Hodjanernes Blog

16 juni 2007

Hizb ut-Tahrir kupper børnehave

Mænd fra Hizb ut-Tahrir tog for nylig magten i en privat børnehaves bestyrelse på Nørrebro og krævede, at børnene ikke måtte opdrages efter demokratiske principper.

Ledelsen er gået i protest.

Læs på Berlingske en række artikler, der beskriver hvordan Gisp-Prut-Papir gennem de seneste år har forsøgt at overtage magten i børneinstitutionen, specielt ved hjælp af fanatiske danske mandlige konvertitter.

Demonstrationen i Köln mod moskeen lørdag 16. juni


Tip: Islamofascisme

Præcis som Bruce Bawer skriver

Filed under: Demografi, Europa, Holland, Immigration, Islam, Labaner, Racisme — Hodja @ 23:18

Youth of ethnic background, primary from Moroccan families, are regularly hanging about well-known gay meeting places in Amsterdam in order to rob men there of their money.

They also sometimes make appointments online, posing as homosexual, to rob them in their homes once they are invited over.

Mere på Expatica /Limewoody

Du kan læse mere om muslimer og homoseksuelle i Europa i Bruce Bawers bog “While Europe Slept.”

Gaza (og mange andre steder i den muslimske verden)


Og det siger de først nu

Gaza resident speaks out against factional fighting, says situation in Gaza was better when Israel was in charge

“I’m afraid to say this out loud, they may execute me for it, but there are a lot of people, including myself, who think it would be better if Israel came back here. Things would be much better than they are now,”

said Samara (alias), a graduate of the Islamic University living in the Gaza Strip.

“The children are afraid all the time,” Samara says. “My nephews ask, ‘Why are the Israelis shooting at us?’, and we tell them it’s Palestinians. Then they ask, ‘Why are Palestinians shooting at us?’, and I have no answer for them.

Mere på ynetnews

‘Samara’ klager over, at Israel efterlod Gaza uden økonomiske infrastrukturer. Jeg husker nu hvordan Israelerne efterlod velfungerende gartnerier – lige til at overtage. Hvad gjorde palæstinenserne ved dem?


Tjekkiets præsident Vaclav Klaus er ikke imponeret

As someone who lived under communism for most of his life, I feel obliged to say that I see the biggest threat to freedom, democracy, the market economy and prosperity now in ambitious environmentalism, not in communism.


This ideology wants to replace the free and spontaneous evolution of mankind by a sort of central (now global) planning.

The environmentalists ask for immediate political action because they do not believe in the long-term positive impact of economic growth and ignore both the technological progress that future generations will undoubtedly enjoy, and the proven fact that the higher the wealth of society, the higher is the quality of the environment. They are Malthusian pessimists.

Læs mere om hans argumenter på Financial Times som falder fint i tråd med Greenie Watch’s:

Many people would like to be kind to others so Leftists exploit that with their nonsense about equality. Most people want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the real motive is generally to promote themselves as wiser and better than everyone else, truth regardless.Global warming has taken the place of Communism as an absurdity that “liberals” will defend to the death regardless of the evidence showing its folly. Evidence never has mattered to real Leftists

Remembering Communism’s Victims

Holocaust victims have one. So do the fallen of World War II and Vietnam.

But what of the estimated 100 million who perished at the hands of the last century’s greatest tragedy, communist totalitarianism?
Until recently, these silenced masses — victims of Soviet gulags, Vietnamese concentration camps, Cambodia‘s killing fields, the East German, Cuban and North Korean police states — had no fitting memorial to remind the world of their unjust, and often inhuman, fate, let alone of the ideology that abbreviated so many lives. That changed this week with the dedication in the nation’s capital of the world’s first memorial to the collective victims of communism.


Mere på FrontPage Magazine /Limewoody


Filed under: Afrika, Feminisme, Labaner — Hodja @ 18:22

Fladere og fladest.

Hvem mener FN skal rage kastanjerne ud af ilden for ofrene i Gaza

Ja hvem tror du?

Herlig nostalgi

Filed under: Diverse, Historie, IT — Hodja @ 17:58

100 Amigaspil på 10 minutter

Fatima (18) banket opp av ektepar

De ble provosert av, hvordan jeg går kledd og at jeg ikke bruker slør, sier den 18-årige jenta.

