Hodjanernes Blog

14 oktober 2010

Lyver Lene Espersen?

Gulf News skriver i dag:

Cairo: Five years after angry Muslim protests, Denmark Wednesday apologised for the printing of cartoons lampooning the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

“Denmark is against any repeat of such bids that cause rifts among people of the world,” Danish Foreign MinisterLene Espersen told a joint press with Egypt’s top Muslim cleric after one-hour talks.

“Denmark is keen to maintain good ties with all Muslim countries,” she added as she sat next to Ahmad Al Tayeb, the Grand Shaikh of Al Azhar, which is the Sunni world’s prestigious seat of learning.

The printing of drawings mocking the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in late 2005 triggered fury across the Muslim world, where some countries boycotted Danish goods in protest.

During her press conference Wednesday, Espersen denied that her visit to Al Azhar and talks with its sheikh were meant to allay Muslim fears after threats to the much maligned Danish cartoonist.

“My country believes in freedom of expression, but also respects all religions,” she said.

Meanwhile, Shaikh Al Tayeb, who was appointed in the post last March, said that the Danish official was keen to make the apology in public.

“She also cited her country’s efforts to enact a law criminalising contempt of religions,” he added.

The top cleric declined to apologise for the angry — sometimes violent- reactions of the Muslims to the cartoons.

“I sensed that the minister feels ashamed of these drawings. She asserted to me they were an individual act, which did not express the Danish people’s and government’s beliefs.”

Jyllands-Posten skriver ligeledes i dag: Den danske udenrigsminister understreger dog, at hun ikke har sagt undskyld.

6 oktober 2010

al-Azhar universitetet i Cairo sætter betingelserne for kristne i Ægypten

Members of al-Azhar’s Islamic Research Council held an emergency meeting led by the institution’s head, Grand Imam Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, repudiating Bishop Bishoy’s comments and accusing him of provoking sectarian tension.

A “Statement to the Nation” was released by the Council on Saturday, September 25.

The Statement went on to say the Council stresses the fact that Egypt is an “Islamic State” according to the text of its Constitution, which represents the social contract between its people. “From this stems the rights of citizenship, as taught to us by the Messenger of Allah in his pact with the Christians of Najran, in which he decided that they were to enjoy rights and duties as the Muslims. However, these rights are conditional to respect for the Islamic Identity and the citizenship rights as set by the Constitution.”

The Christians of Najran, Medina, refused conversion to Islam in 631 A.D. and offered Mohamad to maintain their faith, accept the dominance of Muslims and pay an annual tribute (the jizya), he accepted and the pact was sealed between them.

Magdy Khalil, head of the Middle East Freedom Forum, issued a press release on September 27, saying the Al-Azhar’s “Statement to the Nation” brings us back to the era of Dhimmitude.

Mere på AINA

20 september 2010

Parallelsamfund, æresmord og tvangsægteskab

The most egregious case in point is the Umdat Al-Salik (“Reliance of the Sojourner” in Arabic), a manual on Shari’a (Islamic law) certified by Al-Azhar University, the most prominent and authoritative institute of Islamic jurisprudence in the world, as a reliable guide to orthodox Sunni Islam.

The manual states (01.1-2) that “retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right,” except when “a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers)” kills his or her “offspring, or offspring’s offspring.” Hence, according to this view, a parent who murders his or her son/daughter for the sake of “honor,” whether owing to issues of chastity, apostasy and the like, incurs no penalty under Shari’a. This ruling is derived from a hadith (Sahih Muslim, Book 19, Number 4457) where it is affirmed that one should not kill a child unless one can know “what Khadir had known about the child he killed.” Khadir is a figure featured in the Qur’an who accompanies Moses on a journey and kills a son of believing parents for fear that he would rebel against the will of God (18:74 and 18:80-81).

14 december 2009

Ægypten: Statsfinasieret anti-kristen propaganda

Christian in Egypt are up in arms this week over a controversial book issued as a free supplement with this month’s Al-Azhar magazine, describing Christianity as a Religion of “idolatry” and claiming that the Holy Bible is a misquotation of the original one.

The book was published by State-owned corporations that are financed by taxpayers, Christians as well as Muslims.

The controversial book is titled “Scientific Report” and authored by Dr. Muhammad Imarah, a member of Al-Azhar’s Islamic Research Academy (IRA), which is affiliated with the Ministry of Religious Endowments. The book discusses Christian dogma, casts doubts over it, and asserts that Christianity is a “religion of polytheism.”

