Hodjanernes Blog

16 september 2017

British Immigrants United Against Terror og Gays Against Sharia og FGM i Bristol

17 august 2017

Martin Luther King


9 august 2017

Hagekorset: Symbolet på kærlighed fred respekt og frihed

Filed under: Historie, Holocaust, Homoseksuelle, KZ, Loonies, Nazisme, Transgender, WWII — Hodja @ 21:09

A clothing company has drummed up controversy for emblazoning the swastika on its merchandise.

HAGEKORSThe shirts, created by KA Designs, were sold on the popular website Teespring, and featured rainbow-colored swastikas with the words “Peace,” “Zen”and “Love.”

KA Designs claims that their intention behind using the symbol commonly associated with the Nazi party was to reclaim the symbol to represent the LGBTQ community.

In their original description of the product, KA Design wrote, “Here at KA we explore boundaries. We push them forward. Let’s make the Swastika a symbol of love and peace. Together, we can succeed.”

In a promotional video for the product, the company stated, “They [the Nazis] stigmatized the swastika. They won. They limited our freedom. Or maybe not? The swastika is coming back together with love, peace, respect and freedom.”

Mere her

24 juli 2017

Barnes & Noble sælger Hitlers Mein Kampf men ikke Milo’s ‘Dangerous’

Filed under: Bøger, Censur, Homoseksuelle, Nazisme, Politik, Politisk korrekte, USA/Canada — Tags: , — Hodja @ 22:56

Spændende tider – om ikke andet.

Filed under: Black Pigeon, Homoseksuelle, IQ, Politik — husmanden @ 12:43

Black Pigeon er ikke bange for at tale om forskningsresultater om intelligens.

På en måde forstår jeg godt socialisternes ønske om at kontrollere (afgrænse) vor opfattelse af verden, for guderne skal da vide, at der er gang i den derude – også så man kan blive helt rundtosset.

Som mange konservative har jeg intet imod homoseksuelle – så længe de holder det i det skjulte. Mænd der holder hånd, får mig til omgående at finde nærmeste busk, hvor jeg kan kalde på uurlrik. Jeg er primitiv, vil dem med de rigtige meninger, mene. Og at den gennemsnitligt faldende intelligens i Vesten skyldes homoseksualitet betvivler jeg, men at den skyldes indvandring fra den tredje verden, er jeg ikke i tvivl om.

Men lad os se på det positive: Der er ifølge den citerede forskning en god chance for, at Søren Pape har hævet hoppeborgens intelligens. Det kan vel også kun gå den vej.

16 juli 2017

Muslimske ledere indgiver klage over ‘islamofobiske’ bannere ved Londons Pride Festival

Muslim leaders have lodged a formal complaint with the organisers of London’s Pride festival after placards allegedly bearing Islamophobic messages were spotted at the event.

GAYA secularist group of former Muslims were seen carrying a series of controversial signs during the march through the capital last weekend.

Banners bearing slogans such as “Allah is gay”, “F*** Islamic homophobia” and “East London Mosque incites murder of LGBTs” were carried at the event by members of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB), who were a participating group listed on Pride’s website.

But leaders from the Muslim community wrote to the event’s organisers to raise concerns the messages incited hatred.

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17 juni 2017

Transhalløj sensitivitetstræning i US Army


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13 juni 2017

Hjernedøde ANTIFA studenter der protesterer mod Tommy Robinson aner ikke hvem han er

ANTIFA’er kan ikke forklare hvorfor de går ind for at myrde homoseksuelle:

ANTIFA tabere og gale venstrefløjsere går agurk når de hører sandheden:

USA: Venstrefascistisk transvestit smager sin egen medicin:

4 maj 2017

#FireColbert Trending After Unhinged, ‘Homophobic’ Trump Tirade

While the establishment media yet again exposes its blatant bias against all things conservative by giving Stephen Colbert a pass for dropping “c**k holster” on the President of the United States, #FireColbert has been trending on Twitter.

