Hodjanernes Blog

18 december 2009

COP-15 blev som forventet en fiasko

Filed under: Danmark, Evidens, FN, Greenies, Hodja, Internationalt, Penge, Politik, Politisk korrekte, Videnskab — Tags: — Hodja @ 23:05

Indhold af aftalen:

– Ingen reduktionsmål for de store ilande. De skal inden udgangen af januar 2010 indberette deres nationale reduktionsmål.

– Det ligger i underaftalen, at der skal indgåes en juirdisk bindende aftale ved Cop 16 i Mexico.

– USA har bøjet for presset fra Kina. Der kommer ikke et fast krav om moniteroring af Co2 udledning. Der kommer i stedet et nationalt system hvor landene hvert andet år skal indberette deres CO2 tal til FN. Og den nationale indsamling skal være omfattet af en eller anden granskning, som ikke er nærmere defineret, erfarer DR NYheder.

Tingel-Tangel-Taliban slår til igen.

Filed under: Danmark, Dhimmier, Indvandring, Islam, Jura, Koran, Kriminalitet, Politisk korrekte, UK — Skjoldungen @ 22:56

Julepynt fjernet fra engelske domhuse – kunne virke stødende på visse…

Det må bero på inkompetence, at et sådant tiltag ikke forlængst er gennemført ved danske domstole.  – Især når man betænker den personkreds, der mestendels færdes slige steder. Og her tænker vi ikke kun på dommerne…

Dailly Mail: The ‘Tinsel Taliban’ have struck in Britain’s courts.

The Tories claim court officials have been banned from putting tinsel around front office-counters amid fears it will ‘offend other religions’. Tinsel and other Christmas decorations have been outlawed at the Warwickshire Justice Centre in Nuneaton, where people pay fines. But last night the Government denied the charge that the ban had been put in place to ensure Muslims were not offended. They said it was because they would be insensitive for criminals to have to pay fines in a room surrounded by tinsel. However, one courts worker wrote to community cohesion minister Sayeeda Warsi to say he had been told the ban had been imposed because tinsel would ‘break the Court Service Diversity Policy’. This commits court service managers to ‘creating a culture where equality and diversity forms an integral part of everyday working life’ and ‘incorporating equality and diversity into day-to-day management activities’.

Baroness Warsi spoke out after receiving a letter from a worker at the centre who said: ‘I work as an admin officer in the county court and we have been told that we can’t put tinsel around our counter window as it might offend other religions, according to HMCS diversity policy.’

Vi letter på hatten!

Filed under: Danmark, FN, Humor, Politik — Tags: , — Skjoldungen @ 20:45

Der går ingen splinter af os ved at indrømme, at Taffel-stuntet var genialt.

Greenpeace er ikke lige min kop øl. Det kan enhver læser af nærværende blog umiddelbart fatte. Som alle mennesker, der er besat af en bestemt, fix idé må denne organisation stå for skud, når fornuften indfinder sig. Almindeligvis er sådanne organisationer befolket med blåøjede, hyper-naïve og småtskårne individer som ikke er i stand til at jage katten af egen grød, endsige da foretage sig noget, der ikke får besindige mennesker til blot at ryste på hovedet.

Men stuntet med at anvende sofistikeret mimicry – anskaffe limousiner, chauffeur i liberi, falske nummerplader og festligt, smagfuldt tøj, samt ikke mindst god opførsel og attitude – apellerer ikke alene til mit smilebånd, men aftvinger mig en slags professionel anerkendelse. Den er hermed givet. – Og kanhænde onkel Per fra dialogpolitiet ligefrem kan holde masken lidt endnu, mens han prøver at lære et trick eller to…

Den ubekvemme sandhed om malaria

Al Gore has made bold claims that climate change is aiding the spread of insect-borne diseases.

The science does not support him, says Paul Reiter.

I am a scientist, not a climatologist, so I don’t dabble in climatology. My speciality is the epidemiology of mosquito-borne diseases. As the film began, I knew Mr Gore would get to mosquitoes: they’re a favourite with climate-change activists. When he got to them, it was all I feared.


In 2004, nine of us published an appeal in the Lancet: ‘Malaria and climate change: a call for accuracy’. Clearly, Mr Gore didn’t read it. In 2000, I protested when Scientific American published a major article loaded with the usual misrepresentations. And when I watched his animated mosquitoes, his snow-capped mountain was oddly familiar. It took a few moments to click: the images were virtually identical to those in the magazine. The author of the article, Dr Paul Epstein, features high in Gore’s credits.

Dr Epstein is a member of a small band dedicated to a cause. And their work gains legitimacy, not by scholarship, but by repetition. While they publish their work in highly regarded journals, they don’t write research papers but opinion pieces and reviews, with little or no reference to the mainstream of science. The same claims, the same names; only the order of authors change. I have counted 48 separate pieces by just eight activists. They are myth-makers. And all have been lead authors and/or contributory authors of the prestigious IPCC assessment reports.


