Hodjanernes Blog

16 september 2017

Miss America konkurrencedeltagerne går totalt PC

1 september 2017

Australien: ‘Homogenisering’ af temperaturer

The Daily Caller reports that for the second time in a just a few years the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) in Australia has been caught red-handed tampering with climate temperatures as a means to make a “slight cooling trend to one of ‘dramatic warming’ over the past century.”

“Homogenization” is the process that allows climate scientists to correct for anomalies in raw temperature data. How there can be anomalies in raw data is beyond me.

One meteorologist reported watching the BOM data change in real time. Colder temperatures, or temperatures inconvenient to the theory that our planet is warming, either disappeared entirely or were “homogenized” into a warmer temperature.

Mere her.

30 august 2017

DDR vender tingene på hovedet igen igen

Her til morgen på DR P1 Morgen blev Nord-Koreas seneste raketafskydning diskuteret.

Konlusionen var:

“Præsident Trump holder Japan og Syd-Korea som gidsler med sine holdninger!”


2 august 2017

Venstreorienteret professor Lisa Feldman: “Ytringsfrihed er vold!”

Australiens meteorologiske institut grebet i at slette “kolde” temperaturmålinger…

Når nu virkeligheden ikke passer med global opvarmningsmodellen, må man jo snyde !

De kalder det selvfølgelig ikke snyd – blot at de har begået en “ærlig” fejl …

Mærkeligt, hvordan alle “ærlige” fejl ALTID går i samme retning : mere varme

Taget herfra og herfra, hvor du kan læse hele den sørgelige historie

Kilde: JL

17 juli 2017

Klimareligionen for retten

Filed under: Økofascisme, Eksperter, Greenies, IPCC, Istid, Jura, Klima, Politik, Videnskab — Hodja @ 15:08

A little-known court case is taking place in the Supreme Court of British Columbia in Vancouver.

This case involves two scientists and two set of graphs. One of the graphs is very famous, and the basis for every man-made climate change believer’s faith, while the other…is not.

Michael Mann is a climatologist and geophysicist working at Penn State University. In 1998, he was the leader of a group using statistical techniques that created a graph showing the earth’s temperature over the last 1,000 years. The graph would gain international fame and become known as the “hockey stick graph.”

The worldwide climate change industry is valued to be worth $1.5 trillion. That’s a lot of money for “research.” Enter Dr. Timothy Ball.

Dr. Ball has a PhD in climatology from Queen Mary University of London, and was a professor at the University of Winnipeg. He is an avid critic of the man-made climate change theory. It is not that he does not believe in climate change, but he does not believe humans are having the impact the church of man-made climate change says they are.

Dr. Ball also created his own version of the “hockey stick graph,” but it looked nothing like Mann’s. Ball’s graph shows what is known as the Medieval Warm Period.

Dr. Ball is enemy number one for the church of man-made climate change. One article he wrote made light of the connection between Mann and the Climatic Research Unit email controversy. Mann did not take to kindly to the slight, and decided to sue for libel.

Dr. Ball did not lay down and instead decided to fight the case. The case was filled in Canada and known as a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation suit. It was filed six years ago, and is going sideways for Mann. The judge in the case has ordered all data used to make both graphs be handed over by all parties. Dr. Ball has cooperated, but Mann has not.

Dr. Ball recently stated, “We believe he [Mann] withheld on the basis of a U.S. court ruling that it was all his intellectual property. This ruling was made despite the fact the U.S. taxpayer paid for the research and the research results were used as the basis of literally earth-shattering policies on energy and environment. The problem for him is that the Canadian court holds that you cannot withhold documents that are central to your charge of defamation regardless of the U.S. ruling.”

John O’Sullivan reports on the punishment that Dr. Ball’s lawyers could ask for if Mann is found to be in contempt, “Ball is entitled to have the court serve upon Mann the fullest punishment. Contempt sanctions could reasonably include the judge ruling that Dr. Ball’s statement that Mann “belongs in the state pen, not Penn. State’ is a precise and true statement of fact. This is because under Canada’s unique ‘Truth Defense’, Mann is now proven to have willfully hidden his data, so the court may rule he hid it because it is fake. As such, the court must then dismiss Mann’s entire libel suit with costs awarded to Ball and his team.”

If this holds true, then the basis of the entire Paris climate agreement, IPCC, and every climate change agreement is in jeopardy. If it was all formed from faulty data, it is all at risk. The hockey stick graph is responsible for hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars being spent around the world, and hundreds of job-killing regulations being enacted on the American worker. It is time we find out if it was all fake.

Læs hele artiklen her.

Læs også: Verdenshistoriens største økononomiske svindelnummer.

