Hodjanernes Blog

3 oktober 2017


Terrorist attacks, riots, and gang rapes are striking at the very foundations of Europe.

This is the story of a Danish expatriate and his quest to uncover the growing issues within the European society he left 15 years ago, challenging the viewer with a vision of a Europe undergoing drastic and far reaching changes.

2 oktober 2017

Grotesk: Paul Golding og Jayda Fransen på flugt i Europa

I have some bad news for you my friend: The police have issued arrest warrants for Jayda and I!

Why? Because we had the courage to confront a gang of convicted migrant child rapists!

Then, once we were officially charged with ‘harassing’ these Muslim gang rapists, the police slapped a new bunch of restrictive, over-the-top and unnecessary bail conditions on us.

We challenged these conditions in the Magistrates Court and they refused to overturn any of them!

Subsequently, Jayda and I are literally ‘on the run’ in Europe (pictured below), unable to return to the UK because we will be arrested and thrown into prison!

Yesterday, Jayda and I attended a meeting of French patriots in Paris and we personally met French hero Jean Marie Le Pen (pictured below).


We need to fight and defeat this latest round of persecution – can we depend on your support during this crisis?

Støt Britain First her

29 september 2017

Tre svin løber grinende væk efter at have overfaldet en 82 årig mand

Filed under: Kriminalitet, Kulturberigelse, TrumfEs, UK, Voldtægt — trumfes @ 11:27

Ofret har nu brækket 3 ryghvirvler ved det brutale overfald

Her et et politifoto af de tre svin:

De ligner jo ikke ligefrem buddister …

Taget herfra, hvor du kan læse hele historine

27 september 2017

ISIS-terroristernes koner hjalp deres mænd med at voldtage Yazidi sex-slaver

Seeham Haji Khudayda, a 22-year-old Yazidi woman from northern Sinjar, was sold seven times during her ISIS captivity.

Like chattel, she was passed from one ISIS fighter to the next. She was raped almost daily. Sometimes she was gang raped by her owner’s guards. But of all the abuses she endured, what outraged her the most was the women who were complicit in it — and who participated directly in her rape.

The wives and children of ISIS fighters would often participate in verbally and physically abusing Yazidis, according to accounts from survivors I spoke to in Dohuk.

The second ISIS fighter who bought Seeham had a wife who helped him rape Seeham.

“I said, please kill me, don’t rape me, I love my husband. He said it’s not your decision. This is halal. In the Koran, it’s mentioned that you can take the women of other religions as sex slaves. This is our right, we are not doing anything wrong, it’s according to Islamic law.”

Most of the Yazidi survivors I spoke to described similar abuses from ISIS wives. In some cases, they say the children of ISIS fighters also abused them.

“In some cases, the wives and children of the ISIS fighter would also beat Yazidi children,” adds the report.

Mere her.

Når ISIS er nedkæmpet i Syrien og Irak kommer de stakkels enker og børn sikkert til Eurabia – uskyldige som nyfalden sne.

‘Stop thinking with your bleeding heart instead of your brain’: Outrage as Government says Australia will resettle and provide welfare for 70 children of dead ISIS fighters

31 august 2017

Sverige: Voldtægter på børn ned til 3 år bliver ikke efterforsket af politiet

Talsmand for svensk politi: “Der er for mange!

28 august 2017

Turister kulturberiget på strand i Italien

En polsk kvinne skal natt til lørdag ha blitt voldtatt av fire menn på en strand i Rimini og hennes kjæreste blitt slått bevisstløs og ranet, skriver det italienske nyhetsbyrået Ansi.

Politiet har ikke pågrepet noen, men kvinnen har forklart at de fire som angrep henne hadde det hun beskriver som nordafrikansk utseende.

Senere på kvelden skal også fire personer ha angrepet og voldtatt en transseksuell prostituert fra Peru.

Mere her

27 august 2017

JK Rowling Is The One Talking “Bollo*ks”!

