Hodjanernes Blog

10 december 2009


Hvorfor kun mig? – Hvorfor ikke katolikker, hinduer, buddhister og varmister?

Mohammedame-bladet Samarbejds-Politiken sutter på en ny rapport fra et eller andet  “EUSSR-agentur for fundamentale rettigheder” (det lyder jo helt Kjærum’sk…) hvis opgave synes at være raceteori –  specielt at opfinde nye, såsom den islamiske race:

Rapporten afslører, at muslimer er blandt de etniske grupper i Europa, der møder stor diskrimination i samfundet. – En ud af tre muslimer i undersøgelsen har været udsat for diskrimination i løbet af det sidste år. Racismen kom til udtryk i forbindelse med jobsøgning, på barer, restauranter og i butikker, men også når de ansøgte om en lejlighed eller ville købe en bolig.

Det bliver Stenings-Pedersen nok ked af...

“Thank Heaven for Little Girls”

Filed under: Immigration, Islam, Jihad, Koran, Shariah, Tortur, UK — Skjoldungen @ 22:05

Hvis Maurice Chevalier blev født i dag, hvad skulle han så hedde?

The Star: Eight men charged with sexual offences

EIGHT men are due in court this morning, charged in connection with a police investigation into alleged serious sexual offences in Rotherham. The men were all arrested in March this year and had been on police bail until yesterday. Following consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service, all eight were charged yesterday with a total of 18 sexual offences against four girls aged 13 to 17 years, and remanded in custody. – The men due before Rotherham magistrates this morning are:

Shazad Akbar, aged 22, of Shirecliffe Lane, Shirecliffe, Sheffield, charged with raping a woman aged over 16; – Adil Hussain, 20, of Nelson Street, Rotherham town centre, charged with raping a girl aged 13 to 15; – Saeed Hussain, 28, of Hatherley Road, Eastwood, Rotherham, charged with inciting a girl aged 13 to 15 to engage in sexual activity; – Shaizaad Hussain, 21, of Clough Road, Masborough, Rotherham, charged with two offences of raping a girl aged 13 to 15; – Mohsin Khan, 21, of Haworth Crescent, Moorgate, Rotherham, charged with four offences of raping a girl aged 13 to 15, and one offence of rape of a woman aged over 16; – Zafran Ramzan, 21, of Broom Grove, Broom, Rotherham, charged with three offences of rape of a woman aged over 16, and one offence of raping a girl aged 13 to 15; – Razwan Razaq, 29, of Oxford Street, Clifton, Rotherham, charged with two offences of rape of a girl aged 13 to 15; – Umar Razaq, 23, of Oxford Street, Clifton, Rotherham, charged with raping a woman aged over 16 and engaging in sexual activity with a girl aged 13 to 15.

…og vejret:

Filed under: Blogs Foreign English, Danmark, Humor, Loonies, Politisk korrekte — Tags: , — Skjoldungen @ 21:31

Alle taler om det, men hvad skulle man ellers tale om?

EU Referendum: You know you are beginning to make progress when there are websites dedicated to it … and we now have Climategate.nl.

The site is currently displaying a weather map with the projected cumulative snow for upcoming Thursday in Denmark – 21cm snow. That’s eight inches in real money.


Filed under: Danmark, Dhimmier, Dommere, Indvandring, Islam, Jihad, Jura, Labaner, Moske, Minaret, Udvisning, Voldtægt — Skjoldungen @ 20:58

Kom til Mohammedanmark – her bor de tossede!

TV-Too jubler: Fire unge irakiske mænd får en ny mulighed for at få luftet deres argumenter mod at blive udvist af Danmark efter grov kriminalitet. – De fire er dømt for at have voldtaget en pige på 14 år på Vorbasse Marked i juli 2008, og i august i år besluttede Vestre Landsret at udvise alle fire oveni fængselsstraffen på to år og ni måneder. Tidligere mente byretten, at et gult kort – i form af betingede udvisninger – var tilstrækkeligt. Nu har de fire fået tilladelse til at få spørgsmålet om udvisning for Højesteret. – Det er Procesbevillingsnævnet, der har givet tilladelsen. – De fire er to brødre på 23 og 21 år og to andre på 19 og 17 år.

