Hodjanernes Blog

3 august 2017

Al Gore’s Home Burns 34 Times More Electricity Than Average U.S. Household

According to the report, Gore’s energy use at his 10,070-square-foot Colonial-style home in the upmarket Belle Meade neighborhood of Nashville averages 19,241-kilowatt hours (kWh) a month, compared to the U.S. household average of 901 kWh per month.

Over the past year, Gore has used more energy than the average American family does in 21 years, and has an enormous energy bill of $22,000 a year.

Og det er kun for en af hans 3 boliger.


17 juli 2017

Klimareligionen for retten

Filed under: Økofascisme, Eksperter, Greenies, IPCC, Istid, Jura, Klima, Politik, Videnskab — Hodja @ 15:08

A little-known court case is taking place in the Supreme Court of British Columbia in Vancouver.

This case involves two scientists and two set of graphs. One of the graphs is very famous, and the basis for every man-made climate change believer’s faith, while the other…is not.

Michael Mann is a climatologist and geophysicist working at Penn State University. In 1998, he was the leader of a group using statistical techniques that created a graph showing the earth’s temperature over the last 1,000 years. The graph would gain international fame and become known as the “hockey stick graph.”

The worldwide climate change industry is valued to be worth $1.5 trillion. That’s a lot of money for “research.” Enter Dr. Timothy Ball.

Dr. Ball has a PhD in climatology from Queen Mary University of London, and was a professor at the University of Winnipeg. He is an avid critic of the man-made climate change theory. It is not that he does not believe in climate change, but he does not believe humans are having the impact the church of man-made climate change says they are.

Dr. Ball also created his own version of the “hockey stick graph,” but it looked nothing like Mann’s. Ball’s graph shows what is known as the Medieval Warm Period.

Dr. Ball is enemy number one for the church of man-made climate change. One article he wrote made light of the connection between Mann and the Climatic Research Unit email controversy. Mann did not take to kindly to the slight, and decided to sue for libel.

Dr. Ball did not lay down and instead decided to fight the case. The case was filled in Canada and known as a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation suit. It was filed six years ago, and is going sideways for Mann. The judge in the case has ordered all data used to make both graphs be handed over by all parties. Dr. Ball has cooperated, but Mann has not.

Dr. Ball recently stated, “We believe he [Mann] withheld on the basis of a U.S. court ruling that it was all his intellectual property. This ruling was made despite the fact the U.S. taxpayer paid for the research and the research results were used as the basis of literally earth-shattering policies on energy and environment. The problem for him is that the Canadian court holds that you cannot withhold documents that are central to your charge of defamation regardless of the U.S. ruling.”

John O’Sullivan reports on the punishment that Dr. Ball’s lawyers could ask for if Mann is found to be in contempt, “Ball is entitled to have the court serve upon Mann the fullest punishment. Contempt sanctions could reasonably include the judge ruling that Dr. Ball’s statement that Mann “belongs in the state pen, not Penn. State’ is a precise and true statement of fact. This is because under Canada’s unique ‘Truth Defense’, Mann is now proven to have willfully hidden his data, so the court may rule he hid it because it is fake. As such, the court must then dismiss Mann’s entire libel suit with costs awarded to Ball and his team.”

If this holds true, then the basis of the entire Paris climate agreement, IPCC, and every climate change agreement is in jeopardy. If it was all formed from faulty data, it is all at risk. The hockey stick graph is responsible for hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars being spent around the world, and hundreds of job-killing regulations being enacted on the American worker. It is time we find out if it was all fake.

Læs hele artiklen her.

Læs også: Verdenshistoriens største økononomiske svindelnummer.

11 juni 2017

Junk science i New England Journal of Medicine: Stress from Trump election to kill minorities

Boston, MA – Stress, increased risk for disease, babies born too early, and premature death are among the negative health impacts that could occur in the wake of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, according to a new article from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Massachusetts General Hospital/McLean Hospital.

Marginalized groups are likely to be most affected, the authors said. That’s because hostile attitudes toward racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants, and Muslims–which appear to have been brought more to the surface with the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump–have been linked in previous studies with both mental and physical adverse health effects.

The article appears in the June 8, 2017 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

Videnskab er efterhånden noget, der hører fortiden til, alt bliver politiseret og kun få stiller spørgsmål til vrøvlet.

Her er flere eksempler på, at læger tror de har forstand på klimavidenskab:

Using words such as a “dangerous step backwards” and a “rejection of science-based decision-making,” a phalanx of medical societies is denouncing President Donald Trump’s decision on June 1 to withdraw from the Paris climate-change accord and pursue a new accord.

Trump’s rejection of the Paris Agreement met with swift disapproval from the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health (MSCCH), which consists of 12 associations. His decision “is the wrong choice that puts Americans at unnecessary risk,” said MSCCH Director, Mona Sarfaty, MD, MPH, in a news release. “Climate change is the greatest public health challenge of our time.”

