Hodjanernes Blog

11 september 2017

Britiske lærere tør ikke undervise om 9/11 af angst for at blive beskyldt for islamofobi

This is what a society that has capitulated looks like.

UK teachers should teach about 9/11 forthrightly, and explain to their students about the Islamic teachings that motivated it, and the nature and magnitude of the global jihad threat. Instead, they cower in fear of Muslim parents and students. That’s no way to win a war.

And they won’t win it.

1 september 2017

Sun Tzu: Kend din fjende – men ikke i repræsentanternes Hus

Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer discusses the House of Representatives’ vote against a measure that would require military officials to study the motivating ideology behind the jihad threat.

14 august 2017

Hvordan George W. Bush vandt krigen i Irak – og Hussein Obama tabte den

Pete Hegseth, som tjenestegjorde i Irak, fortæller her om det i denne Prager University video

24 juli 2017

President Trump Cancels Obama/Kerry CIA Program Arming ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria…

Reports surface today that President Trump has cancelled the 2012/2013 covert CIA program giving weapons to ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria.  [Washington Post Link]

Various news organizations frame the issue as cancelling the program to “arm the moderate opposition to Bashir Assad”.

However, those news reports are entirely false.


29 maj 2017

Danske skibe transporterer våben og militært udstyr til jihadister som al-Qaeda og ISIS

Die Waffenlieferungen aus Bulgarien nach Saudi-Arabien haben sich verdoppelt.

Von dort gelangen sie in die Hände von Aufständischen, die aus den USA und den Golfstaaten unterstützt werden. Das Portal EurAsia Daily verfolgte die Waffenlieferungen und entdeckte sogar Schützenpanzer.
Seit dem Jahr 2012 fluten die Golfstaaten und die US-Geheimdienste Syrien mit Waffen. Im Rahmen von Programmen wie “Timber Sycamore” kaufen dubiose Firmen massenhaft Waffen ein, unter anderem in Kroatien und Bulgarien. Dieser Waffenfluss aus Bulgarien über Saudi-Arabien nach Syrien hat sich verdoppelt, wie das Internetportal EurAsia Daily mitteilt.

Zumindest fahren aktuell zwei Schiffe der dänischen Firma H. ​​Folmer & Co auf der Strecke Burgas-Dschidda. RT berichtete bereits im März darüber, dass der Frachter Marianne Danica und Hanne Danica bulgarische Waffen nach Saudi-Arabien lieferte.

Den türkischen Bloggern Yörük Isik und Alper Böler, die sich in der Verfolgung von Schiffen spezialisiert haben, gelang es, die Hanne Danica zu fotografieren, als sie Istanbul durchquerte vorbei und veröffentlichten die Bilder auf Twitter.


Darüber hinaus war die Marianne Danica bereits in Skandale mit Waffenlieferungen im Nahen Osten verwickelt. Zum Beispiel in Ägypten. Dabei ist der Kunde immer der gleiche – die US-amerikanische Firma Chemring.

Zu den Zielländern gehören der Jemen und Syrien. In Bulgarien ist Chemring einer der wichtigsten Kunden des Wazowski Maschinenbauwerk (VMZ), das Pistolen- und Maschinengewehrpatronen sowie Antipanzergranatenwerfer und Raketen produziert. Die Munition von VMZ wurde nicht nur in den Händen von Dschihadisten der sogenannten “gemäßigten Opposition”, sondern auch bei der syrischen Al-Kaida und des Islamischen Staates festgestellt.

23 april 2017

USA’s Justitsministerium tager statsborgerskabet fra al-Qaeda terrorist

On April 19, Chief Judge Beryl A. Howell of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia entered an order that revoked the naturalized U.S. citizenship of a confessed al-Qaeda operative Khaled Abu al-Dahab.

Restrained and enjoined him from claiming any rights, privileges, or advantages of U.S. citizenship and ordered him to immediately surrender and deliver his Certificate of Naturalization and any other indicia of U.S. citizenship to federal authorities, the Justice Department announced.

Mere her

Ilhan Omar, the 34-year-old community organizer who came to America as a refugee from Somalia, was touted by Democrats as a model success story.

She was one of only two members of the Minnesota State House to vote against a bill that would allow life insurance companies to deny payouts to the beneficiaries of terrorists who die in violent attacks on Americans.

4 april 2017

“Se på 9/11 med Al-Qaeda’s øjne”

13 februar 2017

Marine sergents Facebook video har 44 millioner visninger

12 februar 2017

Islam apologist i Homeland Security – ren komedie

Dan Lundgren cannot get a straight answer about Islamic threat assessment from then Assistant Defense Secretary for Homeland Defense, Paul Stockton.