11 juni 2017

Junk science i New England Journal of Medicine: Stress from Trump election to kill minorities

Boston, MA – Stress, increased risk for disease, babies born too early, and premature death are among the negative health impacts that could occur in the wake of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, according to a new article from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Massachusetts General Hospital/McLean Hospital.

Marginalized groups are likely to be most affected, the authors said. That’s because hostile attitudes toward racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants, and Muslims–which appear to have been brought more to the surface with the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump–have been linked in previous studies with both mental and physical adverse health effects.

The article appears in the June 8, 2017 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

Videnskab er efterhånden noget, der hører fortiden til, alt bliver politiseret og kun få stiller spørgsmål til vrøvlet.

Her er flere eksempler på, at læger tror de har forstand på klimavidenskab:

Using words such as a “dangerous step backwards” and a “rejection of science-based decision-making,” a phalanx of medical societies is denouncing President Donald Trump’s decision on June 1 to withdraw from the Paris climate-change accord and pursue a new accord.

Trump’s rejection of the Paris Agreement met with swift disapproval from the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health (MSCCH), which consists of 12 associations. His decision “is the wrong choice that puts Americans at unnecessary risk,” said MSCCH Director, Mona Sarfaty, MD, MPH, in a news release. “Climate change is the greatest public health challenge of our time.”

MSCCH members are the ACP, the American Academy of Family Physicians; the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP); the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; the National Medical Association; the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma. and Immunology; the American College of Preventive Medicine; the American Podiatric Medical Association; the American Geriatrics Society; the Society of General Internal Medicine; the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine; and the American Association of Community Psychiatrists.


Climate change is a major threat to mental health, the American Psychiatric Association (APA), warns. The association has joined the growing ranks of physician groups that are sounding the alarm about the multifactorial effects that rising seas, temperature extremes, and changing environments are having on individuals’ physical and mental health.

In a new position statement, the APA focuses on the profound impact of climate change on mental health, which may include the development or exacerbation of mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or substance abuse.

Det danske Ugeskrift for Læger abonnerer også på klima pseudovidenskaben.

3 juni 2017

Bjørn Lomborg viser tåbelighederne ved Paris aftalen

Den vil koste en formue og næsten ikke påvirke CO2-udledningen …

Med andre ord : splid af penge og indsats – bortset fra “virtue signaling”

$100,000,000,000,000 $ for at nedsætte temperaturen med 0.3 grader

Og så er det end 0.3 grader Fahrenheit ! svarende til 0.1667 grader Celsius

Kan det betegnes som andet end religiøst hysteri at støtte det … ?

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28 maj 2017

Peer review: Verdens smarteste hund Dr Olivia Doll

Filed under: Australien, Eksperter, Evidens, Greenies, Klima, Medicin, Videnskab — Hodja @ 22:30

Perth Australia is now home to the world’s smartest dog, at least on paper.

Local “academic” Dr Olivia Doll — also known as Staffordshire terrier Ollie — sits on the editorial boards of seven international medical journals and has just been asked to review a research paper on the management of tumours.

Her impressive curriculum vitae lists her current role as senior lecturer at the Subiaco College of Veterinary Science and past associate of the Shenton Park Institute for Canine Refuge Studies — which is code for her earlier life in the dog refuge.

Ollie’s owner, veteran public health expert Mike Daube, decided to test how carefully some journals scrutinised their editorial reviewers, by inventing Dr Doll and making up her credentials.

The five-year-old pooch has managed to dupe a range of publications specialising in drug abuse, psychiatry and respiratory medicine into appointing her to their editorial boards.

Dr Doll has even been fast-tracked to the position of associate editor of the Global Journal of Addiction and Rehabilitation Medicine.

Several journals have published on their websites a supplied photo of Dr Doll, which is actually of a bespectacled Kylie Minogue.

Professor Daube said none of them smelt a rat, despite Dr Doll’s listed research interests in “the benefits of abdominal massage for medium-sized canines” and “the role of domestic canines in promoting optimal mental health in ageing males”.

Today Ollie is being featured in a more reputable publication, the Medical Journal of Australia’s Insight magazine, which is looking at the surge in journals which charge desperate would-be researchers up to $3000 to get their studies published.

“While this started as something lighthearted, I think it is important to expose shams of this kind which prey on the gullible, especially young or naive academics and those from developing countries,” Professor Daube said.

He said the authors would be gutted to know their papers were being reviewed by a dog, who often needed to be offered a treat before she dragged herself in front of the laptop. “It gives all researchers paws for thought,” Professor Daube said.

Dr Doll refused to comment unless she was taken for walkies.

5 maj 2017

Montana Demokraten Rob Quist opfordrer klimaskeptikere til at begå selvmord

Og samtidig demonstrerer idioten, at han ikke aner, hvad han taler om (på flere måder).