When the Bush government nominated me as a lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), I knew I hadn’t a snowball’s chance of being accepted. The IPCC, supposedly formed of thousands of the world’s top scientists, is an ‘Intergovernmental’ panel. Governments nominate the authors, governments make their selections from those nominations, and governments must approve of all reports, line by line, before they are published. Moreover, the IPCC is a UN organisation, so its ‘top scientists’ are drawn from the 192 member countries of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Each chapter must include two authors from developing countries and at least one from an emerging economy. Clearly, the people of the Maldives are not going to nominate a scientist like me, but if they did, I doubt the project would get very far: the IPCC Working Group II, based in Exeter, somehow happened to lose my nomination from their database. 

En ikke klima-skeptisk programmørs kommentar til CRU’s klimamodel

Filed under: Evidens, FN, Greenies, Hodja, UK, Videnskab — Tags: , , , , , — Hodja @ 18:51

Læs om det og se videoen her.

God weekend!

Filed under: Bloggere, Danmark, Humor — Skjoldungen @ 13:47

Redaktionen skal til Djævleøen, så vi har været på indkøb i byggemarkedet. Medtager kun det nødvendigste.

Efter dansk julefrokost :

Filed under: Grisobarium, Hodja — Hodja @ 12:56

Gris i øret erstatter pind i øret !

Kirsten Damgaard, kulturpsykolog.


Filed under: Demografi, Indvandring, Islam, Jihad, Medicin, Palæstina - Libanon, Shariah, Tørklæde — Skjoldungen @ 12:09

Måske har burka, niqab, slør o.s.v. en ganske praktisk funktion?

Hvis muslimerne agter at besejre os ved hjælp af deres kønsorganer – som de selv siger – så burde de nok overvje, om det er særligt smart at formere sig ved hjælp af indgifteri og blodskam:

CNN: “There are an unusually high number of male pseudohermaphrodite births in the Gaza neighborhood of Jabalya, where Nadir and Ahmed live.

Dr. Jehad Abudaia, a Canadian-Palestinian pediatrician and urologist practicing in Gaza, says he has diagnosed nearly 80 cases like Nadir’s and Ahmed’s in the last seven years. – “It is astonishing that we have [so] many cases with this defect, which is very rare all over the world,” Abudaia says. He attributes the high frequency of this birth defect to “consanguinity,” or in-breeding.”

“If you want to go to the root of the problem, this problem runs in families in the genes.” Abudaia says. “They want to get married to cousins… they don’t go to another family. This is a problem.” – VIDEO HER.

En fortalelse?

Filed under: Immigration, Islam, Jihad, Journalister, Kriminalitet, Medier DR m.fl., UK, Ytringsfrihed — Skjoldungen @ 00:14

For første gang er ordet “racisme” brugt om et Enkeltstående Tilfælde®

Den britiske presse er næsten lige så påpasselig med sit ordvalg som den danske. Racisme florerer overalt, men da kun hvide mennesker kan være racister, har betegnelsen indtil videre været forbeholdt uhyrligheder såsom forbud mod tørklæder på arbejdspladser, krav om at vise ansigt ved påstigning af busser, kritik af flerkoneri og lignende.  I forbindelse med de talløse Enkeltstående Tilfælde® forkommer ordet aldrig – lige så lidt som ordet muslim. Er en beskrivelse af gerningsmænd helt uomgåelig – f.eks. i forbindelse med politiets efterlysning – anvendes i stedet betegnelsen Asian – svarende til de unge i dansk presse.

Indtil vi pludselig i dag, den 18 december 2009, læser om følgende Enkeltstående Tilfælde® i The Telegraph and Argus:

“A young woman motorist was spat at and punched in a racial attack as she sat in her car in Keighley town centre. The 23-year-old victim was left distressed by the incident, which happened as she waited at traffic lights with her window wound down. Police say the “disturbing” assault was racially motivated and are appealing for help to trace the “cowardly” gang responsible.

The woman, who is white, had pulled up at the lights in North Street, at 5pm on Saturday when she was approached by a group of Asian men. They began to racially abuse her and spat at her through the open window. One of the males punched her while trying to grab her car keys. After a short while the victim managed to wind up the window and drive away from the scene. – She was not seriously hurt but was left distressed. The group of men then left the area, heading up Devonshire Street.

The main aggressor is described as Asian, in his late teens, 5ft 5ins, and of skinny build. He had brown eyes and was wearing a plain grey hooded top. Detective Inspector John Mountain, of Airedale and North Bradford CID, said: “This was a disturbing racial assault and attempted robbery on a young woman in her own car who was minding her own business and appears to have done nothing to provoke it. – “The attack happened at a busy time of the day in the town centre and I am appealing for anyone who saw what happened, or may know the identities of any of this group, to come forward.”

En lapsus eller en historisk dag?