Hodjanernes Blog

19 marts 2009

Pædofeten slog ham med 1 år.

Filed under: Feminisme, Imamer, Islam, Muslim World, Porno, Shariah — Skjoldungen @ 21:35

7 Year Old girl married to 25 year old man after being sold to him for 25 thousand Rupees

brud_7_aar7 Year old Hasina daughter of one Raza Muhammad of village Kot Ghulam Muhammad was married off to a man of 25 years old Imran Shaikh after being sold to him for 30 thousand Rupees.

Her mother cries as she tells the media that she was once  the victim of money-loving father who sold her for 40 thousand to her husband and now they wont spare here little daughter who confused from all the celebration was crying on her mothers lap. – Police was called by angry neighbors who felt the human rights violated, but were late as the little girl was married off to this man before the police arrived on the wedding halls.

Celebration cuts down and the grandfather and Nikah Khuwan run away from there. – “But we have paid money for the girl”, the groom proudly says “and have actually given a lot of money for the celebration as well, now the girl belongs to us”.- After all this nothing yet have happened, and no FIR was registered.

Tip: HRS

Rasende muslimer lukker kunstudstilling.

På Telemarksbiblioteket på Ulefoss ble utstillingen raskt utsatt for hærverk, og biblioteket ba kunstneren fjerne den. Nå vises den i Porsgrunn.


Utstillingen “Det er ikke forbudt å tenke” ble montert på biblioteket i Porsgrunn i går. I en serie på 12 grafiske bilder har kunstneren, Ahmed Mashhouri, plukket ut de mest kontroversielle sitatene fra Koranen.

– Målet mitt er ikke å fornærme noen og deres tro. Det er for å få en bedre forståelse av reglene som finnes i Koranen. Disse reglene passer kanskje bedre i en gammel tid, men i dag virker de bare inhumane. Jeg håper at mine arbeider vil være en vekker for mine kjære trosfeller, sier han.

Les også: – Jeg er fornærmet

Mashhouri og kona jobbet med menneskerettigheter i Iran. De søkte asyl i Norge og nå er de bosatt i Skien. Bildene er laget i Norge og sitatene er oversatt til norsk fra persisk og engelsk. –  I diskusjoner hører man gjerne at sånne ting ikke finnes i Koranen. Vi vil vise at de faktisk gjør det, sier Mashhouri.

Fjernet etter få timer

Da paret før jul henvendte seg til Telemarksbiblioteket på Ulefoss, ble de invitert til å komme.
Den 9. desember ble utstillingen montert, men det gikk ikke mange timene før det ble bråk og to-tre muslimske kvinner gikk løs på bildene hans. Etter det ble han kontaktet av biblioteket og bedt om å fjerne utstillingen. – Jeg ble skuffet, fordi jeg trodde jeg var komme til et land med frihet, sier Mashhouri.

Biblioteksjef Lillian Nilssen sier at de ønsket å avverge bråk.- Det ble nokså ubehagelig. De gikk nesten i tottene på hverandre, sier hun. – Ser du ikke betenkeligheter med at det blir en form for sensur? –  Nei, vi kunnne ikke risikere at bilder ble ødelagt og at politiet kanskje måtte innkalles. Vi er et lite samfunn. Siden den bare skulle henge to dager, ba vi ham fjerne den en dag tidligere, sier bibliotekssjefen.

Utstillingen er ikke først og fremst myntet på nordmenn, og Mashhouri håper ikke rasistiske nordmenn vil ta utstillingen til inntekt for sine meninger. – Jeg vil vise muslimer at det er negative ting i Koranen også. Jeg ønsker ikke å såre noen, men av og til er det nødvendig, foreløpig, for å komme videre. Hvis bare én begynner å tenke, så er det verdt det, sier Mashhouri. Bildene hans finnes på islamgraph.blogspot.com og Mashhouri oppfordrer folk til å diskutere der.

Tip: HRS

Iransk blogger meldes død i fængslet.

Filed under: Blogs Foreign English, EUSSR, Islam, Jihad, Shariah, Tortur, Uran, Ytringsfrihed — Skjoldungen @ 20:52

Først kom de efter jøderne, men jeg var jo ikke jøde. Så kom de efter bloggerne, men….

misayafiOmid Reza Misayafi, one of a number of Iranian bloggers arrested for “insulting” the government and religious authorities in that country, is dead. Misayafi’s death was reported on Global Voices Online via an Iranian human rights site in Farsi and we learned of it from The Committee to Protect Bloggers.

