Hodjanernes Blog

27 november 2010

Hvem vil da også røre ved koranen?

Filed under: Islam, Jura, Koran, Kristne, Muslim World, Pakistan, Shariah — Tags: , — Hodja @ 22:50

A court in Pakistan has freed a Christian man who was wrongly jailed for 25 years for blasphemy after he allegedly defiled the Koran, the Muslim holy book, by touching it with unwashed hands.

Munir Masih, had consistently denied the allegations against him, arguing that they were false and made maliciously by a Muslim neighbour whose child had been involved in a quarrel with his 10-year-old son.

He has been freed on bail but his wife, Ruqqiya Bibbi,who was also given a 25-year sentence for the offence, is still in jail awaiting the outcome of her application for bail.

They are both appealing against sentence and conviction after Muhammad Nawaz, the man who accused them, admitted they were innocent and indicated that was willing to submit an affidavit to confirm this.

1 kommentar »

  1. Er der nogen som har hørt om folk som er blevet fængslet for at røre eller brænde biblen i de sidste par århundreder??


    Kommentar af kenneth — 28 november 2010 @ 00:11

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