MSCCH members are the ACP, the American Academy of Family Physicians; the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP); the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; the National Medical Association; the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma. and Immunology; the American College of Preventive Medicine; the American Podiatric Medical Association; the American Geriatrics Society; the Society of General Internal Medicine; the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine; and the American Association of Community Psychiatrists.


Climate change is a major threat to mental health, the American Psychiatric Association (APA), warns. The association has joined the growing ranks of physician groups that are sounding the alarm about the multifactorial effects that rising seas, temperature extremes, and changing environments are having on individuals’ physical and mental health.

In a new position statement, the APA focuses on the profound impact of climate change on mental health, which may include the development or exacerbation of mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or substance abuse.

Det danske Ugeskrift for Læger abonnerer også på klima pseudovidenskaben.

9 juni 2017

Kompilation: Latterlige klimaforudsigelser

Filed under: Økofascisme, Evidens, FN, Greenies, Historie, IPCC, Klima, Videnskab — Hodja @ 11:03

1 juni 2017

Trump trækker USA ud af Paris-aftalen

Filed under: Donald Trump, FN, Grønt, Greenies, IPCC, Politik, USA/Canada — Hodja @ 23:37


9 februar 2017

2016 var det varmeste år nogensinde – eller? Fake news?

They say that mathematics is the language of science, which is a way of saying that science is quantitative.

It is moved forward by numbers and measurements, not just by qualitative observations. “It seems hot out” is not science. Giving a specific temperature, measured by a specific process at a specific time, compared to other systematically gathered measurements—that is science.

So when you read an article proclaiming that, for the third year in a row, last year was the hottest year on record, you might expect that right up front you will get numbers, measurements, and a statistical margin of error. You know, science stuff. Numbers. Quantities. Mathematics.

And you would be wrong.

7 februar 2017

Top klimaekspert bliver whistleblower: “Data er forfalskede”

Ezra Levant of TheRebel.media reports on the high level US government scientist who says “global warming” data was tampered with.

16 december 2016

To tekst-TV indslag (næsten) uden ord …

Men med et snert af skadefryd 🙂

Først denne fra svensk teksttv
Trump har aldrig sagt noget om at slette data, men klima”forskere” kan jo altid bruge lejligheden til endnu en gang ynk og klynk:


Og så denne fra Norsk teksttv:


Payback is a bitch … 🙂

18 november 2016

FN’s officielle mediepolitik gør journalister til propagandister

16 november 2016

Rebel Media får adgang til Klimakonferencen i Marokko

On camera, Nick Nuttall tried to sound so reasonable.

But for more than a month he has been ignoring our letters and smearing us on CBC radio. He only did the right thing after all of his other attempts to blacklist us were exhausted.

30 oktober 2016

Claudia Rosett afslører anti-Rebel censor’s rolle i FN skandale

Long time UN critic Claudia Rosett tells Ezra Levant about the UN’s censor and his role in a conflict of interest scandal.

22 oktober 2016

Rebel Media’s FN censor hader også moderne landbrug som brødføder millioner

Sheila Gunn Reid has done more digging on The Rebel’s U.N. censor Nick Nuttall, and he has ‘regressive’ ideas about farming that would lead to starvation in the developing world!

21 oktober 2016

SPECIAL report: UN censor admits REAL reason he banned Rebel reporters from COP22

Som Ezra Levant siger – den manglende akkreditering af Rebel-journalisterne sætter MSM-journalister, som uden problemer er godkendt, i et ganske bestemt lys.

17 oktober 2016

FN nægter Rebel.media journalister adgang til klimakonference i Marokko

The United Nations has refused to accredit three of our journalists, blacklisting us from covering the upcoming global warming conference in Marrakech, Morocco.

The three banned journalists are full-time professionals: Sheila Gunn Reid, our Alberta bureau chief and best-selling author; and Meaghan MacSween, a producer, formerly with Global News and Sun News Network; and Alex Jones, our cameraman and editor, also formerly of Sun News Network.

These are total pros, with years of journalistic experience amongst them.

Here’s the UN’s one-line excuse: we are “advocacy journalists”, a term they do not define and has not to our knowledge been used by the UN before. They don’t even have the courage to sign their mealy-mouthed rejection letter.

Mere her

Du kan støtte Rebel journalisterne, så de kan komme til Marokko alligevel her.

4 oktober 2016

Nu er det videnskabeligt bevist: Vi er psykisk syge!

Svensk studie fastslår: Klimatförnekelse kan vara psykisk störning

Tillhör du dem som tvekar på att nordpolen snart har smält och att halva Sverige snart befinner sig under vatten? Då lider du förmodligen av en “trångsynt” och “kallhamrad personlighet” med “låg empati”, enligt en svensk studie från Uppsala universitet.

