Hodjanernes Blog

2 februar 2016

Det Tyske Propagandaministerium (fagbegreb: Den Frie Presse) gør bekendt

Fra en børneudsendelse på ZDF.

Mere på PI

Joachim Nikolaus Steinhöfel: Zum Schusswaffengebrauch an der deutschen Grenze

Seit 1961 gültigen und damit von CDU, CSU, SPD, FDP und Grünen entweder erlassenen oder nicht aufgehobenen, mithin zu verantwortenden Gesetz über den unmittelbaren Zwang bei Ausübung öffentlicher Gewalt durch Vollzugsbeamte des Bundes (UZwG) vertraut zu machen, und zwar mit dessen § 11 – „Schußwaffengebrauch im Grenzdienst“. Dort hat der Gesetzgeber wie folgt formuliert:

„Die in § 9 Nr. 1, 2, 7 und 8 genannten Vollzugsbeamten können im Grenzdienst Schußwaffen auch gegen Personen gebrauchen, die sich der wiederholten Weisung, zu halten oder die Überprüfung ihrer Person oder der etwa mitgeführten Beförderungsmittel und Gegenstände zu dulden, durch die Flucht zu entziehen versuchen.“

Ist es vor diesem Hintergrund nicht erstaunlich, was man sich alles nachsagen lassen muss, wenn man auf eine seit über 50 Jahren bestehende Gesetzesvorschrift hinweist?

25 januar 2015

Det journalistiske produkt kan ikke kaldes andet end propaganda

I was wondering how long it was going to take for the talking heads on MSNBC to portray Muslims as the true victims of the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

In a complete inversion of reality, this story is morphing into a parable about how difficult it is to be a Muslim in Europe.

Newsweek’s bureau chief in Paris, who appeared on MSNBC’s The Cycle.

“This is an issue that’s going to be used very effectively and cynically by the far-right politicians,” said Dickey, “not only of France but especially in the rest of Europe, places like Dresden, places like the Netherlands…”

Translation: Europe’s insufferable right-wingers aren’t actually concerned with the seemingly endless acts of terrorism or even about their own culture being displaced by one that’s stuck in the seventh century. They merely “use” those issues, “very effectively and cynically.” It’s brown skin they hate.


The dirty little secret of journalism is that reporters are very conscious of their substantial influence. They are not just hired eyes and ears conveying all they see and hear. Journalists know that news coverage can impact policy and world events. Consequently, they think of their constant massaging of the news as just plain old responsibility. Yet most journalists still pay lip service to the ideal of covering the news without fear or favor, something that simply can’t be achieved while constantly placing their collective thumb on the scale to ensure that one side of the debate can never win.

That’s not “responsibility;” it’s rigging the game. The role of journalists isn’t to wonder whom their stories will benefit. Their job is to report the news and let the chips fall where they may.


France has its own censors, ever eager to filter the news out of some warped sense of responsibility. Jean-Claude Dassier, director general of the news outfit LCI—France’s version of CNN—admitted in 2005 that his network shielded viewers from seeing the true destruction wrought by angry Muslim rioters who were then besieging France.

Politics in France is heading to the right and I don’t want rightwing politicians back in second, or even first place because we showed burning cars on television,” he confided.

The only rational conclusion is that Dassier wants to keep the French public uninformed because they’d likely vote for Front National, France’s unapologetically nationalist party, if they knew what the heck was happening to their country. Better not to cover the news lest people figure out that the “bigots” have a point.

Dassier continued: “Having satellites trained on towns across France twenty-four hours a day would have been wrong and totally disproportionate.”

Oh, I get it. Actually covering the news would have been inappropriate because it would have imparted the false impression that cities across France were burning. Which they were, incidentally. So, in order to provide a clearer picture, Monsieur Dassier’s news service was instructed not to cover the news.

“Journalism is not simply a matter of switching on the cameras and letting them roll. You have to think about what you’re broadcasting.”

