Hodjanernes Blog

23 december 2009

Glædelig Jul og Godt Nytår!

Filed under: Bloggere, Buy Danish/daenisch kaufen, Danmark, Muslim World, No dhimmi — Tags: , — Skjoldungen @ 20:03

Skjoldungen goes to Town.

Sidste år ledsagede jeg min julehilsen til alle vore læsere, kommentatorer og hele redaktionen på Hodjas Blog med denne besked:Fra i morgen tidlig og ti dage frem er Skjoldungen på overlevelses-øvelse i vildmarken.”

Det kan nu konstateres, at jeg overlevede. Men ved hjemkomsten mødtes jeg af denne kommentar fra grisehandler Oluf Larsen: “Svækling, hvad med nogen seriøse udfordringer både mentalt og fysisk, 3 dage i Gellerup skulle eftersigende give hår på brystet!”.

En sådan udfordring kan ikke siddes overhørig. Og gerne overtrumfes lidt. I kender mig jo. Og da jeg vil gøre alt for at leve op til vore læseres forventninger – samt elitens syn på min åndelige og fysiske habitus som ægte bonderøv – begiver jeg mig fra i morgen tidlig til selveste Carbonhagen…eh…Nopenhagen…eh…Marerittistan. Skulle jeg – mod forventning – også overleve også denne, den ultimative vildmark, kan det givetvis tilskrives en behjertet vejledning, coaching og evt. indgriben fra en af de indfødte, såsom min ven Snaphanen. På billedet man ser hvordan:


Filed under: Islam, Jura, Koran, Muslim World, Pakistan, Shariah, Tortur — Skjoldungen @ 16:59

Har de pakistanske dommere aldrig hørt om kulturberiger-rabatten?

Pakistan – A court in Lahore, Pakistan has ruled that two young men have their noses and ears cut off because of their brutal attack of a woman.

This anti-terrorism court also ordered that brothers Ammanat Ali, 29, and Sher Mohammed, 27, be sentenced to life in prison and pay 700,000 rupees ($8,300) in compensation to the victim. Punjab province chief prosecutor Chaudary Mohammed Jahangir acknowledged that the sentence was handed down in accordance with anti-terror laws and and Islamic law. The woman and her family had recently rejected a marriage proposal from Sher Mohammed, thus prompting the attack.

The two men attacked the woman, Fazeelat Bibi, 22, on September 28, in the village of Zafarkey, southwest of Lahore. Along with their cousin Mohammed Ali and two other men, they lay in hiding, stopped Bibi on her way back from work, and strangled her with a wire. The men then proceeded to cut off the woman’s ears and nose in order to set an example. Mohammed Ali, the cousin, has been arrested, while the other two men have yet to be found.

The two brothers were tried under anti-terror laws due to the tyranny their violent crime caused within their community. Before the sentence is carried out, the high court must confirm it and a certified doctor must also determine whether or not they can survive the punishment.

Faderlig Kjærlighed.

Filed under: Demografi, Imamer, Indvandring, Islam, Koran, Muslim World, Porno, Shariah, Tortur, UK — Skjoldungen @ 16:43

Nogle religioner er mere fremme i skoene end andre….Må man sige det?

(Foto fra Pakistan: Mohammad Ismil holds his 7-year-old son Mohammad Waseem and the boy’s 5-year-old bride Nisha at a police station in Karachi after Pakistani police raided the children’s wedding ceremony.)

BBC: A man who encouraged his teenage son to marry and rape his 12-year-old cousin has been jailed.

The 54-year-old organised a sham Muslim ceremony between his son, then 16, and the girl at his home in Woolwich, south-east London, in March last year.

At Wood Green Crown Court the boy got an 18-month supervision order for rape. The fathers of the boy and girl were both jailed for three years for inciting a child to engage in sexual activity following an illegal marriage. The boy’s mother, 54, was given a 12-month jail term, suspended for two years, for the same offence. She was also ordered to do 200 hours of community service.

The case came to light when the mother of the girl, who objected to the arranged “marriage”, told police about it. Scotland Yard child abuse detectives then discovered several relatives of the boy had urged him to rape his cousin. In a statement, the girl’s mother said: “What happened to my daughter was a nightmare. These convictions will help us move on.” – Speaking after the case, Det Insp Noel McHugh, who led the investigation, called it a “really awful crime”. He said: “This has been an exceptionally challenging investigation and we are grateful to all those who assisted with the case and ensured the convictions.

“The offences are incomprehensible and the victim is a truly brave girl who suffered at the hands of those who should have offered her protection.”  – The girl’s father, 29, and the boy, now 17, were ordered to sign the sex offenders register. (Tip: Egtvedpigen)

Valgobservatører til Sverige?

Bare Messerschmidt nu ikke giver vore egne, stuerene partier gode idéer…

Morten Messerschmidt har ifølge Samarbejds-Politiken bedt EUSSR-Palavermentet om at sende observatører til det svenske rigsdagsvalg. Grunden hertil er kendt af enhver, der følger med i blogosfæren :

I det asiatiske land hinsidan har man nemlig ikke hemmelige valg. Agter man at stemme på et ikke-stuerent parti (in casu Sverigedemokraterna) skal man gå offentlig spidsrod i valglokalet for at hente partiets stemmeseddel. Og kan endda ikke være sikker på, at dets valgsedler overhovedet er til stede. Der har været eksempler på, at de politisk korrekte partier har fjernet dem. Den slags hører sig jo ikke til i et demokrati, så hvorfor EUSSR skal tage sig af det er en gåde. Men når Samarbejds-Politiken undtagelsesvist lader Messerschmidt komme til orde, må der ligge noget bag: en opfordring til at kopiere det svenske system?

ClimateGate på landsdækkende amerikansk TV

The latest installment of Jesse Ventura’s highly successful Conspiracy Theory show exposed millions of viewers on national TV last night to the climate change fraud, blowing a giant hole in the global warming scam by exposing how its adherents comprise wealthy industrialists making billions in profits by fearmongering about the environment.

Ventura and his team attempted to track down the key architects of the scheme, a search which led them to Beijing China and the heavily guarded residence of global warming pioneer and billionaire Maurice Strong.

The show lifts the lid on how the very same alarmists pushing the threat of climate change are profiting in the billions from carbon trading systems in which they have a huge personal stake.

The most damning part of the program is when Ben Santer, a climate researcher and lead IPCC author of Chapter 8 of the 1995 IPCC Working Group I Report, admits that he deleted sections of the IPCC chapter which stated that humans were not responsible for climate change.

Accusing Santer of altering opinions in the IPCC report that disagreed with the man-made thesis behind climate change, Lord Monckton told the program, “In comes Santer and re-writes it for them, after the scientists have sent in their finalized draft, and that finalized draft said at five different places, there is no discernable human effect on global temperature – I’ve seen a copy of this – Santer went through, crossed out all of those and substituted a new conclusion, and this has been the official conclusion ever since.”

Læs resten af artiklen på Prison Planet via Greenie Watch.