Hodjanernes Blog

3 oktober 2017

Nigel Farage udstiller EU på Brexit og volden i Spanien

Filed under: Brexit, EU, Kulturberigelse, Multi-kulti, Spanien/Portugal, TrumfEs, UK — Tags: — trumfes @ 21:18

Og det gør han på sin sædvanlige slagkraftige måde



Taget herfra

13 september 2017

Barcelona: Sagrada Familia evakueret af terrorpoliti på grund af mistænkelig lastbil

Filed under: EU, Europa, Politi, Politik, Spanien/Portugal, Terrorism — Hodja @ 00:12

31 august 2017

Europa: Til grin for vore egne penge – jihadister på bistandshjælp

Jihadister på bistandshjælp over hele Europa:

  • While taking money from Swiss taxpayers, Abu Ramadan, a well-known Salafist, called for the introduction of Sharia law in Switzerland and urged Muslims to avoid integrating into Swiss society. He also said that Muslims who commit crimes in Switzerland should not be subject to Swiss laws.
  • “This scandal is so huge that it is difficult to believe. Imams who preach hate towards Christians and Jews, and who criticize the depravity of the West, are granted asylum and are living comfortably as refugees on social welfare. All this with the complicity of cowardly and incompetent authorities who give carte blanche to the complacent and naive assistants of the asylum and social welfare system.” — Adrian Amstutz, Swiss parliamentarian.
  • City officials in Lund remain undeterred: They have launched a pilot project aimed at providing Swedish jihadists who are returning from Syria with housing, employment, education and other financial support — all thanks to the Swedish taxpayers.

Mere her fra Gatestone Institute

Inkompetencen blandt politikere, embedsmænd og andre myndigheder er grænseløs.

Indvandringen fører til brutale overgreb

27 august 2017

Xavier Martinez’s søn blev myrdet af terroristerne i Barcelona

25 august 2017

Terrorimams menneskerettigheder beskyttet af spanske dommere

Reports suggest Abdelbaki Es Satty, the imam thought to have acted as the Barcelona terror attack’s mastermind, should have been deported from Spain in 2014 after completing a prison sentence — but judges accepted this would breach his human rights.

Various outlets have reported claims by the the Spanish daily newspaper El Mundo that Satty was ordered to leave the country in April 2014 after serving a sentence for drug smuggling, but judges agreed deportation would breach his human rights when he launched a legal appeal.

Mere her

21 august 2017

Younes Abouyaaquoub Barcelona terroristen skudt af spansk politi

The suspected driver behind the Barcelona terror attack was shot dead Monday, wrapping up a multi-day, international manhunt for Europe’s most-wanted man — who’s believed to be the final member of the Spanish extremist cell behind last week’s deadly incidents.

Spanish police confirmed the “suspicious person” they confronted in Subirats, a town 28 miles west of Barcelona, was Younes Abouyaaquoub, the 22-year-old Moroccan-born man Spanish authorities believe is the driver who rammed a vehicle into pedestrians at Las Ramblas promenade, one of the city’s most popular tourist attraction.

Mere her

Younes Abouyaaqoub – Europas mest eftersøgte

Younes Abouyaaqoub, 22, is still missing after a group of fanatics massacred 14 people and injured 130 when vehicles ploughed into crowds in two separate attacks on Barcelona’s famous Las Ramblas and tourist resort Cambrils.


He is believed to have fled on foot after the Las Ramblas attack in which a van zig-zagged through into helpless tourists and shoppers in the heart of Barcelona.

Police raided Abouyaaqoub’s flat in Ripoll – around 65 miles from Barcelona – as they says the terror cell behind the attacks has been “dismantled”.

Pictures taken inside the run-down apartment show a book entitled ‘The Life of the Prophet Muhammad’ on a mattress on the floor of a filthy bedroom.

Mere Her

18 august 2017

CNN (Crap network News) om Barcelona : det er igen lastbilens skyld

Igen leverer fake-news CNN en TÅBELIG forklaring

Det var – selvfølgelig – en lastbil, der lavede terrorhandlingen …

Jeg kunne et svagt øjeblik godt tænke mig at en “lastbil” ramte nogle CNN-såkaldte “journalister” …

så kan det være – måske – at det ville gå op for CNN-såkaldte “journalister” at der skal nogen til at køre en lastbil …

Taget fra Vlad

Det er ALT for svært for CNN at finde ud af, hvad der skete

Her lufter en pseudojournalist fra CNN muligheden af at det er en copycat af Charlottesville,
altså et nazistisk terrorangreb !!