Well there’s some refreshing honesty. I have no doubt that most journalists think very hard about what they broadcast and that’s the problem. They don’t give it to us straight. The constant impulse to shape the news to fit an agenda strips their reporting of any value. That omnipresent question “What would the Right do with this?” hangs over their coverage, influencing editorial decisions to the point that their end product can only be called propaganda.

Læs det hele af Benny Huang: Journalistic “Responsibility” And Other Sorry Excuses For Censoring the News

1 oktober 2013

Statsstøttet indoktrinering

Jeg faldt over denne Youtube video:

Det fremgår ret tydeligt, at det er ren propaganda, og efter at have taget kig på The Sory of Stuffs hjemmeside, studsede jeg over, at de er ‘worldwide’, så en hurtig googling på The Stuff og Danmark førte frem til hjemmesiden Design To Improve Life.dk.

Stor var min forbavselse, da jeg så hvem der sponsorerer dette økofascistiske, antikapitalistiske stykke agitprop:

INDEX: Design to Improve Life® is under the patronage of HRH the Crown Prince of Denmark.
Design to Improve Life Cities: Copenhagen, Risør, Elsinore and Guangzhou.
INDEX: Design to Improve Life® is supported by The Confederation of Danish Industry, The Ministry of Children and Education, The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education, The Lauritzen Foundation, Hofor, Henning Larsen Architects, The Danish Ministry of Business and Growth, The Danish Business Authority and The European Regional Development Fund – Interreg IV A (EU).
Thanks to Hans Just A/S and Saelan Production Design

Kronprins Frederik, Staten, Dansk Industri og EU.

18 marts 2013

Nord Korea: “Sandheden om USA” – I dag er det ‘Fugle dag med snekaffe’

Filed under: Asien, Humor, Marxisme, Medier DR m.fl., Totalitære, USA/Canada — Tags: , — Hodja @ 09:43

24 maj 2012

Sabatina James om islam-propaganda i nationalt tysk TV: Salafisterne kommer!

27 november 2010

Nye trender i arabisk anti-semitisme – FN præsentationsmateriale

24 april 2010

Roden til islamisk fundamentalisme ligger i nazistisk propaganda til den arabiske verden

The roots of Islamic fanaticism can be traced to Adolf Hitler’s radio messages broadcast around the Arab world during the Second World War, according to a new book.

The Nazi’s wartime broadcasts had remained a largely hidden chapter in the history of the war until the transmissions were unearthed by a US scholar, who believes they have fuelled continuing unrest in the Middle East.

“The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians would have been over long ago were it not for the uncompromising, religiously inspired hatred of the Jews that was articulated and given assistance by Nazi propagandists and continued after the war by Islamists of various sorts,” said Jeffrey Herf, a history professor at the University of Maryland.

In his new book, “Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World“, Mr Herf argues that Nazi propagandists offered a message that neatly dovetailed with underlying prejudice.


Mr Herf uncovered 6,000 transmissions, produced under the propaganda minister Josef Goebbels and sent around the Arab world from 1939 to 1945.

17 april 2009

Al Jazeera spreder jødehad på børne-TV

Al-Jazeera, den verdensomspennende arabiske TV-stasjonen, har sin egen versjon av barne-TV – med jødehat, skriver bt.no.


Den norske avis Aftenposten skriver:

Ifølge bt.no er ikke dette første gang muslimske barn i foredrag og TV-program blir lært opp til å hate jødene. Blant annet skal Hamas’ TV-stasjon fra Gaza ha forklart sine unge seere hvofor de skal hate jøder. I et TV-program skal en voksen person utkledd i kanindrakt ha tatt i mot telefoner på direkten. I disse direktesendte samtalene skal “kaninen” ha snakket med de unge innringerne om jødehat.

Sig mig lige – sover journalisterne – eller er berøringsangsten så stor? Hvad ser de egentlig på de der paraboler i Gellerup, Voldsmose og Mjølnerparken?

