Hodjanernes Blog

4 november 2010

Blanda upp (Swedish TV)

Filed under: Demografi, Hodja, Immigration, Medier DR m.fl., Musik, Sverige — Hodja @ 22:21

See Youtube description for text in english.

De afstumpedes psykologi

Morten Uhrskov Jensen skriver på sin blog:

Egentlig burde jeg vel lade være, da usikkerheden i sagens natur er til stede. På den anden side er det umuligt ikke at gøre sig tanker om, hvorfor forskellige grupper af mennesker, der alt andet lige lever på livets solside, i tanke og tale opfører sig så ualmindelig afstumpet over for større og større grupper af deres medmennesker.

De afstumpede er naturligvis dem, for hvem de dårligst stillede danskere er skidt, som de kan enten ignorere eller træde på, som de lyster. At være afstumpet er at være sløvet i sit følelsesliv, og den afstumpede er derved blevet brutaliseret, er blevet ufølsom. Ordet er meget præcist, når man skal beskrive den i eliterne udbredte holdning til de ringest stillede danskere, der må betale en overpris og dertil ågerrenter for det multikulturelle eksperiment. Det er jo deres boligområder, der er ødelagte af ukontrolleret indvandring. Det er dem, der er blevet fremmedgjorte i eget lokalområde. Det er dem, der først og fremmest forøves kriminalitet imod, deres biler, der brændes af, og deres børn, der chikaneres i den lokale »folkeskole«, som ikke længere er en folkeskole, men et sted, hvor kolonisatorerne sætter dagsordenen som de herrer, de har gjort sig til, og som det omkringliggende samfund har tilladt dem at gøre.

Men kan vi indkredse forskellige typer af afstumpede? Det vil jeg mene. Lad mig forsøge mig med tre af slagsen; den kulturradikale, den liberale og den venstreorienterede.

Læs om typerne her.

News Busted 3/11

Filed under: Immigration, Politik, USA/Canada — Hodja @ 21:02

Professor i koldkrigsangreb

Mens koldkrigsforskeren Bent Jensen og journalisten Jørgen Dragsdahl forbereder endnu et opgør om den kolde krig – denne gang i landsretten – så leverer juraprofessor Ole Hasselbalch nu et 258 sider langt forsvarsskrift for førstnævnte.

I en ny bog, “Dragsdahl-sagen: KGB og historieforskningen“, anklager professoren i erhvervsret ved Aarhus Universitet byretten for et justitsmord, da retten tidligere på året fandt Bent Jensen skyldig i injurier.

En anden ny bog: Uffe Ellemnanns seneste bog får nul stjerne i JP‏. Det er ikke hver dag, man ser nul stjerner. “Han skriver profeten med P”, siger anmelderen. “Det er kvalmende”


Mark Steyn om tidens vanvid

Filed under: Islamisering, Medier DR m.fl., No dhimmi, Tonen, USA/Canada, Ytringsfrihed — Skjoldungen @ 20:45

I Canada kan man – endnu – se lødig underholdning. Her “The Michael Coren Show”:

“Muslimsk indvandring adskiller sig fra alle andre former for indvandring”

Saudi-Barbarien: 80-årig gifter sig med 14-årig

The bride’s father, Showan Ateen, said his daughter had been forced to marry that man from the southwestern town of Sabya but that she has not moved in with him yet.

“The father and the bride now want a divorce but the husband is refusing to divorce her before they pay him back his SR-17,000 dowry,” Ajel said.

“Her father said he does not have the money and is appealing for all benevolent people to help him so he will regain his daughter…the old man has threatened that they either pay him or he will take her by force.”

Legaliseret voldtægt.

Enden for kristendommen i Mellemøsten

The roots of Christian decline in the Middle East actually date back centuries.

In Iran, intolerance toward all non-Muslim minorities took a sharply negative turn from the 16th century onward with the forced Shiification of Iran by the Safavid dynasty. The early 20th century saw pogroms against Armenian, Assyrian, and Greek Christians in the Ottoman Empire and northwestern Iran. Under the Pahlavi shahs, Assyrians, Armenians, Jews, Zoroastrians, and Baha’is regained some of their rights and came to represent the modernizing elements of 20th century society. But the Islamic Revolution of 1979 undercut all those advances. Prejudice and oppression now occurs with impunity.

