Hodjanernes Blog

27 september 2017

Otto Warmbiers forældre fortæller om sønnens død

Filed under: Asien, Mord, Nord Korea, studenter, Terrorism, Tortur, Totalitære, USA/Canada, Vold — Hodja @ 17:34

“Nordkoreanerne er ikke ofre – de er terrorister!”

19 september 2017

New York: Studine går i sultestrejke for at få professor der er FRIKENDT for sex-chikane fyret

16 september 2017

Snowflakes første dag i den virkelige verden – “Du er fyret!”

25 august 2017

Højere uddannelse


26 juli 2017

Professor sagsøger gymnasium for 3,8 millioner $

A professor who has repeatedly appeared on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to discuss being “mobbed” into leaving campus because he is white reportedly filed a multi-million-dollar suit against the school.

Bret Weinstein, who told Carlson earlier this year he has faced calls to resign as well as general harassment from the left, filed a $3.8 million tort lawsuit against Evergreen State College, the Washington Times reported.

Mere her.

22 juni 2017

Professor mener hvide skal dø

A Hartford, Conn. sociology professor labeled white people “inhuman a**holes” and endorsed the idea that first responders should have let House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and others die on a Virginia baseball field because of their race, Campus Reform reported.

Trinity College’s Johnny Eric Williams posted the hashtag “LetThem[expletive]Die” below an emotional message on Facebook directed at white people.

16 juni 2017

Professorer på Cambridge Universitet skal ophøre med at bruge ordet “geni” fordi det er kvindeundertrykkende!

University of Cambridge history tutors have been told to refrain from using the word “genius” in class because it’s offensive towards women.

The department plans to re-write the first two years of its History degree to weed out “sexists terms” like “genius,” “brilliance” and “flair,” reports the Telegraph.

“We want to use language that is transparent,” Dr. Lucy Delap, a British history lecturer, said. “We’re rewriting our first two years of our History degree to create a wider set of paper choices, to make assessment criteria clearer, and to really try and root out the unhelpful and very vague talk of ‘genius,’ of ‘brilliance,’ of ‘flair’ which carries assumptions of gender inequality and also of class and ethnicity.”

Delap explained that since terms like “brilliance,” “genius,” and “flair” have too often been used to describe men, tutors should not use them anymore. Women may have difficulty thinking that they are “brilliant” because the word has historically been associated with men, Delap claimed.

Mere her

14 juni 2017

Venstrefløjen er alvorligt syg

Barron Trump, the 11-year-old son of President Trump and first lady Melania, is not being treated like the Obama’s children.

Not at all.

The young boy has become the target of sick liberals who will attack anything connected with President Trump — even a child.

Over the weekend, Barron was filmed getting off of Air Force One. He was playing with a “fidget spinner.” The small, three-pronged toy is held between thumb and index finger and spun around.

The spinners are the most popular toys in schools across the country, with young kids and even teenagers flipping and spinning them daily.

Hardcore leftists took to Twitter to attack the Barron.

UPDATE: Teacher Suspended After Pro-Trump High School Yearbook Photos Altered

13 juni 2017

Hjernedøde ANTIFA studenter der protesterer mod Tommy Robinson aner ikke hvem han er

ANTIFA’er kan ikke forklare hvorfor de går ind for at myrde homoseksuelle:

ANTIFA tabere og gale venstrefløjsere går agurk når de hører sandheden:

USA: Venstrefascistisk transvestit smager sin egen medicin:

9 juni 2017

Berkeley studerende bruger venstrefascisternes eget våben imod dem

A UC Berkeley student who says she was violently attacked by protesters on campus the night of a planned speech by Milo Yiannopoulos in February is now suing the university — along with a host of others including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi — for withholding police protection and allowing attacks like the one she suffered.

As TMZ reports, the woman says she was “painfully pepper-sprayed” by “masked and unmasked assailants” within 15 minutes of her arriving at the Feb. 1 event, which was quickly canceled by the university as protests erupted that were both peaceful and anarchic — ultimately making national headlines and garnering a tweet from President Trump.

Kiara Robles, who on Twitter calls herself a conservative who is against political correctness and SJWs (social justice warriors), is suing for $23 million and names as defendants UC Berkeley, the university president, chancellor, the UC Regents chair, the mayor of Berkeley, Berkeley’s chief of police, and Pelosi.

Mere på Curmudgeonly&Skeptical

6 juni 2017

Venstreorienteret indoktrinering er en kunstform – også i amerikanske skoler

A New York school district has launched an investigation into a student art show that included profane references to President Trump.

The art show at Shen High School featured a dozen drawings of the president’s face. Above the drawings was a sign that read, “Draw on Me.” On a nearby table was a box filled with markers.

Let’s just say, the youngsters did not hold back.

31 maj 2017

Studenter på Evergreen College forlanger at denne video bliver fjernet fra nettet

Studenterne forlanger, at hvide ikke må være tilstede på College en dag og udgav selv videooptagelse af deres bølleopførsel på Youtube og Facebook.

Evergreen students made a demand regarding this video:

“We demand that the video created for Day of Absence and Day of Presence that was stolen by white supremacists and edited to expose and ridicule the students and staff be taken down by the administration by this Friday.”

College president George Bridges’ response:

Based on conversations with the Attorney General’s office, the most likely course of action requires an investigation. We commit to launching an extensive forensic investigation of the theft of this video and to determining who stole it from the student. If that investigation yields a suspect, we will seek criminal charges against the individual in consultation with the Attorney General.

