Hodjanernes Blog

28 september 2017

FN i shock: UN Watch repræsenteres af palæstinensisk taler der udstiller PLO’s løgne

EPIC MOMENT: U.N. stunned, Palestinian delegates in shock, as UN Watch brings surprise guest speaker—Palestinian Mosab Hassan Yousef—to expose PLO lies.

Watch heads turn & eyes bulge!

22 september 2017

Hvad holder den arabiske verden tilbage ?

Filed under: FN, Muslim World, Politisk korrekt censur, TrumfEs — trumfes @ 08:56

Det spørgsmål stiller og besvarer Bret Stephens,Wall Street Journal for Prager University

FN lavede på et tidspunkt nogle meget interessante analyser ( selvfølgelig med de obligatoriske angreb på Israel ifbm de “stakkels” pæstilensere)

De arabiske forfatterne af rapporten fik – fortjent – stor ros for at sætte fokus på problemet og sammenligne den arabiske verden med andre lande

Den første kom i 2002 og den sidste i 2009

Analyserne burde finde her Arab Human Development Reports

Hvis du prøver at downloade dem , vil du blive skuffet !
De er åbenbart alt for afslørende og du får blot en “404 – File or directory not found.”
Alternativt er de ved at omlægge sitet, men det tillader jeg mig at tvivle på

Jeg har for lang tid siden downloaded alle rapporterne – her er to klip, der viser interessante fakta !

Det først klip viser med al ønskelig tydelighed at den arabiske verden har nok i sig selv og ikke interesserer sig for, hvad der sker i verdenen:

Det andet klip viser, hvor lidt arabiske videnskabsmænd producerer sammenlignet med andre lande:

Situationen for de arabiske lande er vel lidt bere idag, men næppe ret meget …

20 september 2017

Nigel Farage om Trumps tale i FN

Her er talen i sin helhed (50 minutter):

Inside Kim Jong-Un’s feared inner-circle: North Korean despot has teenage sex slaves plucked from school, enjoys £1,000 a-time lunches and forces upper class elite to watch horrific executions

31 august 2017

Sheila Gunn Reid fra Rebel Media afslører FNs seneste hykleri

UN = Useless Nations er “bange” for Trumps verbale angreb på fake-news MSM

Ikke noget med at argumentere for FNs påstånde – det er nok at være “bekymret” over Trumps “opildende” bemærkninger …

Ikke noget med at vurdere om Trump faktisk har ret !

Ikke noget med at vurdere om MSMs ufatteligt mange hadske angreb på Trump og hans støtter kunne få nogen, læs Antifa, til at angribe dem fysisk, som det jo sker hele tiden ..

FN dokumenterer igen at FN er totalt ubrugelig

Husmanden har allerede skrevet et indlæg om det latterlige FsN

her er et indlæg fra Rebel media:

Taget herfra

30 august 2017

FN-chef frygter for pressefrihed i USA efter Trumps udfald

Filed under: FN, Jydepotten, Politik — husmanden @ 14:15

skriver Jydepotten.

” Journalister er uhæderlige mennesker, siger Trump. Det bringer pressefriheden i USA under pres, mener FN-chef. ”


Det er sådanne idioter og deres stupide ondskab, der regerer verden, og som er i færd med at kaste os ud i det største opgør med socialismen nogensinde.


23 august 2017

Robert Spencer hos Tucker Carson om venstrefascisternes krig mod ytringsfriheden

Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox to discuss Jihad Watch’s banning from PayPal, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s spurious “hate group” listing, and the Left’s war against the freedom of speech.

3 august 2017

Al Gore’s Home Burns 34 Times More Electricity Than Average U.S. Household

According to the report, Gore’s energy use at his 10,070-square-foot Colonial-style home in the upmarket Belle Meade neighborhood of Nashville averages 19,241-kilowatt hours (kWh) a month, compared to the U.S. household average of 901 kWh per month.

