Hodjanernes Blog

22 august 2007

A MUSLIM version of Live 8 is to be staged to highlight the humanitarian crisis in Darfur.

British-based Muslims are hoping for a sell-out at London’s Wembley Stadium on 21 October.

They also said it was “shameful” that Muslims do not get as concerned about the bloodshed in Sudan – branded “genocide” by the US president, George Bush – as they do about other conflicts such as Iraq.

Mere på Scotsman

Nej for muslimerne har jo ind til nu været mere optaget at give penge til militserne i Darfur, så de kunne gennemføre deres jihad.

Men mon ikke BBC og DR skal sende direkte fra det til den tid tomme stadion i London.

Og det kunne være fint om arrangementet blev indledt med den tidligere slave Simon Dengs ord:

“Finally, let me turn to address Muslim believers. Surely you know the enslavement and slaughter of millions of people is evil. Does your religion condone these crimes against humanity? If it does not, why don’t you speak up to condemn these crimes, these sins? The genocide and slavery perpetrated by the government of Khartoum is done in the name of the ideology of jihad. Thus, these crimes appear to be committed, by implication, in your name, in the name of the religion you hold sacred.”


Det er ihvertfald ikke koranen

Filed under: Europa, Imamer, Islam, Koran, Labaner, Moske, Minaret, Oplysning om islam, Terrorism, UK — Hodja @ 21:33

The majority of Scotland’s Islamic leaders believe UK foreign policy is to blame for members turning to extremism, according to a new report.

A study by the Council of British Pakistanis in Scotland found nearly half of the country’s 31 mosque leaders thought extremist behaviour existed in Scotland.

The “vast majority” cited the UK government’s foreign policy as the reason, it found.

Mere på The Herald





De vil have os ned med nakken – eller ned på bedetæppet

Filed under: Demografi, Europa, Holland, Immigration, Islam, Kristne, Oplysning om islam — Hodja @ 21:06

Så – nu er det påskeæggenes og juletræernes tur:


“If headscarves are banned for employees who work at the desk at city services in order to guarantee neutrality of services, then we demand that no Christmas trees be set up in city buildings and that no Easter eggs be given out.” Antwerp trade union representative Badia Miri said this on Wednesday in the Gazet van Antwerpen.

Mere på Expatica

Hold da kæft hvor bliver man træt af dem. Hvorfor rejser de ikke bare hjem??


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På den omtalte hjemmeside kan man bl.a. læse følgende:

Demokratiets ansvarsbevidsthed ses i vores dage, når man f.eks. kaster et blik på Irak. Et land hvor civilisationens vugge stod, skal nu opdrages af en flok ”eksperter” fra udenrigsministeriet og Århus Universitet.

Den hvide danske mand må sammen med koalitionen bære sin byrde og ”civilisere” de muslimske ”vilde” i Irak. I praksis har dette bragt demokratiets kendetegn med sig:

Voldtægt, tortur, massakrer og udplyndringen af ressourcer og råstoffer – Et mønster demokratiet efterlader sig hos alle, det aflægger et besøg.

Denne del af demokratiet skal selvfølgelig med i kanonen, således at de kommende generationer også har mulighed for at lære årsagerne til demokratiets fremgang at kende.

Mange i vesten glemmer, og andre aner ikke, at deres fremgang bygger på uskyldige menneskers blod og liv. Den bygger på ressourcer som er og stadig bliver plyndret fra de såkaldte u-lande. Kanonen er ladt med demokrati.

Folk ude i den vide verden (uden for den hvide verden) må bare holde sig for ørerne og håbe at det ikke er deres tur til at betale i denne omgang.

Hvis demokratikanonen bare bliver lidt selvkritisk og historisk redelig, vil de fremtidige generationer med rette læse den og ryste på hovedet af væmmelse og sige:

”Demokrati… magen til menneskelig idioti skal man lede længe efter.”  

Man kan også læse eksempler på, hvad kulten går ind for:

At påstå, at man ønsker at indføre shari’ah med tiden, betyder i virkeligheden, at man ønsker at implementere nogle af disse påbud, mens man forsømmer andre. F.eks. kan nogle påstå, at de ønsker, at implementere påbuddet i surat an-Nuur:

 ”Den utugtende – kvinde og mand – pisk hver af dem med hundrede pisk” (An-Nuur 02:24)

Men, at de ikke ønsker en øjeblikkelig implementering af påbuddet i surat al-Maaídah:

 ”Tyven – mand eller kvinde – hug hver deres hånd” (Al-Maaíadah 38:05)

Dette er ikke tilladt i Islam, da Allah påbyder i surat al-Maaídah, at implementeringen af Islam skal være en omfattende implementering:

Udover dette linker Kalifah til en Gisp-Prut-papir konference , der afholdes den 26. august.

