Hodjanernes Blog

3 oktober 2017

Nigel Farage udstiller EU på Brexit og volden i Spanien

Filed under: Brexit, EU, Kulturberigelse, Multi-kulti, Spanien/Portugal, TrumfEs, UK — Tags: — trumfes @ 21:18

Og det gør han på sin sædvanlige slagkraftige måde



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Morrissey claims Ukip rigged leadership vote to stop anti-Islam activist

Filed under: Fredens Religion©, Islam, Islamisering, Politik, UK, UKIP — Hodja @ 12:26

Controversial singer makes comments on BBC 6 Music referring to Anne Marie Waters’ defeat in party elections

The singer made the comments during a live appearance on BBC 6 Music to promote his new album Low in High School.

Morrissey told the audience: “I was very surprised the other day – it was very interesting to me – to see Anne Marie Waters become the head of Ukip. Oh no, sorry she didn’t – the voting was rigged. Sorry, I forgot.”

Waters has been outspoken in her Islamophobia, calling the religion “evil”, and set up a far-right organisation, Pegida UK, with the former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson in 2016 to counter what it called “the Islamisation of our countries”. She was deselected from running in Ukip’s previous leadership election. Many Ukip members and MEPs threatened to leave the party if she was elected leader.

Fra The Guardian og det er jo defor, der står ‘controversial’.

Godmorgen med Tommy Robinson

2 oktober 2017

Grotesk: Paul Golding og Jayda Fransen på flugt i Europa

I have some bad news for you my friend: The police have issued arrest warrants for Jayda and I!

Why? Because we had the courage to confront a gang of convicted migrant child rapists!

Then, once we were officially charged with ‘harassing’ these Muslim gang rapists, the police slapped a new bunch of restrictive, over-the-top and unnecessary bail conditions on us.

We challenged these conditions in the Magistrates Court and they refused to overturn any of them!

Subsequently, Jayda and I are literally ‘on the run’ in Europe (pictured below), unable to return to the UK because we will be arrested and thrown into prison!

Yesterday, Jayda and I attended a meeting of French patriots in Paris and we personally met French hero Jean Marie Le Pen (pictured below).


We need to fight and defeat this latest round of persecution – can we depend on your support during this crisis?

Støt Britain First her

29 september 2017

Tre svin løber grinende væk efter at have overfaldet en 82 årig mand

Filed under: Kriminalitet, Kulturberigelse, TrumfEs, UK, Voldtægt — trumfes @ 11:27

Ofret har nu brækket 3 ryghvirvler ved det brutale overfald

Her et et politifoto af de tre svin:

De ligner jo ikke ligefrem buddister …

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27 september 2017

Muslimer beder udenfor Retten i Westminster

Scores of Muslim activists staged a protest action outside London’s Westminster Magistrates Court, Monday, in support of advocacy organisation CAGE’s chief Muhammad Rabbani who was facing trial under the UK’s 2000 Terrorism Act for refusing to divulge his mobile phone password during a police stop-and-search operation.

26 september 2017

Gavin McInnes & Tommy Robinson taler om hjernevasken af europæiske skolebørn for at skjule islams sande natur

25 september 2017

Britisk Politi fortsætter krigen mod Britain First


Man kan støtte Britain First her.

18 september 2017

Colin Flaherty i UK – skal møde Tommy Robinson

17 september 2017

I dag er det “Battle of Britain” day, hvor man mindes de tyske bombeangreb i 1940

Hvordan ville nutidens fake-news rapportere “Battle of Britain” ?

Her er et godt bud :

Lige nu venter vi bare på at få navnet den den 18-årige “dreng”, som formodes at være gerningsmanden til det – seneste – bombeattentat i England

Jeg tror – helt sikkert – at han hedder “Smith” til efternavn …

Her er fake-news-MSM standard skema for muslimske terrorangreb:

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16 september 2017

Paul Watson perspektiverer, hvad venstreorienterede tweeter

Filed under: Inkompetence, Kulturberigelse, TrumfEs, UK — Tags: — trumfes @ 11:56

Efter seneste terrorangreb kom de sædvanlige tåbelige tweets

British Immigrants United Against Terror og Gays Against Sharia og FGM i Bristol

15 september 2017

Terrorangreb på London’s Parsons Green Train Station

Filed under: Brandstiftelse, Kriminalitet, Labaner, Mord, Politi, Terrorism, UK, Vold — Hodja @ 20:08


The first of these is the “let’s not jump to conclusions” stage in which reporters take great pains not to assume that the attacker is a Muslim just because his name happens to be Abdul or Muhammad or even because he yelled “Allahu Akbar” moments before his killing spree began. Then, when it turns out that he is a Muslim, reporters wonder if his religious affiliation might have been incidental to the attack—which it rarely ever is. In the second stage, the shortest of the four, reporters actually acknowledge the attack and its motive before quickly moving on to the third stage. I’ll call this the “Muslims fear backlash” stage, and it’s characterized by stories about hijab-snatchings (that usually turn out to be hoaxes) or Muslims getting dirty looks in the street. It isn’t even necessary to find any actual incidents of backlash after an attack because the fear of a backlash, not the backlash itself, is the real story. The fourth and final stage is when reporters begin to ask how the right-wing might “exploit” the story. This serves as a warning that taking action to stave off civilizational demise is somehow letting the terrorists win.

Nigel Farage: EU/Junckers har INTET lært af Brexit

Junckers konklusion : mere af det samme, der ikke virkede før …

Hvad andet kan man forvente at Juncker ? en udemokratisk bureakratisk despot …

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11 september 2017

Britiske lærere tør ikke undervise om 9/11 af angst for at blive beskyldt for islamofobi

This is what a society that has capitulated looks like.

UK teachers should teach about 9/11 forthrightly, and explain to their students about the Islamic teachings that motivated it, and the nature and magnitude of the global jihad threat. Instead, they cower in fear of Muslim parents and students. That’s no way to win a war.

And they won’t win it.

UK Maidstone: Politiet chikanerer Britain First aktivister – tilskuere bliver vrede

6 september 2017

Britisk politi fortsætter med at chikanere Tommy Robinson

1 september 2017

Channel 4’s moderate muslimer

31 august 2017

Britisk politi!

Europa: Til grin for vore egne penge – jihadister på bistandshjælp

Jihadister på bistandshjælp over hele Europa:

  • While taking money from Swiss taxpayers, Abu Ramadan, a well-known Salafist, called for the introduction of Sharia law in Switzerland and urged Muslims to avoid integrating into Swiss society. He also said that Muslims who commit crimes in Switzerland should not be subject to Swiss laws.
  • “This scandal is so huge that it is difficult to believe. Imams who preach hate towards Christians and Jews, and who criticize the depravity of the West, are granted asylum and are living comfortably as refugees on social welfare. All this with the complicity of cowardly and incompetent authorities who give carte blanche to the complacent and naive assistants of the asylum and social welfare system.” — Adrian Amstutz, Swiss parliamentarian.
  • City officials in Lund remain undeterred: They have launched a pilot project aimed at providing Swedish jihadists who are returning from Syria with housing, employment, education and other financial support — all thanks to the Swedish taxpayers.

Mere her fra Gatestone Institute

Inkompetencen blandt politikere, embedsmænd og andre myndigheder er grænseløs.

Indvandringen fører til brutale overgreb

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