Over the past year, Gore has used more energy than the average American family does in 21 years, and has an enormous energy bill of $22,000 a year.

Og det er kun for en af hans 3 boliger.


17 juli 2017

Klimareligionen for retten

Filed under: Økofascisme, Eksperter, Greenies, IPCC, Istid, Jura, Klima, Politik, Videnskab — Hodja @ 15:08

A little-known court case is taking place in the Supreme Court of British Columbia in Vancouver.

This case involves two scientists and two set of graphs. One of the graphs is very famous, and the basis for every man-made climate change believer’s faith, while the other…is not.

Michael Mann is a climatologist and geophysicist working at Penn State University. In 1998, he was the leader of a group using statistical techniques that created a graph showing the earth’s temperature over the last 1,000 years. The graph would gain international fame and become known as the “hockey stick graph.”

The worldwide climate change industry is valued to be worth $1.5 trillion. That’s a lot of money for “research.” Enter Dr. Timothy Ball.

Dr. Ball has a PhD in climatology from Queen Mary University of London, and was a professor at the University of Winnipeg. He is an avid critic of the man-made climate change theory. It is not that he does not believe in climate change, but he does not believe humans are having the impact the church of man-made climate change says they are.

Dr. Ball also created his own version of the “hockey stick graph,” but it looked nothing like Mann’s. Ball’s graph shows what is known as the Medieval Warm Period.

Dr. Ball is enemy number one for the church of man-made climate change. One article he wrote made light of the connection between Mann and the Climatic Research Unit email controversy. Mann did not take to kindly to the slight, and decided to sue for libel.

Dr. Ball did not lay down and instead decided to fight the case. The case was filled in Canada and known as a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation suit. It was filed six years ago, and is going sideways for Mann. The judge in the case has ordered all data used to make both graphs be handed over by all parties. Dr. Ball has cooperated, but Mann has not.

Dr. Ball recently stated, “We believe he [Mann] withheld on the basis of a U.S. court ruling that it was all his intellectual property. This ruling was made despite the fact the U.S. taxpayer paid for the research and the research results were used as the basis of literally earth-shattering policies on energy and environment. The problem for him is that the Canadian court holds that you cannot withhold documents that are central to your charge of defamation regardless of the U.S. ruling.”

John O’Sullivan reports on the punishment that Dr. Ball’s lawyers could ask for if Mann is found to be in contempt, “Ball is entitled to have the court serve upon Mann the fullest punishment. Contempt sanctions could reasonably include the judge ruling that Dr. Ball’s statement that Mann “belongs in the state pen, not Penn. State’ is a precise and true statement of fact. This is because under Canada’s unique ‘Truth Defense’, Mann is now proven to have willfully hidden his data, so the court may rule he hid it because it is fake. As such, the court must then dismiss Mann’s entire libel suit with costs awarded to Ball and his team.”

If this holds true, then the basis of the entire Paris climate agreement, IPCC, and every climate change agreement is in jeopardy. If it was all formed from faulty data, it is all at risk. The hockey stick graph is responsible for hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars being spent around the world, and hundreds of job-killing regulations being enacted on the American worker. It is time we find out if it was all fake.

Læs hele artiklen her.

Læs også: Verdenshistoriens største økononomiske svindelnummer.

11 juni 2017

Junk science i New England Journal of Medicine: Stress from Trump election to kill minorities

Boston, MA – Stress, increased risk for disease, babies born too early, and premature death are among the negative health impacts that could occur in the wake of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, according to a new article from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Massachusetts General Hospital/McLean Hospital.

Marginalized groups are likely to be most affected, the authors said. That’s because hostile attitudes toward racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants, and Muslims–which appear to have been brought more to the surface with the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump–have been linked in previous studies with both mental and physical adverse health effects.

The article appears in the June 8, 2017 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

Videnskab er efterhånden noget, der hører fortiden til, alt bliver politiseret og kun få stiller spørgsmål til vrøvlet.

Her er flere eksempler på, at læger tror de har forstand på klimavidenskab:

Using words such as a “dangerous step backwards” and a “rejection of science-based decision-making,” a phalanx of medical societies is denouncing President Donald Trump’s decision on June 1 to withdraw from the Paris climate-change accord and pursue a new accord.

Trump’s rejection of the Paris Agreement met with swift disapproval from the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health (MSCCH), which consists of 12 associations. His decision “is the wrong choice that puts Americans at unnecessary risk,” said MSCCH Director, Mona Sarfaty, MD, MPH, in a news release. “Climate change is the greatest public health challenge of our time.”

MSCCH members are the ACP, the American Academy of Family Physicians; the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP); the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; the National Medical Association; the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma. and Immunology; the American College of Preventive Medicine; the American Podiatric Medical Association; the American Geriatrics Society; the Society of General Internal Medicine; the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine; and the American Association of Community Psychiatrists.


Climate change is a major threat to mental health, the American Psychiatric Association (APA), warns. The association has joined the growing ranks of physician groups that are sounding the alarm about the multifactorial effects that rising seas, temperature extremes, and changing environments are having on individuals’ physical and mental health.

In a new position statement, the APA focuses on the profound impact of climate change on mental health, which may include the development or exacerbation of mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or substance abuse.

Det danske Ugeskrift for Læger abonnerer også på klima pseudovidenskaben.

9 juni 2017

Kompilation: Latterlige klimaforudsigelser

Filed under: Økofascisme, Evidens, FN, Greenies, Historie, IPCC, Klima, Videnskab — Hodja @ 11:03

7 juni 2017

USA truer med at trække sig fra FN’s Menneskerettighedsråd

The Trump administration warned Tuesday that the United States could pull out of the U.N. Human Rights Council unless the body ends what Washington calls the whitewashing of dictators’ abuses and unfair attacks on Israel.

President Trump’s U.N. ambassador, Nikki Haley, delivered the ultimatum in an unusual address in Geneva to the 47-member body.

Mere på Washington Post

1 juni 2017

Trump trækker USA ud af Paris-aftalen

Filed under: Donald Trump, FN, Grønt, Greenies, IPCC, Politik, USA/Canada — Hodja @ 23:37


31 maj 2017

FN standser støtte til pæstilensisk center opkaldt efter en morder

Tak til Norge ! og Trump

Det var IKKE sket under Obama


Norge havde forlangt at den økonomiske støtte til centret betalt tilbage,
efter de “åh-så-fredsønskende” pæstilensere havde opkalt centret efter en kvindelig morder, som sammen med mandlige pæstilensiske mordere hijackede en bus i Israel og skød løs på civile og derved myrdede 38 mennesker …

Jo, ingen skal påstå at Abbas & Co ikke husker deres terroristhelte …

Og hvad gjorde vores egen udenrigsminister, da han besøgte Israel og det palæstinensiske selvstyre fornylig : hældte endnu flere penge i det bundløse terroriststøttende hul …

Mange “tak” for det, Anders

Taget herfra og herfra, hvor du kan læse mere

15 maj 2017

FN afdeling hjælper Nord-Korea med at få patent på nervegas

Filed under: FN, Jura, Nord Korea, Politik, Teknologi, Våben — Hodja @ 23:28

For more than a year, a United Nations agency in Geneva has been helping North Korea prepare an international patent application for production of sodium cyanide — a chemical used to make the nerve gas Tabun — which has been on a list of materials banned from shipment to that country by the U.N. Security Council since 2006.

The World Intellectual Property Organization, or WIPO, has made no mention of the application to the Security Council committee monitoring North Korea sanctions, nor to the U.N. Panel of Experts that reports sanctions violations to the committee, even while concerns about North Korean weapons of mass destruction, and the willingness to use them,  have been on a steep upward spiral.

Mere her.

7 maj 2017

Margot Wallström: “Saudibarbarerne kan lære om kvinder i FN’s menneskerettighedskommission

Ingen stemte imod, at Sadibarbarerne skal være medlem af FN’ kvinderettighedskommission.

