Hodjanernes Blog

28 juni 2007


Filed under: Danmark, Feminisme, Medier DR m.fl., Politik, Politisk korrekte — Hodja @ 23:51

Hanne Gaard Grønlund hækler tro kopier af maskingeværer, håndgranater og missiler i virkelig størrelse.

Lige nu er projektet en atombombe, som hun dog nøjes med at lave som bordmodel, fortæller hun til Jeppe Bangsgaard

Mere på Dagbladet Holstebro-Struer

Hørte hende lige sige på DR2, at hun vil hækle en knippel “politiet kan slå børn med.”

Hendes aktiviteter har historisk set været anvendt på en mere patriotisk måde.


Filed under: Islam, Labaner, Oplysning om islam, Uran — Hodja @ 22:27


Ubekvemme meninger undertrykkes i EU

Europæerne straffes for at prøve på at forsvare deres identitet.

En tysk præst er idømt et års fængsel for at kritisere abort-raten i Tyskland.

150.000 tyskere bliver ikke født – hvert år!

Godt nyt fra USA

Et flertal i det amerikanske Senat har afvist et forslag fra præsident Bush om en ny indvandrerlov.


Det manglede da bare.

Men loven beskytter stadig bevæbnede forbrydere mere, end borgere der forsvarer sig. Hvorfor får han ikke kun en symbolsk dom?

Silly walks

Filed under: Evidens, Islam, Læger, Medicin, Muslim World, Oplysning om islam, Shariah — Hodja @ 20:10

Forskning der kan anvendes af det religiøse politi i de muslimske lande?

DDR agerer som mikrofonholder for Amnesty der………………..

DR-P1 bragte imorges et interview med Amnestys talsperson i anledning af en kampagne imod tortur.

Amnesty anvender Ruhal Ahmed, der angiveligt skulle have været udsat for tortur på Guantanamo.

Ahmed går ind for taleban, dødsstraf til pædofile, voldtægtsmænd og mordere. I øvrigt synes han, at det internationale samfund skulle have holdt sig væk fra Eksjugoslavien og Mellemøsten og i stedet acceptere, at muslimer ikke nødvendigvis har lyst til at leve i demokratiske samfund. og han siges at være blevet fotograferet sammen med Osama bin Laden.

Hvad DR og Amnesty ikke oplyser er, at Ahmed er en del af ‘The Tipton Three’:

3 unge mænd der tog fra UK til Pakistan for at deltage i et bryllup. Under brylluppet fik de en stærk trang til at tage til Aghanistan og besøge Osama bin Laden – i filmen ‘The Road to Guantanamo’ påstår de, at det “var fordi afghanerne serverer så gode naan-brød“.

Jeg har skrevet om P1’s behandling af ‘drengene’ og filmen tidligere.

Og denne film har du aldrig hørt om – og du får den nok heller ikke at se på DR.


Filed under: Islam — Hodja @ 17:36


En forsker i et spøgelseslaboratorium

Den franske professor Redeker, der blev fatwaiseret for at have skrevet en islamkritisk artikel i Le Figaro, lever stadig under jorden.

Redeker, 53, added that he had to

“bury his father like a thief”, marry off his daughter “under police surveillance” and move and buy a new house in the Toulouse region.

“No office, no address, no colleagues,” he said adding “I am a researcher in a phantom laboratory.”

Mere på Galliawatch

Ikke for at jeg sammenligner mig med en fransk professor, men der er gode grunde til at blogge anonymt, hvis man er islamkritiker. Hvor bliver støtten til Redeker fra de såkaldt frisindede og intellektuelle af? Hvem råber op om hans ytringsfrihed?

Interview med Bat Ye’or blandt andet om Sarkozy


“The French people should know that certain residents of European countries, who do not possess the nationality of the country, can possess European nationality!”

BBC har terrorist ansat

The Jerusalem Post casually reveals a bit of information that qualifies as one of the outrages of the year, in an article about a Hamas member who is supposedly trying to get BBC reporter Alan Johnston released: Israel lets Hamas member enter Gaza.

