Hodjanernes Blog

21 august 2007

MEMRI lancerer blog om Tyrkiet

Filed under: Bloggere, EAD, EU, Europa, Islam, Medier DR m.fl., Oplysning om islam, Tyrkiet — Hodja @ 21:32

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Man kan for eksempel læse følgende historie:

Islamists Protest TV Series For Dog Character Named ‘Huseyin’

The radical Islamist Turkish daily Vakit reported that crowds in mosques are protesting against Kanal-D TV for broadcasting a TV series that includes a dog character named Huseyin. The Prophet Muhammad’s grandson was named Huseyin.

Hundreds of angry protestors gathered in front of the Kanal-D offices, and laid a black wreath in protest. They chanted, ‘Ali is our soul and blood, we are all Huseyin, we’ll break the hands that extend to our Prophet Muhammed, we are ready to die for Islam.”

Kanal D has already apologized and said that it understands the sentiments of the protesters, and promised to take all the necessary steps.

The Turkish daily Tercuman headlined the story.

Source: Vakit, Tercuman, Turkey, August 20, 2007.


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