanistan, selvmordsattentater i Irak og Pakistan, der frem for alt har muslimer som ofre, børneægteskaber i Saudi-Arabien, ’midlertidige giftermål’ i Iran som alibi for prostitution, stening af utro kvinder og hængning af homoseksuelle. Eller det kunne være de insisterende understregninger af, at islam betyder ’fred’ trods alle tegn på det modsatte. Eller blandingen mellem barbari og hightech hos gidseltagere, der stiller deres videoklip af halshugninger til rådighed på nettet. Og frem for alt den nådesløse omgang med kritikere fra egne rækker som Salman Rushdie, Ayaan Hirsi Ali og Seryan – lige så mange eksempler på, at ’fordomme’ har forvandlet sig til underbyggede domme.«

FN vedtager resolution mod islamofobi

Filed under: Antisemitisme, FN, Hodja, Internationalt, Islam, Politik, Terrorism, USA/Canada — Tags: — Hodja @ 12:28

The UN Human Rights Council on Thursday narrowly passed a resolution condemning Islamophobic behaviour, including Switzerland’s minaret building ban, despite some states’ major reservations.

The resolution, which was criticised by the United States as “an instrument of division”, “strongly condemns… the ban on the construction of minarets of mosques and other recent discriminatory measures.”


The resolution also “expresses deep concern … that Islam is frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism.”

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