28 juni 2008

Google Earth: Platform for misinformation og anti-israelsk propaganda

Google Earth: A New Platform for Anti-Israel Propaganda and Replacement Geography

  • Virtual Israel, as represented by Google Earth, is littered with orange dots, many of which claim to represent “Palestinian localities evacuated and destroyed after the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.” Thus, Israel is depicted as a state born out of colonial conquest rather than the return of a people from exile. Each dot links to the “Palestine Remembered” site, where further information advancing this narrative can be obtained.
  • Many of the claims staked out in Google Earth present misinformation, and sites known to be ruins in 1946 are claimed to be villages destroyed in 1948. Arab villages which still exist today are listed as sites of destruction. The Google Earth initiative is not only creating a virtual Palestine, it is creating a falsification of history.
  • The concept of “replacement geography” replaces the historical connection of one people to the land with a connection between another people and the land. The inclusion of virtual Palestine, superimposed on Israel in the core layer of Google Earth, is an example of replacement geography advanced by technology.
  • Those wishing to explore Israel in Google Earth are immediately taken to a politically motivated narrative unrelated to their quest. Google should remove the narrative and treat Israel as it treats every other country on the globe. The core layer of Google Earth should be ideology free and not serve as a platform for indoctrination or a campaign to wipe Israel off the virtual map.

Læs mere på Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs 

4 april 2008

Afkodning af journalisternes ordforråd

Bloggen Swedewatch har samlet en liste over den venstreorienterede presses nysprog.

Vokabulariet introduceres således:

Det är många ord och begrepp som fått ändrad betydelse i mångkulturens och den politiska korrekthetens namn, s k politiskt korrekt nyspråk. Detta nyspråk går också under namnet “Medievänsterns propagandavokabulär” och kan te sig helt obegriplig för den ännu icke luttrade medieanvändaren. Här nedan följer en inledande guidning i propagandavokabulärens grunder.

Se det her:

Medievänsterns propagandavokabulär (del 1)

Medievänsterns propagandavokabulär (del 2)

På tysk findes projektet Muselpedia, der burde oversættes til dansk, jeg har fået tilladelse af forfatterne, men har ikke haft tid.

Den nu ophørte danske blog Minut var også på et tidspunkt igang med et lignende projekt, der er også tilladelse til at videreføre dette.

Se også Islamisk Ordbog for Vantro – linket til Wolfgang Bruno virker ikke? Bruno har et andet projekt: Online Infidel Library.

3 april 2008

Skulle vi ikke få dem indlagt i Saudi-Barbarien istedet for at hælde penge i dem?

Kom ikke og sig at de såkaldte ‘palæstinensere’ er helt velforvarede:

Dræb et par jøder, og kom i himlen. Den slags budskaber sendes via satellit-tv ud i hele verden på den islamistiske organisation Hamas’ egen tv-station, al-Aqsa tv.

Og det skal vi tage alvorligt, selvom kanalens propaganda måske virker absurd for den almindelige dansker.

»De tager de mest rabiate og voldelige passager fra Koranen og bruger dem til at legitimere at slå folk ihjel,« siger islamismeforsker ved Aarhus universitet Tina Magaard.

Og det er blodig alvor, fastslår hun.

Og her endnu et eksempel på ovenstående:

»Mor har dræbt fem jøder og er i paradis«

Hvordan skal vi egentlig kunne tage vore egne politikere alvorligt når de er helt vilde med at støtte ‘palæstinenserne’? Der i virkeligheden bare er arabere, der bruger en romersk betegnelse om et græsk folkeslag (filistrene) om sig selv.

Tip: GG

27 marts 2008

Propagandaen har svært ved at bide sig fast

British Council har skrevet en rapport om forholdet mellem USA og Europa.


Rapporten kan findes her. Som sædvanlig er franskmændene de mest USA-skeptiske.

Hvorfor Tyrkiet regnes med er en gåde.

EAD projektet med at skabe afstand mellem USA og Europa synes ikke at virke efter hensigten.

Via Johan Norberg

27 januar 2008

Den fjendtlige slange

Filed under: Antisemitisme, Islam, Israel, Jihad, Oplysning om islam, Palæstina - Libanon — Tags: — Hodja @ 19:25

20 januar 2008

The Islamic Imagery Project: Visual Motifs in Jihadi Internet Propaganda


Klik på billedet.