23 august 2017

UK: Muslimsk antisemitisk parlamentsmedlem for Labour er enig i at ofre for muslimske voldtægter skal holde kæft for mangfoldighedens skyld

Labour MP and key Corbyn ally shares Twitter message telling Rotherham sex abuse victims to ‘shut their mouths for the good of diversity’ – just days after attacking a fellow party member for speaking out over the issue

  • Labour MP Naz Shah shared Twitter post telling sex abuse victims to shut up
  • It came days after she attacked fellow MP for speaking out on Rotheram scandal
  • Ms Shah’s spokesman later said the Twitter incident was a ‘genuine mistake’
  • She was previously suspended from Labour for making anti-semitic comments 


Naz Shah, who represents Bradford West, shared and liked the post by a parody account of newspaper columnist Owen Jones.

It said: ‘Those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths. For the good of diversity.’

As reported on MailOnline, Ms Shah, a Muslim, was suspended by the Labour Party in 2016 for making anti-semitic comments online.

Independent om hendes antisemitisme:

Were you shocked by Naz Shah’s outbursts on social media? Were you baffled that an aspiring MP would call to “relocate” (that is, destroy and deport) Israel to America? Did you baulk, wondering why on earth a self-respecting politician would ask supporters to vote in an online poll because “the Jews are rallying”?

Don’t be. Because Naz Shah, and everything she said, is normal politics in Bradford.


16 august 2017

Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen arrested again by Kent police

UK: Pædofiljægere fanger muslimsk pædofil mand.

Labour MP Sarah Champion has resigned from the shadow cabinet after she was criticised for penning an article in The Sun acknowledging the fact Pakistani Muslim men target white girls for sexual grooming.

11 august 2017

Jon Gaunt – en brite der siger sin mening

Svenske politifolk smider håndklædet i ringen

Svenske medier skriver om «poliskrisen» og om politifolk som leverer inn skiltet og gir opp.

Der erdobbelt så mange svenske politfolk som har sluttet sammenlignet med for fem år siden. Mange av dem som sier opp er politifolk under 40 år.

Opposisjonen i Sverige kritiserer regjeringen og sier tallene er dramatiske selv når man tar bort pensjonsavganger.

I Stockholm, Göteborg og Malmö har de årlige kostnadene til vektertjenester økt med mange millioner kroner.

Men andre er begyndt at tage over: Arabpolis körde ut ung nationalist i skogen: “Nu ska du få se på sadism!”

7 august 2017

Omkring 25% af alle føderale fanger i USA’s fængsler er indvandrere

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released its latest report on incarcerated aliens Tuesday, showing nearly a quarter of all federal prisoners are immigrants.

Of the 187,855 inmates in Bureau of Prisons’ (BOP) custody, 42,034 — or 22 percent — are foreign-born aliens, according to DHS figures.

The foreign-born share of the overall U.S. population is estimated at 13.5 percent.

About 45 percent of the incarcerated aliens have been issued final orders of removal, and 3 percent have cases pending adjudication before an immigration judge. Nearly all of the rest are under investigation by immigration authorities for possible deportation.

4 august 2017

Nürnberg Domstolen om S.S.

Conclusions of The SS Chapter of the Nuremberg Tribunal Judgment.

The SS

Conclusions: The SS was utilised for the purposes which were criminal under the Charter involving the persecution and extermination of the Jews, brutalities and killings in concentration camps, excesses in the administration of occupied territories, the administration of the slave labour programme and the mistreatment and murder of prisoners of war. The defendant Kaltenbrunner was a member of the SS implicated in these activities. In dealing with the SS the Tribunal includes all persons who had been officially accepted as members of the SS including the members of the Allgemeine SS, members of the Waffen SS, members of the SS Totenkopf Verbaende and the members of any of the different police forces who were members of the SS. The Tribunal does not include the so-called SS riding units. The Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsfuehrer SS (commonly known as the SD) is dealt with in the Tribunal’s Judgment on the Gestapo and SD.

