Hodjanernes Blog

3 oktober 2017

Venstrefascister fejrer “Hvide Trump supportere dræbt i Las Vegas massakre”

A leftist teacher celebrated the horrific massacre in Las Vegas because many of the victims are likely to have been “white Trump supporters”.

An anti-Trump activist with the Twitter name ‘Ann #TheResistance’ who is also a teacher reacted to the deadliest mass shooting in American history by tweeting,

“Lots of white Trump supporters in Las Vegas at route 21 watching Jason aldean. Pray only Trumptards died! #prayforvegas.”


Mere på InfoWars

30 september 2017

Tåbelig politisk korrekt bibliotekar nægter at modtage en venlig gave

Fordi giveren var den væmmelige præsidentfrue …

Officielt påstod tåben at det var fordi forfatteren var “racist” …

Vrøvl – forfattreren skrev børnebøger og som Ezra dokumenterer, så har samtlige amrikanske præcidentfruer i nyere tid doneret børnebøger af denne forfatter til skolebiblioteker


Hør Ezra hamre den kloven ned i jorden :




Sikke en hylkerske : fotograferet smilende med børnebøger af præcis  den væmmelige racistiske forfatter …

Hun burde have vasket sin mund med grøn sæbe …


26 september 2017

Gavin McInnes & Tommy Robinson taler om hjernevasken af europæiske skolebørn for at skjule islams sande natur

19 september 2017

Det politisk korrekte Berkeley “universitet” gøre alt for at genere konservative

Se denne video, hvor Milo gør rede for de mange tricks, som benyttes

For Berkeley kan ikke nægte konservative at holde foredrag, men kan stille så mange bureaukratiske forhindringer i vejen som muligt :

Jeg synes at Milo skulle have brugt de 65000 $ på en retsag mod Berkeley og forlange en kæmpe erstatning

Taget fra Vlad

16 september 2017

Litteratur apartheid

Shakespeare er racist.

15 september 2017

Tucker og ANTIFA fascisten Mike Isaacson fra John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Eksempler på Isaacsons Tweets:

Professor who tweeted about ‘dead cops’ suspended


NY police leaders outraged over John Jay College professor’s tweet on teaching ‘future dead cops’

Harvard Universitet indsatte landsforræderen og spionen Chelsea Manning som fakultetsmedlem – nu fortryder de

Manning blev som bekendt benådet af Hussein Obama lige før han aftrådte som præsident.


14 september 2017

Gymnasielæreren Lyn Orletsky fyret efter at sammenligne Trump T-shirt med hagekors

11 september 2017

Britiske lærere tør ikke undervise om 9/11 af angst for at blive beskyldt for islamofobi

This is what a society that has capitulated looks like.

UK teachers should teach about 9/11 forthrightly, and explain to their students about the Islamic teachings that motivated it, and the nature and magnitude of the global jihad threat. Instead, they cower in fear of Muslim parents and students. That’s no way to win a war.

And they won’t win it.

7 september 2017

Top 10 leftist groups wreaking havoc across U.S., sabotaging Trump

So America elected Donald Trump as president and you thought it was finished with the likes of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, leftist billionaire George Soros and radical socialists hellbent on destroying the U.S.?

Not so fast! The nation is now seeing an explosion of coordinated anti-Trump “resistance” in a fierce, multi-front war on President Trump and America. And a WND investigation has found many groups leading the “Trump resistance movement” have the fingerprints of Soros, Clinton and Obama all over them.

To shed some light on the leftist chaos, sabotage and disruption, WND has compiled the following list of the Top 10 leftist groups leading the “Trump resistance movement” and wreaking havoc across America.

Læs om dem og bagmændene her


Four years ago, when art Professor Elizabeth Stephens filmed the documentary “Ecosexual Love Story,” in which she and her partner licked trees, played with mud, and made love with the environment while naked, the term “ecosexuality” was still somewhat unknown.

Google trends show interest in the term has increased exponentially over the last 12 months, seemingly exploding.

That interest can be traced in part back to Stephens, a UC Santa Cruz professor and one leader in the movement that melds art, sex and environmentalism, a la having sex with a tree or marrying the ocean.

Stephens, chair of the art department at the public university, is set to debut her latest documentary “Water Makes Us Wet.”

Stephens also co-led an “Ecosex Walking Tour” in Germany that offered “25 ways to make love to the Earth, raise awareness of environmental issues, learn ecosexercises, find E-spots, and climax with the planetary clitoris.”

Mere her

Tosserne mener, at alt har en sjæl bortset fra en ting – menneskefostre.

3 september 2017

Allerede i 2016 kaldte Obama administrationen ANTIFA ‘terrorister’

Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as “antifa” had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO.

Since well before the Aug. 12 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, turned deadly, DHS has been issuing warnings about the growing likelihood of lethal violence between the left-wing anarchists and right-wing white supremacist and nationalist groups.

Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets. They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI.

Mere her

Så argumenteterne om, at det er Trumps retorik, der har skabt de ‘fredelige’ ANTIFA’er er løgn. Obama har tværtimod holdt hånden over dem.
Public School Teachers Among the Leaders of Important Antifa Faction

This is almost beyond belief. Dozens of public school teachers are members of the ultra-violent Antifa faction “By Any Means Necessary” (BAMN) — with many teachers playing a prominent leadership role in what DHS says in an organization engaged in “domestic terrorist violence.” Several of the BAMN teachers helped organize the violent Berkeley protest that assaulted peaceful protesters.

Even after being arrested for inciting violence, the teachers weren’t fired.

1 september 2017

Tucker og en ANTIFA elskende professor

Matematik er racistisk

29 august 2017

Instant Karma: Professor Ken Storey fyret for at sige at Texas fortjente orkanen Harvey fordi de stemte på Trump

Harvey has been blamed for as many as 15 deaths including six family members who were believed to have drowned when their van was swept away by floodwaters.

The storm has dumped more than 30 inches of rain in parts of Texas and crews have rescued thousands of people left stranded by the storm.

25 august 2017

Flere voldelige negre i skolerne – hvide forældre lader som de ikke ved noget om det

Højere uddannelse


4 august 2017

Kort proces mod professor der tweetede om at Trump skulle dø

2 august 2017

Venstreorienteret professor Lisa Feldman: “Ytringsfrihed er vold!”

26 juli 2017

Professor sagsøger gymnasium for 3,8 millioner $

A professor who has repeatedly appeared on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to discuss being “mobbed” into leaving campus because he is white reportedly filed a multi-million-dollar suit against the school.

Bret Weinstein, who told Carlson earlier this year he has faced calls to resign as well as general harassment from the left, filed a $3.8 million tort lawsuit against Evergreen State College, the Washington Times reported.

Mere her.

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