Hodjanernes Blog

6 september 2008

Fup og svindel

Filed under: Islam, Koran, Kristne, Moske, Minaret, Muslim World — Tags: , — Hodja @ 18:23

A newly built mosque in the town of Madaba has been dedicated to Jesus Christ in a bid to boost dialogue with Christians, pan-Arab daily Al-Quds al-Arabi reports.

Mere på adnkronosinternational

Hvor dybt går svindelen? Læs her om forskelle og ligheder mellem den kristne og islams gud.

Bat Ye’or og Eurabia

Filed under: Antisemitisme, Europa, Islam, Israel, Jihad, Kristne, No dhimmi, Oplysning om islam — Tags: , — Hodja @ 18:04

Lecture held at the 3th International Church-Congress (Kirche in Not), April 11 2008 in Augsburg, Germany:

If we want peace to prevail, the Muslim world must abandon the jihadist ideology and must recognise Jews and Christians as different and not see them as apostate Muslims, who have to return to Islam. And this must start with Muslim recognition of the legitimacy of Israel, because jihad started against the Jews and it can only end with the rehabilitation of the Jews and Israel, and this will bring the rehabilitation of Christians and of all non-Muslims. We can achieve it if we speak the truth, if we teach about jihad and dhimmitude. Then, masses of peaceful Muslims, liberated from the jihadist ideology of hate, which many oppose or ignore, will join us willingly, to build together peace. But we cannot help the peaceful Muslims if we cannot even help ourselves – if we are swamped in dhimmitude. Now if you have patience for one more minute, I will say that the future of Europe is your responsibility – it is for you to act and to save what Christianity has built and the values that are yours, but if you are passive, you will not succeed, because the time is already very late. It is not your fault, if you don’t know, but it is your duty to know, to instruct others and also to learn – it is your duty to learn and instruct others who cannot learn – it is your responsibility.

Læs det hele på Politically Incorrect

Bat Ye’or: Israel, Christianity, and Islam: The Challenge of the Future.

Bat Ye’or: Jews and Christians under Islam. Dhimmitude and Marcionism. (Abstract).

Andrew Bostom: ‘Eurabia’ Defined.

Google books: Bat Ye’or: Islam and dhimmitude. Where Civilizations Collide.

Bat Ye’or: Which One God? Comparing the Muslim and Christian conceptions of God.

FrontPage Interview: Bat Ye’or. Om: The Palestinianization of Europe.

Bat Ye’or: Europe and the Ambiguities of Multiculturalism.

Bat Ye’or: Eastern Christians Torn Asunder.

Ho ho ho

Filed under: Islam, Palæstina - Libanon — Tags: — Hodja @ 17:40


Er venskab haram?

Filed under: Islam — ManInBurka© @ 16:41

En muslimsk pige har drengevenner, men Mohammad Al-Jizani advarer hende om, at det kan føre til noget forkert

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Indvandrerbander gik på strøgtur.

Samarbejds-Politiken – “Organet for den højeste Opløsning” –  lader kundgøre:

invandrereMed råb som »det er vores by« og mishagsytringer mod politiet gik omkring 125 personer med indvandrerbaggrund rundt i Århus midtby en times tid i aftes.

“De kom fra flere kriminelle grupperinger i Århus-området, og det var klart et modtræk, til det HA gjorde torsdag aften«, siger vagtchefen hos Østjyllands Politi.  Dermed henviser han til, at omkring 100 medlemmer af Hells Angels torsdag aften gik rundt i midtbyen i fuld ‘uniform’ for at manifestere sig. Fire personer blev anholdt for gadeuorden i forbindelse med aktionen i aftes – i øvrigt det samme antal, som blev anholdt i forbindelse med HA’s aktion”.

Her på Hodjas Blog har vi altid vidst at Samarbejds-Politiken leflede for kriminelle af enhver aftapning. Vi gætter på, at tilstrømningen til Hell’s Angels nu vil nå uanede højder.