Hodjanernes Blog

7 oktober 2017

Godt “argument” for at genindføre pryglestraffen !

Filed under: Australien, fejhed, Kriminalitet, TrumfEs, Vold — Tags: — trumfes @ 12:01

Når man ser nedenstående video, hvor en bande forbrydere voldsomt overfalder er 13 årig dreng for at bestjæle ham, virker pryglestraf som en ret god ide !

Så vidt jeg kan tælle, var de 13 voksne mod en 13 dreng … feje svin


klik her for at se videoen og læse mere om det  ( der en en reklame først 😦  )

3 oktober 2017

Venstrefascister fejrer “Hvide Trump supportere dræbt i Las Vegas massakre”

A leftist teacher celebrated the horrific massacre in Las Vegas because many of the victims are likely to have been “white Trump supporters”.

An anti-Trump activist with the Twitter name ‘Ann #TheResistance’ who is also a teacher reacted to the deadliest mass shooting in American history by tweeting,

“Lots of white Trump supporters in Las Vegas at route 21 watching Jason aldean. Pray only Trumptards died! #prayforvegas.”


Mere på InfoWars

Kulturberigelse i italiensk tog

1 oktober 2017

Colin Kaepernick donated $25,000 to group named after convicted cop killer and former Black Liberation Army member Assata Shakur who broke out of jail and fled to Cuba

Filed under: Black Lives Matter, Kriminalitet, Mord, Politi, sport, USA/Canada, Vold — Hodja @ 00:12

Kaepernick’s foundation made the donation to Chicago-based Assata’s Daughters, named after former Black Liberation Army member Assata Shakur, in April as part of a $1million charitable pledge.

  • Colin Kaepernick’s foundation made the donation to Assata’s Daughters in April
  • The Chicago-based charity is named in honor of cop killer Assata Shakur
  • Shakur was convicted in the 1973 shooting death of a New Jersey state trooper
  • The Black Liberation Army member escaped from prison and lives in Cuba
  • She was godmother to rapper Tupac Shakur, whose stepfather aided the escape
  • Charity is a ‘collective of radical Black women’ affiliated with Black Lives Matter

Mere på Daily Mail

28 september 2017

Colin Flaherty forklarer balladen om NFL

27 september 2017

ISIS-terroristernes koner hjalp deres mænd med at voldtage Yazidi sex-slaver

Seeham Haji Khudayda, a 22-year-old Yazidi woman from northern Sinjar, was sold seven times during her ISIS captivity.

Like chattel, she was passed from one ISIS fighter to the next. She was raped almost daily. Sometimes she was gang raped by her owner’s guards. But of all the abuses she endured, what outraged her the most was the women who were complicit in it — and who participated directly in her rape.

The wives and children of ISIS fighters would often participate in verbally and physically abusing Yazidis, according to accounts from survivors I spoke to in Dohuk.

The second ISIS fighter who bought Seeham had a wife who helped him rape Seeham.

“I said, please kill me, don’t rape me, I love my husband. He said it’s not your decision. This is halal. In the Koran, it’s mentioned that you can take the women of other religions as sex slaves. This is our right, we are not doing anything wrong, it’s according to Islamic law.”

Most of the Yazidi survivors I spoke to described similar abuses from ISIS wives. In some cases, they say the children of ISIS fighters also abused them.

“In some cases, the wives and children of the ISIS fighter would also beat Yazidi children,” adds the report.

Mere her.

Når ISIS er nedkæmpet i Syrien og Irak kommer de stakkels enker og børn sikkert til Eurabia – uskyldige som nyfalden sne.

‘Stop thinking with your bleeding heart instead of your brain’: Outrage as Government says Australia will resettle and provide welfare for 70 children of dead ISIS fighters

Otto Warmbiers forældre fortæller om sønnens død

Filed under: Asien, Mord, Nord Korea, studenter, Terrorism, Tortur, Totalitære, USA/Canada, Vold — Hodja @ 17:34

“Nordkoreanerne er ikke ofre – de er terrorister!”

25 september 2017

Sudanesisk immigrant skyder løs i kirke i Tennessee – 1 dræbt og 7 sårede

En sort indvandrer fra Sudan skyder løs i hvid kirke – så det hører du intet om.


Gerningsmanden Emanuel Kidega Samson

24 september 2017

Venstrefascistisk Sturmabteilung (S.A. 2.0) angriber AfD’s valgfest i Berlin

19 september 2017

Løgnepressens ‘fredelige demonstranter’

Venstrefascistisk Sturmabteilung (S.A. 2.0)


18 september 2017

Klinisk sindssyg person udtaler at det er racistisk at tale om Chicago og andre storbyer

15 september 2017

Tucker og ANTIFA fascisten Mike Isaacson fra John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Eksempler på Isaacsons Tweets:

Professor who tweeted about ‘dead cops’ suspended


NY police leaders outraged over John Jay College professor’s tweet on teaching ‘future dead cops’

