Hodjanernes Blog

8 februar 2006

Forslag nr 2 i billedkonkurrencen

Filed under: Akkari pig picture contest, Islam — Tags: — Hodja @ 22:20

Er egentlig bare mit eget første forsøg med billedmanipulation.

Håber dog ikke jeg vinder en af præmierne.


Det første billede i afbild Ahmed Akkari som en gris konkurrencen er selvfølgelig

Fra Profeten La Kimpolina. http://www.polemiken.net/


Præmierne i konkurrencen kan læses længere nede på denne side.

According to the FBI, the definition of terrorism is:

Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives

Hvis definitionen passer, så er det jo ikke “optøjer” vi er udsat for. Så er det jo terrorisme og i visse tilfælde statsterrorisme.

Sherin Khankan fra Kritiske Muslimer

Trådte lige før 19.30 frem på TV-2 Nyhederne og sagde at Muhammed var, mens han levede, tilgivende og bad bønner overfor folk, som hånede ham.


Jeg tror lige hun skal læse på “profetens” livshistorie igen:

6) Murder of a Jewish poet
Date: Late March 625 A.D.
Place: Fortress of Banu-N-Nadir, outside Medinah
Victims: Kaab Ibn Al’ Ashraf

Among the Jewish tribe of Banu-N-Nadir, was an eminent poet by the name of Kaab Ibn Al’ Ashraf. He was an extremely famous and cultured poet who was considered a genius of verse.He had composed a lament about the Qurayshites who had been so unjustly massacred in the battle of Badr. One day the Prophet proclaimed in his usual sweet manner ” Who will rid me of the dog Kaab Ibn Al Ashraf?”. A certain Muhammad Bin Maslama replied that he would do it, adding “We shall have to tell lies to do it”. Inevitably the Prophet immediately gave the divine authority to lie as necessary. Muhammad Maslama bribed the foster brother of Kaab, a man called Silkan, who was a Muslim. The following night Kaab was visited by his loving foster brother and spent a pleasant evening reciting poetry. Needless to say, after dark, Kaab was dragged out of his bed screaming, and stabbed repeatedly by Muhammad Maslama, Silkan and two other devout Muslims, in full view of his young wife to be. Indeed what a great example of kindness and tolerance, was the Prophet of Islam!

Men det var jo også kun en jøde!

Der findes et eksempel mere, hvor det var en kvindelig digter, der smædede Muhammed, som han fik snigmyrdet.


Filed under: Islam — Hodja @ 17:29


Den amerikanske professor ALAN DERSHOWITZ om CNN

Filed under: Islam, Journalister, Politisk korrekte — Hodja @ 17:09

CNN has shown no courage. It claims it won’t publish the cartoons because they’re offensive. But they have published previous cartoons that are offensive. The fact is, they’re frightened. The fact is, that this kind of religious and intellectual terrorism is working. It is persuading journalists who would otherwise cover this story with the cartoons to back away–not on ideological reasons or not for reasons of protecting or preserving integrity or anything of that kind, but out of physical and economic fear. This is economic, physical terrorism directed at journalists and it is working. They have succeeded in the United States. They have failed in parts of Europe, but they have succeeded in the United States.

…When the burning down of embassies and the fear of fatwas and physical and economic retaliation are what determines the policy, it means that the terrorists have won. And the United States and other European countries have a policy: Never give in to terrorism. Well, they’re now giving in to terrorism by not publishing these cartoons–not because they’re offensive, they publish plenty of offensive cartoons, but because they are frightened and because they lack the courage to confront this kind of terrorist threat.

Med andre ord dhimmier.

Mere: http://www.michellemalkin.com/

Labanen mærker jorden brænder under ham i Danmark

Dansk imam vill ha ny moské i Malmö

Olle Lönnaeus, Niklas Orrenius, Erik Magnusson

Malmö kan få tre nya moskéer. Bakom en av dem står den kontroversielle danske imamen Ahmad Abu Laban.

 Jag har tvåhundra medlemmar i Rosengård, säger han.Islamiska kulturföreningen har idag tre källarlokaler i Rosengård – en i Herrgården, en i Örtagården, en i Törnrosen.
För några år sedan ville föreningens ledning bygga en stor moské- och kongressanläggning i Malmö med saudiska pengar. Men projektet rann ut i sanden.

Nu planerar församlingen att skaffa en större moské med dansk hjälp.
Islamiska kulturföreningen har täta band med Det islamiska trossamfundet Wakf i Köpenhamn; många medlemmar i den svenska föreningen tillhör också den danska.
– Vi har ett religiöst ansvar också för våra vänner i Malmö. Jag var nyligen över och letade lämplig lokal, säger Abu Laban, som är Wakfs grundare och galjonsfigur.

