Hodjanernes Blog

12 juni 2009

Stort tillykke

Filed under: Bloggere, Danmark, Hodja — Tags: , — Hodja @ 22:02

Uriasposten og Møller har i dag rundet 5 millioner hits.

Stort tillykke fra Hodjas Blog med det flotte resultat, og vi håber på fortsat fremragende blogning.

Men vi er lige i hælene på ham – mangler bare lige 3,1 million 😀

EU: Når vælgerne ikke vælger dem de skal vælge – hvad gør vi så?

Proposals to change the way EU voting works will be tabled next year to counter the low turnout and big gains for fringe parties.

The elections have fragmented the European Parliament as never before after voters across the continent elected large numbers of non-aligned MEPs outside the traditional pro-EU Christian Democrats, Socialists and Liberals. In Britain, the BNP, UKIP, and the Greens, made gains at the expense of Labour and Lib Dem votes.

Joseph Daul, the chairman of the European People’s Party, parliament’s biggest Christian Democrat led grouping, has hinted at changes to minimise the impact of national issues, such as Britain’s expenses scandal, on wider Europe.

“Perhaps we need to rethink electoral systems,” he said. “The turnout at each election seems to strengthen extremism. Some are asking if the electoral system is still a valid one.”


Parliament sources have acknowledged that a reform debate is needed to bring “some needed stability to the institution”.

“Some people will say ‘bad losers’ but making the elections more European and less national might help bring some stability into the system,” said an official.

Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party, said: “The EU has tampered enough with our democracy. No more please.”

Mere på Telegraph

Det er nok derfor, politikerne er ved at udskifte de europæiske vælgere med nogle, de tror, de kan styre. Når der bliver nok af de nye vælgere – så skal de se ektremisme – hamaSS, hetZZbollah, gisp-prut-papir osv.

UK: Vælgerne opgiver labour

Filed under: EU, Socialdemokratiet, UK — Tags: , — Hodja @ 18:47

Fordi Labour for længst har opgivet vælgerne.

Pim Fortuyns morder – Volkert van der Graaf – et stakkels offer forfulgt af pressen

A foundation set up to finance legal proceedings against careless media reports gave funds to the murderer of Pim Fortuyn. Journalists, a lawyer and former Premier Dries van Agt, who form the board of the foundation, made the donation without the knowledge of the foundation’s founder, Hans Melchers.


The foundation was set up by Melchers, a businessman, with a donation of 1 million euros. In 2005, his daughter Claudia Melchers was kidnapped. He considered that various media had reported carelessly on the case. That money has now gone to the murderer of Fortuyn he termed unacceptable, according to De Telegraaf.

“I set up the fund because I saw how difficult it is to fight against mistaken reporting. Of course the fund was not intended for someone like the murderer of Pim Fortuyn. As perpetrator of a cowardly murder, he himself is responsible for the fact he has become a notorious Dutch person and he certainly does not qualify as a victim of the press.”

The financing for Fortuyn’s murderer was provided in 2007, but the foundation management never informed Melchers. He says he only found out after lengthy pressure asking for a review of the cases subsidised.

Mere på NISNews

Holland: Forsamlingsforbud på gader og stræder

Filed under: Demografi, Europa, Holland, Immigration, Jura, Kriminalitet, Labaner — Tags: , — Hodja @ 18:31

In yet another neighborhood of Utrecht – Zullen-Oost – the town’s mayor has issued a prohibition on gathering.

Twenty-seven specific youngsters are no longer allowed to gather in groups on the street. The next step will be to prohibit certain youngsters from entering particular streets. The mayor said that he had to take these steps because of the fears of residents of the neighborhood.

Forbud mod sammenstimlen – det havde vi også under besættelsen – så det passer jo meget fint.

Gaddafi: Luk millioner af immigranter ind – og I kommer til at få brug for en diktator

Filed under: Afrika, Asyl, Demografi, EAD, EU, Europa, FN, Immigration, Internationalt, Italien, Muslim World, Totalitære — Tags: — Hodja @ 18:20

“May the Italian government stop defending you from immigration. Let millions of people in and then you will need a dictator to protect you”.

Muammar Gaddafi thus attacked defenders of human rights and warned of the consequences of a feeble immigration policy.

 “Let us leave the responsibility for finding jobs, medical cures, whatever is needed,” for the millions of immigrants who could land in your country “to the organisations for the defence of the human rights”,

said the Colonel ironically. As for respect for the rights of those seeking asylum,

“we must know who and how to recognise a political refugee, because much of the information is incorrect. Are the millions who are marching from Africa to the European Union political refugees? Africans are hungry, not politicians, they do not know political parties and even less elections”.

 They are moving from Africa

“to chase after the resources which they believe were taken away from them” by colonial countries. “

And anyway, would you accept a million political refugees? If you did, it would be a great thing, I would help you, if you want a million Africans, who could then become two, twenty, fifty, I am with you”,

continued Gaddafi.


Og Gaddafi kræver milliarder og atter milliarder for at dæmme op for strømmen af afrikanere på vej mod Europa – ellers…………………….

Er det sikkert at rejse hjem til Irak?

Filed under: Asyl, Danmark, Hodja, Immigration, Irak — Tags: , — Hodja @ 18:06

Via uriasposten.

Glenn Beck og Daniel Hannan om Eurabia.