Mere på AINA

3 december 2008

Tolerancens religion: der er grænser for tolerancen

Filed under: Ægypten, Imamer, Islam, Kristne — Tags: , , , — Hodja @ 22:48

“Sheik of Al-Azhar Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi Appalled after Newspaper Depicted Him in Christian Garb,” from MEMRITV, October 3 (but just posted):

Se det på DhimmiWatch

9 april 2008

Vi er selv ude om det

The Christian-funded Balamand University in north Lebanon Tuesday took steps to increase its security after reports of a threat by a terrorist group.

A security source said a number of copies of a statement signed by Fatah al-Islam – a terrorist group linked to al-Qaeda – were found by students on the campus of Balamand University.

The security source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the statement ‘threatened to bomb the university.’

Mere på AINA

Samtidig kan man i dagens aviser læse:

Veluddannede danske muslimer skal i København kunne tage islamiske overbygningskurser inden for jura, økonomi og sikkerhedspolitik på universitetsniveau.

Og de skal i deres studier kunne trække på religiøs og videnskabelig ekspertise fra Al Azhar-universitetet i Kairo, en af de centrale religiøse og intellektuelle institutioner i den muslimske verden.

Det oplyser Bilal Assaad, formand for Islamisk Trossamfund, til Berlingske Tidende.

“I stedet for, at danske muslimer skal rejse til Egypten eller andre muslimske lande, mener vi, at det vil være en fordel, hvis de kan tage islamiske overbygningskurser i København,” siger Bilal Assaad, der oplyser, at Islamisk Trossamfund igennem længere tid har været i dialog med Al Azhar-universitetet i Kairo om projektet.

Vi reagerer ikke når de truer kristne (universiteter) i de muslimske land – og lader dem ovenikøbet oprette en filial af verdens mest islamiske universitet i Danmark.

Hodjas blog har mange gange nævnt Al-Azhar universitetet i Kairo, og ikke for det gode. Du kan se posterne her.

Ideen støttes helhjertet af Rasmus Alenius Boserup fra Carsten Niebuhr Instituttet

23 juli 2006

Ægyptiske og saudiske imamer: – Dræb Gaddafi

Som ungt medlem af den islamistiske organisation Minhaj-ul-Quran tilkendegav den danske imam Naveed Baig, København, sin støtte til drab på muslimer, som ikke overholder den muslimske tro. Det fremgår af et videobånd, som Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten er kommet i besiddelse af, skriver avisen søndag.

Han har vikarieret som fængselsimam i Vridsløselille Statsfængsel, og han er frivillig imam på Rigshospitalet samt leder af et omsorgsprojekt under Islamisk-Kristent Studiecenter i København. I ‘Muslimer i Dialog’ er Naveed Baig leder af udvalget for ‘personlig udvikling.

Naveed Baig ønsker hverken at høre eller kommentere sine udtalelser på båndet.

Han ønsker heller ikke at udtale sig om, hvorvidt han stadig har disse holdninger.

Mere på Ekstrabladet

Selvfølgelig vil han ikke udtale sig, for han har stadig de samme holdninger, for de er en integreret del af islam. Den islam som selv diktatorer må bøje sig for.

Muammar Gaddafi erklærede på et tidspunkt, at han ikke længere troede på haditherne, men kun på koranen.

Dette shockerede den muslimske verden. Islamiske lærde ved det mest ansete islamiske universitet i verden Al-Azhar i Ægypten og andre islamiske autoriteter i Saudi Arabien sendte en delegation anført af Sheikh Mohammed Al-Gazoly til Libyen for at diskutere med Gaddafi.

Delegationen advarede Gaddafi om, at hvis han ikke trak sine udtalelser tilbage, ville han udsætte sig selv for islams love om overløbere og vantro.

De sagde, at ifølge Al-Qaeda Al-Faquhia fornægtede han mange af islams sandheder, hvilket ville tvinge ægte muslimer til at dræbe ham.

Herefter trak Gadaffi sine udtalelser tilbage, og delegationen rejste tilbage til Ægypten, hvor den annocerede Gadaffis knæfald for den muslimske verden.

Skulle en dansk imam, der har studeret ved et islamisk universitet i Pakistan i fem år, turde have meninger, der strider mod verdens højeste islamiske autoriteter? Har han mere magt end Gaddafi?