“Svært mange oppfører seg som de fortsatt skulle vært hjemme i Kabul eller Teheran. Jeg tror over 90 prosent av de muslimske jentene som er i Norge må underkaste seg mennene og leve etter deres ordre. Mange jenter blir behandlet som slaver, og etter islam har ikke kvinner en egen frihet”,

sier Fatimas bror Erfan. 

“I Norge er integreringspolitikken totalt feilslått. Vi er nødt å stille krav til de som kommer hit, i dag er vi altfor snille. Vi tør nesten ikke kritisere muslimene. Selv om jeg politisk tilhører ytterste venstrefløy, så er jeg enig i en del ting Carl I. Hagen (Frp) sier om integrering. Vi er nødt å stille krav til de som kommer til Norge”, sier Erfan.

Han mener politikerne og regjeringa må ta mesteparten av skylda, men at også media er for feige.

Han mener Oslo i dag er en tikkende bombe.

Mere på Dagbladet

Hør – den unge muslimske  mand tager da helt fejl. Der er sørme ingen tvang i islam.

Hvilken planet lever hun på?

Malene Sønderskov, landekoordinator for Mellemøsten i Folkekirkens Nødhjælp, er netop vendt hjem fra et ophold på Vestbredden, hvorfra hun fulgte situationen i Gaza:

»Det er ikke Hamas, der står bag dette. Faktisk minder Hamas om Kristeligt Folkeparti ved siden af de grupper, der udfører disse aktioner. Men generelt er indbyggernes billede af Hamas også ændret. Tidligere blev de anset som frihedskæmpere. Nu er der mange, der betragter dem som simple mafiabander,«

Mere på Jyllands-Posten

Ja ja terrororganisationen hamaSS er de rene søndagsskolelærere. Hvor naiv kan man være? Jeg støtter ikke nogen af nødhjælpsorganisationerne mere efter deres opførsel sidste år.

What really happened in the Middle East


Kan 1 million pund redde U.K.?

Blair addressed a conference of moderate Muslims in London last week in another last-ditch effort to save Merry Olde England from a fate worse than death.

He pledged to spend one million pounds to improve the teaching of Islamic studies in Britain’s universities.

Winston Churchill said he would fight the enemy on the beaches and in the fields and in the streets—he would never give up. Blair is fighting England’s enemies in the universities. It’s a tougher job than Churchill had. There were more moderate Nazis in Germany in the l930s than there are moderate Muslims in 21st Century England. And where did Blair find an entire conference of them? The moderate Muslims is a rare breed—almost as rare as a unicorn. You want satyrs? Try Piccadilly Circus. Big Foot left tracks. They have pictures of the Loch Ness Monster. But a moderate Muslim—try to find one.

Mere på IslamWatch /Limewoody

Afsløret på direkte TV

Beirut – During the live coverage of Walid Eido’s assassination, Nabih Berri’s news channel anchors forgot to mute their microphones as they proceeded to laugh at the murder of Eido, and imply there was more coming.

So, why did it take them so long to kill him?”. She begins laughing, and the colleague joins in. (Listen to the exchange over images of the deadly bombing Video)

Then she says, referring to anti-Syrian parliament member Ahmad Fatfat, “Fatfat should be next. I’m counting them down.”

“We don’t glee in someone else’s misfortune,” the colleague replies.

“It’s not gloating,” the anchor replied, “but we’ve had enough of them.”

Mere på yaLibnan /Limewoody

Ifølge artiklen har TV-kanalens ejer Nabih Berri tætte forbindelser til hetZZbollah – FN’s og den vestlige verdens venstrefløjs darlinger. Var det ikke under deres faner Mogens Lykketoft og Holger K. demonstrerede sidste år?

“Vi kan samarbejde med alle”

Filed under: Citater, DF, Ny Alliance, Politik, Radikale — Hodja @ 11:04

Sagde Margrethe Vestager igår efter at være blevet formand for de Radikale.

Der er bare lige den hage ved ‘alle’, at det ikke inkluderer Dansk Folkeparti – men ellers er det alle.

Udemokratisk mener Naser Khader

Der bliver indgået forlig imellem Uriasposten og journalisten

Copyright sagen mellem Kim Møller og Knud Brix afgøres tilsyneladende i mindelighed.

Læs mere her.