Da de optrådte i landsretten, gik de fremmødte tilskuere og familiemedlemmer amok, smadrede lokalet, kastede stole efter dommerne og måtte have politiets hjælp til at forlade bygningen.  Det har givetvis gjort indtryk på de dertil indrettede djøffere og andet godtfolk.

Enten består dette nævn af dårekistelemmer eller også ved de lige så godt som os, at Højesteret vil lade kulturberigerrabatten træde i kraft og lade dem blive her til evig forsørgelse og et uendeligt antal nye kulturberigelser.

ICN Informed Citizen News 12/06/09

Filed under: Hodja, Internationalt, Journalister, Medier DR m.fl., USA/Canada — Tags: — Hodja @ 19:49

Last dog standing.

Filed under: Humor, Imamer, Indvandring, Islam, Koran, Muhammed Cartoons, Sverige, Ytringsfrihed — Tags: , — Skjoldungen @ 15:34

Lars Vilks udstiller sin Rondellhund ved navn Muhammed – i Den Islamiske Folkerepublik Sverige! – om alt ellers går vel…

[…] Jag väntar mig inte något annat än en lugn final på teckningens irrvägar. Nu borde en profetkränkning i rondellhundshamn i förlängningen ha förlorat sin sensationella karaktär. Det som hände med början 2007 skedde genom den mediala uppmärksamheten vilken omedelbart lockade de olika debattintressenterna att visa upp sina politiska positioneringar. Det var nog den väsentligaste lärdomen som jag fick av projektet: En sådan händelse blir något som är brukbart för de politiska åsiktsmaskinerna.[…]

Mikael Jalving i JP: Årets hadegave

Filed under: Danmark, Hodja, Kina, Medier DR m.fl., Musik, Totalitære — Tags: — Hodja @ 15:01

For nylig blev jeg dog mindet om eksistensen af en bemærkelsesværdig undtagelse.

Jo, fandenedme, du tror sikkert, jeg lyver. Men nej: Kunstneren kalder sig Holland/Mister Jones og er en sjælden fugl i Kulturdanmark; sanger, skuespiller, entertainer mm.

I efteråret udgav han en cd med sange og tekster om bl.a. Blekingegadebanden, Danmarks Radio, 24-årsreglen, 9/11, fredsbevægelsen, Tibet mm., og selv om tonerne i mine ører lyder for meget som Bob Dylan uden at være den ægte vare, så er teksterne værd at lytte til formedelst 90 kr., hør gratis smagsprøver her:

Link til artiklen

Mr. Jones’ hjemmeside.

Iraker slipper for politianmeldelse

62-årige Samia Aziz Mohammad hævede ulovligt 710.000 kroner i understøttelse fra Næstved Kommune.

Alligevel går hun fri.

Den var aldrig gået for en dansker.

Amsterdams offentlige transport: Kors forbudt – tørklæde tilladt

Since the beginning of this year, the Amsterdam Public Transportation Company (GVB) has twice suspended a conductor because he was wearing a chain with a cross over his uniform.

The company, however, does allow Muslim head scarves. The conductor has now taken his case to court.

Offer point: Muslim+kvinde+orientaler = 12+8+7  = 27,  Hvid, kristen mand = 0+0 (forudsat han ikke er bøsse, fattig eller transvestit). Den kan han ikke vinde.

Det viser sig, at han er ægypter – men ak – det giver ham kun 7 point som orientaler og 14 som ikke-hvid, desværre makker – kun 21.



Filed under: Humor, Imamer, Immigration, Islam, Koran, Moske, Minaret, UK — Skjoldungen @ 11:44

Stor ballade i familien…

Here we go again. The Wolverhampton Express and Star reports that an “application to build a mosque” has been refused by a town council, this time Walsall council. The proposal to convert an empty town warehouse into a place of worship was rejected by planning officers on the grounds of it being an “unsuitable location” and that it would cause “traffic congestion”. In addition, more than 800 complaints were received from local residents.