Mere: http://sydsvenskan.se/sverige/article140874.ece

Svenskerne vil sikkert tage imod ham med åbne arme.

Grisemanden fra Frankrig ønsker ikke billedet brugt

Filed under: Islam — Tags: — Hodja @ 12:17

Ahmed Akkari vil ikke undskylde overfor ham for at have brugt billedet.

Og Ahmed Akkari udtaler “det er ikke os der har bragt fokus på det billede” – det er BBC og andre, der har bragt fokus på det.

Kilde: DR-Radioavisen klokken 12. 8-2-2006

Lykketofts dhimmi-holdninger

Regeringen har grebet Muhammedsagen forkert an

Regeringen og statsministeren tog fejl da de gjorde konflikten om Muhammedtegningerne til en sag om ytringsfrihed. Sagen handler derimod om ansvar og respekt for andre menneskers religiøse følelser. Det mener Mogens Lykketoft, udenrigspolitisk ordfører for Socialdemokraterne og tidligere udenrigsminister.

Mere: http://www.dr.dk/P1/p1eftermiddag/Udsendelser/2006/02/07180022.htm

Måske skulle lille Mogens holde op med at bruge sagen indenrigspolitisk, og gøre som partierne og Folketinget aftalte.

Cartoon war updatering

Filed under: Islam — Hodja @ 11:52


For legend see:



Filed under: Islam, Journalister, Politisk korrekte — Hodja @ 11:31


En lige til kulturkanonen: Labanen

Manden lider af så svær en personlighedsspaltning, at han uden problemer kan optages som dobbelt kunde i Alm.Brand Bank.

(Politiken om Abu Laban)

Brydekamp mellem Jesus og Muhammed

Filed under: Islam — Hodja @ 11:03


HAn fik vist kolde fødder 🙂

Holy intolerance – rigtig god artikel

Filed under: Danmark, Hodja, Islam, Muhammed Cartoons, Muslim World, Ytringsfrihed — Tags: — Hodja @ 10:48

Et andet Iransk synspunkt:

David Etebari February 6, 2006, iranian.com

How difficult is it to understand that Western governments can not tell their media to enforce Islamic Sharia just as they do not enforce the Jewish laws?

The recent worldwide Muslim reaction to the cartoons that were published in a Danish newspaper is a good opportunity for the Muslims and their religious leaders to take a deeper look at their own actions before blaming the western media and governments:

The recent worldwide Muslim reaction to that were published in a Danish newspaper is a good opportunity for the Muslims and their religious leaders to take a deeper look at their own actions before blaming the western media and governments:

1- These cartoons were published in a privately owned Danish newspaper 4 months ago (September of 2005). The publicity for the cartoons were initially created by the reaction of the Muslims in Denmark and later in other parts of the world. It was only after the news of the Muslim reaction that the European media (as well as others) started printing the news as well as the cartoons for their readers. Therefore the people who truly publicized the cartoons were Muslims by their over-reaction and not the Danish government or people. This was also the case with the Salmon Rushdi’s book which thanks to some Muslims and Khomeini death fatwa it became one of the worldwide best sellers!

2- If one reads the Danish newspaper and its positions, it is obvious that the intention of the drawings were to spark an INTERNAL debate on whether there still exists freedom of expression or it has given way to the self-censorship in Denmark. However the Muslim reaction resulted in an atmosphere of death threats to the cartoonists to the extent that they are now forced in to hiding.

3- It was not until after the publicities by the Islamic Conference and the Gulf Cooperation Council as well as Saudi, Egyptian, Kuwaiti, Iranian … governments that the worldwide reaction by angry Muslims mushroomed. In fact after 4 months many people (Muslim and non-Muslim) have not yet seen the cartoons but every time that the news of another Muslim riot is shown in the world wide media , more people get curious to see what the cartoons were all about and therefore more media coverage is given to them. If cartoons initially portrayed to the limited Danish newspaper readers a hostile or intolerant vision of Islam and its prophet, it is now the angry and intolerant Moslem mobs who are proving such view of Islam worldwide! The ones who now give legitimacy to the cartoons are no longer the cartoonist, but the ones who make death threats and those who burn flags and the buildings! In the words of a Jordanian journalist who is sadly now arrested for expressing his opinion: “Muslims who turn to violence in order to register their displeasure with the cartoons only turn themselves into the same caricatures against which they protest. “

4- Governments such as Iran, Saudi Arabia , Kuwait, Egypt, etc are facing many internal problems and dissatisfaction with their own people. What better tactic than turning their people’s attention to satanic non-Muslim west while buying themselves legitimacy with their masses for standing up for the prophet of Islam? They also are giving their people the subliminal message that: “This is what happens with Freedom of speech. It depicts your prophet, so let us handle your affairs!”.

