Hodjanernes Blog

18 januar 2008

Lenin sagde: “Kapitalisterne vil sælge os det reb, vi vil hænge dem med”

Europæiske skatteborgere finanisierer terrorist propaganda skriver Daily Express.

Det er åbenbart først nu gået op for britiske medier, hvad skatteborgernes penge bruges til i Palæstina.

MILLIONS of pounds of taxpayers’ money is being poured into financing terrorist propaganda, it emerged last night.

Some of the cash is even being used to fund school textbooks which teach children in Palestine to worship violence and hate all non-Muslims.

The money has also been spent on school books praising the “insurgents” killing British troops in Iraq, a report revealed.

Tories and Jewish leaders expressed outrage at the revelations and called for an urgent investigation into how the Palestinian Authority has used £47.5million in British aid over the past year.

Shadow Foreign Office Minister David Lidington said he was “disturbed” by the findings of the TaxPayers’ Alliance report. He added: “It is imperative that future generations are taught a message of reconciliation and mutual understanding.

I have contacted both the Palestinian representative in London and the United Nations Relief Agency to discuss the issues the TaxPayers’ Alliance has raised.”

Læs resten på Daily Express

Og hvad kommer der ud af det? Intet. Vore ledere vil vedblive med at hælde penge i det korrupte og dybt amoralske styre i ‘Palæstina’.

Lenincitatet stammer herfra.

1 kommentar »

  1. Alle vestlige ledere er kvalficerede til at modtage Årets Nytårstorsk.

    Hvorlænge gider vi finde os i dem.

    De har kvajet sig så ekstraordinært, at der ikke er mere tilbage at tale om.



    Kommentar af falkeøje — 18 januar 2008 @ 17:23

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