Hodjanernes Blog

27 september 2017

Muslima sagsøger sin chef for at nægte hende at bære hijab – dommeren giver hende en slem overraskelse

Muslimer beder udenfor Retten i Westminster

Scores of Muslim activists staged a protest action outside London’s Westminster Magistrates Court, Monday, in support of advocacy organisation CAGE’s chief Muhammad Rabbani who was facing trial under the UK’s 2000 Terrorism Act for refusing to divulge his mobile phone password during a police stop-and-search operation.

19 september 2017

Pæstilensisk terrorist deporteres fra USA i dag

Rasmea Odeh was convicted of killing two Israelis in a supermarket bombing.

Odeh, 48, was convicted in 2013 for concealing her arrest, conviction, and imprisonment in her application for United States citizenship in 1995. Odeh had killed 2 Israelis in a 1969 supermarket bombing she carried out for Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

Odeh received a life sentence for her role in the murder, but was released in 1980 in exchange for an Israeli soldier captured in Lebanon. Odeh immigrated to the United States in 1996, and became a prominent anti-Israel activist. In April, she was keynote speaker at the pro-Palestinian Jewish Voices for Peace Conference, where she implored the crowd to “stop the Zionist land grab in Palestine”.

Mere her.

27 august 2017

Trump har benådet sheriff Arpaio og den hykleriske venstrefløj og RINO’er hyler

What on earth has happened to the moral and political sensibilities of Paul Ryan, John McCain, Jeff Flake, Jeb Bush, etc.?

All of those RINOs who are attacking President Trump for pardoning Joe Arpaio are simpering, whining traitors to the party they allegedly represent. They should declare themselves Democrats and be done with the masquerade.

Perhaps they should remind themselves of all the criminals and thugs that President Obama pardoned, or that President Clinton pardoned. Trump made it clear at his rally in Phoenix that he was going to pardon the beleaguered sheriff.

Mere her

Sheriff Arpaio blev som bekendt dømt for at håndhæve USA’s immigrationslovgining.

RINO = Republican In Name Only






JK Rowling Is The One Talking “Bollo*ks”!

25 august 2017

Terrorimams menneskerettigheder beskyttet af spanske dommere

Reports suggest Abdelbaki Es Satty, the imam thought to have acted as the Barcelona terror attack’s mastermind, should have been deported from Spain in 2014 after completing a prison sentence — but judges accepted this would breach his human rights.

Various outlets have reported claims by the the Spanish daily newspaper El Mundo that Satty was ordered to leave the country in April 2014 after serving a sentence for drug smuggling, but judges agreed deportation would breach his human rights when he launched a legal appeal.

Mere her

23 august 2017

Sagen om Debbie Wasseman-Schultz’s IT medarbejdere er meget mærkelig

To summarize, the indictment is an exercise in omission.

No mention of the Awan group’s theft of information from Congress. Not a hint about the astronomical sums the family was paid, much of it for no-show “work.” Not a word about Wasserman Schultz’s keeping Awan on the payroll for six months during which (a) he was known to be under investigation, (b) his wife was known to have fled to Pakistan, and (c) he was not credentialed to do the IT work for which he had been hired. Nothing about Wasserman Schultz’s energetic efforts to prevent investigators from examining Awan’s laptop. A likely currency-transportation offense against Alvi goes uncharged. And, as for the offenses that are charged, prosecutors plead them in a manner that avoids any reference to what should be their best evidence.

There is something very strange going on here.


20 august 2017

Heimaturlaub (ferie i hjemlandet)

As German Integrationsbeauftragte (integration commissioner) Aydan Özoguz (SPD) explains, Germany doesn’t foot the bill for just any asylum seeker.

They have to be Ausnahmefällen (exceptional cases) before the German tax payer will be asked to send them on an all expenses paid flight back home – and back again.

Someone’s mother dying would be such an exceptional case, for instance. Anybody’s mother (it doesn’t have to be your own). Or maybe your ex-neighbor’s dog is suffering for an ingrown toenail. Or maybe you forgot to bring your favorite bowling ball with you when you were on the run and now you have the urgent need to go pick it up. For integration purposes, of course. You know, exceptional cases like that.

I’m not making this up, people. Not all of it anyway.

50,000 (2015), 100,000 (2016), 200,000 (2017)… That’s the number of lawsuits filed by refugees in Germany who have been denied asylum here.

Michael Stürzenberger om skandale fængselsdommen

19 august 2017

Der er noget grueligt galt i Tyskland

System-, islamkritiker og forfatter for PI Michael Stürzenberger er netop idømt 6 måneders fængsel for at bringe autentiske billeder i en anmeldelse.

sturzenbergerfbDie Saat geht auf. Das Zusammenspiel von Justiz, bayerischem Verfassungsschutz und Staat läuft wie geschmiert: ein weiterer Anschlag auf die Freie Meinungsäußerung in einem Regime, das seine Kritiker mittlerweile stärker kriminialisert als die eigentlichen Täter, die Deutschland bedrohen. PI-NEWS-Autor Michael Stürzenberger wurde heute Mittag in einem Schauprozess von der Strafkammer des Landgerichts München wegen „Verbreiten von Propagandamitteln verfassungswidriger Organisationen“ zu einer Freiheitsstrafe von sechs Monaten verurteilt.

Stürzenberger rezensierte im Juni 2016 auf PI-NEWS den Artikel „Hakenkreuz und Halbmond“ aus der Süddeutschen Zeitung, in dem er auch namentlich erwähnt wurde. Er verwendete in dem gut recherchierten zeitgeschichtlichen Essay auch zwei Originalfotos, die den damaligen Mufti von Jerusalem Mohammed Amin Al-Husseini mit „Hakenkreuz“-Größen zeigte – zur geschichtlichen Berichterstattung im Sinne einer staatsbürgerlichen Aufklärung.