Filed under: Antisemitisme, Blogs Foreign English, EUSSR, Immigration, Islam, Jihad, Shariah, USA/Canada — Skjoldungen @ 17:58

Daniel Hannan husker vi alle for århundredets tale i Mickey Mouse- Parladementet.

Tip: Gates of Vienna.

Fejl, udeladelser og forvrængninger

Forleden skrev vi om, hvordan The History Channel på TV fordrejer historien i en serie om korstogene.

Minsandten om ikke også magasinet National Geographic i en artikel om ‘arabiske kristne’ fylder læserne med misinformation i form af fejl, udeladelser og forvrængninger.

“Aside from a host of other factual errors, Belt puts the onus for the disappearing Christians of the Holy Land squarely on modern Israel and Israeli policies, while 13 centuries of Arab-Muslim persecutions get nary the cursory mention. One wonders what role Israel plays today in the disappearance of the Copts of Egypt, the Maronites of Lebanon, the Chaldaeans and Assyrians of Iraq, and the Syriacs of Syria among others? Is their dispossession of their homelands over the past 13 centuries also the result of “Israeli occupation?” Can someone at the NGM spell anachronism in this narrative?”

Mere på AINA

Ny voldsimam?

Imam Gulan Nabi er siktet for vold mot barn på en koranskole i Drammen.

Imamen ble i forrige uke pågrepet og siktet for vold med stokker og kjepper mot barn han underviste på koranskolen.


De påståtte voldsovergrepene mot koranskolebarna, som er mellom seks og tolv år gamle, skal ha pågått i mange år.

Som nogle måske husker var Ahmed Akkari kendt som Danmarks volds-imam. Hvad skal vi iøvrigt med koranskoler her i Skandinavien?



Filed under: Billeder/Pictures, Grisobarium, Imamer, Indvandring, Islam, Loonies, Shariah, Tørklæde, UK — Skjoldungen @ 14:27

Visuelle indtryk kan give uoprettelige skader på sjælen.

Børn er så lette at skræmme. De kan blive bange og fordærvede af at se uhyggelige billeder. Men måske afhænger de kære smås reaktion også af ‘kulturelle forskelle’  (race-forskelle, i venstrefløjsterminologi)? – Vi bringer tre eksempler på rædselsvækkende billeder, som kan afstedkomme rystede (©DanMarx Radio) og chokerede (©DanMarx Radio) småbørn, som efterfølgende må have krisehjælp og psykologisk genopretning. Vi lader læserne vurdere, og neden under billederne kommer så løsningen:

mullah peppa_pig barbie

Daily Star: MUSLIM extremists are demanding a ban on “impure” children’s toys such as Peppa Pig and Barbie.

And some shopping centre stores are already ripping kids’ favourites – said to promote “western values” – from their shelves. Hardline leaders fear the toys could poison theirchildren against Islam. They have targeted popular kids’ telly character Peppa because it is a pig, an animal they brand “impure”. Spin-off toys from the Channel Five show have already been banned in Eastern Europe by some Muslim shopkeepers. And fears are growing they will try to bring their campaign to Britain.

Preacher Omar Bakri Muhammad, 51, who is banned from Britain after praising the 9/11 bombings, said it was time for British Muslims to stop western culture corrupting their children’s minds.



DR1-dokumentaren Kvinder på flugt (28.5.) viste hvor massiv undertrykkelse, i form af tvangsægteskaber, vold, (æres)drab og tørklædetvang, som rigtig mange indvandrerkvinder lever under i Danmark.

Men på Kvindernes Internationale Kampdag lyder der kun protester imod købesex og krav om flere kvinder på direktionsgangene.

Vore dages kvindeorganisationer mener åbenbart, at ligestilling kun er for kvinder med lys hud.

Michael Sandfort; Nordjyske Stiftstidende 31.05.2009

Den massive undertrykkelse, som indvandrekvinder lever under, er først og fremmest deres familiemedlemmers skyld. Men det er det omgivende samfunds ansvar at gribe ind og holde op med at forveksle vold, trusler og racisme med kulturberigelse.

Michael Sandfort; B.T. 31.05.2009

Palaraberne lyncher familiemedlem

En palæstinensisk far har erkendt, at han, sammen med en onkel og en fætter, har hængt en 15-årig dreng i en lade på Vestbredden på mistanke om samarbejde med israelerne.

Obamessias ER Messias

Filed under: Hodja, Kendte, Medier DR m.fl., Politik, USA/Canada, Venstrefløjen — Tags: , , — Hodja @ 12:25

Når grise flyver

Filed under: Grisobarium, Hodja — Hodja @ 12:20

Tip: Anon

Humanitært ophold i Norge til fremtidige kulturberigere

Filed under: Asyl, Hodja, Immigration, Islam, Norge, Politisk korrekte, Terrorism, Tortur — Tags: , — Hodja @ 11:00

Blandt de personer, der må blive i Norge, er en bøddel samt en person, der har været med til at tortere Talibans fanger.

En tredje har været involveret i terrorhandlinger for militsen.

Asylansøgerne har oplyst, at de har udført meget forskellige opgaver for Taliban. Nogle har udøvet tortur og slået ihjel.


Muslim world

Filed under: Film, Islam, Muslim World, Saudi — ManInBurka© @ 09:55

Film and fanatics in the kingdom; The first publicly screened movie in Saudi Arabia for 30 years has provided controversy – and a new case for social reform

The audience was limited to men and children (including females up to the age of 10) (social reform????) and so for the first time in the city fathers have been able to take their children to the movies.

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