Hodjanernes Blog

29 august 2006

HetZZbollahs ‘sejr’ begynder at smuldre – hvis den nogensinde har eksisteret

In a TV interview in Beirut Sunday, Nasrallah admitted second thoughts about the wisdom of capturing the two Israeli soldiers, an incident that triggered the war: “The party leadership never expected a response on such an unprecedented scale and volume [by Israel],” he said. “Had we known that what we did would lead to this, we would certainly not have embarked upon it.”

Why did Nasrallah decide to change his unqualified claim of victory into an indirect admission of defeat? Two reasons.

The first consists of facts on the ground: Hezbollah lost some 500 of its fighters, almost a quarter of its elite fighting force. Their families are now hounding Nasrallah to provide an explanation for “miscalculations” that led to their death.

Throughout southern Lebanon, once a stronghold of Hezbollah, pictures of the “martyrs” adorn many homes and shops, revealing the fact that many more Hezbollah fighters died than the 110 claimed by Nasrallah. What angers the families of the “martyrs” is that Hezbollah fighters had not been told that the sheik was starting a war to please his masters in Tehran, and that they should prepare for it.

The fighters found out there was a war only after the Israelis started raining fire on southern Lebanon. In fact, no one – apart from the sheik’s Iranian contacts and a handful of Hezbollah security officials linked to Tehran and Damascus – knew that Nasrallah was provoking a war. Even the two Hezbollah ministers in the Lebanese government weren’t consulted, nor the 12 Hezbollah members of the Lebanese National Assembly. The party’s chief policymaking organ, the Shura (consultative assembly), hasn’t held a full session since 2001.

The “new Saladin” has also lost most of his medium-range missiles without inflicting any serious damage on Israel. Almost all of Hezbollah’s missile launching pads (often placed in mosques, schools and residential buildings) south of the Litani River have been dismantled.

Worse still, the Israelis captured an unknown number of Hezbollah fighters and political officers, including several local leaders in the Bekaa Valley, Khyam and Tyre.

The second reason why Nasrallah has had to backtrack on his victory claims is the failure of his propaganda machine to hoodwink the Lebanese. He is coming under growing criticism from every part of the political spectrum, including the Hezbollah itself.

Last week he hurriedly cancelled a series of victory marches planned for Beirut’s Shiite suburbs after leading Shiite figures attacked the move as “unmerited and indecent.” Instead, every village and every town is holding typical Shiite mourning ceremonies, known as tarhym (seeking mercy), for the dead.

Nasrallah has tried to rally his base by distributing vast sums of Iranian money through his network – by the end of last week, an estimated $12 million in crisp U.S. banknotes. But if Nasrallah had hoped to buy silence, if not acquiescence, he is being proved wrong. Some Lebanese Shiites are scandalized that they are treated by Iranian mullahs as mercenaries, and see Nasrallah’s cash handouts as diyah (blood money) for their dead. And a dead man whose family receives a diyah cannot claim the status of “martyr” and enjoy its prerogatives in paradise.

As the scale of the destruction in the Shiite south becomes more clear, the pro-Hezbollah euphoria (much of it created by Western media and beamed back to Lebanon through satellite TV) is evaporating. Reality is beginning to reassert its rights.

And that could be good news for Lebanon as a nation. It is unlikely that Hezbollah will ever regain the position it has lost. The Lebanese from all sides of the political spectrum are united in their determination not to allow any armed group to continue acting as a state within the state.

The decent thing to do for Nasrallah would be to resign and allow his party to pick a new leader, distance itself from Iran and Syria, merge its militia into the Lebanese army and become part of the nation’s political mainstream.

In last year’s elections, Hezbollah ended up with 12 seats in the 128-seat National Assembly, thanks to a series of alliances with other Shiite groups as well as Christian and Druze parties. As the scale of Nasrallah’s blunder becomes clearer, it is unlikely that Hezbollah would be able to forge such alliances in the future.

Mere på New York Post

Utroligt så stille der er blevet i LSM om dette. Alene hetZZbollahs dødstal. Hvormange af de lidt over 1000 ‘civile’ er i virkeligheden terrorister? Hvis det overhovedet var en sejr er det vist blevet til en Pyrrhus-sejr.

3 kommentarer »

  1. […] More at Hodja […]


    Pingback af Pyrrhus victory for hetZZbollah? - Democracy Frontline - News Headlines — 30 august 2006 @ 00:09

  2. Jeg har ingen forudsætninger for at gennemskue situationen i Libanon eller have en mening om hvem der vandt. På DR’s P1 hørte jeg Søndag i Orientering en anden historie. Men det er også andre oplysninger man vægter på DR. Således er det da en god ide at se Hizbollahs tabstal gennem de familier der sørger og sammenholde det med Hvad IDF og Hizbollah hævder.

    Ydermere tvivler jeg også på Orienterings ekspertpanel (Ja, Sippel var den ene og ikke engang den værste) i deres beskrivelse af libanesernes nyfundne glæde over Hizbollah og deres meriterende sejr over Israel. Jeg tvivler på at de kristne deler denne glæde, det strider imod sund fornuft. OK, sund fornuft er ikke hvad der præger regionen.


    Kommentar af Peter Andreas Fog — 30 august 2006 @ 00:21

  3. Faldt lige over det her sted. Krigsvittigheder fra Libanon. Flere af dem er faktisk ret sjove.

    Norsk TV meddeler nu


    Kommentar af Phanarath — 30 august 2006 @ 11:25

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