5- Western media (and even Moslem media) is often filled with cartoons of Jesus, Moses and even GOD (the old beaded man) but we do not see some Muslims burn flags nor their governments boycott products when they see the caricature of God in the European papers but somehow they get outraged when it comes to their prophet. One wonder who is holier for some: God or his prophet? The Muslim concept of not drawing the prophet was supposedly to prevent his idolization, but aren’t such reactions in nature an example of idolization of him while tolerating the cartoons of the old bearded man!? Doesn’t Islam also believe in Jesus and Moses as prophets of God? If so, why is it that Muslims and their leaders did not get outraged when Al-Jazeera portrayed the invading western troops as a armed fat Jesus or when it showed him as a pot smoking hippy? Why do Christians have to tolerate that and Muslims should not? Why didn’t Muslim show their public street outrage when Taliban bombed engraved statue of Buddha in Afghanistan?

6- How difficult is it to understand that the laws of Islam may state that portrayal of the Muslim prophet is not allowed, but the laws of Denmark does not. How difficult is it to understand that Western governments can not tell their media to enforce Islamic Sharia just as they do not enforce the Jewish laws. Denmark and western countries have many newspapers and media from extreme left to right, from Muslim to Communist, From Buddhist to Zionist, from democrat to Nazi and they all are tolerated and not controlled by their government as oppose to most papers in Muslim countries which are under government control. How difficult is it to understand that these papers do not reflect the opinion of their government or all of their people. Punishing Danish citizens and businessmen by telling them to leave middle east or not buying their products for cartoons that were printed in a privately owned Danish magazine is an attempt to force Muslim beliefs on non-Muslims and to control their media against their constitution.

It is time that Muslims focus on those who create the atmosphere for creation of such cartoons. It is those who kill innocent people in the streets of Baghdad, New York, Paris, London, Madrid, … and those who cut the journalists throats in the name of Islam who truly present an intolerant, hateful and angry image of Islam. Where are the outraged Muslim Imams and Mullahs of Europe and middle east when their Muslim brothers and sisters are blown in to pieces in the street of Baghdad by suicide bombers on a daily basis?

May be if the Muslims masses in Indonesia or Beirut would also had shown their anger over such atrocities done in the name of their religion, such cartoons would not have disappeared. Sooner or later many Muslims have to get a thicker skin and come out of the bubble many live in and stop getting so outraged over a cartoon while they don’t seem to mind the very real issues affecting their own people. In the streets of Baghdad and in the jails of the Islamic republic of Iran, Danish people and their cartoonists do not kill Muslims… those who call themselves Muslims do.

A French editorial hit the nail right on the head when it wrote: “Islam forbids any representation of the Prophet,… The question is, are all those who are not Muslims obliged to honor that prohibition? Can you imagine a society that added up ALL the prohibitions of the different religions? What would remain of the freedom to think, to speak, or even to come and go freely?”

Fra: http://www.iranian.com/Opinion/2006/February/Cartoon/

Men vi får aldrig dhimmierne til at læse den. Se så at få den oversat til arabisk og alle de andre sprog.

Iraner siger: Vi skal ikke sige undskyld

Don’t be intimidated!

On the row over “offensive” cartoons

 The charade by Islamists over the publication ofthe cartoons depicting the Mohammed (prophet) as a suicide bomber is being taken too seriously by many. Apologies after apologies are being delivered to Islamic governments and thugs. Any apology makes them more vicious and more daring. The only weapon they have is hostage taking, bullying, intimidating, killing, maiming, and offending any human values and any libertarian rights.

We should not apologize to these reactionary forces who have organized the most sophisticated machinery of oppression and intimidation, who have organized and mobilized an army of terrorists world wide, who have been  terrorizing the citizens of the Islamic ridden countries as well as citizens of the world, who have the worst criminal record.

This is their weapon: resorting to terror while appearing as victims. They kill, maim, stone to death people for wanting their rights, for wanting freedom, for wanting a better life. They humiliate women daily, deprive them of their rights, torture them for not observing the rule of Islam, and when someone dares to tell the truth about their atrocities, they become offended, they cry for their “violated dignities”, they become “sacred”. This is nothing but blackmail. Just the same way as they take innocent people hostage daily, by crying for their “sacred” beliefs, they take our conscious hostage. This is their method of survival.

