Hodjanernes Blog

28 august 2017

Engelsk pige tvunget i familiepleje hos muslimer der vil afkristne hende

The Times (£) reports today that a white Christian child was taken from her family and forced to live with a niqab-wearing foster carer in a home where she was allegedly encouraged to learn Arabic.

The story says that child was placed in not one but two Muslim foster homes, against the wishes of her family, by the London borough of Tower Hamlets.

“In confidential local authority reports seen by The Times, a social services supervisor describes the child sobbing and begging not to be returned to the foster carer’s home because ‘they don’t speak English’.

“The reports state that the supervisor heard the girl, who at times was ‘very distressed’, claiming that the foster carer removed her necklace, which had a Christian cross, and also suggested that she should learn Arabic.”

Mere her

17 august 2017

15 marokkanske teenagere behandlet for rabies efter sex med æsel

Filed under: Børneopdragelse, Islam, Læger, Marokko, Medicin, Sex, Unge© — Hodja @ 17:42

FIFTEEN young people in Morocco have caught rabies after having sex with a donkey infected with the disease.

According to reports the teenagers were taken to hospital to treat symptoms which were later found to be rabies.

15 august 2017

Islamvasorer angriber en af politiets fotovogne med farligt kasteskyts

Det skete mandag aften kort før klokken 19.00, hvor ATK-vognen holdt på Helsingørmotorvejen med en civil ansat i vognen, der lavede hastighedsmålinger i sydgående retning på strækningen.

Den civile medarbejder i ATK-vognen observerede, at en person hang over støjværnet på stedet og kastede brosten mod vognen, hvor der skete skader på forrude og tag. En anden person sås kort efter ligeledes hænge over støjværnet, og han kastede en mindre statue mod ATK-vognen, som er en mørkeblå VW Transporter, der holdt parkeret i den vestlige side ved broen på Fuglegårdsvej i Gentofte.

Nordsjællands Politi beskriver gerningsmændene på denne måde:

A: Mand, mellemøstlig af udseende, 16-18 år, 160-170 cm, spinkel af bygning, brun i huden, sort kort hår, Iført sort tøj og sort langærmet trøje med hvidt skrift på maven.


B: Mand, 20-25 år, mellemøstlig af udseende, spinkel af bygning. Iført sort/mørkt tøj med en hætte over hovedet.

Nordsjællands Politi hører meget gerne fra vidner, der har været på stedet, og her tænkes både på Helsingørmotorvejen og parallelvejen Lyngbyvej omkring klokken 19.00 og som har gjort iagttagelser, der kan hjælpe til at finde af gerningsmændene.

Vidner kan rette henvendelse til Nordsjællands Politi på telefon 114 eller på NSJ@politi.dk.

Fra Lokalavisen

26 juli 2017

Professor sagsøger gymnasium for 3,8 millioner $

A professor who has repeatedly appeared on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to discuss being “mobbed” into leaving campus because he is white reportedly filed a multi-million-dollar suit against the school.

Bret Weinstein, who told Carlson earlier this year he has faced calls to resign as well as general harassment from the left, filed a $3.8 million tort lawsuit against Evergreen State College, the Washington Times reported.

Mere her.

11 juli 2017

UK: 14-årig skolepige arresteret for racisme



30 juni 2017

Indoktrinering i canadiske skoler

26 juni 2017

De venstreorienterede journalister hos DR og TV2 leverer falske nyheder af meget grov karakter i Støjberg-sagen

TV-stationernes vinkel på fredagens samråd lå efter alt at dømme fast på forhånd: Man skulle for enhver pris tegne et billede af en Inger Støjberg, der var hårdt trængt.

For at få mast denne vinkel ned over seerne, ignorerede man simpelt hen en stor del af, hvad der foregik under samrådet.

20 juni 2017

Amerikansk dommer frikender muslimske voldtægtsforbrydere og gør dem til ofre

The travesty of justice in Idaho is now complete.