Man må sige, at der er åbenbart ingen grænser for, hvad det offentlige vil lægge navn og midler til.

EU lovgivning forhindrer deportation?

Pressure is continuing to mount on the Government over the influence of European law on British courts following the decision not to deport the killer of head teacher Philip Lawrence.

An Immigration Tribunal has ruled that Learco Chindamo should not be deported to his native Italy once he has served his prison term.

The tribunal ruled that deportation could not be used as a “mode of further punishment” under EU law, drawing fierce criticism from the Tories.


The Home Office presented evidence to the tribunal claiming that Chindamo, now 26, poses a “genuine and present risk” to the public.

But a summary of the tribunal’s ruling stated:

“The tribunal took the view that the rules of EU law allowed deportation to be used neither as a mode of further punishment of offenders nor in order simply to dissuade other aliens from committing similar crimes.”

Mere på Birmingham Post


Så er det elgens tur

Filed under: Evidens, Greenies, Norge, Politisk korrekte, Sverige — Hodja @ 15:42

Den prutter for meget.


Ring tone – USA-Army Style

Filed under: Humor, No dhimmi, USA/Canada — Hodja @ 15:35

Ring tone riot.

Og………..førstepladsen går til……..

A VICTORIAN mosque plans to bestow awards on Australians they believe are Islamophobes — politicians, community leaders or media identities they categorise as hostile to Muslims.

The Brunswick-based Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah Association has unveiled what it calls its annual “Islamophobia Award for the worst Islamophobes in Australia“.

Likely to be near the top on the group’s list of nominees is Pauline Hanson, who has come under fire from the mosque and other Muslims for her recent call for a “moratorium on any more Muslims coming into Australia”.

Modtrækket er allerede undervejs:

Infidel awards coming…

A non-muslim organistion plans to bestow awards on Muslem they believe are Infindelophobes — politicians, community leaders or media identities they categorise as hostile to Infidelophopes.

The non-dar-al-islam-based  Association Infidels of the World Unite has unveiled what it calls its annual “Infidelophobia Award for the worst Infidelophobes in the non muslim world“.

Likely to be near the top on the group’s list of nominees is a variety of prominent muslims who advocates for muslims to take over the western world by altering demographics and eventually by force.

The  award follows a similar initiative in Britain where the imposed its Annual Infidelophobia Awards on politicians and muslim religious leaders – these initiatives have on the other hand  been largely ignorede by the press.

Details of the version of the award are still being considered by the “Infidel of the World Unite” association.



Filed under: Feminisme, Islam, Jura, Muslim World, Saudi — Hodja @ 15:17

Nej tak!


Så kan hun lære det!


Nodhimmi: Australierne er verdens største islamofober

FIREBRAND Muslim convert Yvonne Ridley says Australians are among the worst Islamophobes in the world.

The controversial British Muslim, who considers the architect of the Beslan school massacre to be a martyr, believes Australia’s attitudes to Islam are sliding faster than any other country.

“I’m deeply shocked,” she said. “It’s not what it was when I was last here three years ago.”

“I’ve visited over 20 countries in the past three years and Australia is the most shocking in terms of deterioration.”

Mere på The Daily Telegraph

Jamen tillykke til australierne med fremgangen, sidste år var det jo danskerne, der var verdens største islamofober. Læg lige mærke til billedet, der ledsager artiklen. Hvorfor bruger de ikke et, der viser, hvordan hun i virkeligheden ser ud? Det kan man jo tænke lidt over. Hvem der så er verdens største racister, kan man derefter fundere lidt over. DR fortæller det ihvertfald ikke i sine udsendelser om mangfoldighedens fornøjelser. Husk det er jo kun hvide (mænd) der begiver sig af med Apartheid.



21 august 2007

Hitler’s Handouts Inside the Nazis’ welfare state

Hitler’s Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State, by Götz Aly, New York: Metropolitan Books, 448 pages, $32.50

To understand Hitler’s popularity, Aly proposes, “it is necessary to focus on the socialist aspect of National Socialism.”

While underemphasized by modern historians, this socialism was stressed in many contemporaneous accounts of fascism, especially by libertarian thinkers. F.A. Hayek famously dedicated The Road to Serfdom to “the socialists of all parties”—that is, Labourites, Bolsheviks, and National Socialists. “It was the union of the anti-capitalist forces of the right and the left, the fusion of radical and conservative socialism,” Hayek wrote, “which drove out from Germany everything that was liberal.” Ludwig von Mises agreed, arguing in 1944 that “both Russia and Germany are right in calling their systems socialist.”