Se fra 1:17

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23 april 2017

Steve Milloy fra JunkScience slås videre med EPA (Enviroment Protection Agency) og NAS (National Academy of Sciences)

EPA og NAS prøver på at feje ham ind under gulvtæppet, men han har bidt sig fast.

Scare-Pollution-Cover-Final-122116-300x433Meget kort fortalt drejer det sig om, at EPA påstår, at luftforurening (PM2.5) er øjeblikkeligt dræbende, samtidig med at de har udført medicinske eksperimenter med luftforurening på lungesyge patienter og børn, efter de har informeret forsøgspersonerne om at det var ufarligt. Altså eksperimenter, der ifølge Nürnberlovene er uetiske og ulovlige. NAS har hvidvasket EPA.

Steve Milloy vil tvinge myndighederne til enten at indrømme, at luftforurening med partikler er ufarlig – eller at EPA principielt har udført menneskeeksperimenter etisk på linje med nazisternes forsøg på KZ-fanger. Der er kun de to muligheder.

Hvilken betydning har kampen? Det drejer sig om milliarder i forskningsbevillinger, afgifter og ødelagte industrier over hele verden. Kulindustrien, partikelfiltre på biler. Forbud mod brændeovne etc etc.

Det er forståeligt, at myndighederne kæmper med næb og kløer for at opretholde illusionen om, at luftforurening med partikler er livsfarlig.

Læs bogen – hele argumentationen er der – meget letforståeligt.

Følg med her.

10 april 2017

The EPA Lied — Nobody Died

The EPA human experiments controversy is now over.

As between choosing whether EPA committed multiple felonies vs. lying to the Congress/public about PM2.5 killing people, the National Academy of Sciences has chosen the “lying’ option. Total victory achieved.

A controversy that first appeared in these pages five years ago, came to an end last week. The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) concluded that human experiments with air pollutants conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) were not dangerous — meaning EPA has been lying to the public and Congress for years about the extreme danger of the “pollutants” in question.


So when the first Obama EPA administrator, Lisa Jackson, testified to Congress that “Particulate matter causes premature death. It does not make you sick. It is directly causal to dying sooner than you should,” that was a lie, one compounded by her next false claim that particulate matter kills about 570,000 Americans per year.


As it turns out, the only time EPA told the truth about particulate matter was when it told its human guinea pigs that the experiments were harmless. Meanwhile the Obama EPA used the phony killer particulate matter scare — backed by almost $600 million in utterly fraudulent scientific research and fueled with secret scientific data — to virtually wipe out the U.S. coal industry, severely harming coal miners, their families and their communities.

Mere på Junk Science

Hvad siger danske miljømyndigheder? Ingenting! De vil fortsætte med at lade som om PM2.5 er sundhedsskadeligt og indføre alskens begrænsninger på danskerne.

5 april 2017

4 millioner døde på valglisterne

Paris Swade for Liberty Writers reports, This video was aired in 2016 and shows a whistleblower rigging the election with 4 million illegal votes.

The Elections expert J. Christian Adams told Fox and Friends that there were 4 million dead people on the voter rolls.

Norge: Ny undersøgelse påviser indoktrineringen på universiteterne

Hvis medlemmer i Forskerforbundet fikk bestemme, ville partiene på venstresiden fått all makt.

MDG ville vært over syv ganger så store som Frp, som ville blitt utradert.

Kan I se det for jer? Røde journalister ringer til røde forskere for at kunne bringe ‘ekspertudtalelser’ man kan manipulere befolkningerne med!

Tallene er garanteret de samme i Danmark – og resten af Vesten. Præcis som i det gamle Sovjet.

31 marts 2017

Indvandringens pris: Nye tal fra Norge

Indvandringen til Norge drøftes indgående i regeringsrapport.

Mannlige ikke-innvandrere gir et positivt bidrag til de offentlige budsjettene på i alt 3,5 millioner kroner summert fra 25 år og ut livet. Det tilsvarende tallet for mannlige innvandrere fra landgruppe 3 er minus 6,0 millioner kroner.

Landgruppe 3 omfatter Afrika, Asia, Latin-Amerika og Øst-Europa utenom EU.

Forskjellen på 9,5 millioner kroner motsvares i betydelig grad av at det offentlige har nettoutgifter på til sammen 5,4 millioner kroner fram til 25 år for en gutt som blir født i Norge. Totalt sett over den delen av livsløpet en er bosatt i Norge, er forskjellen i de samlede offentlige nettoutgiftene mellom mannlige innvandrere og menn født i Norge anslått til 4 millioner kroner.

For kvinner ser regnestykket annerledes ut, ifølge regjeringens beregninger.

Forskjellen mellom summen av nettobidragene fra 25 år for kvinner med og uten innvandrerbakgrunn er mindre enn for menn. Som følge av kostnadene fram til 25 år, blir dermed nettooverføringen over den delen av livsløpet en er bosatt i Norge, noe mindre for innvandrerkvinner enn for kvinner født i Norge.

