Hodjanernes Blog

22 august 2007

Og………..førstepladsen går til……..

A VICTORIAN mosque plans to bestow awards on Australians they believe are Islamophobes — politicians, community leaders or media identities they categorise as hostile to Muslims.

The Brunswick-based Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah Association has unveiled what it calls its annual “Islamophobia Award for the worst Islamophobes in Australia“.

Likely to be near the top on the group’s list of nominees is Pauline Hanson, who has come under fire from the mosque and other Muslims for her recent call for a “moratorium on any more Muslims coming into Australia”.

Modtrækket er allerede undervejs:

Infidel awards coming…

A non-muslim organistion plans to bestow awards on Muslem they believe are Infindelophobes — politicians, community leaders or media identities they categorise as hostile to Infidelophopes.

The non-dar-al-islam-based  Association Infidels of the World Unite has unveiled what it calls its annual “Infidelophobia Award for the worst Infidelophobes in the non muslim world“.

Likely to be near the top on the group’s list of nominees is a variety of prominent muslims who advocates for muslims to take over the western world by altering demographics and eventually by force.

The  award follows a similar initiative in Britain where the imposed its Annual Infidelophobia Awards on politicians and muslim religious leaders – these initiatives have on the other hand  been largely ignorede by the press.

Details of the version of the award are still being considered by the “Infidel of the World Unite” association.


4 kommentarer »

  1. Mon ikke der er mange der bliver lidt msiundelig på Pauline Hanson hvis hun får denne pris. For mig lyder det som en hædersbetegnelse 🙂


    Kommentar af JensH — 22 august 2007 @ 15:26

  2. Ja jeg sidder også og tænker, om jeg ikke har bare en lille smule australsk blod i årerne 🙂


    Kommentar af hodja — 22 august 2007 @ 15:49

  3. Tænk bare på de grimme ting, der sker i Australien.



    Kommentar af fhv grisehandler — 22 august 2007 @ 17:23

  4. Modbydeligt svineri. De uvidende vil jo købe deres stigmatiseringer af folk.


    Kommentar af islamofascisme — 22 august 2007 @ 19:39

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