Hodjanernes Blog

22 marts 2013

Lars hedegaard er i USA

Han er en af talerne her: Shariah’s Assault on Free Speech: Warriors Who Refuse to be Silenced.

This extraordinary panel discussion will include the following participants: Lars Hedegaard Robert Spencer Tiffany Gabbay Dr. Andrew Bostom *Moderated by Michael Graham

Lars Hedegaard er på 1 time inde i videoen.

5 juni 2009

American Thinker m.fl. om Hussein Obamas tale til den muslimske verden

All in all, Obama’s remarks on Israel and the Palestinians included some welcome truth-saying, along with lots of blindness to the real dangers Israel faces and to continued Arab/Palestinian rejectionism of a genuine two-state solution.

Andrew Bostom: Why The Manchild Hates The Promised Land.

The prevailing reaction of Israelis to US President Barack Obama is one of mistrust, feeling that he is biased in favour of the Palestinian cause, shows a survey conducted before the president’s open speech to the Muslim world, delivered in Cairo today. According to the survey, conducted by two institutes in the University of Tel Aviv and published today by online press agency Ynet, 60% of the Israeli population do not trust that Obama is able to guarantee the security of the state of Israel.

Den Arabiske Liga og EU hilser talen velkommen.

14 december 2008

Andrew Bostom: How a Real “War Within Islam” Would Look…….

Filed under: Islam — Tags: , , — Hodja @ 19:43

If the Islamic world (ummah) was really serious about fighting Islamic inspired terrorism, safeguarding human/civil rights of its people ‘including minorities’ and creating a honest interfaith-dialogue with the rest of the world’s religions, you would think that they would at least be spending some their time doing just that, right? Well the obvious answer is really no.

The Tundra Tabloids confronted Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu while he was in Helsinki Finland, who stated to the TT in a seminar that:

Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu: “We are not anti-Semitic, … believing in moderacy and decency as part of my belief, my doctrine, I am a Muslim, and when I pray, I pray for all prophets including Moses, Jesus and Mohamed. So you cannot speak about any Muslim, good or bad, as anti-Semitic, this is a theory, this is not the case.”

So if the leader of the world’s largest Islamic organization can’t even admit that Muslims can be anti-semitic, and there are hundreds of millions who are, then what does that say about the OIC’s drive for religious tolerance? What about terrorism then, the Islamic inspired variety?

Dr. Andrew Bostom, lays a challenge before the Islamic world, most notably before the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), Ekemleddin Ihsanoglu, to seize the moment and actively get the OIC involved in fighting Islamic inspired terrorism in Pakistan.

Read on and see the logic of Bostom’s challenge.

25 februar 2008

Andrew Bostom om Kurt Westergaard og muhammed-krise v 2.0

The 57 Muslim Nations of the Organization of the Islamic Conference are Trying to Impose Islamic Blasphemy Law—Which Includes the Death Penalty For Those Who “Blaspheme” the Muslim prophet Muhammad—as the Universal Standard

Early tuesday morning 12. feb. 08 “three men with a Muslim background” were arrested by Danish police on anti-terrorism charges, suspected of having plotted to murder Kurt Westergaard, a cartoonist for Jyllands-Posten.
Læs mere her.