Hodjanernes Blog

7 september 2006

Gæsteskribent hos Davids Medienkritik: Helian – Kernefysiker, der skriver om vores fejlagtige opfattelse af atomtruslen

Filed under: Journalister, Labaner, Medier DR m.fl., Muslim World, Terrorism, Uran, WWII — Hodja @ 13:26

The one essential ingredient for making a nuclear weapon is fissile material, otherwise known as special nuclear material, or SNM.

By far the most common types of SNM are uranium 235 (U235) and plutonium 239 (Pu239). According to the unclassified literature, 4 kg of Pu239 or 25 kg of U235 is considered sufficient to build a nuclear weapon. There are already many tons of both these materials on the planet today. Any state or terrorist organization that manages to get its hands on the amounts of SNM mentioned above will have the bomb, PERIOD. Forget five to eight years. The reality is a great deal grimmer. It is not necessary to have a degree in nuclear engineering to understand why.

Mere hos Davids Medienkritik

Hvorfra kommer MSM’s (LSM) anti-semitisme fra?

The American Thinker skriver om BBC og andre europæiske medier:

Bloggers have done much to expose the unspeakably sleazy alliance between the international media and Hezb’allah. Just in the last several weeks we’ve seen the Lebanese ambulance scam, the Qana dead baby fraud, the Hamas kidnapping of Fox news people in Gaza, and an endless number of hate-Israel “news” stories

Shamefully, those stories are in big  popular demand in Europe, conveniently fed by Reuters, AFP, and the BBC. In Germany Der Spiegel is a loud voice of  animosity. Deutsche Welle is a little more circumspect, but hatred for black-hearted foreigners is back in fashion, even in Germany itself. It makes everybody feel so much better. The European Union needs a common enemy, since it has no other reason for existence. And it all keeps an estimated 26 million Euro-Muslims focused on the Israeli enemy, and less likely to burn down their neighborhoods. This is the fear that fanatics inspire; it is why they have power out of proportion to their numbers; and it is why Europe is still a stranger to democracy.

Yet the truth is out there if  you want to find it. But the Beeb doesn’t seem to want to know. Nor do Europe’s and America’s media bosses. Why? Because they are personally responsible. These things don’t just happen. They are the result of years of careful placement of exactly the right people with the right opinions in the right jobs. It is the media bosses and their political backers who have created the culture of hate we see before us.

Mere på The American Thinker

Franske imamer bag terror-gruppe – efterforskningen blev indledt efter deres besøg i Vollsmose

Filed under: EAD, EU, Frankrig, Imamer, Indvandring, Islam, Labaner, Moske, Minaret, Terrorism — Hodja @ 09:03

Politiets storstilede anholdelsesaktion tirsdag har direkte forbindelse til fire franske imamers besøg i Vollsmose i slutningen af april.

Gruppen havde terror-mål i Danmark og i Frankrig, siger kilder til avisen. Anholdelsen af de fire franske imamer 28. april i år gav anledning til voldsomme uroligheder i Vollsmose.

Vi har rejst overalt i Europa, hvor vi taler for fred, sagde en af de fire anholdte imamer, Lofti Hamrouni dengang.

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