We laughed at the cluelessness of Nigel Tufnel in the comedy, “This Is Spinal Tap.” Watch the very same scenario play out in a Congressional hearing. If you cannot bring yourself to identifing your enemy, you have ZERO chance of being able to defeat it. These go to 11, A perfect example of the reality switch being turned off when dealing with Islam.

29 januar 2017

Stefan Molyneux om Donald Trumps såkaldte af løgnepressens udråbte’muslim forbud’

President Donald Trump’s recent immigration related executive orders temporarily ban visitors from Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Sudan from entering the United States without “extreme vetting” and stop the intake refugees from these countries for at least 30 days.

Is this a “Muslim Ban” as is being reported – or is the mainstream media lying to you once again?

19 december 2016

Trey Gowdy Tells Andrea Mitchell The Truth About What Really Happened In Benghazi

3 december 2016

Le Parisien kortlægger muslimsk terrorisme i Frankrig og Belgien

La galaxie djihadiste.

Se den omfattende undersøgelse her.

17 oktober 2016

Trey Gowdy Unleashes Hell On Hillary Clinton & Obama

So basically threatened Obama to on the tarmac? Basically said if goes down, Obama goes, too?

Fra RealJamesWoods

8 oktober 2016

Whistlebloweren fra Department of Homeland Security Phil Haney om Obama administrationens samarbejde med Det Muslimske Broderskab

In this presentation, ex-DHS agent Haney details the Obama administration’s attempts to derail investigations into terrorism as it relates to Islam.

29 september 2016

En interessant og alternativ beskrivelse af krigen i Syrien

På Paul Watson youtube kanal kan man finde denne video af “syrian girl”

Umiddelbart virker den som russisk propaganda, men det forhindrer den jo ikke i muligvis at være sand

Så tag den med to gran salt :

En ting er sikkert: der er INGEN grund til at stole på Obama/Kerry/Hillery’s udtalelser om krigen mod AlQaida/ISIS/younameit

Ikke, når man ved, hvad Hillary Clinton/Obama har løjet om ifbm Benghazi affæren

Det var først, da Rusland angreb ISIS mål, speciel olielastbilerne at Obama gjorde noget alvorligt i Syrien , hvis man ser bort fra at trække røde linjer …

11 september 2016

15-årsdagen for 9/11

As America looks back on the September 11 terrorist attack that changed the nation, the direction of education in the country seems on track to ensure that U.S. students either forget that day entirely or view it as a result of America’s own failure to be open and accepting of other cultures.

“Culture war” commentator Stanley Kurtz tells Breitbart News that the situation is likely only to grow worse with the left-leaning Advanced Placement (AP) U.S. History and European History frameworks shaping the minds of current-day American students.

Mere på Breitbart

Trump 100% Vindicated: CBS Reports ‘Swarm’ On Rooftops Celebrating 9/11

17 juli 2016

al-Qaedas terrormanual downloadet 55.000 gange i UK alene

Filed under: Al Qaeda, EU, EURABIA, Europa, ISIS, Islam, Jihad, Kriminalitet, Mord, Muslim, Terrorism, Trusler, UK, Vold — Hodja @ 22:24


16 juni 2016

Osama bin Ladens livvagt bor i Bochum Tyskland og kan ikke udvises

Der Tunesier Sami A. soll einer der Leibwächter des verstorbenen Terrorpaten Osama bin Laden gewesen sein trotzdem lebt er seit Jahren unbehelligt in Deutschland.

Die Stadt Bochum wollte ihn bereits mehrfach in seine Heimat zurückschicken, doch der 39- Jährige hat gegen seine Abschiebung geklagt und nun Recht bekommen. Das Verwaltungsgericht in Gelsenkirchen entschied am Mittwoch, dass er nicht abgeschoben werden darf.

15 juni 2016

Hussein Obama beordrede DHS til at opgive efterforskning af muslimske terrorister!

Det siger en tidligere ansat i DHS , der nu har skrevet en bog til dokumentation

DHS=Department of Home Security, en organisation nedsat efter 9/11 af præsident Bush

Obama burde for en amerikansk rigret anklaget for forrædderi mod det amerikanske folk



Taget fra tundratabloids

21 maj 2016

Ved du, hvordan ISIS opstod ?

Ellers er her en video fra Prager University, som er fyldt med interessante oplysninger

Jeg lærte da lidt nyt fra den 🙂


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