Hodjanernes Blog

14 august 2017

Holland: Oplevelser i en kommune med et stort antal muslimer

Below is a record of my experiences of living in an area with a large Muslim community.

Not in Britain: at that time I was in a small city in southern Holland, but to all intents and purposes it could be. From what I understand, these experiences are repeated all over Western Europe.

It is an observation, nothing more.

The events below, taking place as they did over a long period of time, were a major factor – though in fairness not the only one – in the (mild) stroke and subsequent total breakdown I suffered. Full recovery is not yet complete. Long exposure to constant harassment, particularly harassment of your children, and being powerless to do anything can be extraordinarily draining.

Despite everything, I stick by my opinion that not all Muslims are bad people (logic dictates that this cannot be so). I have to be really honest though: I haven’t met many of the decent ones.

Here we go then…

Tyske WDR og Arte har lavet en film om anti-semitisme i Europa “Chosen, yet Excluded: The Hate against Europe’s Jews” som ingen må se

Gæt selv hvorfor.

Nyt fra Defend Europe og C-Star – DDR med fake-news om skibet

DanMarx Radio viderebringer løgnehistorie om C-Star.

13 august 2017

SIAD: Video fra Biskop-vækkelse i Roskilde Domkirke

11 august 2017

Britisk politi advarer mand om at ophøre med at kritisere islam på Faecesbog

The owner of a Facebook page praising the Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg has told their followers that they have been visited by two police officers who provided ‘advice’ that included a warning to stop posting content that is ‘critical of Islam.’

According to an update on the page called The Church Of Mogg, the page itself was frozen by Facebook for two weeks, and the owner was advised that they could face arrest for ‘hate crimes’ if any further content of that nature is posted in the future.

Perhaps one of the most worrying parts of the Facebook post is that they say they have no idea how the local police obtained his details without some sort of court order or similar legal action.On the advice of some patrons of this page I have this morning submitted a formal complaint to the IPCC and also made written enquiries to the Police and Crime Commissioner to try and get answers.

Mere her


Nationernes selvmord

Islamister støtter McMaster

The Council on American Islamic Relations is backing President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, Lieutenant General Herbert Raymond “H.R.” McMaster, claiming over social media that “Islamophobes” and “white supremacists” were behind attacks to remove him from the White House.

In a tweet sent this week, CAIR wrote, “Islamophobia Watch: Islamophobes, white supremacists launch campaign to oust H.R. McMaster after he fired…” and linked to a Newsweek article titled, “Why Is the Alt-Right Attacking H.R. McMaster?”

CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial and Hamas financing case that resulted in the FBI discontinuing its working relationship with the organization. In 2009, a federal judge concluded that the government had found “ample evidence” to link CAIR with Hamas. Additionally, Breitbart News has previously reported that several of CAIR’s board members, employees, and former employees “have been jailed or repatriated for various financial and terror-related offenses.”

Mere på Breitbart

Svenske politifolk smider håndklædet i ringen

Svenske medier skriver om «poliskrisen» og om politifolk som leverer inn skiltet og gir opp.

Der erdobbelt så mange svenske politfolk som har sluttet sammenlignet med for fem år siden. Mange av dem som sier opp er politifolk under 40 år.

Opposisjonen i Sverige kritiserer regjeringen og sier tallene er dramatiske selv når man tar bort pensjonsavganger.

I Stockholm, Göteborg og Malmö har de årlige kostnadene til vektertjenester økt med mange millioner kroner.

Men andre er begyndt at tage over: Arabpolis körde ut ung nationalist i skogen: “Nu ska du få se på sadism!”

10 august 2017

Ungarsk TV om invasionen af Wien

DanMarx Radio med islampropaganda

This is insulting beyond belief to the women that are beaten, arrested, and jailed for not wearing Islamic dress in that country.

The calous way these Danes pretend its just a fashion statement, even dismissing Danish women’s clothing as uniform and plain, is more than insulting. Its like going to North Korea and doing photo ops in a gulag dressed like the prisoners and heading home for an all you can eat Chinese buffet.

Italy Releases Evidence of Open Borders NGO Taking Migrants from People Smugglers

The Italian government has released photographic evidence which they claim shows the German migrant rescue NGO Jugend Rettet cooperating with people smugglers off the Libyan coast.

The authorities have now released photographs which they claim show the Jugend Rettet vessel the “Iuventa” very close to a smuggler boat, Die Welt reports.

Proactiva Open Arms, a Spain-based migrant rescue NGO, has also been in trouble this week with Italian authorities who accused them of operating in Libyan territorial waters and breaking rules of the new NGO code of conduct approved by the Italian government which several NGOs, including Jugend Rettet and Doctors Without Borders (MSF), refused to sign.

The Spanish NGO’s ship the “Golfo Azzurro” was refused access to Italian ports and the crew had to be picked up by a different vessel off the coast of Malta in order to disembark.

Mere her

Landgangsbåd med invasionstropper lægger til ved turiststrand ved Cadiz i Spanien

A group of around two dozen people suspected to be illegal migrants from Africa have arrived by boat on a Spanish beach and scattered among sunbathers.

Amateur video footage showed a black inflatable boat coming ashore in Cadiz, on the southern Spanish coast. As the boat pulled into shallow water, those on board leaped out and ran up the beach. One onlooker asked in an astonished voice, “What’s going on?”

Carlos Sanz, who shot the video Wednesday afternoon while on vacation in Cadiz, said the group quickly vanished and police only arrived some time later.

Spanish officials couldn’t immediately be reached after office hours.

Det er ikke første gang.

Spain under Islamic conquest

9 august 2017



Den britiske regering begraver rapport om Saudi-Barbarien og terrorisme i UK

8 august 2017

Tyskland afskaffer sig selv

Germany, When Thilo Sarrazin had published his book “ Deutschland Schaft sich Ab” in 2010, was the majority of the German Political-Correct politicians in commotion.

How dare he to come out with a book like this one? A top politicians of the German Socialists (SPD), an Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank and previously a senator of Finance for the Sate of Berlin? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thilo_S… Sarrazin wanted in a scientific way including facts and statistics to warn Germany for the consequences of non western immigration.

The name of the book is reflecting exactly what is happening now : “Germany Eliminates Itself”. This compilation depicts very clearly the hazards that immigration of mostly illiterate migrants with totally different cultural background is bringing to the local society. The later zunami wave of asylum seekers that is flooding now the country with (tens) thousands of extremely dangerous criminals and terrorists completes the black scenario.

7 august 2017

Defend Europe: C-Star konfronterer NGO menneskesmuglerskibet Aquarius

Spesialagenten som dokumenterte samarbeidet mellom menneskesmuglere og den tyske NGO-en Jugend Rettet, hadde infiltrert Save the Childrens fartøy «Vos Hestia» ved å ta hyre som mannskap om bord i førti dager, skriver Corriere della Sera. Med stor diskresjon lyktes det ham å samle inn bevismateriale til påtalemyndighetens etterforskning av organisasjonen for menneskesmugling.

Black Pigeon Speaks: Forsvar mod NGO’ernes destabilisering af Europa

5 august 2017

Islamofile BBC forsøger at normalisere niqab

Soros og Trudeau vil nedbryde Canadas grænser

Defend Europe: C-Star nærmer sig målet

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