Hodjanernes Blog

14 juni 2006

Kronik i Jyllandsposten: Den enevældige undersøgende klasse

Journalisterne i DR og TV 2 tilhører den undersøgende klasse. De vil aldrig tolerere selv at blive visiteret. Og de behøver det heller ikke. I så måde er de lige så urørlige som Enevældens baroner og baronesser. Emnet synes mere sprængfarligt end nitroglycerin, så derfor kan det ikke drøftes fra officielt hold, skriver dagens kronikør.

Der står meget rigtigt i artiklen, men jeg mener nu, at han tager fejl – sålænge bloggerne ikke selv bliver Main-stream.


Suicide in Prisons

Liebling and Krarup conducted the most comprehensive study ever into suicide and self harm in prison between 1990 and 1992.

Their research report, published in 1993, identified a range of characteristics and background factors associated with prisoners at risk of suicide and self harm [*] .

They found that many prisoners had experienced multiple deprivations prior to their imprisonment, and to this was added the stresses resulting from custody and a range of situational problems.

Although all prisoners may be vulnerable at certain times, they found that there were three particularly vulnerable groups: younger “poor copers”, those with mental health problems and adult male serious offenders.

[*] Liebling, A. & Krarup, H. 1992, Institute of Criminology, Cambridge University.

Når nu medierne er så glade for at generalisere ud fra 3 selvmord på Guantanamo, skal vi da her generalisere ud fra den bedste undersøgelse, der åbenbart findes om emnet:

Selvmorderne har været udsat for multipel deprivation FØR fangenskabet. Så kan man spørge sig selv, hvordan al-Quaida behandler sine medløbere?

De er unge med dårlig tilpasningsevne.

De har psykiske problemer.

Og voksne mænd med alvorlige forbrydelser.

Halløj for en karakteristik af terroristerne på Guantanamo-basen!

Bagmand for mord på over 200 mennesker – heraf 3 danskere – løsladt og tiljublet af folkemængde

Filed under: Imamer, Indvandring, Islam, Labaner, Moske, Minaret, Muslim World, Terrorism — Hodja @ 08:50

 Den fundamentalistiske præst, Abu Bakar Bashir, bagmanden for Bali-bomben, blev onsdag løsladt før tid. Han blev modtaget af en jublende folkemængde.

Mere på BT 

Fredens religion?

Hvad virker forebyggende på terroristerne?


Læs den nederste linie.

Fra LindaSoG

Yderligtgående islamister tilbeder deres gud


al Zarqawis mor blogger om sønnen

Filed under: Bloggere, Hodja, Humor, Irak, Islam, Jihad, Labaner, Muslim World, Terrorism — Tags: — Hodja @ 07:45
Friday June 09 2006
My son was a good boy. He never killed anything but pigs, goats, birds and a fat Jew here and there. And if you disagree with me I will cut you to pieces and feed you to the birds. And then I will feed the birds to my cats! And I will feed my cats to the pigs!!You are all swine! You are worse than swine! You are PIGSWINE!

Also, I am available for any college speaking engagements.

Adressen er al Zarqawis Mom's Blog fundet via LindaSoG

Terror suspects who want to avoid jail should quit Canada, says Day

Filed under: Indvandring, Terrorism, USA/Canada — Hodja @ 07:33

OTTAWA (CP) – Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day says there's an easy way for foreign-born terror suspects to avoid spending years in jail in Canada- just agree to go back where they came from.

In a spirited defence of federal deportation policy, Day insisted Monday that Ottawa would be happy if anyone deemed a security threat would leave the country voluntarily.

"If they say no and they want to stay, they can start an appeal process that usually takes a few years," Day said outside the Commons.

"We can't allow a person who has been deemed a significant security threat to be free. So they are put in detention just while the appeal process runs its course. At any time they can leave, walk out, and return to their country of origin."

Critics say voluntary departure isn't a realistic option for people who have often fled to Canada precisely because they feared torture in their homelands because of their political beliefs.

But Day was unmoved by that argument.

"They may or they may not (face torture)," he said. "There are times when people claim refugee status and in fact, on investigation, they're not granted refugee status."

Fra Yahoo News via DemocracyFrontline

Dørene begynder stille og roligt at lukke sig for folk, der misbruger vestens tillid.

Onkel Henning og DR med flere læser avis om selvmord og tortur?

Idag om selvmord, som han ledsager med billeder fra Abu Ghraib, som intet har med Guantanamo at gøre. Men når han synes billederne skal illustrere Guantanamofangernes selvmord, så vil jeg da gerne gøre opmærksom på denne side, som jeg har kendt til i lang tid, men har syntes var for modbydelig, som netop sammenstiller billeder fra den såkaldte ‘tortur’ i Abu Ghraib med islamistisk tortur af værste skuffe.

Billederne findes her – punkterne 6, 7 og 8. Billederne er så modbydelige, at jeg ikke bringer eksempler.

Kom så tilbage og tal om tortur.

Iøvrigt angående tortur på Guantanamo:

Scott Burgess fra The Daily Ablution er ved at pløje sig igennem de nys frigivne 5000 sider dokumentation fra amerikanernes koncentrationslejr. Og det er rystende læsning han har fundet efter gennemgang af de første 10% af papirerne.

Tydelige eksempler på tortur af værste skuffe:

Feroz Abbasi som forlod UK for at slutte sig til taleban eller kæmpe for allah i  Kashmir fortæller (set 5, page 14):

During his time in Guantanamo, Mr. Abbasi (writing in the third person) alleges that he was:

  • subject to [unspecified] “mental stress and pressure
  • willfully misdirected … to pray north
  • deprived of “comfort items
  • subjected to an [apparently failed] “attempt to withdraw Qur’an
  • able to hear two guards having sex, while they “assumed he was asleep
  • distracted from his prayer by the “sharp intake of breath” of a female MP who’d been “sexually fondled“.
  • offered a plate of pork
  • the object of a conspiracy “to keep detainee ignorant of detainee’s allotted Tuesday recreation
  • subjected to a “partially successful” attempt to administer injections “under the guise of immunisation“, designed to “unhinge detainee’s mental and emotional stability

While all of these acts are undeniably horrifying, being on a par with the worst excesses of Torquemada, even their totality pales in comparison with the most extreme of the tortures to which Mr. Abbasi was subjected.

  • had his peanut butter eaten by a guard “right in front of him“.

One needn’t be a bleeding heart to shudder at the inhumanity thus displayed.

Læs hele historien på The Daily Ablution


DR skriver:

Det er tale om 5000 sider uredigerede referater fra de høringer, der skal fastslå om fangerne er fjendtlige kombatanter eller ej. Alle fortrolige oplysninger er sorteret fra. Men dokumenterne bidrager til det stadigt mere nuancerede billede, der bliver tegnet af fangelejren. Og de bidrager til det voksende pres på USA for at lukke lejren.

Mere fra Ablutions gennemlæsning af sagerne:

testimony of this individual, one Abdul Hakim Bukhary (set 3, page 60). Perhaps it doesn’t fit the picture of Guantanamo that the likes of Mr. Sutcliffe and his employers (whether at the BBC or the Indy) wish to convey:

“Prisoners here are in paradise. American people are very good. Really. They give us three meals, juice, fruit and everything! My God! Here they [i.e. the Arab detainees] bother me everyday, every time. Now about 30 months to this day, they bother me. They call me a hypocrite. They call me a spy. You have to say, ‘thank God!’ I thank you for America! If you are in a Taliban prison, they do not treat you well. Here we are in paradise. It is 100% paradise. Yes, really. Thank you!”

Another admitted Taliban fighter, Mohammed Yacob, shares Mr. Bukhary’s positive feelings towards his captors (set 2, page 55):

I’m very happy with the Americans. I don’t blame the Americans for capturing me. I blame someone who reported me; I got captured because of him.”