Der findes jo ikke nogle andre terrorister, der er kendt for den slags forbrydelser, vel …

og de 5 dræbte terrorsvin ved en lignende terrorhandling i Spanien i går var jo alle nynazister, ikke sandt –

nåh nej, de var jo – til CNNs store forbavselse – muslimer …

Nigel Farage hos Tucker Carlson om terroren i Europa

Five jihadis wearing suicide belts are killed and seven people injured as gunfire erupts in beach resort south of Barcelona.

SECOND terror outrage hours after 13 died in van attack on Las Ramblas

  • Five terror suspects are dead after a second terror attack near Barcelona in eight hours left seven people hurt
  • The jihadis were gunned down by police in the beach resort of Cambrils, 70 miles from Barcelona
  • The men, apparently wearing suicide belts, had tried to kill pedestrians with a car before it crashed
  • Earlier a terrorist in a van killed 13 and injured more than 100 on Barcelona’s iconic Las Ramblas promenade
  • Police said the attacks were linked, as was an explosion on Wednesday in a third resort town that killed one 
  • Officers now think the blast was a bomb factory exploding and more than 20 butane gas canisters were found 
  • One man was arrested after being pulled from the rubble and a second man was held after handing himself in

Mere på Daily Mail

17 august 2017

Venstrefløjen i Spanien (inklusive Barcelona)

Grafitis en contra de los turistas

Billedet er fra Palma Mallorca.

Barcelona: Terrorist i varebil kører fodgængere ned på Ramblaen i Barcelona – 13 døde – 50 sårede – 2 gerningsmænd? – gidsler?

BREAKING: Terror fears in Barcelona after van crashes into pedestrians along Las Ramblas tourist district before driver flees on foot ‘and gunshots are heard nearby’


Gerningsmand?: Driss Oubakir?

Several people are hurt after a van drove into crowds of people in Barcelona
Emergency services have rushed to the scene near the Las Ramblas tourist area
The driver of the van is thought to have fled after ploughing into pedestrians

Gerningsmændene siges at have forskanset sig på en bar i nærheden.

10 august 2017

Landgangsbåd med invasionstropper lægger til ved turiststrand ved Cadiz i Spanien

A group of around two dozen people suspected to be illegal migrants from Africa have arrived by boat on a Spanish beach and scattered among sunbathers.

Amateur video footage showed a black inflatable boat coming ashore in Cadiz, on the southern Spanish coast. As the boat pulled into shallow water, those on board leaped out and ran up the beach. One onlooker asked in an astonished voice, “What’s going on?”

Carlos Sanz, who shot the video Wednesday afternoon while on vacation in Cadiz, said the group quickly vanished and police only arrived some time later.

Spanish officials couldn’t immediately be reached after office hours.

Det er ikke første gang.

Spain under Islamic conquest

29 juni 2017

Migrant chaos on the Costas: Spain’s holiday beaches are the new backdoor to Europe.

The result? Tragic drownings and police overwhelmed amid fears ISIS may be smuggling in terrorists

  • Last week, 1,025 migrants had arrived illegally on the Andalusia coast in Spain
  • Every day, more arrive in what is becoming the fastest-growing migrant route
  • A police speedboat carried the body of a drowned Algerian migrant into Almeria 

Mere på Daily Mail

12 juni 2017

Du har sikker hørt myten om hvor godt kristne/jøder blev behandlet under Islam

Muslimerne erobrede Andalusien i Spanien i 7-hundrede tallet

Ligesom myten om hvor “fredeligt” jøder og muslimer levde sammen i “Palæstina” er det bare en ofte gentaget løgn

Dario Fernandez Morera har skrevet denne bog om myten om “paradiset” i den muslimsk-erobrede del af Spanien:

Han kommer ind på mange interesssante emner: Dhimmie, Jizra, Sharia, Fikh mm. og sammenligner bla. med nutidens ISIS :

Send denne video til den næste, der kører løs med de sædvanlige politisk korrekte floskler om hvor godt jøder og kristne havde det i Andaluz !