The numbers speak for themselves: The population of non-Muslims in Iran has dropped by two-thirds or more since 1979. From Iran, these groups flee to Turkey and India — often at risk to life and limb through the violence-ridden border regions of Iraq and Pakistan. The number of Assyrian Christians in Iran has dwindled from about 100,000 in the mid-1970s to approximately 15,000 today, even as the overall population of the country has swelled from 38 million to 72 million people over the same period. In Iraq, Christians are fleeing in droves. U.N. statistics indicate that 15 percent of all Iraqi refugees in Syria are of Christian background, although they represented only 3 percent of the population when U.S. troops entered in 2003. The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees estimates that between 300,000 to 400,000 Christians have been forced out of Iraq since 2003. And Christians have left because the message from Sunni militants and Shiite ayatollahs is crystal clear: You have no future here.

Se billederne fra den seneste muslimske massakre på kristne i Irak.

The slaughter of dozens of Iraqi Christians held hostage in a Baghdad church seized by Islamist insurgents will accelerate the exodus of a Christian community that is one of the most ancient in the world.
While Muslim groups like CAIR have their panties in a wad over “bacon letters” sent to a mosque…

With the attack on an Iraqi church and the mailbombs addressed to an American synagogue, while the media worry about Islamophobia—Christians and Jews once again find themselves in the Muslim line of fire.



Islamophobia, Jews forced to leave Europe because of Muslim Anti-Semitism

Christians and Jews Once Again in the Muslim Line of Fire

 By Daniel Greenfield  Tuesday, November 2, 2010imageWith the attack on an Iraqi church and the mailbombs addressed to an American synagogue, while the media worry about Islamophobia—Christians and Jews once again find themselves in the Muslim line of fire.

Just last week we were witness to the spectacle of a black NPR liberal being dragged through the muck, accused of being insane or racist, for even conceding that he was worried by Muslim terrorism. The indictment of Islamophobia is that it is somehow an irrational or unreasoning fear. But if a group is actively trying to kill you, then how can fear of it possibly be unreasonable?

// //

Acrophobia is unreasonable when walking across a sturdy bridge,  but it is entirely reasonable to be afraid of heights when someone is trying to push you off the bridge. Aquaphobia is unreasonable on land, but when you’re drowning, fear of the water is inevitable. So too with all phobias. They are only unreasonable to the extent which they are not an active and present danger.

Liberals are operating in a world in which there is no active and present danger from Islam. But that’s something they need to pass on to the survivors of the Church massacre, the teenage girls executed in Somalia, to Farooq Ahmed who wanted to bomb Washington D.C. subway stations, to the Frenchmen kidnapped in Niger or any of the victims of the other incidents involving the Religion of Peace that didn’t occur nine years ago, but this week and this month.

The New York Times has published a piece by Robert Wright claiming that Islamophobia and Homophobia have a lot in common. The most obvious thing they have in common, is that Muslims don’t like gay people either. Or women. Or Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Hindus, atheists… and well let’s face it, pretty much everyone else. Muslims are still killing each other over religion, at a time when members of other religions settle their differences with sternly worded editorials.

The recent synod to address the decline of Christianity in the Middle East took place in a strange vacuum, like a conference to discuss the reason why there’s no more space in the living room and the couch has been crushed—without ever mentioning the elephant in the room. The elephant in the Middle East is Islam. But no one dares mention it. Or draw cartoons of it. Instead the synod concluded that the blame rested somewhere between Israel and economics. Not the people who are machine gunning churches.

The reason for their silence was all too plain. Islamophobia.

And by that I don’t mean that they wanted to torch a Koran or profile terrorists in airports—but that they are actually afraid of Islam. Being afraid of Islam is a normal state for people living in Muslim countries. Or even in countries with large numbers of Muslims in them. Much like Plantationphobia among American slaves or Inquisitionphobia among Spanish Jews—Islamophobia is the natural product of being an oppressed minority living among people who follow religious texts that command them to persecute and kill non-Muslims.

Let’s apply a simple test. Western Muslims constantly complain about Islamophobia (which is rather like rapists complaining about Rapeophobia) but how many of them have actually picked up and left?

I can’t count the number of European Jews that I have met, who were forced to leave Europe because of Muslim Anti-Semitism. I have yet to encounter anything similar on the Muslim side. The largest communities of Mizrahi Jews (from Muslim countries) are in Israel and Los Angeles. Not in the Muslim world. Jews from Muslim countries today exist primarily as refugees of an unacknowledged Nakba, who have gotten on with their lives, instead of endlessly dangling housekeys in front of the camera.

The Jews have vanished from most of the Middle East, for the same reason that the Christians are vanishing. Because of the elephant in the room that no one will talk about. An elephant with a Koran and a gun. You can’t write about him. You can’t draw cartoons of him. And you certainly can’t single him out at the airport for any special attention. You had just better hope that the plane he decides to bomb isn’t the plane that you’re on.