In the summer of 2016, a 5-year-old girl was sexually assaulted and urinated upon by three Muslim migrant boys in Twin Falls, Idaho. Since then, instead of getting justice, the victim’s family has been abused by law enforcement and governing authorities as if they were the criminals – because what happened to their little girl contradicts the politically correct narrative about Muslim migrants. On Monday, the perpetrators were sentenced, and the final injustice was done to this poor girl.

The injustice began in the proceedings at the Snake River Juvenile Detention Center in Twin Falls when Judge Thomas Borreson of Idaho’s 5th Judicial District ordered the little victim’s parents to say nothing to anyone – ever – about what was said in the courtroom Monday, or to disclose the sentence he gave to the savage attackers. He did allow them to say that they were unhappy with the sentencing, but threatened to jail them for contempt of court if they disclosed why they were unhappy with it.

But even though the victim’s parents were not allowed to talk to me, there were 12 to 15 people in the courtroom who saw and heard the whole sorry business. I was informed of what happened by an anonymous source inside the courtroom – and the more I heard, the more I understood why this judge wanted to keep all the proceedings secret.

Janice Kroeger, the senior deputy prosecuting attorney, who was supposed to be trying these boys for their crimes, defended the boys and repeatedly attacked Lacy, the victim’s mother. A therapist for the boys was present, as well as a parole officer and a detective. Everything that was said was designed to portray the perpetrators as victims. Throughout the proceedings, they were repeatedly called victims, and the youngest one was called “the biggest victim of them all.”

The court heard all about how the attackers are doing well in school, and about how smart they are. They were praised for the supposed ordeal they had to go through. It was claimed that all three are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from having to go through courtroom proceedings.

After this lovefest, which lasted for five hours in the courtroom, all three boys were sentenced, one after the other. All three were given probation. They were not found guilty of rape, but of sexually lewd conduct.

In the midst of this judicial mugging, every time Lacy’s lawyer tried to speak up, he was silenced. The little victim, Jayla, was never even mentioned once by Kroeger or the judge – or by the police or anyone else. Only Lacy mentioned her, when she made her statement. Lacy detailed how the poor girl is still suffering the effects of this attack: She is wetting the bed and having bad dreams, and more.

Yet when Lacy completed her statement, Kroeger lashed out not at the perpetrators or their parents, but at Lacy. She viciously tongue-lashed Lacy for a full 15 minutes, until finally Judge Borreson had to stop her.

Understandably, the parents of the victim were and are devastated. Back in April, when the attackers initially pleaded guilty, Twin Falls County Prosecutor Grant Loebs said: “I am pleased that we were able to resolve this case in a way that was approved and agreed to by the victim’s family. This continues to be a serious and sad case, but it was resolved properly.”

Nothing could be further from the truth. The resolution of the case was not accepted by the victim’s family, and it was not resolved properly.

From the beginning to the end, for Idaho officials this case was about one thing, and one thing only: not justice for this poor little girl who was brutalized and abused, but about making sure that Americans don’t start to realize what is happening and oppose the Muslim migrant influx. Idaho officials were willing to sacrifice this girl’s well-being for that goal – to their everlasting shame.

If there were any justice, Judge Borreson would be impeached and removed now. Meanwhile, please help the victim and her family meet their considerable expenses: Contribute here.

Da dommeren  jo ikke vil have, at sagens detaljer kommer frem, bringer vi hele teksten som en cadeau til ham.

9 juni 2017

Unge© overfalder mentalt retarderet mand i Philadelphia uden grund

Spejlblank tysk finansminister

Tysklands finansminister Wolfgang Schäuble mener vi kan lære toleranse fra islam.

«Vi kan lære av dem. Mange menneskelige verdier er veldig sterkt representert i islam. Tenk på gjestfrihet, og andre ting som, hva er det … Og også toleranse, tror jeg, for eksempel,” sier finansministeren til radiostasjonen Deutschlandfunk. “Det er fanatisme, ikke bare i islam, som fører til forferdelige forbrytelser,” mener han, ifølge nettavisen Breitbart.
Han fremhevet at «islam er en del av Tyskland. “Den som fornekter dette, benekter virkeligheten og er derfor ikke egnet til å være politikere, fordi politikk er å konfrontere virkeligheten,” la han til.