This particular Hamas member is employed by the British Broadcasting Corporation.



Åbent brev til Norges udenrigsminister

(IsraelNN.com) Are the Jews to blame for everything, Foreign Minister Jonas Gahrs Støre?

At a Foreign Ministry press conference on June 14, 2007, you blamed the Jews for the Muslim fratricide in Gaza:

“Israel has undermined the Palestinian coalition government.” (VG newspaper, Internet edition) You also stated that “Israel is partly to blame for the fighting in Gaza.” (Norwegian State Broadcasting Company, NRK, June 14, 2007)

girl hanged
Islamo-fascist justice

Because you do not criticize any other nation in the world as unreasonably as you criticize Israel, this is discrimination. Because you obviously are not accusing the trees, stones or mountains of Israel, it is clear you are accusing the Jews. You and your associates have done this on several occasions, as we documented in our letter to you dated January 11, 2006. The Centre Against Antisemitism (SMA) objects to your use of an ancient European strategy: whatever is wrong — blame the Jews.

It cannot be the Jews’ fault that Muslims are massacring each other. It is happening in several Muslim countries; as well as to non-Muslims there and in other parts of the world. We hope you aren’t blaming Jews for the Muslim-on-Muslim massacres in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Algeria, Afghanistan and Iran. We also hope you aren’t laying the blame on the Jews for the Muslims’ butchering of almost three million Africans in Sudan, or the occupation and oppression of nearly 40 million Kurds, 24 million Berbers, 12 million Coptic Christians and the numerous other indigenous peoples who suffer under the Muslim yoke, far from your moral arena.

Democracy — terrorist style

Your government, which maintains soldiers in Afghanistan to kill terrorists who haven’t yet even targeted Norway, can teach the Jews of Israel — who suffer daily attacks from like-minded jihadis on their home soil — nothing. You demand that Israel use diplomacy, while you send soldiers and fighter planes to Afghanistan.

Norway is the only country in the world that supports both the PLO and Hamas terrorist organizations, gives aid to these anti-Jewish terrorists and, at the same time, reaps enormous economic benefits by securing lucrative investments for Norwegian corporations in Iran and other Muslim countries.

We feel it is worth reminding you that both you and the Norwegian government have Jewish blood on your hands. Almost 2,000 Jews have fallen victim to the wave of violence that was unleashed by the Oslo Accords. Norway also has Muslim blood on its hands due to the government’s and Stortinget’s (parliament) support of the PLO — the terrorist organization that has murdered thousands of Muslim opponents in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, ruined the economy of the local Arabs, oppresses them and enriches itself by stealing from its people and government coffers.

Foreign Minister Støre, you cannot lay the blame for all this on the Jews, just as Norwegians cannot blame the Jews for the Black Plague or the death of Jesus. You must also cease repeating the mantra that “the ruined economy of the Palestinians is Israel’s fault”. You know very well that the Arabs of Gaza enjoyed a higher standard of living than in most other Arab countries, until the Oslo Peace Process gave Arafat and his followers the opportunity to take control and rob the grassroots of their taxes and foreign aid.

We also haven’t forgotten Norway’s role in yesterday’s European Holocaust, all the while hearing you spread yesterday’s prejudices today. Should Norway’s economic partners in the Middle East manage to implement the genocide they openly proclaim, the history books will mention your name and your country as having bloodied your hands — as accomplices to a new Holocaust. You will not be able to claim, “We didn’t know.”

We will not allow the leaders of Norwegian society to spread more Jew-hatred than they already have. Your repeated statements prove that this animosity towards Jews does not come from the grassroots, but drips down from above. This is governmental anti-Semitism, which we demand must cease immediately, before we experience a new, and Norwegian-assisted, Holocaust.

