Hodjanernes Blog

26 august 2016

What goes around, comes around

Det engelske arbejderparti Labour har problemer pga. sin egen anti”israelske” politik …

Sidste år fyrede Labour sit dansk-engelske sikkerhedsfirma G4S, officielt pga at det arbejdede i israelske fængsler

Men nu må Labour måske opgive sin konference i Liverpool den 25 september.
Labour kan nemlig ikke finde et nyt sikkerhedsfirma !

Og – hvor “uheldig” kan man være – G4S har minsandten afvist at hjælpe Labour …

Payback is a bitch

Labour problemer

Labour ligger med andre ord som de har redt

Jeg må erkende at jeg ikke kan lade være med at føle en vis skadefryd

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18 marts 2016

Det engelske arbejderparti(Labour) har et problem med antisemitisme

Der synes at være rigtig mange antisemitter blandt medlemmerne

Og det har jo ikke ligefrem hjulpet med Corbin som ny leder af Labour

Labour shame

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13 september 2015

Mere om den nye marxist, som lige er blevet valgt til leder af Labour i UK

Hodja har allerede bragt et indlæg om Jeremy Corbyn. Stalin ville have været stolt af ham

Se det her, hvis du ikke allerede har gjort det

Her er en punkt-oversigt (på engelsk) over hvad han står for:

“We have a Labour leader who:

1. Said that the 7/7 attacks were the result of UK creating insecurity around the world
2. Presented a show on Press TV, Iran’s propaganda channel
3. Praised and appeared on Russia Today, Putin’s propaganda channel
4. Is National Chair of “Stop the War”
5. Is a Patron of the “Palestine Solidarity Campaign” which fights for a boycott of Israel.
6. Says that Hamas and Hezbollah are dedicated to the good of the Palestinian people and to social and political justice.
7. Says that NATO is the aggressor in Eastern Europe and that Russia has a legitimate claim over Ukraine
8. Jumped to the defence of antisemites, Raed Salah who indulged in medieval blood libel and Steven Sizer who said that Israel was behind 9/11
9. Is not offended by the suggestion that the execution of Bin Laden and the sentencing of Eichmann are both illegitimate and illegal
10. Does not argue with somebody who suggests that Bin Laden is not dead
11. Does not say anything when a 911 truther who he’s sharing a platform with, defends Palestinian suicide bombing
12. Is pictured, all smiles, with Hugo Chavez
13. Campaigned against Britain taking military action against Assad
14. Campaigned against the RAF giving air support to those defending Kobane
15. Thinks that ISIS is bad in Syria in the same way as the US is bad in Iraq
16. Continued to support “Deir Yassin Remembered” even when it was well known that it was run by a Holocaust Denier
17. Hosted and sat next to on a platform Dyab Abou Jahjan, who believes that the killing of each British soldier is a victory
18. Agreed to speak alongside Carlos Latuff, 2nd prize winner in Ahmadinejad’s Holocaust denial cartoon competition
19. Agreed to speak alongside Azzam Tamimi, who said that he’d like to have been a suicide bomber against Israel
20. Replies to all these points by saying that they are Tory smears”


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12 september 2015

Jeremy Corbyn: Venstreekstremistisk antisemitisk HetZZbollah- og HamaSSelsker valgt til leder for For Labour i UK

Stakkels briter hvis han bliver premierminister.

6 maj 2015

Det engelske Labour skyer ingen midler for at tiltrække muslimske stemmer

Filed under: Behandling af kvinder, Dhimmier, Islam, Kulturberigelse, Mangfoldighed, Multi-kulti, TrumfEs, UK — Tags: — trumfes @ 19:43

Det engelske valg nærmer sig med hurtige skridt, og Labour vil åbenbart gerne lege dhimmier

Labour gør alt for den muslimske stemme

Mænd skal selvfølgelig sidee adskilt fra kvinder ved Labour politiske møder – i alt fald ved dette møde

Jeg går ud fra at Labour ved næste valg vil kompromittere sig yderligere og indføre sådan muslimsk behandling af kvinder:

Taliban beat a woman in KabulSep.2001

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13 april 2015

De engelske jøder er – omsider – blevet trætte af Labours proarabiske politik

Labour har været vant til stor jødisk politisk og økonomisk støtte. Men nu er det slut !


Ifølge en opinionsanalyse vil ikke mindre end 69 % af de britiske jøder stemme på David Cameron, der korrekt opfattes som betydelig mere balanceret end Ed Miliband ( der er jøde af navn, men ikke af gavn!), som reelt støttede Hamas i den seneste krig.

