Hodjanernes Blog

5 december 2014

Nytårsboblerne desværre udsolgt

Filed under: Australien, Diverse, Islam, Islamisering, No dhimmi — Tags: , — Hodja @ 09:16

Hal & Al’s 72 Virgins – Australian Sparkling Wine

Sorry but our 72 Virgins are sold out. If you are interested in ordering, please email qshop@skipngirl.com.au with “72 Virgins” in the subject line and indicate how many boxes you would like. We will update you once we know whether we can source extra supply.


72_virgins_back_2-500x500Mere om vinen på Q Society of Australia.

Anti-Islamic group sells sparkling wine to raise funds… called Hal & Al’s 72 Virgins.

15 januar 2008

Julegave med bacon koster politimand jobbet

Filed under: Demografi, Immigration, Islam, Koran, Politisk korrekte, UK — Tags: , , , , , — Hodja @ 22:13

Britisk politimand tvunget til at sige sit job op, efter han i spøg gav en muslimsk kollega bacon og en flaske vin i julegave.

The recipient of the present, 31-year-old Pc Arshad Mahmood, said that while he considered the pack of bacon “a bit below the belt”, he still regarded Pc Murrie as “a good officer and a good friend”.

Mere på Telegraph

5 oktober 2006

Multikulturalismens velsignelser: Skal du til Minneapolis USA og har vin i håndbagagen? Så må du gå til dit bestemmelsessted.

Filed under: Imamer, Immigration, Indvandring, Islam, Koran, Moske, Minaret, USA/Canada — Tags: , , , , — Hodja @ 22:31

About three-quarters of the 900 taxi drivers at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport are Somalis, many of them Muslim. About three times daily, would-be customers are refused taxi service when a driver sees they’re carrying alcohol.

Now the airports commission has a solution: color-coding the lights on the taxi roofs to indicate whether a driver will accept a booze-toting fare. The actual colors haven’t been decided on yet, but commission officials met Thursday with representatives of the taxi drivers and the Minnesota chapter of the Muslim American Society to continue working on the plan.

The airports commission has struggled with the issue for several years. Alcohol is a serious concern for devout Muslims, said Hassan Mohamud, an imam and vice president of the society. The Qur’an, Islam’s holy book, strictly forbids buying, selling, drinking or carrying alcohol.

Mere på Star Tribune

Bortset fra i paradis – der flyder vinen i stride strømme. (Koran: 47:15, 37:40-48, 56:7-40, 83:23-26) .

Typisk politisk korrekthed: Sæt farvekode på taxaerne, så du kan se, hvem der vil køre med dig! Min ide er bedre: Fyr hele bundtet eller boykot dem, hvis de ikke vil leve op til deres forpligtigelse som taxachauffør. Ellers burde de måske køre i Islamabad istedet.