Hodjanernes Blog

25 august 2017

BOMBSHELL: New evidence suggests Charlottesville was a complete SET-UP

The depth of this conspiracy runs deeper:

“[Mayor] Michael Signer is a Virginia Democratic activist with close ties to Barack Obama and John Podesta. Before landing the Charlottesville mayor job he previously worked closely with Podesta at the Center of American Progress and worked with him again on Barack Obama’s State Department Transition Team.

The man accused of being a neo-Nazi and murdering a woman by deliberately driving into her during protests in Charlottesville is in reality a supporter of Hillary Clinton and member of Antifa in receipt of funding by George Soros.

White supremacist and ‘Unite the Right’ leader, Jason Kessler, has been exposed as a supporter of former President Obama and a hardline member of far-left Occupy movement.

When did he change his political leaning? According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (an organization that is certainly no friend to Conservatives), Kessler revealed his political transformation around November 2016, the same month Donald Trump won the presidential election.

“If you think that is suspicious, wait until you learn about the other actors in this enormous set-up event.

Brennan Gilmore was the first man “on the scene” and was the author of the first viral tweet about Charlottesville. He was later interviewed by MSNBC. He was presented as an accidental witness. But who is he really?

Gilmore worked in Africa as a State Department foreign officer under Hillary Clinton. The New York Times mentioned this “coincidence” – and then later deleted it. Brennan Gilmore was also involved with the Kony hoax in 2012, and he is currently Chief of Staff for Tom Perrielo, who is running for Governor of Virginia and received $380k from George Soros.

So the first man on the scene, whose tweet went viral, and who was later interviewed on mainstream news as a witness, just happened to be a State Department insider with a long history of involvement in psy-ops? If you think this isn’t fishy, how about this – since the Charlottesville protests and his appearance in the media, his information was suddenly removed from State Department websites.”

We need to clarify that these are early accounts and as yet unverified, but if true this is very, very serious stuff.  It points directly to the reality of the “deep state” and more importantly to the lengths that the Soros/Clinton/Obama one-world government cabal will go in order to realize their desires for ‘fundamental transformation.’

Folks this is much, much more serious than white supremacists versus Antifa fighting in the streets.

Mere her.

2 kommentarer »

  1. Man tror sgu, at det er løgn – men jeg må indrømme, at jeg efterhånden udelukkende tror på det jeg selv oplever – og det er heldigvis ikke ret meget – og så på Occams Razor, der som bekendt siger, at den mest sandsynlige forklaring på det observerede er den simpleste, der forklarer alle punkter.

    Det var i høje tid han kom ham Trump. Kunne vi da så snart få en af slagsen her i vort (endnu da) land.


    Kommentar af husmanden — 25 august 2017 @ 10:19

    • OS to


      Kommentar af Sindsro — 25 august 2017 @ 10:45

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