The world without unconditional freedom of expression and criticism will be a very doll and scary world to live. These values are result of long and hard fought battles. We have to preserve the right to unconditional expression and criticism. Nothing is sacred for everyone. Thus everyone must have the right to criticize or ridicule any “sacred” concept, object or belief. The only way we can build a better and more humane world is to safeguard with all our power these sacred values. Unconditional freedom of expression and criticism is the sacred value, we should maintain.

Islamists become offended and hysterical too often. They should learn to be more tolerant, more respectful of libertarian rights that have been won through long struggles by humanity and progressive forces. We should teach them to respect freedom and civil rights. We should teach them to respect women’s rights. We should teach them not too readily resort to terror and intimidation. How? By standing firm to their face, and say no apologies are due. If any, it is your turn to apologize for all your crimes against humanity.

Azar Majedi is Chairperson of the Organisation of Women’s Liberation and producer-presenter of “No to Political Islam” an NCTV programme.



Angående Sverige

Filed under: Citater, Politisk korrekte — Hodja @ 09:28

Nogle ting er bedre i Sverige end i Danmark. De har bedre naboer
Victor Borge

Ellemann: Chefredaktør Carsten Juste bør gå

Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten lagde med de 12 Muhammed-tegninger fundamentet til den internationale krise, som Danmark står i nu.

Derfor må avisen medvirke til en løsning, og det sker bedst ved, at ansvarhavende chefredaktør Carsten Juste siger sin stilling op. Det mener tidligere udenrigsminister Uffe Ellemann-Jensen (V).

Mere: http://www.jp.dk/indland/artikel:aid=3544276/

Bare en kommentar: Uffe – hvis du går nu, hvor hurtigt kan du finde din fiskestang frem og tage ud til hytten ved Karup Å?


180 årlige familiesammenføringer er ikke noget problem sammenlignet med, at der er 350.000 arbejdsløse.
Uffe Ellemann-Jensen (Venstre), Jyllands-Posten 21/9 1993.

Konkurrence – competition – konkurrenz

Det er i de sidste dage blevet meget moderne med tegnekonkurrencer.

Lately drawing competitions have become fashionable.

In die letzte Zeit sind Zeichnekonkurrenzen sehr moderne geworden.

Envidere har en i her i landet boende imam ført sig frem med fotoshoppede billeder, der er gået ud over Danmarks navn og omdømme, for ikke at tale om den stakkels uskyldige gris.

A danish imam has been travelling in the Middle East with photoshopped pictures of pigs, which has had a devastating effet on the name and reputation of Denmark, not to speak of the poor innocent pig.

Eine Daenische imam hast in der letzter Zeit in die Arabische Laender herumgereist mit bilder von Schweine, dass die Name von Daenemark zerstoert haben.

Så var det, jeg her til morgen fik en profetisk inspiration, om det var fra Allah eller , hvor skal jeg ikke kunne sige.

So this morning I had a divine inspiration, don’t know if it came from allah .

Diese Morgen kam eine Goettlicher Inspiration – vielleicht von allah – aber das weiss Ich nicht.

Men hvad er mere nærliggende end at kombinere disse fakta.

The solution is off course a combination of these facts.

Der loesung is ja eine kombination von diese Fakten.


Billedkonkurrence – picturecompetition – bildkonkurrenz

Hvem laver det flotteste billede af Skoledrengen udstyret med griseantræk?

Who makes the best picture of the schoolboy looking as a pig?

Wer macht das beste Bild von diese Schulknabe als eine Schwein?



You can find other Fotos of the Schoolboy under his pseudonyme Ahmed Akkari.

Die Pseudonym von der Schulknabe ist Ahmed Akkari, wenn Sie andere Bilder brauchen wollen.

En konkurrence skal selvfølgelig også have præmier. Så jeg foreslår:

1. Præmie: 1 time i selvskab med skoledrengen og hans forklaringer

2. Præmie: 2 timer i selskab med ham

3. Præmie: 3 timer.

You can win:

1st Prize: 1 hour listening to the schoolboys explanation of the pictures

2nd Prize: 2 hours with the schoolboy

3rd Prize: 3 hours

Sie koennen winnen:

1. Praemie: 1 Stunde mit der Schulknabe und seine Erklaerungen.

2. Praemie: 2 Stunden mit Ihn.

3: Praemie: 3 Stunden.

Send mig et link til dit billede, eller send det til mig.

Send me a link to you picture or send it to me.

Sende Sie bitte eine Link zu Ihrem Bild oder das Bild zu mir.

Adresse: hodjakontakt [a] hotmail dot com


Hvem tegne det bedste billede af ham her, for eksempel som Den Store Stygge Ulv:
