Hodjanernes Blog

24 maj 2011

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Ayatollah’erne i Iran går i brechen for den “danske” venstrefløjs mediedarling.

Mohammedanmarks så meget omtalte omdømme fejler intet. I hvert fald ikke i den islamiske verden. Det sørger vore egne kære parnassere for. Men stakkes de filmpaver i Cannes som har smidt en eller anden ligegyldig “dansk” filminstruktør ud – de kan bare vente, kan de…

TEHRAN (ISNA) – “Iranian Deputy Culture Minister for Cinematic Affairs Javad Shamaqdari wrote a letter to Cannes International Film Festival President Gilles Jacob criticizing expulsion of Danish director from the event. “First of all, I am willing to congratulate French cinematographers and people on 64th edition of the film festival. You well remember that the event was founded to confront fascism. Fascists are those who believed they are the only people who have the right to use welfare and life and could not bear presence of opposition,” he said in the letter. He then expressed disappointment on decisions of Cannes film festival organizers to expel the Danish director due to prejudice rooted in middle ages era.

“Mr. Gilles Jacob, believe that, regardless of my viewpoint about Lars Von Trier, Cannes Film Festival recorded a black point in its history,” the letter read. Cannes Film Festival expelled the Danish director Lars Von Trier for sympathy with Adolf Hitler. The director was ejected from the festival and scrubbed out of the running for the Palme D’Or competition when he told journalists at a press event:

“I think he did some wrong things, yes, absolutely, but I can see him sitting in his bunker in the end. He’s not what you would call a good guy, but I understand much about him and I sympathize with him.” –

He was at the Cannes Film Festival to show his soon to be released film Melancholia which has been acclaimed by critics. However, due to Trier’s comments the film was removed from the Palme D’Or completion. Trier has apologized, not for the comments themselves, but for making them in public. He has stated it was idiotic to make such jokes to the world, but has not apologized for the jokes’ content.”


Filed under: Humor, Teknologi, USA/Canada — Tags: — Skjoldungen @ 09:36

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