The Daily Ablution 

Man må jo heller ikke glemme at:

This is al-Qa’eda Rule 18: ‘You must claim you were tortured’

Feroz Abbasi, Martin Mubanga, Moazzam Begg and Richard Belmar finally arrived back in Britain last week after their three-year imprisonment in Guantanamo, to near-universal acclaim and sympathy. Their lawyers insist that they are totally innocent of any involvement in terrorism. The men themselves say that they have been tortured, and that the admissions made by three of them – that they had been recruited by al-Qa’eda , and undergone training in terrorist camps in Afghanistan – are completely false

The horrors of what undoubtedly took place in Abu Ghraib, the prison in Iraq, have convinced many people that the Americans must also have administered hideous tortures to everyone they imprisoned at Guantanamo. In fact it is not at all clear that the Americans have tortured anyone in Guantanamo. Some of the “sexual tortures” – women interrogators rubbing their breasts against the backs of those being questioned – sound, to Western ears, too close to the comfy chair of Monty Python’s Spanish Inquistion to be taken seriously. Surprisingly, perhaps, the US army authorities took them very seriously: they dismissed for “inappropriate conduct” a female interrogator who was found to have run her fingers through one detainee’s hair and sat on his lap during an interrogation.

The detainees in Guantanamo were certainly humiliated and made to feel extremely uncomfortable. They may have been deprived of light and sleep and forced to stand for long periods. But did it constitute torture? The US Department of Defence insists that none of the Britons even alleged they had been tortured or abused until October last year – and that when US officials investigated those claims, they not only found they had no foundation, but that one of the Britons had assaulted one of his interrogators.

The men’s claim that they were tortured at Guantanamo should also be set in the context of the al-Qa’eda training manual discovered during a raid in Manchester a couple of years ago. Lesson 18 of that manual, whose authenticity has not been questioned, emphatically states, under the heading “Prison and Detention Centres”, that, when arrested, members of al-Qa’eda “must insist on proving that torture was inflicted on them by state security investigators. [They must] complain to the court of mistreatment while in prison”. That is not, of course, proof that the Britons were not tortured in Guantanamo. But it ought to encourage some doubts about uncritically accepting that they were – which seems to be the attitude adopted by most of the media.


Three suicides with Gitmo, and is it an outrage, “America, what kind of monster have you become!” In France, a prisoner commits suicide on average every three days. 2006 seem to be a mild year (world cup effect), with 23 suicides or suspicious deaths. 23. Since [the prison camp at] Gitmo opened in 2002, there were 41 attempts by 23 prisoners, out of which the three succeeded.

Three suicides in four years, and most of America shouts scandal. 23 suicides in 6 months in France, and everyone looks dimly at each other. No, the United States did not become a monster. The monster, is us, here, now.

Fra No Parasan

Iøvrigt – hvad er statistikken for, når man har samlet 500 personer et hvilket som helst sted, at nogle af dem forsøger at begå selvmord? Og hvad er statistikken i DK?

For et par år siden glædede Kriminalforsorgen sig over, at et øget fokus på selvmord i dens institutioner tilsyneladende havde bragt antallet af selvmord ned. Siden da er antallet fordoblet igen, men det beror på en tilfældighed – indsatsen virker, lyder forklaringen fra vicedirektøren.

Antallet af selvmord i de danske fængsler og arresthuse har de seneste par år været stigende, så der i 2004 var over dobbelt så mange selvmord som i 2002. Det viser endnu ikke offentliggjorte tal. Mens der i 2002 var tre, der tog deres eget liv i Kriminalforsorgens varetægt, var tallet i 2003 således steget til fem og i 2004 til syv.

Tallene er ikke store, og stigningen skal derfor tages med et gran salt. Alligevel står de i kontrast til, at Kriminalforsorgen i samme periode – ifølge forsorgen selv – har gjort en forstærket indsats mod selvmord, efter at der i 2001 var hele ti selvmord i de danske fængsler og arrester.

Dansk Socialrådgiverforening

Mennesker anbragt i institution synes at have forhøjet risiko for selvmordsadfærd. Danske opgørelser tyder på, at dette er tilfældet for institutionsanbragte børn og unge. Både i danske og i udenlandske undersøgelser er det dokumenteret, at hyppigheden af selvmordsadfærd er forhøjet i fængsler og arresthuse.”



Finsk dhimmitude?


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