No cause of death is yet known, but the Committee says torture of bloggers is common in Iran and they are usually placed in close proximity to the most dangerous criminals in any facility. Misayafi was sentenced in December to 30 months in prison “for insulting Islamic Republic Leaders.” The man said he was a cultural blogger, not a political one, and only wrote a few satirical articles that got him into trouble.

An update tonight indicates that the prison conditions may have led the man to take his own life. Directly or indirectly, it appears that Misayafi’s life has been brought to an end for exercising free speech, for criticizing an authoritarian state and for doing it using online social media. Social media users and advocates around the world should take note of this event.

We’ve reported here on a number of bloggers imprisoned in Iran and in Egypt for documenting government abuses or just writing critical words about governments that demand total compliance. In the middle of last year we wrote about Iran’s parliament debating legislation that would add the death penalty to the list of possible punishments for using blogs to challenge government authority.

It is a timeless battle all around the world between freedom, art and self expression on one side and authority, expediency and abuse on the other. The rise of the web has made that battle different, though. Blogs give a voice to the previously voiceless, and the historical and moral importance of efforts to save those new voices from arrest, torture and death cannot be overstated.

We would love to see the Obama administration, which has made extensive use of online social media, publicly and explicitly condemn this death at the Iranian government’s hands. We’d be surprised if that happened.

Social media is powerful and changing the world; we don’t expect that this will be the last person to lose their life over it. Omid Reza Misayafi, brave Iranian blogger, may you rest in peace. May all those imprisoned for blogging in Iran, and around the world, be set free.

For ongoing coverage of this and all-too similar situations around the world, see The Committee to Protect Bloggers and associated organizations linked to on their site.

Cellekammerat til Joseph Fritzl?

Filed under: Antisemitisme, Østrig, Holocaust, Racisme, Tyskland, USA/Canada — Skjoldungen @ 20:39

USA udleverer nazi-bøddel til Østrig.

sachsenhausenWASHINGTON, March 19 (Reuters) – The United States has deported to Austria a former Nazi concentration camp guard who admitted he participated in the 1943 massacre of 8,000 Jews, the Justice Department said on Thursday.-  It said Josias Kumpf, 83, who was living in Racine, Wisconsin, served as a guard at the Nazi-run Sachsenhausen concentration camp in Germany and at the Trawniki labor camp in Poland.

At Trawniki, he participated in a mass shooting in which about 8,000 Jewish men, women and children were killed in pits on Nov. 3, 1943, department officials said. – Kumpf said his assignment was to watch for victims who were still “halfway alive” or “convulsing” and prevent their escape, according to the department. –  “Josias Kumpf, by his own admission, stood guard with orders to shoot any surviving prisoners who attempted to escape an SS massacre that left thousands of Jews dead,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Rita Glavin. –  Kumpf also served at slave labor sites in Nazi-occupied France where prisoners built launching platforms for Germany’s V-1 and V-2 rockets that were used in attacks on Britain, department officials said. – They said Kumpf, who was born in Serbia, joined the SS Death’s Head guard forces at Sachsenhausen in 1942 and served there for about one year before transferring to Trawniki. – He immigrated to the United States from Austria in 1956 and became a U.S. citizen in 1964. In 2003, the Justice Department sued to strip him of his U.S. citizenship. – U.S. courts then revoked his citizenship and later upheld an order to deport him.

In another Holocaust-related case, German prosecutors issued an arrest warrant on March 11 for 88-year-old Ohio resident John Demjanjuk on suspicion he helped in the murders of at least 29,000 Jews as a Nazi death camp guard. – The United States is considering whether to send Demjanjuk to Germany to face the charges.

Bill Cosby begår kætteri.

Filed under: Blogs Foreign English, Demografi, Kendte, USA/Canada — Tags: — Skjoldungen @ 19:58

Måske er nogle af vore læsere gamle nok til at huske ham fra dengang der var underholdning i TV.

bill_cosbyBill Cosby: They’re standing on the corner and they can’t speak English. I can’t even talk the way these people talk: Why you ain’t, Where you is, What he drive, Where he stay, Where he work, Who you be… And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. And then I heard the father talk.

