Hodjanernes Blog

31 august 2017

@Liz_Wheeler: Liberal tears don’t govern our nation. The Constitution does.

Om Sheriff Arpaio og venstrefløjens hykleri.

24 august 2017

Tucker og Mark Steyn anmelder Hillary Clintons ny bog

9 august 2017

Bill Clinton 1994

6 august 2017

Judge Pirro angriber direkte Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch og Comey!

Og kræver Hillary Clinton for en særdomstol under edsansvar !

Vi er nemlig blevet klogere i de sidste 48 timer !

Jeg har allerede skrevet en artikel om det

Her er den slagkraftige dommer om samme sag med endnu flere fakta !

Hun har ret : Obama, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton og Comey har i den grad svindlet og løjet at de alle fortjener at komme for en domstol

MSM fake-news: Washington post og new York Slimes samarbejdede med DoJ for at dræbe nyhed

Og FBIs tidligere driektør Comey LØJ om det

(DoJ=Department of Justce !)

Du husker sikkert nyheden om at Bill Clinton og USAs justitminister Lynch havde et hemmeligt møde i et fly på en afsides plads i en lufthavn – lige før Comey skulle afgive sin “rapport” om Hillary Clintons emails

Bill Clinton og Lorretta Lynch påstod at de to på det timelange møde kun havde snakket om “børnebørn” !

Og Comey påstod under ed at han ikke havde nogle dokumenter om mødet – underforstået at det ikke var nogen stor sag

Nu viser det sig at Comey løj – der var dokumenter, fordi FBi anså det for et stort problem

OG at “Journalister” fra bl.a. Wasington comPost og New York Slimes aktivt medvirkede til at dræbe historien ved ikke at omtale den – folk i USA skulle jo nødigt tro at det var aftalt spil …

Det viser bare endnu en gang, hvor nødvendigt det er at gøre noget ved den taktiske kollaboration mellem såkaldte MSM medier og Obama-regeringen

Trump har – endnu en gang – fået ret : MSM Washington Post og New York Times er ikke andet en fake-news medier

Taget fra Vlad

4 august 2017

Tak Bill Clinton

As if the news out of North Korea wasn’t bad enough, things might get a lot worse within the next 18 months.


We should not be surprised if the Communist dictatorship develops a hydrogen bomb – the ultimate atomic weapon – with the potential to kill millions of people.

A Defense Department official I spoke to recently on the condition of not revealing his name told me it now appears the North Koreans are working to finish development of an H-bomb, and that they could succeed in as soon as six to 18 months. Such a bomb would be many times more powerful than the atomic bombs the United States dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan that led to the end of World War II.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un claimed early last year to have tested an H-bomb, but most experts debunked such claims, arguing that the North had developed what is called a boosted fission weapon – or in layman’s terms, a more powerful atomic bomb. However, reports at the time coming out of South Korea claimed that North Korea was likely “one level away from a hydrogen bomb.”

Mere her.

3 august 2017

Korrupte Hillary Clinton brugte udenrigsministeriet som sin private forretning

Tjenester fra Hillary kunne købes for bidrag til Clinton Foundation – Huma Abedin var mellemmanden (kvinden).

Newly obtained emails from Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin reveal friends of the Clinton Foundation and political allies seeking personal favors from the Clinton State Department, Judicial Watch said Wednesday.

Hillarys skødeløshed viser, at hendes arrogance var så stor, at hun aldrig fik den tanke, at hun ikke ville blive præsident.


Kongresmand King dokumenterer at Obama/Hillary Clinton mm. bør undersøges

Og det gør han meget overbevisende på 5 minnuter

det er en youtube video, men youtube er åbenbart begyndt at gøre det vanskeligt at referere direkte til en video – man tvinges til en omvej via google

Hvis er er nogen, der kan fortælle mig, hvordan man går direkte til youtube-videoen ud fra google adressen, vil jeg meget gerne vide det

Indtil da må du klikke på dette link fra Vlad

Congressman King sets the record straight on who subverted who

Ved at søge på congressman King har jeg fundet denne næsten identiske version direkte på youtube:

30 juli 2017

Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s IT medarbejdere Awan brødrene sendte oplysninger til Det Muslimske Broderskab

Udover at de hjalp hende med at forråde Bernie Sanders så Hillary kunne blive nomineret som Demokraternes præsidentkandidat.

Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz seemingly planned to pay cyber-probe suspect and IT aide Imran Awan even while he was living in Pakistan, if the FBI hadn’t stopped him from leaving the U.S. Monday. Public statements and congressional payroll records suggest she also appears to have known that his wife, a fellow IT staffer, left the country for good months ago — while she was also a criminal suspect.

Now questions are surfacing regarding Awan’s attorney.

One of the first questions is how can the Awan brother afford his attorney.  Already reported was Awan’s financial duress.  If he was in poor financial condition who is paying his attorney?  His attorney is Chris Gowan who is a high-powered Clinton attorney.

Kongresmedlem: Nordkoreas ICBM er sandsynligvis en trussel mod USA’s vestkyst

North Korea tested a missile today that “probably” demonstrated their capability to strike America’s Pacific Coast, a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee warned.

