Hodjanernes Blog

10 februar 2013

Michael Coren om Lars Hedegaard

6 februar 2013

I dag er alle vi Lars

Norske islamkritikere frykter liv vil gå tapt – kritisk til norske politikere

Hege Storhaug i Human Right Services, mener drapsforsøket mot Lars Hedegaard like godt kunne skjedd i Norge.

Selvsagt. Vi har både den levende historien om Vebjørn Selbekk. Per Edgar Kokkvold har også blitt utsatt for trusler, og selv lever jeg på hemmelig adresse grunnet overfall, og har merket meg flere ganger at politi følger med meg på åpne arrangement, sier Storhaug.

Mere på VG.

30 januar 2011

Nogle mordforsøg på amerikanske politikere kommer i medierne – andre kommer der aldrig


Why is the media not covering an assassination attempt on Missouri’s Democratic governor Jay Nixon by 22-year-old Casey Brezik? Why has the limited coverage not prompted the same level of speculation as the attack perpetrated by Jared Lee Loughner? Could it be because he’s an anti-capitalist, anti-Christian, left wing crazy person? Glenn had the story on radio this morning from RedState.com:
“The rightwing kooks. Okay. ’22‑year‑old kook Casey Brezik wore a bulletproof vest and charged towards Missouri’s Democratic governor Jay Nixon with a knife and attempted to slash his throat. Now, how is it that we have not heard about this story? “In light of the media’s race to talk about the rights climate of hateful rhetoric, you probably guessed by now that Casey was an anti‑Christian, anticapitalist leftists who participated in a number of leftwing protests. He’s also diagnosed a paranoid schizophrenic. Luckily for all involved, Brezik was high on pot at the time and so was a little confused. Instead of slashing the governor’s throat, he slashed the throat of a community college Dean he took for the governor.’ A throat was slashed and this isn’t a story. He was going for the governor,” Glenn read on radio.

Glenn, however, refused to believe the story unless it was verified by additional sources. “Now, I won’t hear of this story anymore until I have forty sources,” he said.

“A man accused of stabbing a Kansas City college official intended to attack Missouri governor Jay Nixon and mistakenly believed he had done so police said Thursday. The suspect, 22‑year‑old Casey Brezik, did not know Nixon and had no particular beef with the governor. But he decided to attack him because he was a top government official, Kansas City police spokesperson Darin Snapp said,” Stu read from The Huffington Post. The article did not mention the political views of Casey Brezik.

16 februar 2008

Kulturberigelse: Palæstinensiske tilstande rundt i landet

DDR kalder brandstiftelsen på Amager for hærværk.

De øvrige episoder omtales som ‘ballade, uro eller uroligheder’. Og gerningsmændene er ‘unge’.

Her kalder vi det for forsøg på overlagt mord.

Hvor mange stemmer vinder Dansk Folkeparti dagligt for tiden?