The Nazis themselves regarded the left-right convergence as integral to understanding fascism. Adolf Eichmann viewed National Socialism and communism as “quasi-siblings,” explaining in his memoirs that he “inclined towards the left and emphasized socialist aspects every bit as much as nationalist ones.” As late as 1944, Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels publicly celebrated “our socialism,” reminding his war-weary subjects that Germany “alone [has] the best social welfare measures.” Contrast this, he advised, with the Jews, who were the very “incarnation of capitalism.”

Using a farrago of previously unpublished statistics, Aly describes in detail a social system larded with benefits —open only to Aryan comrades, naturally. To “achieve a truly socialist division of personal assets,” he writes, Hitler implemented a variety of interventionist economic policies, including price and rent controls, exorbitant corporate taxes, frequent “polemics against landlords,” subsidies to German farmers as protection “against the vagaries of weather and the world market,” and harsh taxes on capital gains, which Hitler himself had denounced as “effortless income.”

Aly demonstrates convincingly that Nazi “domestic policies were remarkably friendly toward the German lower classes, soaking the wealthy and redistributing the burdens of wartime.” And with fresh memories of Weimer inflation, “transferring the tax burden to corporations earned the leadership in Berlin considerable political capital, as the government keenly registered.”


Mc Arab breder sig med lynets hast

Filed under: Demografi, Europa, Immigration, Schweiz — Hodja @ 23:51

A remarkable and visible increase in Arab fast food restaurants has surfaced in the past two years in Geneva.

The majority of this expansion took place in the heart of the city, with so many Arab fast food restaurants in an area neighboring the Geneva train station. Meanwhile a new one has opened its doors a month ago not far away from the United Nations.

Mere på Kuwait Times


Morderen udgør så stor en risiko for offentligheden…

Filed under: Europa, Immigration, Jura, Kriminalitet, Mord, Politisk korrekte, Udvisning, UK — Hodja @ 23:46

At vi må hellere lade ham forblive i landet.

Muslimernes jihad er allestedsnærværende

The recent letter of a group of Muslim activists attacking the Russian Orthodox Church was made only to gain favor with their foreign masters, the prominent Russian islamologist Roman Silantyev opines.

‘It is the second time this year that the same group related to the Council of Muftis in Russia accuses somebody of violation of the Muslim community’s rights. The first time they accused the government, and now the Russian Orthodox Church,’ Silantyev told Interfax on Monday.

In the end of the last week a group of muftis and other Islamic activists in which they supported the ten members of the Russian Academy of Sciences accusing the Russian Orthodox Church of ‘clericalizing’ the society. Among others, the letter was signed by the Council of Muftis in Russia co-president Nafigullah Ashirov, the Council’s former vice head Muhammad Karachay, and Mufti Mukaddas Bibarsov of Saratov Region.

Earlier in March 2007, another Muslim group including Ashirov sent an open letter to the Russian government urging them to stop persecution of Muslims in some Russian regions.

According to Silantyev, both letters were signed ‘only by some marginal Muslim activists while the four most prominent Russian Muslim leaders either ignored or denounced the petitions.’

‘Taking into consideration the author’s lives and works on the field of the Muslim revival, their letter should be translated as follows: “Dear Benefactors: During the last 20 years you have invested hundreds of millions into the noble cause of the Muslim revival in Russia. We should have used this money to open dozens of madrasah and Islamic universities, to launch powerful media, to organize a national Muslim political movement, and to produce a positive image of Muslims in Russia”,’ Silantyev said.

‘ “Sadly we have done nothing of that kind. However it was not because we are totally unsuitable for the job, but due to our islamophobic government and militant priests and clericals. Please don’t check how we used your money but rather give us some more, since there is nobody else to defend the rights of Hizb ut-Tahrir, Tablighi Jamaat and other fighters for a ‘pure’ Islam”,’ he added.

According to him, ‘the president of the Council of the Muftis either knew and unofficially supported those letters, or he finally lost any control of his deputies, who will at some point got him into hot water.’



A one-legged Emirati father of 78 is lining up his next two wives in a bid to reach his target of 100 children by 2015

Filed under: Demografi, Europa, Feminisme, Immigration, Islam, Koran, Muslim World — Hodja @ 21:45

“In 2015 I will be 68 years old and will have 100 children,” the local tabloid quoted Abdul Rahman as saying.

Mere på Reuters India

Han er på militær pension. Måske kan han bruges som tolk for Vestlige styrker et eller andet sted. Han må være guf at få på asyl for venstrefløjen, kulturrelativisterne og kvindebevægelsen. Hold da kæft for en familiesammenføring – hvilken fest.