Tribunal declares to be criminal within the meaning of the Charter the group composed of those persons who had been officially accepted as members of the SS as enumerated in the preceding paragraph who became or remained members of the organisation with knowledge that it was being used for the commission of acts declared criminal by Article 6 of the Charter or who were personally implicated as members of the organisation in the commission of such crimes, excluding, however, those who were drafted into membership by the State in such a way as to give them no choice in the matter, and who had committed no such crimes. The basis of this finding is the participation of the organisation in war crimes and crimes against humanity connected with the war; this group declared criminal cannot include, therefore, persons who had ceased to belong to the organisations enumerated in the preceding paragraph prior to 1st September, 1939

Hvorfor bruger man ikke præcedens overfor ISIS og erklærer det for en kriminel organisation og og alle medlemmer for krigsforbrydere?

Det skulle vel ikke være fordi, man ikke ønsker at associere islam med nazisme? Det er som bekendt reserveret til højrefløjen.

1 august 2017

Illegal indvandrer og sexforbryder var udvist til Mexico 20 gange!

An illegal immigrant accused of violently attacking two women in a sanctuary city in Oregon was deported back to Mexico 20 times.

He is now facing several charges in connection with the assaults. One America’s Sani Unutoa has more.

26 juli 2017

Britain First: Politiet fortsætter deres lawfare mod Paul Golding og Jayda Fransen

You may remember a few months ago Britain First led a campaign against a group of convicted migrant rapists in Ramsgate, Kent.

BFShortly afterwards, both Deputy Leader Jayda Fransen and I were arrested and put on police bail.

Today we had to return to a Kent police station and ‘face the music’ as they say.

Jayda was re-bailed to appear again in September, another pointless and unnecessary waste of time keeping her on police bail conditions.

When it was my turn to go into the station, I was promptly arrested and had my photo and fingerprints taken.

The police badgered me to take part in an identification parade, but I refused.

High profile public figures are not supposed to be subjected to identification parades, but that didn’t stop the police trying their luck!

After a while they released me from the station but I have to return with Jayda in September.

The police officers investigating the case informed us the CPS are ‘building a case’ as we speak and want more investigative work carried out.

Why do the police make so much determined effort to protect migrant or Islamic rapists?

Remember Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford and others?

Now we can add Ramsgate to the list of towns where the police act as a ‘Protection Squad’ for Islamist and migrant perverts!

The stupid police think that if they harass me and Jayda enough, we will ‘throw in the towel’ and surrender – they are surely mistaken.

The likelihood is that we will be charged eventually and we could face prison terms – that’s not being dramatic, that’s a fact.

The charge of ‘Inciting Religious Hatred’ alone carries up to 7 years in prison.

This is why we are launching an immediate legal ‘Fighting Fund’ so our solicitors can get to work preparing the groundwork for when we are charged.

I have set a target of £5,000 to cover the legal workload for me, Jayda and South East activist Steve Lewis.

I need all solid patriots to send an emergency contribution to our ‘Fighting Fund’ so we can start preparations for our defence.

Jayda, Steve and I do not mind facing danger and endless police persecution, as long as we know we have you to back us up Jon!

Can you chip in to help us fend off this latest police assault?

Click to make an urgent contribution

23 juli 2017

Udelukket fra Facebook for at fordømme pædofili & for at beskrive Facebooks censur

Løgnepressens behandling af overgrebene i Schorndorf

17 July 2017.Riots broke out in the weekend of 14 – 16 July 2017, in a small town Schorendorf (near Stuttgart) in the German federal state of Baden Würtemberg.

During the riots in which asylum seekers and people with migrants background took major part were women attacked (by asylum seekers), police cars set on fire, police officers roughed up, scolded and spit on etc. This video is dedicated to the way the media had handled the subject and reactions of the locals.

Du kan slå undertekster på engelsk til.

20 juli 2017

Migranter tilstår voldsomme forbrydelser og terrorisme og kan derfor ikke hjemsendes af frygt for tortur og dødsstraf

Myndighederne kan ikke bevise noget, migranterne går fri og har snøret systemet.

Og vi og vore efterkommere skal betale regningen (som sædvanlig), for politikerne vil ikke ændre systemet. Advokater og NGO’er tjener så fedt på hele cirkuset.

Minneapolis: Australsk kvinde myrdet af somalisk politimand

18 juli 2017

Asylansøgere begår masseovergreb ved festival i Schorndorf Tyskland

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