8 juni 2017

Lone Nørgaard cand.mag. om “Det Andalusiske Paradis”

I denne video stiller lektor Lone Nørgaard, hovedstyrelsesmedlem i Dansk Samling, skarpt på myten om det såkaldte ’andalusiske paradis’.

ANDALUSIAN_PARADISEMyten har i multikulturalismens navn domineret i historieskrivningen og historieundervisningen de seneste årtier:

I en folkevandringstid er myten den politisk opportune fortælling om, at muslimer, jøder og kristne levede sammen i fred og fordragelighed. At den muslimske tolerance skabte fredelig sameksistens i Andalusien. Men går man til kilderne, så viser den udbredte myte sig at være en andalusisk and!

Et væld af kilder og arkæologiske udgravninger giver nemlig et andet billede af tiden fra islamisk erobring i 711 til undergangen i 1492.

Kilderne fortæller en ganske anden historie end glansbilledet: Kulturel, økonomisk, religiøs og politisk undertrykkelse af alle minoriteter fra de muslimske magthaveres side.

Altså det modsatte af et ’paradis’, medmindre man var en del af den muslimske elite.

9 maj 2017

Trykkefrihedsselskabet: Det islamiske Andalusien – paradis eller propaganda?

“Hvis bare islam kunne blive som i Middelalderens Spanien – dengang islam stod for tolerance og mangfoldighed.”

Det udsagn høres tit i islamdebatten, men var Middelalderens islamiske Spanien (Andalusien) overhovedet så tolerant?

Ikke ifølge historiker Torben Hansen, der længe har beskæftiget sig med emnet. Kilderne fortæller nemlig en anden historie end glansbilledet: Kulturel, økonomisk, religiøs og politisk undertrykkelse af alle minoriteter fra de muslimske magthaveres side. Altså næppe et ’paradis’, medmindre man selv var en del af den muslimske elite.
Kom og bliv oplyst om, hvordan tidens aktuelle multikulturelle dagsorden bygger på kviksand.

Talere: Lone Nørgaard og Torben Hansen
Dato: 15. maj 2017
Tid: 17-19
Sted: CEPOS, Landgreven 3, 3. sal 1301 København K.
Entré: Gratis for medlemmer. 50 kr. for ikke-medlemmer.
Tilmelding: trykkefrihed@trykkefrihed.dk

27 april 2017

“Do NOT come to the UK!” Britain First team heads to Calais to deter migrants!

The area around Calais, in northern France, is still inundated with migrants heading for the UK.

Britain First leader Paul Golding and a team of activists headed to northern France to deter and dissuade Muslim migrants from trying to invade Britain.

23 april 2017

Der er ikke 30 millioner afrikanere på vej til Europa – det er 100 millioner!

Menneskesmuglerne arbejder sammen med NGO’erne om at skaffe migranter i 100.000’er hertil finansieret af ukendte sponsorer!

Bernard Lugan, a well recognized scholar, university prof, author, on subjects concerning Africa and geopolitics, speaks with RT on recent geopolitical changes in the region and their implications. And yes, its better than I am making it sound here.

Kilde: BBC News:

“Italy migrant crisis: Charities “colludes” with smugglers

An Italian prosecutor says he has evidence some of the charities saving migrants in the Mediterranean sea are colluding with people- smugglers.

Carmelo Zuccaro told La Stampa (in Italian) phone calls were being made from Libya to rescue vessels.

“we have evidence that there are direct contacts between certain NGOs (non-governmental organisations) and people traffickers in Libya”, Mr. Zuccaro is quoted as saying in La Stampa.

Mr. Zuccaro`s comments come amid growing criticism of NGO activity on the Mediterranean.”

Some of the organizations involved in migrant rescues include Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontiers), SOS Mediterranee, Save the Children and Malta-based Mobile Offshore Aid Station (MOAS). All have denied accusations that they are in collusion with traffickers.

Luigi Di Maio, vice president of the Chamber of Deputies, a house of Italy’s parliament, accused NGOs of being ataxi of the Mediterranean,” and defended his statements in a Facebook post.

Estimated operating costs for each vessel are upwards of £10,000 a day, allegedly provided by donations alone.

The funding certainly makes for interesting reading. Investigations by the US human rights investigator and lawyer William Craddick claim that several of those chartering rescue boats are linked to the financial patronage of those who support mass migration and free movement.

25 februar 2017

Verdens mure – der er kun 2 der betyder noget for løgnepressen og venstrefløjen


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