OPDATERING: Hvordan får forskerne lige dette her passet ind i deres konstruktion?

14 september 2016

“CO2 er IKKE vores fjende” , tværtimod !

Filed under: FN, Greenies, IPCC, TrumfEs — Tags: , — trumfes @ 15:04

Siger Patrick Moore, grundlæggern af Greenpeace

Og han dokumenterer på smukkeste vis at der IKKE er nogen sammenhæng mellem CO2 og temperatur (dvs. der er en sammenhæng: CO2 lagger temperatur med 800 år- det vil sige at først om 800 år vil CO2 vise samme tendens som temperaturen nu)

The Rebel Media har lavet videon sammen med Patrick Moore

31 august 2016

DEBUNKED: Top 5 “Climate Change” Myths

Debunking the top 5 Climate Change myths and defining what it really means to be a “Climate science denier”.

References at http://louderwithcrowder.com/top-5-cl…

U.S. College Professors Tell Students: ‘Climate Skeptics Verboten!’

Donald Trumps Green Wall

12 august 2016

Mini istid på vej?

Filed under: Eksperter, Grønt, Greenies, IPCC, Klima, Videnskab — Hodja @ 19:38

Recent research by Professor Valentina Zharkova (Northumbria University) and colleagues has shed new light on the inner workings of the Sun.

If correct, this new discovery means that future solar cycles and variations in the Sun’s activity can be predicted more accurately. The research suggests that the next three solar cycles will see solar activity reduce significantly into the middle of the century, producing conditions similar to those last seen in the 1600s – during the Maunder Minimum. This may have implications for temperatures here on Earth. Future solar cycles will serve as a test of the astrophysicists’ work, but some climate scientists have not welcomed the research and even tried to supress the new findings.

1 maj 2016

Arabisk “videnskab” scorer endnu en triumf!

Lederen af det palæstinensiske selvstyre Abbas har fundet ud af, hvad den globale opvarmning skyldes!

Og svaret er – selvfølgelig – israelske bosættelser 🙂



Ingen løgn er for tåbelig for pæstilenserne

Taget herfra, hvor du kan læse hele den latterlige påstand !

end of the world


25 april 2016

Tosserne har indtaget Etisk Rod

Stort flertal i Det Etiske Råd anbefaler en klimaafgift på oksekød.

Klimaforandringerne er et etisk problem, fordi de udgør en betydelig risiko for menneskers sundhed, fødevaresikkerhed, biodiversitet og naturen.
Derfor mener et stort flertal i Det Etiske Råd, at danskerne bør gøre mere for at nedbringe deres klimabelastninger.


Et stort flertal i Rådet finder, at danskerne er etisk forpligtet på at ændre kostvaner. Om ansvaret skal placeres hos den enkelte forbruger er imidlertid omdiskuteret, da meget tyder på, at det ikke vil være effektivt at overlade ansvaret til forbrugeren.


Flertallet på 14 af Rådets 17 medlemmer anbefaler derfor en afgift på oksekød i forbrugsleddet, da det vil tydeliggøre problemstillingerne for forbrugerne og føre til et begrænset forbrug. På længere sigt bør der lægges afgifter på alle føde­varer efter klima­belastning, men på kort sigt vil en afgift på den uden sammenligning mest belastende fødevare, kød fra drøvtyggere, formentlig være mest gennemførlig. Et yderligere argument for dette er, at det er uproblema­tisk at spise sundt og nærende uden at spise oksekød.

Mere på Etisk Råd.

Hele rapporten.

Rapporten tager myten om ‘Den menneskeskabte Globale Opvarmning’ som et givent faktum med bemærkningen ‘Ifølge IPCC er der mere end 95 % sikkerhed for, at menneskelige aktiviteter er den dominerende årsag til den opvarmning af kloden, som er observeret siden midten af det 20. århundrede.’ Der er ikke skyggen af tvivl for dem, om at pseudovidenskaben er evidens.

Derudover kalder de klimatilhængere ‘etiske forbrugere’, hvilket er en frækhed uden lige, idet det er det samme som at sige, at klimaskeptikere er uetiske.

Lad os håbe, at forslaget ikke får nogen gang på Jorden.

Blandt ‘klimaeksperterne’ i Etisk Råd, der vil bestemme hvordan vi skal leve vores liv, finder vi bl.a. en socialpædagog, 3 overlæger, en jordemoder, en TV-stjerne, en præst, en historiker, en fagforeningsformand og en enkelt klimaforsker!


Mickey Gjerris, formand for Rådets bøfafgiftsarbejdsgruppe – og lektor i bioetik ved Københavns Universitet ville ikke “afspore” debatten !!  Derfor undlod han – beskedent … – at fortælle at han er vegetar !

Don’t look now but the Earth is getting greener.

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