Terrorangreb på London’s Parsons Green Train Station

Filed under: Brandstiftelse, Kriminalitet, Labaner, Mord, Politi, Terrorism, UK, Vold — Hodja @ 20:08


The first of these is the “let’s not jump to conclusions” stage in which reporters take great pains not to assume that the attacker is a Muslim just because his name happens to be Abdul or Muhammad or even because he yelled “Allahu Akbar” moments before his killing spree began. Then, when it turns out that he is a Muslim, reporters wonder if his religious affiliation might have been incidental to the attack—which it rarely ever is. In the second stage, the shortest of the four, reporters actually acknowledge the attack and its motive before quickly moving on to the third stage. I’ll call this the “Muslims fear backlash” stage, and it’s characterized by stories about hijab-snatchings (that usually turn out to be hoaxes) or Muslims getting dirty looks in the street. It isn’t even necessary to find any actual incidents of backlash after an attack because the fear of a backlash, not the backlash itself, is the real story. The fourth and final stage is when reporters begin to ask how the right-wing might “exploit” the story. This serves as a warning that taking action to stave off civilizational demise is somehow letting the terrorists win.

11 september 2017

Britiske lærere tør ikke undervise om 9/11 af angst for at blive beskyldt for islamofobi

This is what a society that has capitulated looks like.

UK teachers should teach about 9/11 forthrightly, and explain to their students about the Islamic teachings that motivated it, and the nature and magnitude of the global jihad threat. Instead, they cower in fear of Muslim parents and students. That’s no way to win a war.

And they won’t win it.

7 september 2017

Top 10 leftist groups wreaking havoc across U.S., sabotaging Trump

So America elected Donald Trump as president and you thought it was finished with the likes of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, leftist billionaire George Soros and radical socialists hellbent on destroying the U.S.?

Not so fast! The nation is now seeing an explosion of coordinated anti-Trump “resistance” in a fierce, multi-front war on President Trump and America. And a WND investigation has found many groups leading the “Trump resistance movement” have the fingerprints of Soros, Clinton and Obama all over them.

To shed some light on the leftist chaos, sabotage and disruption, WND has compiled the following list of the Top 10 leftist groups leading the “Trump resistance movement” and wreaking havoc across America.

Læs om dem og bagmændene her

6 september 2017

Masoud Aqil genkender sine ISIS torturbødler i Tyskland – politiet kan intet gøre

3 september 2017

Allerede i 2016 kaldte Obama administrationen ANTIFA ‘terrorister’

Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as “antifa” had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO.

Since well before the Aug. 12 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, turned deadly, DHS has been issuing warnings about the growing likelihood of lethal violence between the left-wing anarchists and right-wing white supremacist and nationalist groups.

Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets. They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI.

Mere her

Så argumenteterne om, at det er Trumps retorik, der har skabt de ‘fredelige’ ANTIFA’er er løgn. Obama har tværtimod holdt hånden over dem.
Public School Teachers Among the Leaders of Important Antifa Faction

This is almost beyond belief. Dozens of public school teachers are members of the ultra-violent Antifa faction “By Any Means Necessary” (BAMN) — with many teachers playing a prominent leadership role in what DHS says in an organization engaged in “domestic terrorist violence.” Several of the BAMN teachers helped organize the violent Berkeley protest that assaulted peaceful protesters.

Even after being arrested for inciting violence, the teachers weren’t fired.

1 september 2017

Facebook godkender opfordringer til massmord på Trumtihængere

Last Thursday, we reported that the African-American Defense League, a black nationalist group founded by Mauricelm-Lei Millere, posted a call on Facebook to kill what it describes as “Confederates, KKK, skin heads” and “all of… President Trump’s friends” along with their families.

At that time, we reported the post to Facebook, however, we were unable to flag it as violent.  The social media site finally responded after some five days, telling us the post does not violate “one of” their community standards.


Mere på Conservative Firing Line om Facebooks hykleri

31 august 2017

Britisk politi!

Europa: Til grin for vore egne penge – jihadister på bistandshjælp

Jihadister på bistandshjælp over hele Europa:

  • While taking money from Swiss taxpayers, Abu Ramadan, a well-known Salafist, called for the introduction of Sharia law in Switzerland and urged Muslims to avoid integrating into Swiss society. He also said that Muslims who commit crimes in Switzerland should not be subject to Swiss laws.
  • “This scandal is so huge that it is difficult to believe. Imams who preach hate towards Christians and Jews, and who criticize the depravity of the West, are granted asylum and are living comfortably as refugees on social welfare. All this with the complicity of cowardly and incompetent authorities who give carte blanche to the complacent and naive assistants of the asylum and social welfare system.” — Adrian Amstutz, Swiss parliamentarian.
  • City officials in Lund remain undeterred: They have launched a pilot project aimed at providing Swedish jihadists who are returning from Syria with housing, employment, education and other financial support — all thanks to the Swedish taxpayers.

Mere her fra Gatestone Institute

Inkompetencen blandt politikere, embedsmænd og andre myndigheder er grænseløs.

Indvandringen fører til brutale overgreb

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