Hodjanernes Blog

4 oktober 2017

Amnesti for illegale kan medføre kædeindvandring af op til 19 millioner

According to Princeton University researchers Stacie Carr and Marta Tienda, the average number of family members brought to the U.S. by newly naturalized Mexican immigrants stands at roughly six.

Therefore, should all 1.5 million amnestied illegal aliens bring six relatives each to the U.S., that would constitute a total chain migration of nine million new foreign nationals entering the U.S.

If the number of amnestied illegal aliens who gain a pathway to citizenship under an immigration deal were to rise to the full 3.3 million who would be eligible for DREAM Act amnesty, and if each brought in three to six foreign family members, the chain migration flow could range from 9.9 million to 19.8 million foreign nationals coming to the U.S.

Mere på Breitbart

2 oktober 2017

Grotesk: Paul Golding og Jayda Fransen på flugt i Europa

I have some bad news for you my friend: The police have issued arrest warrants for Jayda and I!

Why? Because we had the courage to confront a gang of convicted migrant child rapists!

Then, once we were officially charged with ‘harassing’ these Muslim gang rapists, the police slapped a new bunch of restrictive, over-the-top and unnecessary bail conditions on us.

We challenged these conditions in the Magistrates Court and they refused to overturn any of them!

Subsequently, Jayda and I are literally ‘on the run’ in Europe (pictured below), unable to return to the UK because we will be arrested and thrown into prison!

Yesterday, Jayda and I attended a meeting of French patriots in Paris and we personally met French hero Jean Marie Le Pen (pictured below).


We need to fight and defeat this latest round of persecution – can we depend on your support during this crisis?

Støt Britain First her

1 oktober 2017

Sandheden om korruptionssagen mod Senator Bob Menendez

En sag med store potentielle konsekvenser og som MSM ikke omtaler fordi den anklagede er Demokrat.

Colin Kaepernick donated $25,000 to group named after convicted cop killer and former Black Liberation Army member Assata Shakur who broke out of jail and fled to Cuba

Filed under: Black Lives Matter, Kriminalitet, Mord, Politi, sport, USA/Canada, Vold — Hodja @ 00:12

Kaepernick’s foundation made the donation to Chicago-based Assata’s Daughters, named after former Black Liberation Army member Assata Shakur, in April as part of a $1million charitable pledge.

  • Colin Kaepernick’s foundation made the donation to Assata’s Daughters in April
  • The Chicago-based charity is named in honor of cop killer Assata Shakur
  • Shakur was convicted in the 1973 shooting death of a New Jersey state trooper
  • The Black Liberation Army member escaped from prison and lives in Cuba
  • She was godmother to rapper Tupac Shakur, whose stepfather aided the escape
  • Charity is a ‘collective of radical Black women’ affiliated with Black Lives Matter

Mere på Daily Mail

28 september 2017

Demokratisk senator anklaget for korruption

Filed under: Demokraterne, Hykleri, Jura, Korruption, Kriminalitet, Politik, USA/Canada — Hodja @ 17:31

Hvis Bob Menendez var republikaner, havde du hørt om det.

Colin Flaherty forklarer balladen om NFL

27 september 2017

ISIS-terroristernes koner hjalp deres mænd med at voldtage Yazidi sex-slaver

Seeham Haji Khudayda, a 22-year-old Yazidi woman from northern Sinjar, was sold seven times during her ISIS captivity.

Like chattel, she was passed from one ISIS fighter to the next. She was raped almost daily. Sometimes she was gang raped by her owner’s guards. But of all the abuses she endured, what outraged her the most was the women who were complicit in it — and who participated directly in her rape.

The wives and children of ISIS fighters would often participate in verbally and physically abusing Yazidis, according to accounts from survivors I spoke to in Dohuk.

The second ISIS fighter who bought Seeham had a wife who helped him rape Seeham.

“I said, please kill me, don’t rape me, I love my husband. He said it’s not your decision. This is halal. In the Koran, it’s mentioned that you can take the women of other religions as sex slaves. This is our right, we are not doing anything wrong, it’s according to Islamic law.”