The truth of Islamophobia is as obvious as the difference between the Middle Eastern Jewish and Christian immigrants to America, and their Muslim counterparts. Jews and Christians from the Middle East came to America as refugees. Muslims came here, not as refugees, but because there was more economic opportunity here than in their own overpopulated countries. That is the difference between the Mizrahi, the Maronite, the Copt… and the Muslim.

And that is the ugly truth at the heart of it all. Muslims are not victims. They are victimizers. They have reduced every minority in the Middle East to second-class status, and then when those minorities try to demand some semblance of human rights, they’re machine gunned, set on fire, bombed and shelled to within an inch of their lives. And then the victimizers laughingly dispatch flotillas to the aid of their own fanatical terrorist gangs.

Islamophobia? What Islamophobia. The last remaining Jewish and Christian communities look carefully to their Mukhbarat (secret police) minders and denounce America and Israel. Then they go back to the few remaining houses of worship that they have, and hope that no one will kill them this week. They do their best to send their children out of the country. To Europe, to America, to Israel. Anywhere but a Muslim country. Not because there’s anything wrong with Muslims. Allah forfend. No, it’s because, like the Soviet anecdote about the man who punched a hole in an American diplomat’s tire and tried to breathe in the escaping gas, they want to breathe the air of freedom.

Having made a proper hell of the countries they seized and occupied, Muslims are promptly moving to make a hell of the rest of the world too. Jews are once again fleeing Europe, not because of the brownshirts this time, but because of the brownrobes. Not the Mein Kampf and the Swastika, but the Koran and the Crescent and the Star. Out of, dare we say it, “Islamophobia”. The irrational fear of being murdered by people whose religion tells them that there’s a golden ticket to Mohammed Wonka’s virgins and rivers of wine paradise… for anyone who dies killing the infidels.

But of course we’re determined to pretend that none of this is happening. And anyone who says otherwise must be crazy. If you doubt that, just look at the thriving communities of Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians in the Muslim world. Look at how well Muslims are co-existing around the world, in Thailand, the Philippines, China, France, Holland, Israel, America, Kenya and Australia. And just look at the brotherly love between Sunni and Shiite Muslims, who can hardly take a breather from hugging each other with suicide belts wrapped around their waists. It’s such a touching spectacle of fratricidal tolerance that only a lunatic would assume that there’s anything in Islam to be worried about.

Islamophobia? Absurd. Just stop by the World Trade Center and ask the happy employees in either of the two towers about that. They’ll tell you the same. There’s nothing to be worried about. Nothing at all.

CBN discusses Elisabeth Wolff and Islam in Europe

Christian Broadcasting Network really is nearly the last bastion of real news in the Western World.

The rest of the media seems to be trying to answer the question:

“What if they gave a war and we refused to admit it and pretended it wasn’t happening and if it is, it’s our fault anyway”


Character Assassination Of Islam’s Critics Hits Fever Pitch In Europe

Tyskerfjendtlige muslimer

Den tyske familieminister Kristina Schroeder kritiserede tirsdag muslimske unge for at udvise fjendtlighed mod tyskere.

‘Denne form for vold er desværre almindelig blandt unge i visse områder – i skolegården, men også i metro’en.”

Mere hos Nicolai Sennels, hvor elefantpessaret Bashy Quraishy blander sig i debatten. Han ligner iøvrigt noget, der er trådt ud af Alt for Damernes modesider.

Til salg nu – til venligtsindede

Filed under: Afghanistan, Danmark, Hodja, Israel, Teknologi, Våben — Tags: — Hodja @ 16:46

For the first time, Israel will offer the Merkava Mark 4 tank and the Tiger APC for sale. Both will be sold only to friendly countries, and under strict supervision.

Mon ikke de danske tropper i Afghanistan kunne bruge nogle stykker?

Tip: G.G.

Nå – så I troede ikke det kunne blive værre…?

Statsradiofonien vil bruge forfattere som ‘eksperter’ i TV-A(mmestuen).

DanMarx Dhimmi Radio (DDR) på LSD (LysergSyreDiethylamid): DRs kulturdirektør Morten Hesseldahl har både skrevet tegneserier og bøger, og han savner forfattere i DRs TV Aviser. Forfattere kan nemlig bidrage med kompleksitet i diskussion af politiske forhold i Danmark eller den danske krigsindsats i Afghanistan på en anden måde end de eksperter, der i dag dominerer TV Avisens indslag, mener han. Derfor skal en forfatter som Carsten Jensen i fremtiden på banen, når TV Avisen dækker Danmarks tropper i Afghanistan. – En forfatter som Carsten Jensen, der jo har sat sig ind i verden, og som meddeler sig til lyttere og seere med nogle helt andre vinkler, end man gør, hvis man kommer fra militærakademiet eller hvis man kommer fra Christiansborg. Så Carsten Jensen har gjort det, men mange andre vil også kunne gøre det, siger Morten Hesseldahl.

