Hodjanernes Blog

25 februar 2017

Verdens mure – der er kun 2 der betyder noget for løgnepressen og venstrefløjen


17 december 2016

Det tyske justitsministerium bruger fortsat forhenværende STASI agent til at kontrollere Internet

The Ministry of Justice has come under renewed pressure to cut ties with Anetta Kahane after a Stasi expert declared her unfit to lead a “sensitive task like controlling the internet” based on her history working with the Communist secret police.

kahaneA review of the former Stasi informant’s files has led to further questions over Justice Minister Heiko Maas’s decision to use Kahane’s Amadeu Antonio Foundation to oversee a programme of removing “hate speech” online and prosecuting its authors.

Writing in Focus on Sunday, Communist political oppression academic and Stasi expert Dr. Hubertus Knabe, said it is “incomprehensible” that the ministry chose a foundation headed by Kahane to lead a “sensitive task such as controlling the internet”.

Director of the Hohenschönhausen Stasi Memorial, Knabe reviewed Kahane’s files and found that she had lied about her history with the Communist secret police, whose repression leaves many survivors still traumatised today.

Mere på Breitbart

29 november 2016

Justin Trudeau i glødende tribut til Fidel Castro

26 november 2016

Diktatoren Fidel Castros død modtages med jubel i Miami blandt eksil-cubanere


Bare rolig, de palæstinensiske arabere kan godt lide Castro …



Synopsis-Olsen har en glimrende artikel om alle de kendte, der elsker/elskede Castro.

Nine Liberal Hollywood Elites Who Normalized Communist Dictator Fidel Castro.

£100 million bed-hopping hypocrite: He claimed he lived on £20 a month. But Fidel Castro had 20 luxury homes, a private island, an 88ft yacht – and mistresses galore.

24 oktober 2016

Viktor Orban speech October 23 2016

50-året for 1956 opstanden i Ungarn.

10 august 2016

Ronald Reagan i 1964

Ronald Reagan – A Time for Choosing (October 27, 1964).

Kunne lige så godt siges i dag – om en anden fjende end dengang.

2 juni 2016

Takket være USAs indsats i Koreakrigen har vi i dag et sundt Sydkorea

Det kostede USa 35000 døde og 100000 sårede. Andre lande bidrog, men i langt mindre skala

Historikeren Victor Davis Hanson fra Prager University fortæller om koreakrigen

11 juni 2015

PET-dokumenter sparker på ny gang i historisk injuriesag

15 dokumenter fra Politiets Efterretningstjeneste er blevet offentliggjort i forbindelse med injuriesagen mellem koldkrigsforsker Bent Jensen og journalist Jørgen Dragsdahl.

Bent Jensen-Foreningen har lagt både citater fra originale dokumenter fra PET og affotografering af dokumenterne ud på foreningens hjemmeside.

Mere på Berlingske

Du kan finde dokumenterne her, hvor du også kan støtte Bent Jensen økonomisk.

22 maj 2015

Anti-fracking (skifer-gas/olie) bevægelsen betalt af Putins Rusland?

Filed under: Den kolde krig, Greenies, Rusland — Tags: , , , , , , , — Hodja @ 10:31

På samme måde som de såkaldte ‘Fredsbevægelser’ under den Kolde krig var betalt af Sovjetunionen, tyder meget på at Putin har en stor finger med i spillet om skifer-gas/olie udvinding:

Fracking has transformed the United States into the largest producer of oil and natural gas in the world, nearly doubling U.S. crude production since 2008. Other nations, such as Poland, have sought to replicate this success, and if fracking were to spread to European nations such as Bulgaria, France, Germany, and Ukraine, Russia would see its largest markets for natural gas exports disappear.

As noted by the Spectator (UK), “RT is an enthusiastic reporter of almost any protest against fracking anywhere, reflecting the interest of the Russian state and Gazprom in discouraging competition and keeping energy prices high.”

Another feature of RT’s coverage of the hydraulic fracturing debate has been to sensationalize the potential environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing in the United States. The network is far less critical of the fracking operations in Siberia; in fact, RT hailed fracking in the region as a “Shale Revolution,” and “an important element of our growth strategy.”

The journal Foreign Policy reports Anders Fogh Rasmussen, then-Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), stated, “I have met allies who can report that Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and disinformation operations, engage actively with so-called non-government organizations—environmental organizations working against shale gas—obviously to maintain European dependence on imported Russian gas.”