Defense Department spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis said in a statement today that the Pentagon “tracked a single North Korea missile launch today at about 10:41 a.m. EDT.”

“We assess that this missile was an intercontinental ballistic missile, as had been expected,” Davis said. “The missile was launched from Mupyong-ni and traveled about 1,000 km before splashing down in the Sea of Japan. We are working with our interagency partners on a more detailed assessment.”

Mere her



20 juli 2017

Emails: Clintonkampagnen forsøgte at skjule sine forbindelser til Rusland

Donald Trump Junior’s meeting with a Russian lawyer is now uncovering alleged ties between Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and Russia.

An email released by Wikileaks shows the campaign worked to cover up its opposition to sanctions against Russia, and its ties to a speech Bill Clinton gave in Moscow for $500,000. One America’s Sani Unutoa has the story.

27 juni 2017

Ikke Fake News: Donald Trump er IKKE under FBI efterforskning – gentager: IKKE!

Ikke Fake News: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders og  Loretta Lynch ER under efterforskning – gentager: ER!

Du hører det selvfølgelig ikke fra Løgnepressen.

In early June, Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, launched a new probe of former Secretary of State Clinton’s attempts to deflect a Bangladesh government corruption investigation of Muhammad Yunus, a Clinton Foundation donor and friend of Hillary and Bill Clinton.

“If the Secretary of State used her position to intervene in an independent investigation by a sovereign government simply because of a personal and financial relationship stemming from the Clinton Foundation rather than the legitimate foreign policy interests of the United States, then that would be unacceptable,” Grassley said in a letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Sanders and his wife are both under investigation over a bank loan Jane Sanders got to expand Burlington College while she was its president, CBS News reported last week.

The couple has sought legal protection over federal agents’ allegations from a January 2016 complaint accusing then-President of Burlington College, Ms. Sanders, of distorting donor levels in a 2010 loan application for $10 million from People’s United Bank to purchase 33 acres of land for the institution.

And former Attorney General Loretta Lynch is now under investigation, too. The Senate Judiciary Committee last week opened a probe into Lynch’s efforts to control the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s email scandal.

Former FBI Director James Comey testified this month, that she tried to get the FBI to downplay that probe. “At one point, she directed me not to call it an ‘investigation’ but instead to call it a ‘matter,’ which confused me and concerned me,” Comey said.  Comey said Lynch’s request “gave the impression the attorney general was looking to align the way we talked about our investigation with the way a political campaign was describing the same activity.”

From the nonstop coverage of Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia during the 2016 presidential election, you’d think he was under FBI investigation. But he isn’t. Instead, three big Democratic players are.

21 juni 2017

Clinton Foundation giver UNDER 3 % af indsamlede midler til velgørenhed !

Det var IKKE det, Hillary sagde under valgkampen …

The Clinton Foundation har nu indleveret skattepapirer fra 2014 ,og heraf fremgår det at

Organization’s totale omsætning var $177, 804,612.00
mens beløbet til velgørnede formål var $5,160,385.00 !

Meeen til gengæld var der jo så også løn til ikke mindre end 486 ansatte !!

Man skulle tro de havde nogle regler i USA om hvor meget – eller rettere hvor lidt – en velgørende fund kan nøjes med at give at de indsamlede midler

Taget herfra, hvor du kan læse mere

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The Architecture of Regime Change

The ‘Resistance’ is using any and all means — lies, leaks, lawbreaking, and violence — to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

Med Hansons gennemgang ser man tydeligt, hvad der foregår og hvad Trump kan gøre ved det.

11 juni 2017

Indiana: 12 Demokrater anklaget for valgsvindel

Twelve employees of an Indiana group tied to former Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and former President Bill Clinton were charged Friday for allegedly submitting fake or fraudulent voter registration applications before the 2016 presidential election.

The Indiana Voter Registration Project, an Indiana-based group focused on mobilizing and registering black voters, allegedly submitted an unknown number of falsified applications, according to a probable cause affidavit. Eleven canvassers temporarily employed by the group were charged by Marion County prosecutors, along with their supervisor Holiday Burke — with one count each of procuring or submitting voter registration applications known to be “false, fictitious, or fraudulent.”

8 juni 2017

Obamas justitsminister Loretta Lynch tvang Comey til ikke at kalde Hillarys email sag en “kriminal undersøgelse”

Han siger nærmest, at det var en følge af Bill Clintons ‘hemmelige’ møde med Lynch i en lufthavn.

31 maj 2017

Philippinerne: Duertes kamp mod ISIS

5 maj 2017

FBI har fundet en email fra justitsminister Loretta Lynch hvor hun skriver “at hun vil beskytte Hillary Clinton mod kriminelle anklager”!


23 april 2017

Ny bog om Hillarys valgkampagne

The new Clinton campaign tell-all, Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaignreveals how Hillary Clinton personally placed blame for her bruising defeat on Russian meddling “within twenty-four hours of her concession speech.”

The blistering behind-the-scenes book, by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes, illustrates how Hillary Clinton furiously blamed her defeat on the FBI investigation into her private emails, Russian interference, and Trump’s supposed support from “white nationalists.”

Mere på Breitbart

4 marts 2017

The Deep State War on Trump

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