Hodjanernes Blog

3 september 2010

Pacificering af kulturberiger

Filed under: Demografi, Hodja, Immigration, Labaner, Tyrkiet, Tyskland, Våben — Tags: — Hodja @ 10:36

Special Forces in Frankenthal, a small village in the German State of Rhineland-Palatinate, ended a hostage taking at a gas station without bloodshed.

A 26 year-old man had threatened 3 men and two female employees of the petrol station with a knife. After releasing 4 of his hostages, he demanded a car and a cell phone and left the gas station with his last hostage. He was subdued with a Taser and arrested by special police forces. The man and one police officer were slightly injured in the incident. The motive behind the man’s action still unclear.

3 kommentarer »

  1. Desværre ikke en permanent passificering…


    Kommentar af ManInBurka© — 3 september 2010 @ 11:03

  2. Så, nu har han da rigtigt fået noget at føle sig STØDT over 😀


    Kommentar af Bjovulf — 4 september 2010 @ 00:16

    • Så er han nok rigtig i STØDET til næste kulturberigelse.


      Kommentar af Skjoldungen — 4 september 2010 @ 00:21

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