Additionally, the magazine reports, “Researchers working on the ground in Central and Eastern Europe say there is plenty of anecdotal evidence, if no smoking guns, of Russian financial support for some environmental groups that have recently mobilized opposition to shale gas development.”

Putin may be a showoff, but he’s no dummy. He realizes most of his geopolitical power comes from his almost-exclusive ability to export energy to European markets.

Mere på The American Spectator

1 marts 2015

Victims of Communism? 94 Million. Memorials To Victims of Communism? Zero

1 januar 2015

“Obama prøvede at flirte med Putin og blev i stedet for ‘dateraped’ ” !

Sådan betegner oberst Ralph Peters Obamas relation med Putin !

Obama roser sig selv for alt, hvad der er gået godt og undlader helt at nævne alt, hvad der er gået galt.

Putins juleønsker

Obama har lige givet diktaturet i Cuba en gave ( ensidig opgivelse af embargoen).
Castro (Raul) svarer omgående med at arrestere cubanske demonstranter …


14 december 2014

Sandheden om Vietnamkrigen

Det har De Gamle Venstreorienterede Medier aldrig fortalt.

23 november 2014

Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him

Che’s bloodthirsty hatred is why Fontova considers him the godfather of modern terrorism. Exposing the Real Che Guevara is based on scores of interviews with survivors of Che’s atrocities as well as the American CIA agent who interrogated Che just hours before the Bolivian government executed him.


Hollywood, Madison Avenue, and the mainstream media celebrate Che as a saint and a sex symbol – a selfless martyr with a love of humanity second only to Jesus Christ’s.

But their ideas about Che – Fidel Castro’s henchman whose face adorns hipsters’ T-shirts, posters, and ad campaigns – are based on a murderous communist regime’s outright lies.

As Humberto Fontova reveals in this myth-shattering book, Che was actually a bloodthirsty executioner, a military bumbler, a coward, and a hypocrite. This biographical account proves it’s no exaggeration to state that Che – who was captured and killed nearly forty years ago – was the godfather of modern terrorism.

And yet Che’s followers naively swallow Castro’s historical revisionism. They are classic “useful idiots.” the name Stalin gave to foolish Westerners who parroted his lies about communism’s successes.

Humberto Fontova interviewed the few people still alive who interacted with Che and can tell the truth about him, while overturning the myths and legends. In this book you’ll learn:

– How Che longed to destroy New York City with nuclear missiles. (So why does Angelina Jolie sport a Che tattoo, while denouncing violence as a U.N. ambassador of goodwill?
– How Che promoted book burning and signed death warrants for authors who disagreed with him. (So why did Jean Paul Sartre praise him as a “perfect” man, and why did Time Magazine name him one of the 100 most influential people of the century?)
– How Che made amazingly racist statements about blacks. (So why do Jesse Jackson, Jay-Z, and Mike Tyson say nice things about him?)
– How Che persecuted gays, long-haired rock and roll fans, and religious people. (So why do Carlos Santana, Madonna and Johnny Depp think he’s so cool?)
– How Che, the devoted Communist, loved material wealth and private luxuries. (So why do the mainstream media still depict him as an ascetic?)

David Horowitz says: “A great service for the cause of decency and human freedom. Deservedly puts Che Guevara in the ash-heap of history. Every American should read this book.”

Published by Sentinel HC April 2007
Hardcover 256 pages, paperback 272, ISBN: 1595230270

Buy this book:


7 november 2014


Filed under: Øst-Europa, Berlin, Den kolde krig, Historie, Tyskland — Tags: , , , — Hodja @ 22:49


Berlin’s anniversary project 2014 – the LICHTGRENZE, a light installation along the former course of the wall in the centre of Berlin around November 9.

Berlin, March 2014.
The LICHTGRENZE is the light installation along the former path of the wall through the city center. It will trace the division of the city over a stretch of approximately 12 kilometers and with thousands of illuminated balloons as an impressive installation in Berlin from 8 to 9 November, 2014. At once emotional, poetic, and serious, this installation remembers the recent historical event, the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989.