But wait – what’s this? Those doing the complaining appeared to be mainly Muslims. A photograph in a local paper shows Muslims demonstrating against the plans and holding up placards saying “Listen to police advice” and “No more congestion”. What’s going on? The news report quotes a local Muslim as saying “There are enough places of worship in the area.” Another added: “We are happy the right decision has been made. It would have been a public nuisance and is a relief.” What’s going on?

Well, it turns out that the planning application had been submitted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK. The Ahmadis derive their name from the 19th century Indian figure Mirza Ghulam Ahmad who claimed to be the incarnation of the promised Messiah. Jesus – according to the Ahmadis – survived the crucifixion and went to live in India to administer to the lost tribes of Israel. The overwhelming majority of Indian Muslims rejected Ghulam Ahmad’s claims and to this day his followers, the Ahmadis, are regarded as being non-Muslims by a consensus of Islamic scholars across the world because their beliefs contradict the Islamic teaching on the finality of Muhammad’s prophethood. The Ahmadis themselves, of course, see it differently.

Julepakke fra Fredens Religion.

Filed under: Imamer, Islam, Jihad, Koran, Terrorism, Tortur — Skjoldungen @ 11:27

Ligesom pengesedler har et vandmærke har islam et ægthedsbevis.

ZAMBOANGA, Philippines (AFP) Al Qaeda-linked militants in the Philippines have beheaded one of three Filipino factory workers they seized in the troubled south of the country last month, an official said Wednesday.

Witnesses said they saw two men believed to be militants from the Abu Sayyaf group abandon a package at a park on the southern island of Basilan, triggering panic, said Al Rasheed Sakalahul, the provincial vice governor. ™Residents feared the package was a bomb and promptly alerted police. But the parcel turned out to contain the severed head of Mark Singson, one of three workers at the Hitech Wood Craft Corp. seized by heavily-armed Abu Sayyaf militants from Basilan’s Maluso town on November 10.

“The severed head of the victim was found stuffed inside a plastic bag and abandoned at a park,” Sakalahul said.  He said the head was later positively identified by relatives of Singson.

Enkeltstående tilfælde (x 3).

Filed under: Immigration, Islam, Jihad, Koran, Terrorism, UK — Skjoldungen @ 11:00

Hvad kan disse tre prægtige kulturberigere dog have fælles?

The Tmes: Three friends of the leader of the airline bomb plot were convicted yesterday of terrorist offences connected to the plan to commit mass murder in the skies. – Adam Khatib, 22, was found guilty of conspiring with Abdulla Ahmed Ali to detonate suicide bombs on board transatlantic airliners flying from London to the US and Canada.

A jury at Woolwich Crown Court also found Nabeel Hussain, 25, guilty of acts preparatory to terrorism and convicted Mohammed Shamin Uddin, 39, of possessing a document likely to be useful to terrorists. – The three men were convicted at the end of an eight-week trial. They will be sentenced today. The prosecution said that they had helped Ali and his terror cell as they prepared for their suicide mission. The plot was thwarted in August 2006 after intensive surveillance by the police and intelligence services, as plans for the attacks were being finalised. –  After the capture in Pakistan of a key link man between al-Qaeda leaders and Ali’s group in East London, police moved swiftly to arrest the group.

The discovery of their plan to use bottle bombs to bring down aircraft led to a security clampdown that temporarily paralysed global air travel and prompted continuing restrictions on carrying liquids on board airliners.

‘Den Globale opvarmning’: Skeptikerens Håndbog

This booklet has captured attention around the world.

Donors have paid for over 160,000 copies so far in the US, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden and soon in Germany. Volunteers have translated it into German, French, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, Turkish, Portuguese, Danish and Japanese. (Versions in Dutch, Spanish, and possibly Italian are on the way). Updates are placed here, along with translations, as well as places to read comments and links to the web-pages where each part of the handbook will be discussed.

Joanne Nova

Tip: GG

COP-15: Fremtidens bil

Filed under: Greenies, Hodja, Humor, Politisk korrekte, USA/Canada, Venstrefløjen — Tags: , — Hodja @ 02:22

Fundet her.

Nikolai Gettman overlevende fra Gulag