Hodjanernes Blog

7 august 2008

Hege Storhaug

Om muslimsk skilsmisse og venstrefløjen på HRS.

Den norske venstrefløj har mindst lige så store skyklapper på, som den danske.

Og lidt om kvinders vilkår i Pakistan.

2 kommentarer »

  1. Apropos Pakistan…

    “For example, 58 percent of nurses and doctors interviewed admitted being sexually harassed, usually at the hands of other doctors, nurses, attendants, patients and visitors. Domestic servants suffer even more, 91 percent disclosing they’d been victims of some sexual abuse. Life is tough for these women, who have to deal with harassment on their own. There are endless stories of domestic servants being fondled, beaten and raped by men in the houses where they work. In some cases they are even sold to strangers for the night. For women working in fields and brick kilns the problem is even more acute, with a staggering 95 percent having faced sexual harassment of some form (including rape and torture), many facing it on a regular basis. The harassers are usually landlords, munshies, contractors and co-workers. “Face or beauty does not matter,” says one field worker resignedly, “It is enough that you are a woman”.

    As Dr Fouzia Saeed puts it, “Hiding behind any denial will not work any more. It’s time that we face our own value system and question the basic concept of woman that we have in our heads, which we have unconsciously inherited, and which we do not want to let go of.””

    Og mere hér: http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2008%5C05%5C13%5Cstory_13-5-2008_pg11_9


    Kommentar af ideogkoncept — 7 august 2008 @ 12:40

  2. OT: http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/0,1518,570707,00.html


    Kommentar af GNU — 8 august 2008 @ 01:38

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