Michael SturzenbergerDiese Verwendung ist ausdrücklich vom Erlaubnistatbestand des § 86 (3) des deutschen Strafgesetzbuches gedeckt. Auch die SZ verwendete ähnliche Originalfotos. Stürzenberger zeigte dabei die zeitgeschichtlichen Schnittmengen der beiden Ideologien „Islamismus“ und „National-Sozialismus“ auf. In einem Facebook-Eintrag wies er sowohl auf den PI-News-Artikel hin, sowie auf den SZ-Beitrag „Hakenkreuz und Halbmond“ und die Forschungsergebnisse des renommierten ägyptischen Politologen Hamed Abdel Samad.

Mere på PI

Enhver, der tvivler på forbindelsen mellem nazisme og islam, kan læse videre her.


7 august 2017

Omkring 25% af alle føderale fanger i USA’s fængsler er indvandrere

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released its latest report on incarcerated aliens Tuesday, showing nearly a quarter of all federal prisoners are immigrants.

Of the 187,855 inmates in Bureau of Prisons’ (BOP) custody, 42,034 — or 22 percent — are foreign-born aliens, according to DHS figures.

The foreign-born share of the overall U.S. population is estimated at 13.5 percent.

About 45 percent of the incarcerated aliens have been issued final orders of removal, and 3 percent have cases pending adjudication before an immigration judge. Nearly all of the rest are under investigation by immigration authorities for possible deportation.

5 august 2017

Dommer lukker munden på forsvarsadvokat

2 august 2017

Sheriff Joe Arpaio dømt for at håndhæve loven

Filed under: Arizona, Dommere, Illegale, Immigration, Jura, Politi, Politik, USA/Canada — Hodja @ 22:19

America’s Sheriff” Joe Arpaio was found guilty Monday of misdemeanor criminal contempt without the benefit of a jury of his peers.

ARPAIOThe guilty ruling, by Bill Clinton-appointed U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton, is the latest chapter of a nearly decade-long saga of legal proceedings against Sheriff Joe initiated by leftist groups opposed to his aggressive policing of illegal aliens. The 85-year-old Arpaio now faces up to six months in jail.

The charges against Arpaio stem from a civil rights suit demanding he cease “racial profiling” in his Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office’s immigration enforcement operations. After a federal judge issued an order demanding certain practices, Arpaio was charged with contempt for continuing to try to enforce the law as he saw fit.

Because Arpaio was charged only with a misdemeanor punishable by a maximum of six-months in jail, the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee him a right to trial by a jury of his peers. Arpaio and his attorneys repeatedly petitioned for a jury, only to be denied by Judge Bolton in March and again in May.

Sources familiar with the proceedings have told Breitbart News the decision to charge only the misdemeanor was likely a ploy by federal prosecutors to avoid a jury trial in the community where Arpaio served as sheriff for more than 20 years.

25 juli 2017

Neger der har myrdet griner i retten – forældre græder

20 juli 2017

Migranter tilstår voldsomme forbrydelser og terrorisme og kan derfor ikke hjemsendes af frygt for tortur og dødsstraf

Myndighederne kan ikke bevise noget, migranterne går fri og har snøret systemet.

Og vi og vore efterkommere skal betale regningen (som sædvanlig), for politikerne vil ikke ændre systemet. Advokater og NGO’er tjener så fedt på hele cirkuset.

Fransk politimand gået i eksil for at poste et billede af lederen af ISIS som en fjende af staten

1 juli 2017

Tucker: “Hvorfor skal illegale ikke overholde loven?”

28 juni 2017

Student får fængselsstraf for at registrere døde personer som vælgere for Demokraterne

HARRISONBURG, Va. — A man paid to register Virginia voters prior to the 2016 Presidential Election will spend at least 100 days in prison for submitting the names of deceased individuals to the Registrar’s Office.


James Madison University student Andrew J. Spieles, 21, of Harrisonburg, pled guilty Monday in the United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia. As part of the plea agreement, Spieles agreed to a prison sentence of 100 to 120 days.

Spieles worked for Harrisonburg Votes when he committed the crime, according to acting United States Attorney Rick A. Mountcastle.

Harrisonburg Votes is a political organization affiliated with the Democratic Party.

Han påstår at have været alene om det!

26 juni 2017

Klar sejr for Trump: Højesteret godkender enstemmigt indrejseforbud

Trump Praises Supreme Court Decision on Travel Ban: ‘Clear Victory’

President Donald Trump praised the Supreme Court’s decision on Monday to review the legality of his temporary ban on travelers from six Muslim-majority countries and all refugees, and to allow it to be partly implemented in the meantime.

“Today’s unanimous Supreme Court decision is a clear victory for our national security,” Trump said in a statement released by the White House, adding: “Today’s ruling allows me to use an important tool for protecting our Nation’s homeland.”

Kilde: Ben Carson News Mail

Daily Wire:

More specifically, the Court consolidated the various cases on the travel ban for hearing in October. Meanwhile, the court relieved the temporary injunctions from the lower courts regarding people attempting to enter the country who “lack any bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States.” Other injunctions, however, were left in place by the Court. Effectively, this means that the Court tossed the cases brought by universities attempting to claim that foreign nationals who might want to enter the United States must be allowed to do so, but left in place specific injunctions against preventing importation of relatives of American citizens from abroad.

22 juni 2017

Professor der blev fyret for at være hvid hævner sig på sin racistiske sorte arbejdsgiver

Female Professor Fired For Being White Just Got Incredible Revenge On Racist Employer

After a very lengthy trial, a jury finally ruled on the case awarding Elizabeth Wilkins a whopping $1.35 million in compensatory damages and $3.5 million in punitive damages for being fired simply for being white.

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