Hodjanernes Blog

5 december 2012

Nogen forbereder sig på en uvis fremtid

Filed under: Økonomi, Danmark, EU, Europa, Penge — Tags: , — Hodja @ 23:06

Hvad koster en klovn?

Filed under: Bloggere, Jernhesten — Jernhesten @ 14:27

…300.000 kr om året. BT  Det er langt dyrere at uddanne folk med røde næser og sminke end hvid kittel og stetoskop.


Dyrere end læger: Så meget koster det at uddanne en AFUK-artist

BT har fået aktindsigt i budgettet for den kommende 3-årige artistuddannelse på Akademiet For Utæmmet Kunst (AFUK), og her fremgår det, at udgiften per årselev er beregnet til 300.000 kroner, hvor af der er en brugerbetaling på 22.000 kroner per år. En uddannelse der til næste år efter meget kritik er kommet på finansloven.      

 Det vil sige, at prisen for at uddanne en artist på en tre-årig uddannelse løber op i 900.000 kroner, hvilket er flere hundredetusinde dyrere end at uddanne en læge, da medicinstudiet tager seks år og dermed ender i en samlet pris omkring 600.000 kr.

Vi har ikke råd til ordentlige plejehjem, ældre som får skåret ned i deres i forvejen sparsomme hjemmehjælp, senest forsvaret og meget meget mere. Men hvad gør det når vi i stedet kan få verdens bedste klovnerier – eller i hvert fald de dyreste!!


Filed under: Danmark, Journalister, Medier DR m.fl. — Tags: — Hodja @ 13:00


The Shipping News

I Amsterdam vil man huse afskummet i containere – meget praktisk for shippingbranchen…

Shipping-container-villageThe Telegraph: “Holland’s capital already has a special hit squad of municipal officials to identify the worst offenders for a compulsory six month course in how to behave.Social housing problem families or tenants who do not show an improvement or refuse to go to the special units face eviction and homelessness. Eberhard van der Laan, Amsterdam’s Labour mayor, has tabled the £810,000 plan to tackle 13,000 complaints of anti-social behaviour every year. He complained that long-term harassment often leads to law abiding tenants, rather than their nuisance neighbours, being driven out. “This is the world turned upside down,” the mayor said at the weekend.The project also involves setting up a special hotline and system for victims to report their problems to the authorities.

The new punishment housing camps have been dubbed “scum villages” because the plan echoes a proposal from Geert Wilders, the leader of a populist Dutch Right-wing party, for special units to deal with persistent troublemakers. “Repeat offenders should be forcibly removed from their neighbourhood and sent to a village for scum,” he suggested last year. “Put all the trash together.” Whilst denying that the new projects would be punishment camps for “scum”, a spokesman for the city mayor stressed that the special residential units would aim to enforce good behaviour.  “The aim is not to reward people who behave badly with a new five-room home with a south-facing garden. This is supposed to be a deterrent,” he said.

containerskibThe tough approach taken by Mr van der Laan appears to jar with Amsterdam’s famous tolerance for prostitution and soft drugs but reflects hardening attitudes to routine anti-social behaviour that falls short of criminality. There are already several small-scale trial projects in the Netherlands, including in Amsterdam, where 10 shipping container homes have been set aside for persistent offenders, living under 24-hour supervision from social workers and police.  Under the new policy, from January next year, victims will no longer have to move to escape their tormentors, who will be moved to the new units.

A team of district “harassment directors” have already been appointed to spot signals of problems and to gather reports of nuisance tenants.  The Dutch Parool newspaper observed that the policy was not a new one. In the 19th century, troublemakers were moved to special villages in Drenthe and Overijssel outside Amsterdam. The villages were rarely successful, becoming sink estates for the lawless.  “We have learned from the past,” said the mayor’s spokesman. “A neighbourhood can deal with one problem family but if there are more the situation escalates.”

Parallelsamfund i Bremen Tyskland