Hodjanernes Blog

13 januar 2009

We got another Mail!

Filed under: Danmark, Israel, No dhimmi — Skjoldungen @ 21:38

Og det har et noget anderledes indhold end de sædvanlige!

Forlden opfordrede vi vore læsere til at sende et smil til de soldater, der i øjeblikket kæmper for ikke alene Israels, men hele civilisationens overlevelse. Hilsnerne er nå frem, og det glæder os her at kunne bringe soldaternes tak til Jer alle:

Dear Readers:
A few days ago, several of us had the great honor to bring thousands of your messages of support and a truckload of freshly baked treats from Gili’s Goodies to an IDF military base near Gaza. Soldiers at the base were going through final preparations for entering combat. They were surprised and very appreciative when our truck pulled up and we handed out stacks and stacks of your messages of support.

When we told the troops that we had come to deliver greetings for them, they assumed that they were greetings from Israelis. When we informed them that there were 15,000 greetings from the United States, Europe and places as far-flung as Peru, Mexico, Finland and Australia, their eyes lit up and the unanimous response was a smile and a surprised “Really?”

Colonel Bentzi Gruber, the vice commander of the armored division who received the messages had this to say for all those who sent messages and the treats:

“I want to thank those who sent us stuff. The important stuff is the feeling of our soldiers who come from all over the country, people between 21 and 50 years old…  Now is a war, and we have to do it, and they feel we have support all over the world. It warms us up to understand that people 6,000 miles from here are with us here tonight.”

1 kommentar »

  1. Kan også anbefale:


    – De har bl.a. fornuftige ting til bl.a. rejse- og friluftsbrug. Der kommer godt nok told på; men man kan stadig så nogenlunde forene det idealistiske med sund økonomi. – Specielt hvis man køber noget, man alligevel får brug for på et tidspunkt.



    – Har bl.a. en masse te’er og div. hudpleje-produkter (kan vist også købes på en stand i Rosengaardscenteret?) – Med lidt planlægning går det næsten op økonomisk.

    Man kan selvf. også bare bidrage direkte til f.eks. LIBI. Eller man kan deltage i det israelske national-lotteri (f.eks. via thelotter.com )

    I Danmark kan man få et skattefradrag i henh. til ligningsloven ved støtte til DDI



    Kommentar af Gotfred Holm — 14 januar 2009 @ 13:15

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