Dette får nu også økonomiske konsekvenser. Labour har altid kunnet regne med økomiske bidrag fra britiske jøder, men den kilde – værd 100,000 vis af pund – er nu tørret ind.
Det kan ikke en gang lade sig gøre at afholde en møde med det formål at indsamle penge til Labour,
så upopulær har Ed Miliband gjort sig:

‘One prominent Jewish financial backer, a lifelong Labour supporter, said he no longer wanted to “see Mr Miliband in Downing Street or Douglas Alexander as Foreign Secretary” ‘.

Også i USA er jøderne – omsider – ved at vende bort fra Obama.
Siden marts er støtten til Obama faldet fra 61 % til 50% !

ScreenHunter_109 Apr. 13 17.30

Adskillige demokratiske senatorer på valg i 2016 har haft travlt med at distancere sig til Obama.

Det har altid undret mig at de fleste jøder stemmer på socialdemokratiske partier idag.
Jeg kan sagtens forstå det for 30 år siden, men i dag støtter socialdemokratiske partier i praksis HAMAS. Bare se på Sverige og England.

Læg dertil at langt de fleste jøder lever et borgerligt liv, med vægt på uddannelse og at klare sig selv. Den profil passer ikke på socialdemokratierne i verdenen,

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19 november 2013

Won’t get fooled again!!: Roger Daltrey, The Who frontman, says that he is angry that Labour’s mass immigration policies have taken jobs from his friends

Roger Daltrey, the lead singer of The Who, says he will never forgive Labour for their mass immigration policies as he says they “destroyed the jobs of my mates”.


“I will never, ever forgive the Labour party for allowing this mass immigration with no demands put on what people should be paid when they come to this country. I will never forgive them for destroying the jobs of my mates, because they allowed their jobs to be undercut with stupid thinking on Europe, letting them all in, so they can live 10 to a room, working for Polish wages,” he told the Sunday Times magazine.

Mere på The telegraph

Mil­li­ar­dæ­ren Paul Sykes lover å støtte UKIP ved våren valg til EU-parlamentet. Det er særs dår­lig nytt for David Came­ron og Toryene.

13 november 2013

UK’s tidligere Labour indenrigsminister: “Åbningen for immigration fra Østeuropa en spektakulær fejltagelse”

A spectacular mistake on immigration: Straw finally admits Labour ‘messed up’ by letting in one million East Europeans

  • Former Home Secretary said the party’s 2004 decision to hand immediate working rights to migrants from other EU states was a mistake
  • Admission in his local paper is furthest any Labour minister has gone
  • His successor David Blunkett also warned Roma migrants could cause riots
  • Government had predicted influx of 13,000 a year – 1m came in a decade

His comments emerged on the same day as his successor as Home Secretary, David Blunkett, warned that the influx of Roma migrants into Britain risked causing riots.

Mere på Daily Mail

15 maj 2013

Tidligere Labourminister: Tony Blair og Gordon Brown planlagde udskiftningen af den britiske befolkning med det multikulturelle samfund

Labour sent out “search parties” for immigrants in a policy which has created a “problem” for British people unable to find work, Lord Mandelson has admitted.

The former Cabinet minister confirmed for the first time that New Labour not only welcomed but actively encouraged that mass influx of migrants.

Lord Mandelson admitted: “In 2004 when as a Labour government, we were not only welcoming people to come into this country to work, we were sending out search parties for people and encouraging them, in some cases, to take up work in this country.”

In the past senior figures have denied that they engineered immigration, and three years ago refuted suggestions from adviser Andrew Neather that they encouraged the process to make the UK “truly multicultural” as a snub to the right.

Mere på Telegraph

Man kan kalde det historiens største hate-crime mod den britiske befolkning – udført af deres egne folkevalgte politikere. Længe leve socialdemokratismen.

27 september 2011

Hemmelig rapport om det britiske Labours undergravning af befolkningen

Reports kept under wraps by Labour showing that immigrants who came to Britain from Romania and Bulgaria had low education levels and were more likely to claim out-of-work benefits are to be released for the first time by ministers.

Mere på Telegraph

3 september 2010

BBC indrømmer!

Filed under: Dhimmier, Evidens, Journalister, Loonies, Politisk korrekte, UK, Ytringsfrihed — Tags: , — Skjoldungen @ 23:02

Yes, BBC was biased: Director General Mark Thompson admits a ‘massive’ lean to Left

På det allersidste har vi også her på bloggen bemærket enkelte afvigelser fra partilinien på BBC. For eksempel den sobre reportage om Narreskibet. Vi opfattede det dengang som en slags “freudian slip” – hvilket jo kan forekomme i de kredse. Imidlertid ser det ud til at hvad den ganske vide verden vidste i forvejen nu er trængt ind på direktionsgangene – og at man er begyndt at rydde en anelse op i den indspiste klan af politisk ensrettede clusterfuckers – også kaldet journalister – som har tilbragt så mange år  i deres “comfort zone” med at bekræfte hinanden i den rette tro og de rigtige meninger. Tænk om det dannede skole i DDR….