Og ingen vil indrømme, at de har stemt for barbarernes medlemsskab.

Darragh O’Brien, Fianna Fáil spokesperson on Foreign Affairs & Trade, challenges Irish Foreign Minister Charlie Flanagan, to reveal if Dublin voted to elect Saudi Arabia to the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women.

Den irske udenrigsminister nægter at svare på om Irland stemte for Saudibarbarernes medlemsskab

Canadiske feminister tier om sagen

U.N. elects Saudi Arabia to women’s rights commission – Hillel Neuer on i24 News

David Cameron defends UK’S horrid deal to elect Saudi Arabia on UN Human Rights Council

29 april 2017

Sådan ! Man kan godt tage statborgerskab fra terrorister

Hvis man vel at mærke vil det ! og det ville Trump

USA har idag en terrorist med amerikansk pas mindre 🙂

Forvent masser af klynk og buhu fra alle de politisk korrekte,
der vil græde snot over at “konventionerne” ikke bliver fulgt …

Taget herfra

De palæstinensisk-arabiske befolkningstal er overdrevet med 1 million!

Det siger en israelsk fysiker og ekspert i matematiske model teknikker

Og Michael L. Wise dokumenterer sin påstand her

Det drejer sg “kun” om den palæstinensisk-arabiske befolkning i Judæa-Samaria ( det, som “journalister” elsker at kalde vestbredden)

Bemærk at han kan checke sine tal ved at sammenholde sine tal med de børn, som går i skole !

De palæstinensisk-arabiske tal skal altid tages med stor skepsis

Før 1967 besøgte en amerikansk delegation fra kongressen Gaza området,
som jo dengang var under ægyptisk militær administration

De foretog et check af antallet af flygninge i en palæstinensisk-arabiske flygtningelejr, drevet at UNWRA

Det viste sig at over en trediedel var opført på FNs lister , men var døde i mellemtiden

Man havde bare ikke oplyst dette, fordi UNWRA ikke tæller flygtninge,
men antal uddelte spisekuponner , og de er jo lige så gode som penge …

Jeg har læst det her for længe siden og kan huske det, fordi det er så absurd
Jeg kan ikke umiddelbart finde min kilde, så du må stole på mig 🙂

Kilde til videoen: JL

27 april 2017

Stemte Sverige for SaudiBarbarien til FNs kvinderettighedskomite ?

Det spørgsmål stiller Brian Liley fra Rebel.Media

Jeg er ikke et øjeblik i tvivl om at Sverige stemte FOR SaudiBarbarien,
det er jo bare simpel “Quid pro quo” ( noget for noget) tilbagebetaling af støtte fra de arabiske lande for at Sverige kunne komme i FNs sikkerhedsråd
(Første svenske delbetaling var anderkendelse af ikke-staten “Palæstina” …)

Den svenske udenvidensminister vil – selvfølgelig – hverken af- eller bekræfte det

Hvorfor mon dog ikke …

Også Norge er medlem af den gruppe, der bestemmer sammensætningen

og også Norge vil hverken af- eller bekræfte , hvad de stemte …

Luk FN og opret en FDN – Forenede Demokratiske Nationer ( så er spørgsmålet jo, om Sverige hører til der … ! )

læs mere her

25 april 2017

97% af migranter til Italien i 2016 var falske flygtninge = islamvasorer

En försvinnande liten andel av de migranter som tagit sig till Italien under 2016 var riktiga flyktingar.

Det visar ny officiell statistik från UNHCR.

Blott 2,65 procent, eller 4 808 av 181 436 stycken, fick asyl på grund av flyktingstatus. Bland siffrorna finns inte de som tagit sig in i landet illegalt med, och hälften av de som registrerats har aldrig ens sökt asyl och försvunnit och är således att betrakta som illegala invandrare.

23 april 2017

FN vælger Saudi-Barbarien til kvinderettighedskommission

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