Men også på andre områder kan forfattere bidrage, mener Morten Hesseldahl. –  En forfatter som Marina Cecilie Rone, som skrev en bog om det pikante erotiske forhold mellem meget unge og ældre, hun kunne bidrage noget, når talen falder på pædofili, eksempelvis. Det behøver ikke kun at være psykologer, der kan det, siger han. Når nu politikerne beslutter om vi skal i krig i Afghanistan eller om folkeskolen skal reformeres, så spørger de jo ikke forfattere, hvad de synes. Hvorfor skal nyhederne så gøre det? – Fordi at det hører med til virkeligheden. Nogle gange er virkeligheden kompleks, og nogle af dem, der fanger kompleksiteten, det er kunstnerne, hvorimod eksperter har det med at forenkle tingene, det skal de gøre, og det er også vigtigt for at kunne handle, men jeg synes, at for at få det fulde billede, så er det vigtigt at få kunstnernes syn og betragtninger med, siger Morten Hesseldahl.

Vi hodjanere synes naturligvis det er et glimrende forslag. I stedet for disse sjovnalister hvis hele horizont er klemt inde i en læse-let udgave af Maos Lille Røde, kan vi nu få de virkelige eksperter på banen. Peter Lundin kan fortælle om partering i EUSSR-sammenhæng, Rifbjerg om onani i nationaløkonomisk belysning, alle femi-krimiforfatterne om de storpolistiske konsekvenser af en mandefri verden…og så videre ad libitum. Folkelig oplysning, når den er bedst!

Dans under galgerne

Filed under: Antisemitisme, Holocaust, Musik, Nazisme — Skjoldungen @ 11:00

Alice Herz-Sommer fylder 107 i denne måned. Hun er den ældste Holocaust-overlevende.


Filed under: Hodja, Politik, USA/Canada — Tags: , , , , — Hodja @ 10:37

Indvandrere på Nørrebro sætter ild til hundehvalp

Danske unge sætter ild til hamster:  Forsidestof!!
Muslimske unge sætter ild til hundehvalp og bil: Politiets  eller AK81’s skyld…

Efter et trafikuheld blev Brian – der IKKE er AK81’er – anholdt og måtte efterlade sin hundehvald Ziko i den havarerede bil. Brian var stødt ind i en bil med to indvandrere.
Nu er Ziko forbrændt og døende, og Brian samt hans familie vil ikke have deres fulde navn frem af frygt for repressalier.

EkstraBladet.dk – Brandofret Ziko kæmper for livet

“Dramaet skete onsdag eftermiddag på Åboulevarden på Nørrebro.
Et vidne forklarer til Ekstra Bladet, at han så nogle indvandrere cirkle om Opel Astra’en, da politiet var kørt. En af dem stak noget ind i kabinen, som pludselig var fuld af røg og flammer, mens den desperate hund gøede vildt.


Onsdag aften besøgte både Brian og hans mor Ziko på dyreklinikken. Hunden er forbrændt på snuden, maven og testiklerne samt røgforgiftet.
– Senere onsdag aften ringede en dyrlæge og fortalte, at der nu kom farvet skum ud af næsen på Ziko, som piber med rallende lyde. Vi tror ikke, at den overlever, siger Susanne F.


Før vognen blev sat i brand, var Brian stødt sammen med en bil med to indvandrere. Parterne stod og talte sammen, da politiet kom og anholdt Brian. Han sad fire timer på Bellahøj Politistation, mens Ziko fik en frygtelig skæbne i den efterladte bil.”

Anti-jihad forkæmper valgt til Kongressen

Filed under: Hodja, Islam, Islamisering, Jihad, No dhimmi, Politik, Terrorism, USA/Canada — Tags: , , — Hodja @ 00:20

An authentic Counterjihad warrior has been elected to Congress.

Tea Party favorite; the outspoken former Army Lt. Col. Allen West wins in the Sunshine State, and will represent Florida’s 22nd District in the House of Representatives as of January 1st.

The New Victory Caucus in Congress.

Imam advarer muslimer: Bliv ikke for længe på lokummet – det er satans hus

HR rapport: Begrænser pæstilenserne ytringsfriheden?