MEMRI lancerer blog om Tyrkiet

Filed under: Bloggere, EAD, EU, Europa, Islam, Medier DR m.fl., Oplysning om islam, Tyrkiet — Hodja @ 21:32

Man kan begynde her.

Man kan for eksempel læse følgende historie:

Islamists Protest TV Series For Dog Character Named ‘Huseyin’

The radical Islamist Turkish daily Vakit reported that crowds in mosques are protesting against Kanal-D TV for broadcasting a TV series that includes a dog character named Huseyin. The Prophet Muhammad’s grandson was named Huseyin.

Hundreds of angry protestors gathered in front of the Kanal-D offices, and laid a black wreath in protest. They chanted, ‘Ali is our soul and blood, we are all Huseyin, we’ll break the hands that extend to our Prophet Muhammed, we are ready to die for Islam.”

Kanal D has already apologized and said that it understands the sentiments of the protesters, and promised to take all the necessary steps.

The Turkish daily Tercuman headlined the story.

Source: Vakit, Tercuman, Turkey, August 20, 2007.


Hvis du vil have fred – så forbered dig på krig – Si vis pacem, para bellum

“If you want peace, prepare for war.”

Thus counseled Roman general Flavius Vegetius Renatus over 1,600 years ago. Nine centuries before that, Sun Tzu offered essentially the same advice, and it’s to him that Vegetius’s line is attributed at the beginning of a film that I saw recently at Oslo’s Nobel Peace Center. Yet the film cites this ancient wisdom only to reject it. After serving up a perverse potted history of the cold war, the thrust of which is that the peace movement brought down the Berlin Wall, the movie ends with words that turn Vegetius’s insight on its head: “If you want peace, prepare for peace.”

This purports to be wise counsel, a motto for the millennium. In reality, it’s wishful thinking that doesn’t follow logically from the history of the cold war, or of any war. For the cold war’s real lesson is the same one that Sun Tzu and Vegetius taught: conflict happens; power matters. It’s better to be strong than to be weak; you’re safer if others know that you’re ready to stand up for yourself than if you’re proudly outspoken about your defenselessness or your unwillingness to fight. There’s nothing mysterious about this truth. Yet it’s denied not only by the Peace Center film but also by the fast-growing, troubling movement that the center symbolizes and promotes.

Call it the Peace Racket.

Læs mere af Bruce bawer


Italy: New mosque to open in Rome next to church

A new mosque serving Rome’s Bangladeshi community is to open next to an ancient church

A move community leaders hope will serve to boost harmony between religious groups.

Mere på ADNKronosInternational

Ja naivisterne håber – de bliver formodentlig klogere.


Wafa Sultan om islams ondskab

THE West was still underestimating the evil of Islam, an influential Muslim thinker has warned.

On a two-week “under the radar” visit to Australia, Syrian-born Wafa Sultan secretly met both sides of federal politics and Jewish community leaders, warning them that all Muslims needed to be closely monitored in the West.

She insisted that Australia and the US have been duped into believing there is a difference between the religion’s moderate and radical interpretations.

In an interview with The Australian, Dr Sultan  said Muslims were “brainwashed” from an early age to believe Western values were evil and that the world would one day come under the control of Sharia law.

The US-based psychiatrist — who has two fatwas (religious rulings) issued against her to be killed — warned that Muslims would continue to exploit freedom of speech in the West to spread their “hate” and attack their adopted countries, until the Western mind grasped the magnitude of the Islamic threat.

“You’re fighting someone who is willing to die,” Dr Sultan told The Australian in an Arabic and English interview. “So you have to understand this mentality and find ways to face it. (As a Muslim) your mission on this earth is to fight for Islam and to kill or to be killed. You’re here for only a short life and once you kill a kafir, or a non-believer, soon you’re going to be united with your God.”

“That’s why the West has to monitor the majority of Muslims because you don’t know when they’re ready to be activated. Because they share the same basic belief, that’s the problem,” said the 50-year-old, who was last year featured in Time magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people in the world.

But while she considered the prophet Mohammed “evil” and said the Koran needed to be destroyed because it advocated violence against non-believers, Dr Sultan struggled to articulate her vision for Muslims, whom she said she was trying to liberate from the shackles of their beliefs.

“I believe the only way is to expose the Muslims to different cultures, different thoughts, different belief systems,” said Dr Sultan, who is completing her first book, The Escaped Prisoner: When Allah is a Monster.

“Muslims have been hostages of their own belief systems for 1400 years. There is no way we can keep the Koran.”

Mere på The Australian


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