Det er ufatteligt, at ingen siger stop og nægter at bruge ressourcer på uhyrlighederne.

Se Tucker Carlsons interview med professoren, der nægter at give efter for studenternes krav.

Nu forlanger studenterne, at de ikke skal have hjemmearbejde:

11 maj 2017

Apartheid er ikke apartheid på Harvard Universitetet

For the first time in the institution’s history, there will be a separate graduation ceremony for black students at Harvard University.

“This is not about segregation. It’s about fellowship and building a community. This is a chance to reaffirm for each other that we enter the work world with a network of supporters standing with us. We are all partners,” Huggins said.

Mere her

OK – så lad os se dem acceptere en ceremoni kun for hvide – med samme begrundelse.

1 maj 2017

The Man Who Mowed Down “Moldylocks”

30 april 2017

Nye regler for ‘diversitet og inklusion’ på amerikanske universiteter


Venstrefløjsere sultestrejker på Yale Universitetet

Filed under: studenter, Universitet, USA/Canada — Hodja @ 22:48

Republikanske studenter holder barbecue ved siden af dem 🙂


27 april 2017

Ann Coulter aflyser tale på UC-Berkeley pga trusler om vold fra Venstrefascitisk Sturmabteilung (S.A. 2.0)

Universitetet og politiet vil ikke garantere for hendes sikkerhed.

Ann Coulter informed The New York Times that she would pull out of speaking at the University of California, Berkeley because threats of violence have been made and she wasn’t confident that local law enforcement could guarantee her safety.

Coulter told the Times, “It’s a sad day for free speech … Everyone who should believe in free speech fought against it or ran away.”

Young America’s Foundation udtaler:

When Young America’s Foundation confirmed Ann Coulter would speak at UC-Berkeley as part of YAF’s nationwide campus lecture program on April 27, we assumed UC Berkeley would take all steps necessary to ensure the safety of students attending the educational event.

In the meantime we discovered that the University of California Police Department at Berkeley has an official “stand-down” policy for any situation that develops on campus as long as the situation doesn’t involve the imminent loss of life, allowing the leftist thugs who have terrorized Berkeley’s campus to do so without consequence.

In order to ensure safety of those involved and for the lecture to go forward, Young America’s Foundation requested that Berkeley adhere to the following equal access terms for the event:

  • Central location on the main campus
  • Room holding hundreds of participants
  • Afternoon/early evening timing
  • Ability to publicize event
  • University to announce that there will be zero tolerance at the event itself for masked agitators, disruption of the event; and sufficient security to ensure the safety of attendees; space for protest to be cordoned a reasonable and constitutionally permissible distance from event
  • University to confirm that it has communicated the event details to Berkeley City Police, and are coordinating security with them to ensure that any rioters/violent protestors/masked disruptors are appropriately contained and dealt with

As of 4:00 p.m. today, UC-Berkeley failed to meet our demands, after refusing to provide a proper venue for six weeks. Berkeley made it impossible to hold a lecture due to the lack of assurances for protections from foreseeable violence from unrestrained leftist agitators.

Berkeley should be ashamed for creating this hostile atmosphere.

YAF is pressing forward with its lawsuit against UC-Berkeley, and looks forward to the day when First Amendment freedoms are enjoyed by conservative students.

Ms. Coulter may still choose to speak in some form on campus, but Young America’s Foundation will not jeopardize the safety of its staff or students.

On Tuesday, speaking of Coulter’s scheduled event taking place in Sproul Plaza, UC Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks had admitted, “If somebody brings weapons, there’s no way to block off the site, or to screen them. In an open space, you have almost no control over that. The challenges are immense.”

College President Considers Punishing Conservative Students For Posting Shapiro’s Quote About Transgenderism

23 april 2017

Venezuelas socialisthelvede

Venezuela cannot wake up from its socialist nightmare.

The Venezuelan opposition just staged a massive protest against the government, which the government repressed with military force, leading to at least three deaths, The New York Times reports. Detained opposition activists say the authorities tortured them, according to Reuters. Meanwhile, across the country, people are starving.

Mere her

Hollywood kendisserne, der tilbad Hugo Chavez, er mærkværdigt tavse.

12 april 2017

Buhu og klynk: USAs vicepræsidents tilstedeværelse gør mig “unsafe” !

De amerikanske universiteters tåbeligheder når nye højder

Nu er nogen “unsafe”, altså ikke sikker, fordi USAs vicepræsident Pence besøger universitetet !

Jeg går ud fra at hvis hans tilstedeværelse gør dem “unsafe”, så vil en total fjernelse af alle offentige (= federale) tilskud til “universitetet” gøre stedet med “safe” … 🙂

Hvor ville det være forfriskende, hvis Trump og Pence reagerede med omgående at fjerne enhver støtte !

Taget herfra, hvor du kan læse mere om vanviddet på venstrefløjen i USA

Her er en video med Comting Forever med flere eksempler på tåbelige “studenter” og “lærere” på “universiteter” i USA :
Taget herfra, hvor du kan læse mere om (bl.a) vanviddet på venstrefløjen i USA

Taget herfra, hvor du kan læse mere om vanviddet på venstrefløjen i USA

8 april 2017

Columbia University indfører apartheid vendt mod hvide heteroseksuelle

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