Daily Mail: “BBC Director General Mark Thompson has admitted the corporation was guilty of a ‘massive’ Left-wing bias in the past. The TV chief also admitted there had been a ‘struggle’ to achieve impartiality and that staff were ‘ mystified’ by the early years of Margaret Thatcher’s government. But he claimed there was now ‘much less overt tribalism’ among the current crop of young journalists, and said in recent times the corporation was a ‘broader church’. He claimed there was now an ‘honourable tradition of journalists from the right’ working for the corporation.

His comments, made in the New Statesman magazine, are one of the clearest admissions of political bias from such a senior member of its staff. The BBC has long been accused of being institutionally biased towards the Left, and an internal report from 2007 said it had to make greater efforts to avoid liberal bias. That report criticised the BBC for coming late to several important stories including euroscepticism and immigration, which it described as ‘off limits in terms of a liberal-minded comfort zone’.

1 juli 2010

Kinnock familien kan bare det der med penge

Neil and Glenys Kinnock received more than £10million in pay, allowances and pension entitlements during their time working at the European Union in Brussels.

The astonishing figure can be revealed after a Mail on Sunday (juni 2009)  investigation into the couple’s lavish lifestyle funded from the public purse. Lady Kinnock, who was appointed Europe Minister by Gordon Brown this month, was an MEP for 15 years. Her husband, who failed to win a General Election as Labour leader, was an EU Commissioner for ten years until 2004.

  • A total of £775,000 in wages for Lady Kinnock and £1.85 million for her husband, adding up to £2,625,000.
  • Allowances for Lady Kinnock’s staff and office costs of £2.9million.
  • A £64,564 ‘entertainment allowance’ for Lord Kinnock.
  • A total of five publicly-funded pensions, worth £4.4million, allowing them to retire on £183,000 a year.
  • A housing allowance that allowed them both to claim accommodation costs although, as a married couple, they lived in the same house in the Belgian capital between 1995 and 2004.


Other members of the Kinnock family have also benefited from the Brussels gravy train. Son Stephen’s first job after Cambridge University was as a research assistant to an MEP. His Danish wife Helle – tipped as a future prime minister of Denmark – sat as an MEP from 1999 to 2004, while the Kinnocks’ daughter Rachel was her mother’s research assistant at the European Parliament. Rachel now works for Gordon Brown in the political unit at No10, paid by the Labour Party.

Mere på Daily Mail, hvor det beskrives, at Kinnock familien har udnyttet EU-reglerne for bl.a. rejser, pensioner og diæter til det yderste. Udover pengene ejer Kinnock familien boliger for over 10 millioner kroner. Det er ganske indbringende at være toppolitiker for et arbejderparti. Ægterparret Kinnock har to børn, Stephen og Rachel. I teorien er HTS’ mand (og HTS) altså arving til halvdelen af, hvad der bliver tilbage af ovenstående.

Briterne kalder Kinnock familien ‘champagne-socialister’ – Kinnockerne drikker champagnen – folket får socialismen.

Et britisk pund er i dag: 9.11 DKr.

Note: HTS’s tasker er ikke af mærket Gucci.

21 maj 2010

Er Helle Thorning-Schmidts svigerfar landsforræder?

Zagladin’s records also note that the former leader of the British Labour Party, Neil Kinnock, approached Gorbachev—unauthorized, while Kinnock was leader of the opposition—through a secret envoy to discuss the possibility of halting the United Kingdom’s Trident nuclear-missile program.

The minutes of the meeting between Gorbachev and the envoy, MP Stuart Holland, read as follows:

In [Holland’s] opinion, Soviet Union should be very interested in liquidation of “Tridents” because, apart from other things, the West—meaning the US, Britain and France—would have a serious advantage over the Soviet Union after the completion of START treaty. That advantage will need to be eliminated. . . . At the same time Holland noted that, of course, we can seriously think about realisation of that idea only if the Labour comes to power. He said Thatcher . . . would never agree to any reduction of nuclear armaments.

Kinnock was vice president of the European Commission from 1999 to 2004, and his wife, Glenys, is now Britain’s minister for Europe. Gerard Batten, a member of the UK Independence Party, has noted the significance of the episode.

“If the report given to Mr. Gorbachev is true, it means that Lord Kinnock approached one of Britain’s enemies in order to seek approval regarding his party’s defense policy and, had he been elected, Britain’s defense policy,” Batten said to the European Parliament in 2009. “If this report is true, then Lord Kinnock would be guilty of treason.”

Læs mere om 50,000 upubliserede, ikke-oversatte, top-hemmelige Kreml-dokumenter fra den kolde krigs tid.