Erez Uriely is founder and director of the Norwegian Centre against anti-Semitism, a nongovernmental organization focusing on hostile expressions against Jews and Israel in the Norwegian media and public institutions. He holds an MS degree and has published many articles in Norwegian newspapers. Jerusalem Center for Public Affaris


Hvis vi stadig havde haft en regering med Socialkammeraterne ved roret, kunne brevet lige så godt være henvendt til Mogens Lykketoft.

Ti procent af briterne nu født udenfor landets grænser

Record levels of immigration are rapidly changing the make-up of the population, figures released by the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) confirmed.

Unless action is taken, ministers said recently, there is a “critical risk” that the mass immigration of recent years will fracture society.

Last week, the Government launched an impact forum to gauge how migration is affecting public services and community harmony.

Mere på Telegraph. /Limewoody

Og hvad mon det forum kommer frem til?

Look Forward to Anger

It’s impossible to satisfy “Rage Boy” and his ilk. It’s stupid to try.


Pas på afveje

Og her troede Groft sagt, at militante islamister pr. definition er udstyret med sand dødsforagt i deres stræben efter det højeste.

Men nu konstaterer vi også, at hjemkaldte krigere til f. eks. Libanon omhyggeligt lægger deres danske eller andet udenlandske pas i lommen, inden de kaster sig ud i den retfærdige kamp. Politiken meddeler – vanen tro – at »en dansk islamist er taget til fange«.

Bag den begrædelige rubrik gemmer sig historien om et slag mellem den libanesiske hær og militante islamister fra Fatah al-Islam-gruppen. Mindst ti mennesker blev dræbt under slaget, mens den danske islamist samt en australsk islamist lige nåede at vifte tilstrækkeligt med deres pas til, at de foreløbig klarede frisag.

Som mindstemål forlanger Groft sagt, at den danske islamist får tilsendt sin overførselsindkomst til fængslet, selvom det naturligvis ville være mere værdigt, at den danske repræsentation omgående går i gang med at få løsladt og hjemsendt manden til mors kødgryder i Danmark.

Egon Balsby i Berlingske Groft sagt

Sexskandale blandt Fatah og HamaSS

The Israeli newspaper, Maariv, reported on Wednesday that Hamas discovered videotapes during the seizure of power in the Gaza Strip that reveal the corruption of the security forces and the sexual deviancy of several Fatah leaders.

Maariv reported that Hamas members discovered dozens of recorded sexual encounters of leading figures, which were being used by the security forces as blackmail. According to Maariv, Fatah ordered the videotapes to be destroyed so they did not fall into the hands of Hamas.

Hamas said the videotapes involve several Fatah ministers and prominent leaders. Maariv added that many of the tapes remain in the hands of Hamas.

Mere på Ma’an News Agency  /Limewoody

Det er der jo ikke så meget nyt i. Her er der for eksempel artige oplysninger om den afdøde bandit Yassir Arafat.

Civiliserede tyrkere

Filed under: EU, Europa, Holland, Islam, Labaner, Tyrkiet — Hodja @ 15:39

There are some 400 Turkish passengers on board the Greek aircraft.

The crew says they were causing trouble and damage to the aircraft because their flight was delayed for technical reasons. The cabin crew of the Greek plane also says it was threatened.

The pilot no longer wanted to depart by the time the technical problem was fixed.


Trusselkulturen længe leve

Dozens of boys and girls have been systematically abused, intimidated and molested by a group of older boys in the Utrecht neighbourhood of Overvecht for almost a year, the Telegraaf reports.

Council member Dibi says this is mainly due to parents’ hesitance to report incidents.

Social workers, police and the municipality do not know how to approach the parents, Dibi says. “These sorts of things are taboo to talk about in the Moroccan community.”

“Parents do not dare say anything because they are afraid of the perpetrators. There is a great deal of fear. That is why they don’t always report these things.”

Mere på Expatica /Limewoody

Intet under at hollænderne stikker halen mellem benene og emigrerer i hobetal, når ingen tør gøre det rigtige overfor denne racisme mod de indfødte. Tage fat i gerningsmændene/børnene og deres forældre og smide dem ud.