Most of the Yazidi survivors I spoke to described similar abuses from ISIS wives. In some cases, they say the children of ISIS fighters also abused them.

“In some cases, the wives and children of the ISIS fighter would also beat Yazidi children,” adds the report.

Mere her.

Når ISIS er nedkæmpet i Syrien og Irak kommer de stakkels enker og børn sikkert til Eurabia – uskyldige som nyfalden sne.

‘Stop thinking with your bleeding heart instead of your brain’: Outrage as Government says Australia will resettle and provide welfare for 70 children of dead ISIS fighters

Muslima sagsøger sin chef for at nægte hende at bære hijab – dommeren giver hende en slem overraskelse

Muslimer beder udenfor Retten i Westminster

Scores of Muslim activists staged a protest action outside London’s Westminster Magistrates Court, Monday, in support of advocacy organisation CAGE’s chief Muhammad Rabbani who was facing trial under the UK’s 2000 Terrorism Act for refusing to divulge his mobile phone password during a police stop-and-search operation.

25 september 2017

Britisk Politi fortsætter krigen mod Britain First


Man kan støtte Britain First her.

Sudanesisk immigrant skyder løs i kirke i Tennessee – 1 dræbt og 7 sårede

En sort indvandrer fra Sudan skyder løs i hvid kirke – så det hører du intet om.


Gerningsmanden Emanuel Kidega Samson

21 september 2017

CNN indrømmer endelig sandheden

Berufsverbot igen i Sverige

Får sparken som lärare – angiven av sina elever.

Jan Sjunnesson, tidigare chefredaktör för SD-tidningen Samtiden, har fått sparken som lärarvikarie sedan hans elever angivit honom för skolan.

Nu har bemanningsföretaget som förmedlade vikariatet sagt att de inte kan ha kvar mig, säger han via sin Facebook.

Sjunnessons elever hade googlat fram vad Expo, Expressen, Aftonbladet och andra hade skrivit om honom och sedan angivit honom för skolan.

Mere her.

20 september 2017

Breaking news

Politiet meddeler at islamiske terrorister truer med at dræbe alle amerikanske statsborgere i Los Angeles.

Talsmanden oplyser, at man frygter, at tabstallet kan blive helt op til 9 personer.

19 september 2017

Pæstilensisk terrorist deporteres fra USA i dag

Rasmea Odeh was convicted of killing two Israelis in a supermarket bombing.

Odeh, 48, was convicted in 2013 for concealing her arrest, conviction, and imprisonment in her application for United States citizenship in 1995. Odeh had killed 2 Israelis in a 1969 supermarket bombing she carried out for Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

Odeh received a life sentence for her role in the murder, but was released in 1980 in exchange for an Israeli soldier captured in Lebanon. Odeh immigrated to the United States in 1996, and became a prominent anti-Israel activist. In April, she was keynote speaker at the pro-Palestinian Jewish Voices for Peace Conference, where she implored the crowd to “stop the Zionist land grab in Palestine”.

Mere her.

New York: Studine går i sultestrejke for at få professor der er FRIKENDT for sex-chikane fyret

Løgnepressens ‘fredelige demonstranter’

Venstrefascistisk Sturmabteilung (S.A. 2.0)


18 september 2017

Radikal borgmester anklages for nepotisme

Københavns Kommunes beskæftigelses og integrationsforvaltning, der ledes af den radikale borgmester Anna Mee Allerslev (R), ansatte i månederne efter kommunalvalget i november 2013 fire personer med tilknytning til de Radikale, heraf tre personer, der direkte havde været tilknyttet borgmesterens kampagne og hjulpet hende med at blive genvalgt.

Det viser en række aktindsigter, Radio24syv har fået i ansættelsesforløbet.

Project Veritas og James O’Keefe chikaneres med retsforfølgelse

Det er nu racistisk at rapportere om plyndringerne under naturkatastrofer

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