I meldingen kommer det også fram at for flyktninger vil forskjellen mellom innvandrere og ikke-innvandrere bli klart større.

Hvornår får vi de danske (europæiske) tal beregnet? Karen Hækkerup (S) mente som bekendt, at der ingen grund er til, at danskerne får dem at vide. Tallene er sikkert minimumstal – og det må være muligt ud fra dem at beregne, på hvilket tidspunkt ud fra demografien – går alle samfundets ressourcer til at betale for indvandringen.

30 marts 2017

Forsker: Dagens Danmark har ansvar for vestindisk slaveri

En undskyldning skal gives til levende mennesker.

Det er holdningen hos regeringen, Dansk Folkeparti og Socialdemokratiet i forhold til, om Danmark skal give en officiel undskyldning for at medvirke til slaveri frem til 1848.

Ingen af partierne ser nogen grund til at undskylde for noget, som blev gjort af for længst afdøde danskere.

Men det argument holder ikke vand. Det mener Astrid Nonbo Andersen, der er forsker på Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier og har skrevet en ph.d.-afhandling om Danmarks forhold til De Vestindiske Øer.

Mere her

28 marts 2017

Newspeek: De Kolde Kendsgerninger



21 marts 2017

Epidemiologiske studier over luftforurening er utroværdige


Læs mere på Junk Science og læs Steve Milloys bog “Scare pollution” – den kan anbefales.

Som jeg så ofte har skrevet: epidemiologi er statistik, der intet sikkert siger om årsager, det fatter journalister ikke.

Læs mere om The Secret Science Reform Act, der kan vende hele forskningen om luftforurening på hovedet.

Aktivister overdriver skader på Great Barrier Reef

The chairman of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Russell Reichelt says that activist groups are distorting surveys, maps and data to exaggerate the coral bleaching on the reef.

The bleaching affects 22% of the reef and is mostly localized to the far northern section, which has good prospects of recovery.

Two reef groups are in conflict. One is Reichelt’s GBR Authority, and the other is a special “National Coral Bleaching Taskforce” run by a guy called Terry Hughes. The Australian media was overrun with stories last week about how a report was censored to hide the damage. What was under-reported was the conflict and the propaganda.

The real problem appears to be that yet another agency was set up to find a crisis, and their existence depends on finding one. The Taskforce was set up in October last year.

We have the largest coral reef structure in the world, but sometimes the ABC can’t find a picture of bleaching from it, instead using an image from Samoa (top right). Greenpeace used the same trick.

Læs mere om svindelen her

Oops… ‘scientists’ overlooked effect of ‘dead zones’ on coral reefs. Not global warming. Not ocean acidification.

24 februar 2017

Interview med Steve Milloy forfatter til ‘Scare Pollution’

EPA er USA’s superaktivistiske miljøagentur Environmental Protection Agency.

EPA står bag junk forskning i bl.a. luftforurening, som er medvirkend51lat5pxpfl-_sx322_bo1204203200_e til enorme unødvendige udgifter for den vestlige verden.

Steve Milloy har stillet myndighederne i USA overfor et kæmpe dilemma. EPA går officielt ud og siger (EPA administrator Lisa Jackson som vidnede overfor en underkommitte fra House Energy and Commerce Committee 22. september 2011):

“Particulate matter causes premature death. It doesen’t make you sick. It’s directly causal to dying sooner than you should”

Samtidig har Milloy med ihærdigt arbejde gennem flere år påvist, hvordan EPA har fået gennemført illegale forsøg på mennesker (inklusive børn) med udsættelse for meget store doser luftforurening uden at informere forsøgspersonerne om risikoen for bl.a. at dø.

Så systemet har kun 2 muligheder: ENTEN er luftforurening ikke så farlig, som EPA påstår (hvilket er Milloys egentlige ærinde), og så kan myndighederne ikke regulere ‘luftforurening så rigidt, som de gør, ELLER EPA og adskillige amerikanske universiteter (som modtager i 100-vis af millioner dollar fra EPA til forskning) har overtrådt alle medicinske etiske regler for menneskeforsøg, som er blevet indført efter ‘Lægeprocessen’ ved Nürnbergdomstolen efter 2. Verdenskrig. Hertil kommer de læger som har udført forsøgene og de videnskabelige tidsskrifter, der har udgivet dem.

Der findes ikke andre muligheder.

Der er selvfølgelig ingen i Danmark, der har refereret sagen, som naturligvis også har betydning for dansk miljøforskning og -lovgivning. Man er for eksempel i gang med tiltag, der skal lægge afgifter på alle brændeovne i landet, og måske på længere sigt forbyde dem.

Mere om JunkScience

Congress is reading ‘Scare Pollution’… are you?

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