Hvilken forbindelse er der eventuelt til den danske venstrefløj og den såkaldte ‘fodnotepolitik’? Eller Dragsdahl? Eller? Eller?

1 maj 2010

Gillian Duffy fra Rochdale – Gordon Browns ‘intolerante’ kvinde

When grandmother Gillian Duffy suggested immigration was a problem in Rochdale, she was swiftly dismissed as a ‘bigot’ by Gordon Brown.

But the Prime Minister was betraying not only his real feelings about the worries of millions of Britons, but also his ignorance of what has been going on in the northern town – which provides an acute case study of issues afflicting the whole nation.

For ethnic populations in Rochdale, ten miles north of Manchester, have been rising so fast that the Home Office has been warned it is at risk of race riots, and the council has had to draw up a special housing plan for minorities.

Mere på Daily Mail

29 april 2010

Gordon Brown i fedtefadet

Den britiske premierminister bryder sig ikke om vælgere der ønsker at diskutere virkeligheden (indvandring og kriminalitet).

Det kommer han måske til at fortryde at have kommenteret for åben mikrofon.

27 april 2010

Det britiske valg: Gris bortcensureret fra Labours valgkampagne for at ‘undgå kontrovers’

Og det endda uden at nævne ‘i’ og ‘m’ ordene.

Peppa Pig, the popular children’s television character has been withdrawn from a Labour event, after its creators said they wanted to avoid any “controversy”.

Tip: U.L.

Slem video: Se den kun hvis du har nerver til at se grise, jul, en julemand der drikker alkohol etc – fan’me uhyggelig!

30 oktober 2009

Det har jeg aldrig skrevet

Melanie Phillips skriver igen om Andrew Neather, der indrømmede, at masseimmigrationen til UK var planlagt af Tony Blairs Labour.

Neather benægter nu selvfølgelig, at han nogensinde har skrevet, det han har skrevet.

Og de britiske medier er stort set tavse om sagen.

27 oktober 2009

Melanie Phillips: The outrageous truth slips out: Labour cynically plotted to transform the entire make-up of Britain without telling us

Melanie Phillips skriver om afsløringen af, at masse-immigrationen til UK var planlagt af Labour:

It was therefore a politically motivated attempt by ministers to transform the fundamental make-up and identity of this country. It was done to destroy the right of the British people to live in a society defined by a common history, religion, law, language and traditions.

It was done to destroy for ever what it means to be culturally British and to put another ‘multicultural’ identity in its place. And it was done without telling or asking the British people whether they wanted their country and their culture to be transformed in this way.


But the most shattering revelation was that this policy of mass immigration was not introduced to produce nannies or cleaners for the likes of Neather. It was to destroy Britain’s identity and transform it into a multicultural society where British attributes would have no greater status than any other country’s.


It also conveniently guaranteed an increasingly Labour-voting electorate since, as a recent survey by the Electoral Commission has revealed, some 90 per cent of black people and three-quarters of Asians vote Labour.

In Neather’s hermetically sealed bubble, the benefits of mass immigration were so overwhelming he couldn’t understand why ministers had been so nervous about it.

They were, he wrote, reluctant to discuss what increased immigration would mean, above all to Labour’s core white working class vote. So they deliberately kept it secret.

They knew that if they told the truth about what they were doing, voters would rise up in protest. So they kept it out of their election manifestos.

It was indeed a conspiracy to deceive the electorate into voting for them. And yet it is these very people who have the gall to puff themselves up in self-righteous astonishment at the rise of the BNP.


Condemned out of its own mouth, it is New Labour that is responsible for the rise of the BNP – by an act of unalloyed treachery to the entire nation.

Her på Hodjas Blog spørger vi: Hvordan har forbindelserne været mellem de europæiske Socialdemokratier om disse spørgsmål? Hvor meget har de ladet sig inspirere af hinanden? Har der været holdt møder partierne imellem? Vi skal nok ikke forvente, at danske journalister vil forsøge at få svar på disse spørgsmål, og endnu mindre, at de rapporterer overfor danskerne om afsløringerne – Ulla Therkelsen og kumpaner. Iøvrigt meddeler medierne i disse dage, at Tony Blair er ved at blive kørt i stilling som præsident for EU!

21 oktober 2009

UK: 700 immigranter om dagen siden Labour kom til magten

Filed under: Asyl, Demografi, Europa, Immigration, UK — Tags: — Hodja @ 22:35

The number of migrants who have come to Britain since Labour came to power has almost doubled according to a Government report.

More than 700 migrants a day have been let in, bringing the total to around three million since 1997.

12 juni 2009

UK: Vælgerne opgiver labour

Filed under: EU, Socialdemokratiet, UK — Tags: , — Hodja @ 18:47

Fordi Labour for længst har opgivet vælgerne.

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