In fact, on Tuesday, it reached the No. 2 trending topic nationally. But it’s not only pro-Trumpers promoting the hashtag, some in the LGBT community are also calling foul on Colbert’s “homophobic” rant.

In fact, the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s cock holster.

But social media is responding less sympathetically, including many from the LGBT community.

Newsweek, which attempts to paint Colbert as more of a victim than the offender in the situation, nonetheless admits that Colbert’s joke “has clearly caused offense among some in the LGBT community.” One example Newsweek grudgingly provides is from openly gay author and journalist Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept.

“Homophobia for the right cause, with the right targets, is good homophobia, apparently,” Greenwald tweeted Tuesday.

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8 april 2017

Columbia University indfører apartheid vendt mod hvide heteroseksuelle

Gavin McInnes: Hvorfor har Pepsi trukket deres reklame?

9 marts 2017

Vi, de uanstændige ekstremister

Den journalistiske elite forsøger desperat at lukke munden på anstændige, bekymrede danskere ved at betegne dem som højreekstremister, der skal udelukkes fra den offentlige samtale.

Jeppe Juhl svarer igen.

22 februar 2017

Hykleri: Bill Maher angriber Milo og forsvarer pædofili – hvornår kaster venstrefløjen sig over ham?

Bill Maher is taking a victory lap, claiming he was instrumental in Milo Yiannopoulos’ downfall.

But it seems as though Maher is guilty of defending sex with children.

21 februar 2017


Tucker vs. hjernedød anti-Trump bøsse

18 februar 2017

Milo Yiannopoulos hos Bill Maher

Bill Maher to Guest Who Canceled Because Of Breitbart Editor: We Lose Elections Because Of These Anti-Free Speech Antics

3 februar 2017

Optøjer imod ytringsfriheden i Berkeley Californien

29 januar 2017

Milo vs. faktahadende muslimaer

10 januar 2017

Fox journalist konfronterer Brooklyn advokaten Dan Goldstein der chikanerede Ivanka Trump og hendes børn på fly

Jesse Watters Confronts Ivanka Trump Harasser – Watters’ World Jan 6, 2017

7 januar 2017

Donald Trump interview fra 2000 om homoseksuelle og minoriteter

Fra ‘The Advocate’:

Last fall Donald Trump shook up the political world by announcing he was joining the Reform Party, a major step in exploring a run for president.

Recently I put a wide-ranging set of questions to Trump concerning gay issues, to which Trump responded in writing. His answers might surprise some pundits, both for their thoroughness and for their bluntness.

Why should gays and lesbians be interested in you as a presidential candidate?
I grew up in New York City, a town with different races, religions, and peoples. It breeds tolerance. In all truth, I don’t care whether or not a person is gay. I judge people based on their capability, honesty, and merit. Being in the entertainment business — that is, owning casinos and … several large beauty pageants — I’ve worked with many gay people. I have met some tough, talented, capable, terrific people. Their lifestyle is of no interest to me.

Would we see gay people in a Trump administration?
I would want the best and brightest. Sexual orientation would be meaningless. I’m looking for brains and experience. If the best person for the job happens to be gay, I would certainly appoint them. One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace, good people don’t go into government. I’d want to change that.

What would you do to combat antigay prejudice?
I like the idea of amending the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include a ban of discrimination based on sexual orientation. It would be simple. It would be straightforward. We don’t need to rewrite the laws currently on the books, although I do think we need to address hate-crimes legislation.

What are your thoughts on gay marriage?
I think the institution of marriage should be between a man and a woman. I do favor a very strong domestic-partnership law that guarantees gay people the same legal protections and rights as married people.

Does that mean you’d support hate-crimes legislation?
Absolutely. This is one of my great disappointments with George W. Bush. He had the opportunity in Texas to show national leadership by passing a hate-crimes bill but didn’t — presumably from pressure form the Christian right. When somebody is victimized because of their ethnicity, the color of their skin, or their sexual orientation, that must carry a harsh penalty.

Læs resten af interviewet her.

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