Mere på Frie Ord

8 juni 2017

Jens Rohde himler op over satirevalgplakat

Facebooksiden “Hårdt mod styrbord” har fremstillet denne plakat – Rohde troede først det var de Konservative.


Jeg er desværre ikke på Facebook, så jeg kan ikke tage del i løjerne.


6 juni 2017

Venstreorienteret indoktrinering er en kunstform – også i amerikanske skoler

A New York school district has launched an investigation into a student art show that included profane references to President Trump.

The art show at Shen High School featured a dozen drawings of the president’s face. Above the drawings was a sign that read, “Draw on Me.” On a nearby table was a box filled with markers.

Let’s just say, the youngsters did not hold back.

8 maj 2017

Hijab Barbie Instagram stjerne


4 maj 2017

Tucker taler med Fuambai Ahmadu en antropolog der er fortaler for FGM

28 april 2017

Berkeley 1969

25 april 2017

Linda Sarsour Caught Lying about Female Genital Mutilation in Islam

After learning that a female genital mutilation gang had been arrested in Michigan, faux feminist Linda Sarsour tweeted:

“Female genital mutilation has no place in Detroit or anywhere else in the world. Female genital mutilation is barbaric and is not an Islamic practice.”

In this video, our hero David Wood turns to Muslim scholars and Islam’s most trusted sources to see if female genital mutilation (female circumcision) is prescribed in Islam.

19 april 2017

Kvindelig muslimsk foredragsholder: ikke noget pædofili problem med 9 årige

Hør selv denne canadiske muslim bortforklare at Muhammed havde sex med 9-årige Aisha

Og som følge af det, har muslimer intet problem med det …

Taget herfra

12 april 2017

Berlinsk skole: “Anti-semitisme er helt normalt og OK blandt muslimske skoleelever!”

The case of a British Jewish child forced to leave his Berlin school after being subjected to anti-Semitic violence has provoked outrage and soul-searching in Germany.

The 14-year-old, was beaten, kicked and threatened with a replica gun after he revealed to fellow pupils that he was Jewish.


He endured a campaign of intimidation by Muslim pupils who told him “Muslims hate Jews. All Jews are murderers.”

His British mother, told that the school had done little to stop the bullying.

“They told us this is normal for adolescents from this background, that they’re just trying to find their identity,” she said. “But it shouldn’t be normal. I’ve never experienced such direct anti-Semitism before in all the years I’ve lived in Germany.”…

10 april 2017

Londonistan: 6-årig pige blandt ofre for “æres-forbrydelser”

Children younger than 10 are among hundreds of suspected forced marriage and “honour” crime victims in London.

It can be revealed that reports of “honour” violence soared more than 40 per cent over the past five years, with 1,081 made to Scotland Yard. Those relating to forced marriages doubled in the same period, with 367 in total.

Women and girls overwhelmingly form the majority of reported victims, with more than half coming from Asian backgrounds. Dozens of rapes and other sexual crimes were reported as well as knives and guns being involved in more than 70 incidents.

Aneeta Prem, founder of the Freedom Charity, which helps victims and visits schools to educate children, said they had recently provided support to a six-year-old girl suspected of being groomed by her family for a forced marriage after being taken to Bangladesh.

Det er det muslimske kvinder kalder “den vidunderlige respekt for kvinder i islam.”

6 april 2017

Ekstrem dyremishandling i Voldsmose

Dyrenes Beskyttelse kører ikke længere til Odense-bydelen Vollsmose for at hente tilskadekomne katte efter en episode, hvor en dyreredder er blevet overfaldet af en gruppe unge i bydelen.

Det er typisk kattekillinger, det går ud over. Vi ser katte, der har fået revet ben og hoveder af. Vi har katte, hvor man har prøvet at rive skindet af, fået prikket øjnene ud eller har brækket ben og ryg, siger Therese S. Wilbert fra Kattens Værn.

Det værste var et kuld killinger, der krøb rundt med deres indvolde hængende ud, fordi de havde fået maven skåret op siger en anonym kilde.

Mere her

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