Mere på 25 Jahre Mauerfall 2014

Den forhenværende og ausgebürgerte DDR borger Wolf Biermann kalder det tyske venstreparti Die Linke for “De elendige rester” i Bundestag

Via Observing Hermann

27 oktober 2014

Journalister beskylder ofte andre faggrupper for at dække over hinanden

For eksempel politi og læger – i hvilke tilfælde de kan forfølge sager i det uendelige.

Men at en af deres egne deltager i mord, terrorisme og spionage, hæver man knap nok et øjenbryn over Henrik Gade Jensen i JP:

Måske er jeg bare en dum og naiv person, men jeg vidste ikke, at journalist Jan Stage havde været direkte involveret i terrorhandlinger. I 1971 var han chauffør for en terrorist i Tyskland, som myrdede den bolivianske generalkonsul. Terroristen Monika Ertl tilhørte Rote Arme Fraktion og var en kold dræber.Lasse Ellegaard vidste det, men gjorde ikke noget ud af det. Han var chefredaktør for ham på Information. I Information hylder Lasse Ellegard igen, igen Jan Stage, for en som ”trodsede sine indre dæmoner og blev sin periodes bedst sansende reportagejournalist”. Ja, og så lige terrorist. Og spion for et totalitært regime. Bare lige nævnt en passant. Det er åbenbart ikke værd at hæfte sig ved. Det er jo mildt sagt et åndeligt korrumperet miljø, der hersker i dansk, venstreorienteret journalistik, når man dækker over hinanden og med al sandsynlighed end ikke finder nogen skam over det. Den er ikke til at spore hos Ellegaard.

Er det ikke dem, der kalder sig den 4. statsmagt? Hvem kontrollerer den korrupte 4. statsmagt?

10 september 2014

I gamle dage havde de Øst- og Vest-Zonerne i Tyskland

Nu de er sluppet af med dem er Shariah-Zonen stærkt på vej i stedet:

Tak til Observing Hermann som også har denne opbyggelige historie:  Time For The Next Lösegeld Payment.

27 marts 2014

Norske Stoltenberg køres i stilling som Natos næste generalsekretær

Filed under: Den kolde krig, Israel, Norge, Palæstina - Libanon, TrumfEs — Tags: , — trumfes @ 16:12

Men er en norsk Nato- og Israel-hader velegnet til det ? Er der virkelig ingen bedre ?

“Da Jens Stoltenberg var leder af AUF (unge norske socialdemokrater) i 1985, blev han interviewet i Aftenposten om Norges tilknytning til NATO.

– Du er ingen utpreget NATO-tilhenger? spør journalisten.

– Nei, det stemmer. AUFs mål er å nedbygge blokkene og norsk utmeldelse av alliansen, svarer Stoltenberg, før han viser en mer forsonlig holdning:”

Det siger sig selv at Obama ikke har noget imod ham som Fogh’s efterfølger…

Her er han sammen med sine palæstinensiske venner fra Fatah(PLOs væbnede afd. på Utøya :

Taget herfra

Og herfra
hvor du kan læse at han var inspireret af Che Guevara og Castro.
Ligesom Lykketoft…

og her

25 december 2013

Forhenværende østtysker siger sin mening om Mega-Moske i Leipzig

Her afslører en mand, der levede under kommunismens undertrykkelse i Østtyskland, den samme mentalitet i aktion i alliancen mellem venstrefløjen og islam.

25 oktober 2013

Østre Landsret har den 25. oktober 2013 afsagt dom i en injuriesag anlagt af journalist Jørgen Dragsdahl mod historiker Bent Jensen.

Selv om Jørgen Dragsdahl således aldrig har været sigtet, tiltalt eller dømt for overtrædelse af straffelovens § 108, og der ikke er ført bevis for, at Jørgen Dragsdahl rent faktisk var agent for KGB, finder landsretten efter en samlet afvejning af hensynet til ytringsfrihed over for hensynet til respekt for privatliv, at Bent Jensens fremsættelse af ærefornærmende sigtelser mod Jørgen Dragsdahl om agentvirksomhed og desinformation var berettiget efter straffelovens § 267 og § 269, stk. 1, som fortolket i lyset af artikel 8 og artikel 10 i Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedskonvention.

Mere på Østre Landsret

Læs en gammel artikel om Dragsdahls økonomiske bagmænd – de får forhåbentlig mægtig ondt i tegnebøgerne nu 🙂

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