Everybody knows it’s important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can’t be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth. In fact you will never get any kind of job making a decent living.

People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we’ve got these knuckleheads walking around. The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids. $500 sneakers for what? And they won’t spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics.

I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit. Where were you when he was 2? Where were you when he was 12? Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn’t know that he had a pistol? And where is the father? Or who is his father?

People putting their clothes on backward: Isn’t that a sign of something gone wrong? People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn’t that a sign of something? Or are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up? Isn’t it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and got all type of needles [piercing] going through her body?

What part of Africa did this come from? We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don’t know a thing about Africa. With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap, and all of them are in jail.

Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person’s problem. We have got to take the neighborhood back. People used to be ashamed. Today a woman has eight children with eight different ‘husbands’ — or men or whatever you call them now. We have millionaire football players who cannot read. We have million-dollar basketball players who can’t write two paragraphs. We as black folks have to do a better job. Someone working at Wal-Mart with seven kids, you are hurting us. We have to start holding each other to a higher standard.

We cannot blame the white people any longer.

Den grusomme islamiske lov: Sharia

Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law.


Cruel and Usual Punishment is a wake up call to the Western world.


Nonie Darwish presents an insider’s look at Sharia and examines how radical Muslim laws are destroying the Western world from within. Living under Sharia law for the first thirty years of her life,a virtual slave to Islamic law, Darwish never questioned or challenged her rights–or dared to even think about the validity of Sharia laws. She didn’t try to examine what Sharia was, how it came about or why she followed it. “This is Allah’s law,” she was told, and she knew what awaited those who questioned Allah’s law.

But she doesn’t believe the lies anymore, and now she wants to share her experiences with the Western world. Cruel and Usual Punishment is an insider’s look at how Muslims sacrifice their basic human rights to obey the archaic and brutal laws handed down to their prophet centuries ago.

Heed this warning: Sharia Law is attempting to infiltrate Western culture and destroy democracy.

Europæiske underskrivere på ‘Istanbul Jihad Deklarationen’

Islam In Europe har gravet lidt dybere i de originale papirer og fundet følgende underskrivere af deklarationen:

Muslims from Western Europe include:

1. Daud Abdullah – داود عبدالله – UK
2. Jahan Abdul Gayoom – شاه جهان عبدالقيوم – UK
3. Latif Al-Saeedi – لطيف السعيدي – UK
4. Prof. Mohammed al-Ani – محمد العاني – UK
5. Khalil Assi – خليل عاصي – Denmark
6. Faris Mohamed – فارس محم  – Denmark
7. Mohammad Al-Khalid (Abu Bashar) – محمد الخالد – Denmark
8. Dr. Shaukat Kracji – شوكت كراشجي – Kosovo
9. Youssef Mohammed Albrahimi – يوسف محمد البراهيمي – Sweden

Two Muslims residing in Britain – Mohammad Sawalha and Rashid al-Ghannoushi, are listed for Palestine and Tunisia respectively.

Dømte bandefolk er på fri fod

Filed under: Danmark, Hodja, Jura, Kriminalitet — Tags: , , — Hodja @ 13:03

Kriminalforsorgen understreger, at der ikke mangler plads i de lukkede fængsler.

Tillid er godt? Kontrol er en by i Rusland

50 flere unge homoseksuelle med anden etnisk baggrund end dansk skal deltage i idræt i København.

Og 20 flere indvandrerbørn skal melde sig ind i en bestemt karateklub.

Sådan lyder formålet med nogle af de mange integrationsprojekter, som hvert år modtager flere hundrede millioner kroner i støtte fra det offentlige. Ofte tjekker kommuner og ministerier dog ikke, om pengene er godt givet ud. Det lader de i stedet projektmagerne selv svare på. Fremgangsmåden kaldes selvevaluering.

Honningkrukken Danmark er stadig fyldt med tag-selv-borde. Selvevaluering lig ingen kontrol med skatteborgernes penge.

