Hodjanernes Blog

26 september 2017

Gavin McInnes & Tommy Robinson taler om hjernevasken af europæiske skolebørn for at skjule islams sande natur

16 september 2017

Litteratur apartheid

Shakespeare er racist.

14 september 2017

Gymnasielæreren Lyn Orletsky fyret efter at sammenligne Trump T-shirt med hagekors

11 september 2017

Britiske lærere tør ikke undervise om 9/11 af angst for at blive beskyldt for islamofobi

This is what a society that has capitulated looks like.

UK teachers should teach about 9/11 forthrightly, and explain to their students about the Islamic teachings that motivated it, and the nature and magnitude of the global jihad threat. Instead, they cower in fear of Muslim parents and students. That’s no way to win a war.

And they won’t win it.

3 september 2017

Allerede i 2016 kaldte Obama administrationen ANTIFA ‘terrorister’

Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as “antifa” had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO.

Since well before the Aug. 12 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, turned deadly, DHS has been issuing warnings about the growing likelihood of lethal violence between the left-wing anarchists and right-wing white supremacist and nationalist groups.

Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets. They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI.

Mere her

Så argumenteterne om, at det er Trumps retorik, der har skabt de ‘fredelige’ ANTIFA’er er løgn. Obama har tværtimod holdt hånden over dem.
Public School Teachers Among the Leaders of Important Antifa Faction

This is almost beyond belief. Dozens of public school teachers are members of the ultra-violent Antifa faction “By Any Means Necessary” (BAMN) — with many teachers playing a prominent leadership role in what DHS says in an organization engaged in “domestic terrorist violence.” Several of the BAMN teachers helped organize the violent Berkeley protest that assaulted peaceful protesters.

Even after being arrested for inciting violence, the teachers weren’t fired.

1 september 2017

Matematik er racistisk

25 august 2017

Flere voldelige negre i skolerne – hvide forældre lader som de ikke ved noget om det

26 juli 2017

Professor sagsøger gymnasium for 3,8 millioner $

A professor who has repeatedly appeared on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to discuss being “mobbed” into leaving campus because he is white reportedly filed a multi-million-dollar suit against the school.

Bret Weinstein, who told Carlson earlier this year he has faced calls to resign as well as general harassment from the left, filed a $3.8 million tort lawsuit against Evergreen State College, the Washington Times reported.

Mere her.

21 juni 2017

Lisa Durden: Suspenderet på ubestemt tid for racisme

A former professor at Essex County College was indefinitely suspended two days after her heated appearance on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

Lisa Durden was told that she had to cancel her classes and report to Essex County College’s human resources department two days after a June 6 appearance on the prime time Fox News show. School officials then indefinitely suspended her.

14 juni 2017

Venstrefløjen er alvorligt syg

Barron Trump, the 11-year-old son of President Trump and first lady Melania, is not being treated like the Obama’s children.

Not at all.

The young boy has become the target of sick liberals who will attack anything connected with President Trump — even a child.

Over the weekend, Barron was filmed getting off of Air Force One. He was playing with a “fidget spinner.” The small, three-pronged toy is held between thumb and index finger and spun around.

The spinners are the most popular toys in schools across the country, with young kids and even teenagers flipping and spinning them daily.

Hardcore leftists took to Twitter to attack the Barron.

UPDATE: Teacher Suspended After Pro-Trump High School Yearbook Photos Altered

6 juni 2017

Venstreorienteret indoktrinering er en kunstform – også i amerikanske skoler

A New York school district has launched an investigation into a student art show that included profane references to President Trump.

The art show at Shen High School featured a dozen drawings of the president’s face. Above the drawings was a sign that read, “Draw on Me.” On a nearby table was a box filled with markers.

Let’s just say, the youngsters did not hold back.

4 juni 2017

Sandheden bag den berygtede Evergreen video

31 maj 2017

Studenter på Evergreen College forlanger at denne video bliver fjernet fra nettet

Studenterne forlanger, at hvide ikke må være tilstede på College en dag og udgav selv videooptagelse af deres bølleopførsel på Youtube og Facebook.

Evergreen students made a demand regarding this video:

“We demand that the video created for Day of Absence and Day of Presence that was stolen by white supremacists and edited to expose and ridicule the students and staff be taken down by the administration by this Friday.”

College president George Bridges’ response:

Based on conversations with the Attorney General’s office, the most likely course of action requires an investigation. We commit to launching an extensive forensic investigation of the theft of this video and to determining who stole it from the student. If that investigation yields a suspect, we will seek criminal charges against the individual in consultation with the Attorney General.

Det er ufatteligt, at ingen siger stop og nægter at bruge ressourcer på uhyrlighederne.

Se Tucker Carlsons interview med professoren, der nægter at give efter for studenternes krav.

Nu forlanger studenterne, at de ikke skal have hjemmearbejde:

28 maj 2017

Flere bindegale amerikanske studenter

“All White People Leave Campus OR ELSE!!” Tucker Covers INSANE Evergreen State College Story.

Tucker Carlson interviews Evergreen State College Professor Bret Weinstein about how a mob of students shut down his class for the most ridiculous reason.

5 april 2017

Norge: Ny undersøgelse påviser indoktrineringen på universiteterne

Hvis medlemmer i Forskerforbundet fikk bestemme, ville partiene på venstresiden fått all makt.

MDG ville vært over syv ganger så store som Frp, som ville blitt utradert.

Kan I se det for jer? Røde journalister ringer til røde forskere for at kunne bringe ‘ekspertudtalelser’ man kan manipulere befolkningerne med!

Tallene er garanteret de samme i Danmark – og resten af Vesten. Præcis som i det gamle Sovjet.

4 april 2017

“Se på 9/11 med Al-Qaeda’s øjne”

3 april 2017

Gavin McInnes: Dine lærere lyver for dig

8 marts 2017

Evan Sayet: Uvidenhed er en velsignelse -En enhedsteori om venstrefløjens tankegang

Via No-Pasaran

14 februar 2017

Hjernevaskede gymnasieelever pjækker med lærernes billigelse for at protestere mod Trump

28 januar 2017

Gymnasielæreren der ‘skød’ Donald Trump i sin klasse er sendt på ‘administrativ orlov’

A Texas high school art teacher has been placed on administrative leave after video surfaced showing her “shooting” President Donald Trump inside a classroom while screaming, “Die!”

The Secret Service field office in Irving tells me they are aware of the incident, but declined further comment.

The teacher, at W.H. Adamson High School in Dallas, posted the video to her Instagram account.

Mere her: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/01/26/die-high-school-teacher-stages-mock-assassination-trump.html

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