Jøder flygter stadig fra ‘fredens og tolerancens religion’

Fearing a spate of killings following threats to the Yemenite Jewish community, the umbrella body of North American Jewish federations will evacuate almost half of Yemen’s Jewish community to the US over the next two weeks.

Tip: PH

Et flertal af palæstinenserne går ind for mord på kvinder og børn

Buried in the results of the latest PSR poll of Palestinian Arabs and Israelis comes this tidbit:

54% of the Palestinians support and 42% oppose armed attacks against Israeli civilians inside Israel.

Once again, a majority of Palestinian Arabs support terror attacks – not only against “settlers” but against ordinary Jews living in Israel. All of the people that keep telling us that Palestinian Arabs want peace are, simply, wrong. They want to see Jewish women and children killed.

Tip: GG

Og vi hælder stadig milliarder i dem. Og DDR refererer IKKE denne undersøgelse.


Filed under: Australien, Blogs Foreign English, Feminisme, Imamer, Immigration, Islam, Kriminalitet — Skjoldungen @ 10:29

Når nu islamofoberne ikke gider, kan imamen da heldigvis selv.

hilali_1Sheik, Taj Din al-Hilali er en såre aktiv imam. Hvem, spørger I? – Jo, det er såmænd den selv samme imam, som står for den islamiske udgave af feminismen. Ifølge denne er kvinder uden tækkelig indpakning i det offentlige rum det samme som utildækket kød med en sulten kat i nærheden. Altså fritløbende fristerinder, som tigger om at blive voldtaget af os mænd, der som bekendt er ganske og aldeles ude af stand til at styre vore dyriske drifter. (Har vi her forklaringen på at vore hjemlige feminister, på trods af deres brændende islamofili, endnu ikke selv har tillagt sig hijab, niqab og burka?)

Nå, men denne sheik har også andre jern i ilden, om jeg så må sige. Forleden måtte han således ringe til politiet og anmelde hærværk mod sin moské. Døren var blevet sparket ind. En sådan uhyrlighed kunne naturligvis kun skyldes de noksom bekendte islamofober og altså en forbrydelse mod menneskeheden. Følgelig gik politiet – undtagelsesvis – i aktion for at klarlægge dette oplagte brud på samtlige kendte og ukendte menneskeretskonventioner + et par stykker til. Blandt andet gennemså man båndet fra det lokale overvågningskamera…

Desværre viste optagelserne nogle fromme moské-gængere forlade etablissementet og låse døren efter sig. Få minutter senere dukker så vor imam op og rusker i døren. Den er jo desværre låst, så vor fromme ven tager tilløb og brækker døren op. Herefter anmelder han hærværket til politiet. Men efter at dette nu er blevet lidt klogere, frafalder menigheden pludselig anmeldelsen. “Der er nemlig ikke noget at komme efter”:

Medierne ‘glemte lige’ at nævne

Under det store mediepostyr i går om Blekingegadebandemedlemmet Bo Weymann, der gik i medierne, blev det gang på gang understreget:

“Bo Weymann ved ikke, hvem politimorderen er.”

Journalisterne ‘glemte’ dog at informere om en ting: Morderen er enten Bo Weymann’s storebror Jan Weimann eller Niels Jørgensen.

Weymann stavede tidligere sit navn ‘Weimann’ – går ud fra, at det også gælder Jan Weimann/Weymann.

Lars Hedegaard om den muslimske invasion (1-3)

Palaraberne lader som om de vil anerkende Israel for at modtage Vestens støtte

Speaking on Palestinian Authority-controlled television, former Gaza strongman and senior advisor to Abbas, Mohammed Dahlan stated:

“I want to say for the thousandth time, in my own name and in the name of all of my fellow members of the Fatah movement: We do not demand that the Hamas movement recognize Israel. On the contrary, we demand of the Hamas movement not to recognize Israel, because the Fatah movement does not recognize Israel even today.”

Dahlan said that only the shell of the Palestinian Authority government pretends to “recognize” Israel in order to receive international financial aid. But the parties themselves do not and are under no obligation to recognize the Jewish state.

Mere på Israel Today

Læser Lykketoft, DDR  og artsfæller med her? Hvad siger I til dette, som jo iøvrigt bare er helt i tråd med, hvad der står i HamaSS’ charter?


 Mogens Lykketoft og venner.